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You're only 16. Your body might still change. Especially your shoulder could get broader and stuff and it might not do wonders on your tatoo.


I was 16 like you when I began to think seriously about getting a tattoo. It took me 6 years to really make up my mind and choose just the right one at just the right place. I also know that at 16 I was more bashful and I certainly would have not dare what I have now (no it's not a naked stud on the butt, tsk). Like your body, your mind might still change a great deal in the next few years while your tatoo will not.


For some people it might not be a problem to do it on the spur of the moment but for most it's not really a good idea.


Besides, I know that personnally, there's no way I'd let anybody near my skin with a needle without having discussed the "whys" and the "hows" of it thouroughly. I grilled 3 artists and visited a good deal of shops before finding what I wanted.


But it was worth the wait, it's been 5 years and it still makes me warm inside to look at mine.


As for the pain I can't really tell because I've always been rather resistant too it but I was a nervous wreck because needles are my big fear.

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I don't want a tat or piercing. That being said, I wouldn't disrespect anyone for getting inked or pierced. I'm all about freedom of expression


The idea that tats aren't aceptable to polite society makes me think that I just may have to rethink tats. I rather enjoy giving polite society the rude finger but I usually go about it in different ways.


Polite society shats on anything that is strange, unusual or different. Since I am strange, unusual and different, Polite Society and I have a fundamental disagreement.




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hmmm, well I must admit that I've really wanted a tat. I think vines or barbed wire starting on my fingers, then at the wrist meeting up into one or intertwining, then continuing up my arm... I'd so love that. heh




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I waited until I was thirty to get my first tattoo. Want to know something else? This topic is very dangerous for me. The building I work in is RIGHT NEXT to a tattoo parlor. I see all these guys and girls going in and out all day and so the thoughts of getting another tattoo aren't too far from my mind...


And I occasionally chat with the guys who work there while we're taking smoke breaks...

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First I must point out that it is illegal for anybody under 18 in the UK to get a tattoo. Anybody under 21 has to provide proof that they are over 18.

Unfortunately, recently there are some tattoo artists especially in the London Area, who will tattoo under 18s, and these customers have had health problems.


There, that is the official warning done.


Personally, I strongly dislike people with tattoos. This is the result of a group of people who had tattoos, who wanted to kick the living shit out of me for being Queer. I recognise that this is my failing not Yours.


However, there are people who will discriminate. So if you want a tattoo think about you audience. Will your boyfriend, like it, will you Japanese Boss like it. Will the fine detail multi coloured design disintegrate with time.


I am not against tattoos; I just like you to think carefully.

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Good point Red.



My tattoos are located so that if I'm wearing shorts, they can be seen, but pants cover them up completely. any other tattoos I get will be covered by short sleeves...that way when I'm work they are not visible.


This allows me to both enjoy the tattoo and to not offend the sensibilities of my boss (although my current boss has more tattoos than I do...they still aren't visible when he's dressed for work...)


Oh, and while actually getting the tattoo...I get sexually excited. :)

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I have an outline with shading of a black heart on my inner right forearm. I love it. I got it right before my 17th birthday for a present from my mom.


I want to get a four leaf clover on my left shoulder blade and a small pink heart probably on the back of my neck. I may also get a cross, still trying to decide on that one.



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Oh, and while actually getting the tattoo...I get sexually excited. :)

If the back of the thigh wasn't so damn painful, I'm sure I would have been one very happy girl too because the artist was really easy on the eyes. :X


As for visible tatoos well that's a shame. Mokos are so sexy. =^^=



But it depends in what kind of milieu you're mostly living in. I know that so far it hasn't been an issue in my university. One of the librarian even has the whole left shoulder and arm tatooed and I've never seen anybody say anything except to gap in awe. The German dep. head has a thin tatoo on her ankle and foot (it's a grape-vine of some sort and actually quite nice). And so on. The Dean being such an old pig, I seriously wouldn't be surprised to learn that he has a pin-up on the chest. X_x


Oh and some reactions made me wonder so I did a little research. It appears that the bible strictly forbids tatoos (though the funny thing is that in some other part God himself marks Cain. Go figure.). As an atheist I had no idea. There's some exceptions but mostly jews, christians and muslins authorities don't approve of it. So if your boss if a fundamentalist, well... keep your shirts on guys! ^^

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I like watching Miami Ink on TLC, and I've seen various people get a tattoo as a tribute to a loved one or pet, and I've seriously thought about getting a tattoo on my left arm, depicting Xander and Oreo (she's our Shih-tzu) when one day they go to the big dog house in the sky :( . I know it's a long way away for Xander hopefully, but Oreo is kinda getting up there and I just love both those dogs to death, and when they die, which like I said hopefully isn't for a looooooong time, I'd like to have a tribute to them always with me. :)



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Personally I don't care for tattoos at all. I'm 100% sure I'd never want one. On other people...well I've been attracted to people with tattoos, but it's always been "in spite of" never because of, so I certainly wouldn't say I'd never date someone with a tattoo but if for someone reason it was my option (which obviously it never would be), I'd prefer they didn't have any.


With piercings I've "loosened up" quite a bit. I'd still never get one myself. I still find people more attractive without them. But I can ignore them much more easily, and they're pretty low on my list of concerns.



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I never thought I'd get a piercing of any kind, nor a tattoo... Like some others have said - totally a pain-wimp here... In fact, just seeing some piercing make me wince.


But then... I met "someone who shall be nameless" - who had both ears pierced and a tattoo on each leg. And wrote a cool (and slightly prophetic) story in which his two main characters get matching tattoos.


Well - I wasn't that adventurous - but did want to do something to celebrate us officially living together - so we got matching earrings and got our right ears pierced the day he moved in last year. The earrings are triangular shaped amethysts (anyone who knows me, knows I love purple - about half of my shirts are some variation of a purple color). So purple representing me, piercing representing him, and triangular representing gay triangles...


PS The experience was really good - we went to a tattoo/piercing place because they have the best reputation as far as cleanliness and quality. And the guy who did it was fantastic - very informative, totally had no problem with me wanting Dan to hold my hand when I got mine - talked me through the whole thing.


I thanked him afterwards - he mentioned about coming back anytime to which:

NOO - um, I mean, thanks, but your work was great, but not really looking at doing this ever again. Glad I did it this time, but once is enough...

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Just a thought: If you have Japanese or Chinese characters done- make good and sure you know what they say.


I don't know if the is urban legend or not but there a story about some US marines & sailors who got some tats done at Okinawa. The characters that they got were supposed to be strength, Tiger or Dragon turned out to be "little bitch", "sloppy bottom" and "needle dick".

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Personally, I like them. I have wanted to get one for a long time, I haven't yet because at any place I would even consider getting one done you have to be 19 or over or they won't do it without parental consent. My mum would never let me so I still have a year and a couple of days till I can get one.


I love piercings. My ears are pierced 13 times, 3 on the lobe of each ear, 3 in the cartilage of each and tragus on my left ear. I want more but for the same reasons as above, I can't.


Scarification intrigues me. I am not sure if I would ever get anything done but the thought is there. I am all for anything that defies "polite society".


A friend of mine recently got a tattoo, its of three red stars and they kind of look like they are falling. It looks good, the thing is his parents didn't know about it, they found a picture of it a few days ago and I believe their words to him were "you disgust me" and "if you had been home when we found this you would have been kicked out". They were serious, the fact that hes gay probably didn't help, they don't like that too much eather. Another friend of mine got a pink ribbon on her wrist because her mum died of brest cancer.

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  • 10 months later...

I'm getting one! A present for myself on my eighteenth birthday (which is in 6 months and 10 days). Still coming up with what it will be exactly but I found the man to do it and he's incredible and...yeah. I'm excited though!

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I like tatoos. I used to have five tatoos but I've now gotten them all removed. They just grew old and I got tired of seeing them everyday.. lol. You can't just change tattoos. :)



But, I may get a small one someday.




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I am so ready for a tattoo. I just have to wait until next april. I plan on getting one on my right arm... just don't know where on my right arm, and of what.

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If you get one on your arm, make sure it would be easy to cover up by wearing a shirt, because a lot of workplaces dont like when people have tattoos, so you dont want to be stuck having to wear long sleeves all the time.

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I am so ready for a tattoo. I just have to wait until next april. I plan on getting one on my right arm... just don't know where on my right arm, and of what.


I got my tattoo when I was 16. It's a butterfly on my wrist. Small and tasteful, and I haven't regretted it in the four years I've had it. It was my graduation present to myself :D

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Im (no lie) getting a crossword puzzle on my left rib cage. The clues are going to be on my right rib cage. Now the real question is "do i want it to be upside down so i can figure out the crossword puzzle, or should i leve them right side up so others can figure it out?"


I also want a picture of Mr. Finklestein (the cutest boy in the world) on my heart.



EDIT: I forgot one lol, im getting a tattoo on my right forearm that reads "FIGHT THE WAR, F*CK THE NORM" (without the asterisk of course)

Edited by The Reaper
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Im (no lie) getting a crossword puzzle on my left rib cage. The clues are going to be on my right rib cage. Now the real question is "do i want it to be upside down so i can figure out the crossword puzzle, or should i leve them right side up so others can figure it out?"


I also want a picture of Mr. Finklestein (the cutest boy in the world) on my heart.

EDIT: I forgot one lol, im getting a tattoo on my right forearm that reads "FIGHT THE WAR, F*CK THE NORM" (without the asterisk of course)



Think it would be funny to have it so others can figure in out, lol. would also be funny if all the clues were about you. also if you have it so you can figure it out, people would be like "why is it upside down?" lol

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I'd put it the right way up. Once you've solved it once, you won't really need to read it again, but there are always others who will be seeing it for the first time :P

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