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[dkstories] DoH chap.12

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Ah gee...let's see...three more weeks until the next chapter's released?


Uhoh!! Guys, I think we better be nice to DK, he has us by the....


BTW, I would like to report upon a truly unique and unprecedented occurrence! Yes, you better sit down for this one... It's a shocker...


I was actually right about something! Yep, it's true!


From the chapter 8 thread:



I think that the leader of the pirates is one of the presumed-dead MX-11 clones. If true, this will place Garret under LOTS of suspicion.


This was a very interesting chapter! I think we now know who Garret will officially marry. I also suspect that the real destabilizing influence isn't SOL, but the rogue clones. Hmmmm!


Thanks DK and Emoe!

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Don't worry, I'm not always that mean...next week should be a good two chapters.


This means that I might have two chapters to read when I get back from vacation! :2thumbs:

Thank you DK!!


I'm really wondering what is going to happen next. So many unanswered questions: Where was that Currier ship going? If it was carrying the head of the Pirates (The MX 11 clone) then something is definitely up.


Where is their base? I suspect it's one of the "bolt holes" of the great houses. Tremere's would be my guess.


We now also know that the Pirates were targeting Garret specifically. That means they probably have agents on his ships (largely clone-crewed) and that might explain how that virus got on board all of them.


So, who is the turncoat, if their is one?

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I'm going to warn people now...Robert got to read through 13 and 14 (hoping he catches anything Emoe and I missed - like a 'Gary' instead of a 'Garret'). He finished 14 this morning while I was still asleep.


I woke up with him looming over me, fire shooting out of his eyes and he demanded in a very angry voice..."Where the hell is 15? I want it NOW!"



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