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I Miss Sumbloke!


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Sometimes one of our friends goes missing for a while and we'll worry about them.


Anybody heard from the Bloke? Let us know if he's alive and well.


Reply here if you miss Sumbloke too.




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  • Site Administrator

I miss him, too, but I'm pretty sure I've seen him online sometime in the last three weeks, so he's still around.


It might be he's busy getting ready for a wedding....

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I really miss him too! :(


I was just thinking about him the other day and wondering how the wedding had gone.


I hope you're well Jakob, but I can definitely understand how busy you must be!! Come back and say hey to us when you can :D


Take care and all the best, :hug:


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  • 2 weeks later...



Well, thank you all.


Sebastian and I were married in San Sebastian in Spain on August 29th after lots of confusion over legal stuff. It worked out because Seb has Spanish nationality - thank goodness. We decided after much heart searching not to take up a pacte de solidarite civil (civic union) in France. We both feel that it would be demeaning to accept second rate legal recognition. My whole family (I have something like seventy first cousins!) came to celebrate (and dozens of Hassidic Jews at a gay wedding caused quite a stir in San Sebastian).


It was, quite simply, the best day of my life. I feel unbelievably blessed.


I started University this month. We're living in Palavas, on the beach, a fifteen minute bus ride from the Uni. I'm having the time of my life so far!


When I'm a bit more settled I hope I'll find time to blog again.

At the moment I'm still attending all my lectures (I think I'm possibly the only student in the whole Uni to do that!) and Seb is taking up all my free time ;-)



Edited by sumbloke
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Good to hear from you Jakob :D Would of loved to see the wedding must of been a blast.




Well, thank you all.


Sebastian and I were married in San Sebastian in Spain on August 29th after lots of confusion over legal stuff. It worked out because Seb has Spanish nationality - thank goodness. We decided after much heart searching not to take up a pacte de solidarite civil (civic union) in France. We both feel that it would be demeaning to accept second rate legal recognition. My whole family (I have something like seventy first cousins!) came to celebrate (and dozens of Hassidic Jews at a gay wedding caused quite a stir in San Sebastian).


It was, quite simply, the best day of my life. I feel unbelievably blessed.


I started University this month. We're living in Palavas, on the beach, a fifteen minute bus ride from the Uni. I'm having the time of my life so far!


When I'm a bit more settled I hope I'll find time to blog again.

At the moment I'm still attending all my lectures (I think I'm possibly the only student in the whole Uni to do that!) and Seb is taking up all my free time ;-)



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Hi Bloke

I hope it is not too late to say " Mazel tov".

You dont know me, but I know you well after reading all your blogs.

We have two points in common : jew and gay (well I'm bi, but thats a small difference)

And it seems me that there is a third point : happy to be what we are ......

I hope you will have an opportunity to visit others places of the d

Edited by old bob
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Thanks for the update Bloke! :)


It's really good to hear from you. 71 cousins!? My goodness- it would take all day to hug them all! :hug:


All my best wishes to you and yours as you start Uni and married life.




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  • Site Administrator

It's good to hear from you, Jakob!


Drop in to say hello every-so-often, but I think everyone understand if you have a lot of other things to do with your time ;)


Cheers from Australia!


Graeme :D

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