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School shootings...


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We talked about all these school shootings in psychology class. Though we didn't talk about what brings a person to do this, I did learn something.


The reason that most of these stories are not on the front page, and are not usually given as much air time is because there is a corralation between news coverage of these types of stories and copy cat crimes.

That's why most of these stories are on the second page or shown later at night.



I thought that was pretty crazy.


and yes, these occurances are horrible

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I don't know how much national coverage is going on concerning the shootings in Lancaster County, PA, but the local networks haven't given it a rest yet.

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My local newspaper announced yesterday that three local elementary schools have received federal grants of $38,000 each to "help prevent bullying". Of course, school spokespersons were quick to say that "bullying is not a huge problem on campus". Elementary school seems to me like the best place to start anti-bully awareness training. More details:

Our objective is to provide lessons to classes in two, 20-minute sessions per week ... Participants will use the PATHS -- short for Promoting Alternative THinking Strategies -- approach. ... The PATHS curriculum facilitates the development of self-control, emotional awareness, interpersonal problem-solving skills, and reduces aggression and behavioral problems. ...
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A sad sad twist in the shooting in Wisconsin. :(


I was listening to the news on Public Radio in my car today. It seems the young boy that shot his principal was angry because the school would do nothing about bullies who were calling him fag and faggot, to quote the news article. Children can be vicious to other children. This young man obviously went to far, but I for one can appreciate his frustration if the school was ignoring his plea for help. :angry:


To make this story even more tragic, the prosecutors are charging the boy who just turned 15 as an adult and he is looking at life in prison. An adult prison. Yeah, that sounds like justice to me. :angry::angry::angry:


My HS district has a one-time-and-you're-suspended and two-times-and-you're-expelled harrassment policy. We have no problems with kids being harrassed or bullied, physically or verbally. It really works. All school districts had this kind of policy, IMO. :2hands: In any case, there's very little discrimination toward GBLT teens in my HS. We have active GSA and GBLTT clubs on campus. 95% of the kids treat GBLT kids just like anyone else. The exceptions are the homophobe so-called "christians" on campus who demonstrate their hate openly as a "religious right".



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My HS district has a one-time-and-you're-suspended and two-times-and-you're-expelled harrassment policy. We have no problems with kids being harrassed or bullied, physically or verbally. It really works. All school districts had this kind of policy, IMO. :2hands: In any case, there's very little discrimination toward GBLT teens in my HS. We have active GSA and GBLTT clubs on campus. 95% of the kids treat GBLT kids just like anyone else. The exceptions are the homophobe so-called "christians" on campus who demonstrate their hate openly as a "religious right".




::Sigh:: into every life a little minded zellot must fall I guess... The harrassment policy sounds pretty effective. Any scholl saying they dont have a bullying problem is just a few acorns short of an Oak tree though. It happened when I was in elementry school its happening now that my niece is in the 1st grade. But as with most things if you refuse to see the problem there isnt one... :angry:



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There was an article on our school newspaper yesterday about a someone blaming school shootings on Harry Potter books... She hasn't read em, but she's positive that Mr. Potter caused school kids to bring guns and shoot their classmates.



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There was an article on our school newspaper yesterday about a someone blaming school shootings on Harry Potter books... She hasn't read em, but she's positive that Mr. Potter caused school kids to bring guns and shoot their classmates.



When I went through university in the early 80s I used to play Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). We were all amused to see a report from someone warning to "call your pastor/priest immediately if your son or daughter starts levitating after playing D&D". The general consensus from our group was that you should be calling the newspapers and TV stations instead....

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Parents should definitely discourage their kids from levitating. They're too immature to know when it is appropriate and when it isn't.


I agree... I for one only levitate when hovering over crocodile infested swamps, and the hovering I only do when alone.

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When I went through university in the early 80s I used to play Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). We were all amused to see a report from someone warning to "call your pastor/priest immediately if your son or daughter starts levitating after playing D&D". The general consensus from our group was that you should be calling the newspapers and TV stations instead....


Priest? Heck, I'd be delighted, and call a physicist, not a priest! :lmao:

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In 1976 Rush released the album 2112.


This album cover was immediatly assailed for having Satanic images and contents.


A group of fundamentalist began circulating lists of albums claiming that they were supposed to cast spells on listeners. e.g. the Who made you violent, Yes made you gay and Rush made you a Satanist.


At the height of this lunacy, they had youth revivals where they asked you to bring your albums and check them against their lists.


I took my friends Osmonds and Bay City Rollers albums and threw them into the bonfire and they asked me why because they weren't on the list. I told them that the albums I threw in their fire were lame and I didn't give a rat's ass about their list.


I looked at their list and decided that I needed more albums by Yes.

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This album cover was immediatly assailed for having Satanic images and contents.


A group of fundamentalists began circulating lists of albums claiming that they were supposed to cast spells on listeners. e.g. the Who made you violent, Yes made you gay and Rush made you a Satanist.


They were the same idiots who believed that Proctor & Gamble was owned by Satan because of their logo featuring the moon and the stars. [i guess as gnostics they must have believed that the moon and the stars, etc., were created by or under control of Satan.] In large numbers they convinced themselves that they had seen the P&G president on one of the afternoon talk shows telling that it was true.


The logo had 13 stars, and we know that any enterprise associated with 13 stars has to be satanic, right? :2hands:


The rumor was apparently started by some Amway dealers in Georgia and developed a life of its own. People all the way from Ann Landers to Jerry Falwell spoke out against the rumor to no avail. P&G eventually gave up and dropped the logo, I think.


AFAIK, there are no major corporations directly owned by Satan, even if some of them act like they are.

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