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Postaholic Non-anonymous


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What!? I barely post! I think to average the mass of posts some folks do ::cough:: I think you need to have horns... and most definately cloven hooved feet!


I may be wrong about the horns... but definately... yes-de-de-definately Cl-cl-cl-cloven hooved feat.. yes de-definately.

(damn... Rainman is so hard to write)




But Darkshadow, you are one of only two members (the other is Greame) to have an average of five posts a day, so I think that clearly means that you post a lot. :2thumbs:


Horns, and cloven-hooved feet? Hmmm, when i hear that description I can only think of something that has those and a pointy tail as well. Note the Emoticon. :devil:


So, surely not I. 0:)

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But Darkshadow, you are one of only two members (the other is Greame) to have an average of five posts a day, so I think that clearly means that you post a lot. :2thumbs:


Horns, and cloven-hooved feet? Hmmm, when i hear that description I can only think of something that has those and a pointy tail as well. Note the Emoticon. :devil:


So, surely not I. 0:)


I'm almost sure poor silent Graeme next to never posts like I do :) I can't believe you would slander us goat! You know he and I never have anything to say... Okay... maybe he does.... and I just have nothing intelligent to say. I'm sure however.... a certain hooved critter posts more than us!

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I'm not a postaholic, but can I post here anyway? I mean are you going to discriminate against semi-lurkers or what?


Why, of course you can play too, Lugh! I'll even edit my list to add you. 0:)


I'm almost sure poor silent Graeme next to never posts like I do :) I can't believe you would slander us goat! You know he and I never have anything to say... Okay... maybe he does.... and I just have nothing intelligent to say. I'm sure however.... a certain hooved critter posts more than us!


Poor, silent Graeme? <cough!> You two are the only ones who average five posts a day! At the moment I see he's blazing away at 24 posts in the last 24 hours! A post an hour!! :worship:


(BTW, a note to anyone curious: you can look up anyone's post-per day average in their profile. It's down on the left side.)


I have no idea whom this cloven-hooved critter that you refer to could possibly be <nervously hides feet>. How could anyone possibly post more than you two?

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Why, of course you can play too, Lugh! I'll even edit my list to add you. 0:)

Poor, silent Graeme? <cough!> You two are the only ones who average five posts a day! At the moment I see he's blazing away at 24 posts in the last 24 hours! A post an hour!! :worship:


(BTW, a note to anyone curious: you can look up anyone's post-per day average in their profile. It's down on the left side.)


I have no idea whom this cloven-hooved critter that you refer to could possibly be <nervously hides feet>. How could anyone possibly post more than you two?


I'm sure those posts are miscounted.... You know... with hooves... you can count to what... 8?


It's okay... we still love you :P


That last tid bit of information... that's just plain RUDE! lol



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OMG!!! James...how DARE you!!!!



You know well it's completely untrue. All I have to do is look at your numbers and compare it to mine...and you know who wins the Postwhore position (*coughsblackgoatwithsunglasses*coughs*) :devil:


But as long as I am stuck to the list...I guess I can be happy enough to be next to Graeme and not anyone else (maybe except Birdsofafeather and Kurt :P )

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Yeah I definately don't qualify, but that's because I live with four other guys at the moment and can't find the time to peruse GA... haven't even read Dom's new chapter and probably won't until either tonight or the end of next week :P .

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Poor, silent Graeme? <cough!> You two are the only ones who average five posts a day! At the moment I see he's blazing away at 24 posts in the last 24 hours! A post an hour!! :worship:


Last time I checked I was second on the list of top posters for the day. There was someone else at the top. Now let's see... who could that be? I know, I'll just go check.


*coughs loudly*


Does anyone know a 'C James'? He seems to be posting more than I do.


I've worked out his technique, though. He gets in front, and then simply replies to each of my posts -- hence maintaining his lead.


I have no idea whom this cloven-hooved critter that you refer to could possibly be <nervously hides feet>. How could anyone possibly post more than you two?

I will concede that you don't post more than we two... when you combine our total posting rates. Individually, however, your posting rate is more than 50% higher than either of ours. My theory is that you're an alien goat who doesn't need sleep, and hence can take advantage of those unfortunately times when we mere mortals are unable to use the internet.


But as long as I am stuck to the list...I guess I can be happy enough to be next to Graeme and not anyone else (maybe except Kurt :P )


Ah.... shucks. :*)

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Bah- I'm no postaholic. I can stop anytime I want.


I just don't want to. :P


James, my sincere appologies for leaving you off of my nominations list! I shall correct the situation at once! 0:)


Last time I checked I was second on the list of top posters for the day. There was someone else at the top. Now let's see... who could that be? I know, I'll just go check.


*coughs loudly*


Does anyone know a 'C James'? He seems to be posting more than I do.


Software glitch? 0:)


I will concede that you don't post more than we two... when you combine our total posting rates. Individually, however, your posting rate is more than 50% higher than either of ours. My theory is that you're an alien goat who doesn't need sleep, and hence can take advantage of those unfortunately times when we mere mortals are unable to use the internet.


But Graeme, I think you might be misinterpreting the exceedingly complex mathematical and statistical data involved.

It's true, no one can prove his case against C James's silly claims that he's still a lurker.


Ummm, Jack, did you just say that no one can prove their case against my claims of being a lurker? Why, thank you! I couldn't agree more!


WOOFTY!!! Harsh!... ::cough:: true... But harsh! LOL

Go easy on Jack Frost, he's just an earnest yourg writer waiting for his Muse to strike. Perhaps, in the spirit of writerly camaraderie, we should join in hoping that his Muse does, indeed, strike?

(and for those who don't get the reference, it is to the story "the Muse", linked in my sig. 0:) )



Cjames, I can barely peck my way through doing 1 post a day 0:) .


Just look at my profile. It clearly says 1 POST A DAY.






But for a Bird, that surely qualifies you as a postaholic? Unless there are birds who post more than that? 0:)

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Just look at Camy's Profile. Mr. Emu sure does get a lot of posting done 0:)


He's got about 50 posts more than you do, but he's been a member for nearly twice as long, so that puts you in the #1 position for Avian posts per day! :P


I'm glad I don't qualify :)


Nick, I appologize for my oversight! As a member of the Millenium Club, you certainly do qualify!!! I've edited my post to add your nomination! :2thumbs:

Edited by C James
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LOL well OF COURSE I have to chime in on a thread called "Postaholic Non-Anonymous". :lol: LOL on the other hand given my drop-off of activity in the last month or so ( :( ) it does rather look like I've kicked the habit.



To use a definition that is less likely to be misinterpreted, how about just nominating everyone with an average posts per day of four OR MORE and who has been a member for a minimum of 30 days?

LOL well then I barely qualify. I have exactly 4 post per day right now :boy:


I'm a social poster, nothing more, nothing less :P

Hmm, so you only post in response to what others say and never, oh for example, post a response TO YOURSELF. HMMMMM who do I know that's done that? :whistle: HEHE, well I won't name names but I seem to remember seeing a certain shaded animal and a temporary Taiwanese resident do it before. :boy: *hugs CJ and Matt*


What I called you in my comment was "My favourite lurker..." and I find the insinuation that I used the American spelling for "favourite" quite offensive :angry:



Yeah I definately don't qualify, but that's because I live with four other guys at the moment and can't find the time to peruse GA... haven't even read Dom's new chapter and probably won't until either tonight or the end of next week :P .

Awww, I actually haven't gotten a chance to read it yet either :( . We'd better be careful, Robbie, they're going to tear up our Domaholic cards if we're not careful! :blink:



Have an awesome day everyone!

Kevin (the former postaholic)

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  • Jack Frost
  • Graeme
  • AFriendlyFace
  • Dark Shadow
  • shdowgod
  • Kurt
  • Emoe
  • C James
  • Matthew
  • Captain Rick
  • NickolasJames8
  • James Savik
  • Birdsofafeather
  • Krista
  • Lugh





Oh that's cool.


CJ has made the list.


I think it is very unfair that Bardeara isn't on that list! I hereby, out of the goodness of my heart, take myself off the list so that Bardeara can be on it. 0:)

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I think it is very unfair that Bardeara isn't on that list! I hereby, out of the goodness of my heart, take myself off the list so that Bardeara can be on it. 0:)



Why thank you C James, but alash your avg post per day still is higher then mine.


And the only way I'm willing to join that list if you come out of your closet and admit to your adiction to posting. :great:

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