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Approaching someone out of the blue

The Reaper

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Hey, ive been eying this guy at my school for a while (originally thought he was cute and just admired form afar) but recently i heard something about him being gay! I want to get to know him (even if we dont go out) because he seems like a nice enough guy. Hes friends with a few friends of mine but ive yet to actually have an introduction with him.


I dont wanna be some creepy stalker guy and just walk up saying "Hey, i heard you were gay...well so am I! You wanna see a movie or something together?" That would not only be morally wrong but it would just plain kill my chances lmao. Even if hes not gay (im almost positive he is) i would still like to make another guy friend.


I was gonna ask Kaydee (my bestest friend in the world) about him but i dont see her till saturday :,( . Does anyone have any ideas of a nonchalant way to say hello and introduce myself? I know i sound like a little bit of a stalker but hey, the last love of mine was 219 miles away. It'd be nice if i had another gay friend, even if we didnt have interests in each other. Im not desperate (im going to San Fran in 2 years) but it would be awesome if i had a gay guy to talk to in person.




Self conscious on being a stalker,


Ian ^_^

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Well... kicking their ass for no apparent reason makes an impression but I'm not sure it's the one you are going for. I dunno. I went theough a weird phase where I ending up fighting with my friends and then sleeping with them but I'm psyco that way. :wacko:


What you are looking for is common ground. Here is an example:


kid a: Hey dude, I noticed you've got a Swissgear backpack.


kid b: Yeah I like it.


kid a: Well uh... what the hell is this thing for?


Discussion of weird gadgets in a Swissgear backpack ensues that could last for hours.


You see him wearing a t-shirt for a band [you don't hate]:


kid a: Dude, I noticed that you are wearing the Black Parade t-shirt. Is it as good as their first album?


Discussion of My Chemical Romance breaks out, pros and cons of the two albums, etc


It can be as simple as that.

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Jamessavik?! YOU LIKE MCR, DON'T YOU!!!!!?????!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if you don't and you just used it as a random example, don't tell me. I'd rather go on in my own illusionary world where everyone loves MCR and wants to have their way with Gerard Way. At least it's pretty in my world.


Okay, Ian...


I'm a total freak, so I'm not sure you would take my advice. Most of the time, my approaches only work if the other person is a total freak as well. This works for me, though! See, I want a person who's just as strange as me! So, it works that I use a freakish approach.


That in mind, I'd just go up to him and say something kind of like...


"Hey, I'm Ian. Are you into guys? Because if you are, then I find you very interesting, and we should go out sometime. If you're not, then I was just kiddin'. We can go do something manly, and spit at things."


Beware... this approach only works if the other person has a sense of humor. Sometimes... they don't. It's sad, I know! But some people really DON'T know how to tell what's funny!


For the less forward... find a friend of his. Become their friend, or at least their acquaintance. It's really not that difficult. Once you know them well enough to have a comfy convo, pop the question at them. Word it gently, but ask! What I'm trying to say here, is that if you DON'T ask SOMEONE, you're going to be kicking yourself in the ass hard for it later, so it's better to just stuff all of your pride, dignity, and paranoia away and go for it.

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Hey, ive been eying this guy at my school for a while (originally thought he was cute and just admired form afar) but recently i heard something about him being gay! I want to get to know him (even if we dont go out) because he seems like a nice enough guy. Hes friends with a few friends of mine but ive yet to actually have an introduction with him.


I dont wanna be some creepy stalker guy and just walk up saying "Hey, i heard you were gay...well so am I! You wanna see a movie or something together?" That would not only be morally wrong but it would just plain kill my chances lmao. Even if hes not gay (im almost positive he is) i would still like to make another guy friend.


I was gonna ask Kaydee (my bestest friend in the world) about him but i dont see her till saturday :,( . Does anyone have any ideas of a nonchalant way to say hello and introduce myself? I know i sound like a little bit of a stalker but hey, the last love of mine was 219 miles away. It'd be nice if i had another gay friend, even if we didnt have interests in each other. Im not desperate (im going to San Fran in 2 years) but it would be awesome if i had a gay guy to talk to in person.

Self conscious on being a stalker,


Ian ^_^


The first thing you want to do is catch his eye....when you see him, smile at him and make direct eye contact. If he smiles back, you pretty much have a green light to start a conversation. Then, once you've talked for a little bit, and that might be after a couple days, casually ask him what he's doing and if he wants to do something.

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