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Another One Bites The Dust


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As another year comes to a close and a new one is just a few days from starting, I find it almost impossible not to be in a reflective mood.

Welcome to my life...all reflection and no do! Especially this time of year when we look back on 2006 and look ahead to what should come for this next year.

Once again another Christmas has passed and I did not get that Kitchen aide mixer (the red one) that I have been drooling over for a number of years. Of course it
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Damn your post definately struck a chord in me. Funny thing, I'm very affected normally by SAD, and hate gray days, but this year it hasn't been as bad. But the pains - growing up, my mom had arthritis. And I've always had a bit of pain in my joints, esp during cold weather (one reason I am so glad to live where it never snows). Plus a bad back, that goes out (ie, ruptured disc in the lumbar area) every five years (and it's been 6 years since the last one)... So - recently, it's more of a "What's gonna hurt today" game every morning... Especially true for the past two months as my right knee also has gotten worse - you can acutally HEAR it when I bend it.


But emotionally, I've REALLY been doing well this year. Dan and I, though we've had issues we've had to resolve in the past, have been very good together recently. He has been incredibly supportive, and I've tried to be the same to him as well.


But the biggest reason for me to reply - the kitchenaid. GET ONE. Just tell them - you were wrong, and you do want one. So it's after Christmas - there must be somewhere that has them as an after christmas/year-end sale. But MAKE SURE they get you the model you want. One of the best things (ok, one of MANY) from me breaking up with my ex, was that I left him the kitchenaid (Cobalt blue, 5 qt, 450 watt - our kitchen color was cobalt blue). He used it as well as I did - but the real reason for "being nice", one of the first things I bought for the new home was the Professional 600, 6 qt, 575 watt steel-blue mixer... ie, I used the break-up as a chance to upgrade. Now, I don't use it as much as I used to (actually Dan has used it more than me). But just knowing it's there whenever I want to make a batch of bread, or grind down meat, etc...



PS - if it takes it, PRINT OUT THIS MESSAGE and leave it... um, accidentally, for a family member to find. But be sure to handwrite on the bottom the EXACT model you want. And stop being practical - don't settle for the 450w if you really can use the 575w one. It lasts forever - get the one you want.


PPS - I just checked the kitchenaid website - looks like they've got some sales going on... hint, hint...


PPPS - now I think everyone understands why DK cringes when I say I want to go to the mall...

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My mother has one in green. Goes with the dark green granite counter tops and the green highlight paint around the over-counter lights.



Anyway, if ya'll want to see sad blogs just let me know. I can start one up after all and tell ya'll about the... what is it, three now?... nervous break-downs that I've had in the middle of the night since school ended that nobody knows about :2thumbs: I'm pretty sure actively watching the first season of QAF isn't helping either.

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Hi Sharon,


The only Kitchen Aid product I have is a blender with more speeds than a BMW gearbox. It produces terrific margaritas! That and a working microwave keep me being a happy camper.


Speaking of happy...here's to a better and safe 2007!


Jack B)

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Oh, the mixer... ~sigh~ I hate being poor. :P


I'd like a mixer. Or a blender. You know, a good size nonstick skillet would be nice. A new wok would be awesome, too. Someone who knows how to adjust a stove to make the gas come out more at a time so the flame's hotter would be good. Takes forever to boil water. A pressure cooker...


Yeah, I do all the cooking. I'm with ya sharon... get the mixer. No regrets, just get that mofo. :D

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