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Here are new episodes of "Superstars"


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Hey people!!! How are you? Fine I hope. Well, one week just passed, you know what it means? Of course you know what it means! It means that new episodes of "Superstars" are waiting for you! Hehehe. I hope you will enjoy them! And I'd love so much to have your feedback on these 2 new episodes. Thank you sooo much! I love ya all! :worship:


Click here to check out the new episodes of "Superstars"



Take care! :2hands:

Edited by Cloud
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Damn Cloud, :boy:

Just read chapters 7 and 8. You really know how to leave someone hanging by the short ones. :wacko: Hehe. Great work dude. :worship: I can't wait until next Sunday. Keep up the good work. :2thumbs:


Take care, :)

Mike Sanchez :sword:

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:2thumbs: Great new episodes! As mike said your really great at cliffhangers, im already dieing for next sunday to get here again. Glad to see Cody/Lion finally together :wub: Poor Oliver, hate when that happens lol :sheep: . Keep up the great work! :worship:


Also thanks for adding height/wieght to the character page :D .

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