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Story submission

Guest danielstepnoski

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Guest danielstepnoski

I used to be e member of TeenBoyAuthors/ Authors Without Website. I have three stories I'd like to submit for posting on this site. Is that possible? Can someone tell me how to do it? I didn't see a link for it. Thanks.

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are they already on the net or are you looking to get them hosted?


If they are already on the net then all you need is


Story Name:



Story Codes: (check the archive for more info on these)


If you need hosting for your story then I might recomend posting the full story in the library. OR contact one of the many people/groups that do story hosting. If your looking to get webspace hosting HERE at Gay Authors I think the best way to go about that is PMing Myr.


I might have missed something so if your confused or I didn't answer your questions just... well ask ;)

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  • Site Administrator

Forloyn, I think you got it all... thanks. :)

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