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Paris Hilton


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Paris Hilton is a symptom of culture rot.


I think South Park just about summed up my opinion of her.


Hmmm... just wondering, how can someone with absolutely no culture be a symptom of culture rot? Oh, yeah, I see it now, it's the audience that we're talking about here, not the bimbo Herself!


Colin :boy:

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Ahaa... it's about time she gets put away for something.


I wonder if there will be a new naughty tape while she has nothing better to do? :blink::P




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45 days in jail is a slap on the wrist for the shit this bitch thinks she can get away with. Drunk driving? I mentioned in the Gay News forums that a second offense for DUI in Bulgaria results in the arresting officer blowing your head off with a 12-gauge shotgun. Having said that, I believe that the US needs to adopt laws already put in place by our fellow planet-mates.

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I'm more curious about why so much of the media thinks this is news....

In the U.S., three cable news networks have redefined the news cycle. They've got a lot of time to fill 24/7 and reporting the antics of this gutter-slime crowd sells. Look at the Internet and the You-Tube phenom. David Hasselhoff, anyone? This site. BTW, will play a big part in the 2008 elections. TMZ created the firestorm around Michael Richards' racist comments on stage.


Bad, bizarre behavior fascinates. The public like watching a celebrity train wreak. "Ladies and men of the jury, I give you Anna Nicole Smith and rest my case." In the U.K., you have the likes of Pete Doherty and Kate Moss...and hunky Prince Harry's antics have made world headlines. The Hollywood trash include Paris, Lindsey Lohan, Brittany (and her creepy, parasitic ex-husband)...and the beat goes on. Here's a piece of dialog from a new story I'm working on: Like Brittany or Paris flashing their shaved crotches is considered

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Also News hasn't been news in the US for years, it's Entertainment.


She has made comments that if anyone else has, would of been in deep Sh*t, Another thing her mother isn't a good parent. Never liked Paris, found her dumb no redeeming values.

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45 days in jail is a slap on the wrist for the shit this bitch thinks she can get away with. Drunk driving? I mentioned in the Gay News forums that a second offense for DUI in Bulgaria results in the arresting officer blowing your head off with a 12-gauge shotgun. Having said that, I believe that the US needs to adopt laws already put in place by our fellow planet-mates.

I already wondered where you got this info from when you posted in the other thread, but after a little research, I found that though Bulgaria tightened a bit their traffic laws hence complying with UE guidelines, you get charges pressed in Bulgaria once you go over 1.5. Which is pretty high. And no country in the European Union has a death penalty sentence, especially not enforced by traffic cops.

As for the topic, who's Paris Hilton? (Just kidding!)

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I already wondered where you got this info from when you posted in the other thread, but after a little research, I found that though Bulgaria tightened a bit their traffic laws hence complying with UE guidelines, you get charges pressed in Bulgaria once you go over 1.5. Which is pretty high. And no country in the European Union has a death penalty sentence, especially not enforced by traffic cops.

As for the topic, who's Paris Hilton? (Just kidding!)


I got the information from my roommate, who has many friends in Europe. In fact, he should be over there right now visiting them.


Even if it isn't true, I think we can agree to some extent that laws of this nature should exist. Maybe not capital punishment, but something more than a tarnished driving record and fines! A friend of mine was the victim of a drunk driving accident, where the drunk driver of a large Dodge Ram literally leveled this guys Intrepid (sedan), killing his father in law instantly and leaving him with medical problems for the rest of his life. The drunk bastard came very close to getting off with little punishment... 6 months for vehicular manslaughter and a cash settlement were the worst, as a result from "having suffered enough mentally". My friend broke up with his fiance from this and left the state of Ohio altogether, being sick of the poor justice system that has no intention of serving the victims OR protecting the people.

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Hungary has ZERO tolerance for drunk driving. Any blood alcohol level over whatever the residual level that the body produces when you've not been drinking is sufficient for a driver to be arrested.

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Anyone? :o

I don't know about the "L" thing, but here's a lucious quote from Patty Hearst (courtesy of Towleroad):


"I must say that my heart goes out to the inmates of the Century Regional Detention Center. Forty-five days with Paris Hilton and the attendant publicity seems like cruel and unusual punishment to me. Perhaps THEY should be petitioning the Governor for relief?"


And the beat goes on.


Jack B)

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Well, I'll venture forth with a slightly different opinion. To me I'm just plain sick of everyone obsessing over celebrities and their "bad behaviour", and then expecting them to be held to the same standard as everyone else. If Jane Doe from down the road were arrested for drunk driving no one outside of her immediate sphere would be particularly concerned, yet alone posting about it.


If we all seem to think Paris deserves special treatment when it comes to the attention she gets for her behaviour then IMO it's just ridiculous to assume that she be held to the same standard in other affairs. Either she's a "special case" or she's not. So if we're all content to eat up the celebrity gossip I think we should cut her (and Lindsey and Brittney) a break.


I'm by no means saying they're "above the law" nor do I think they're above typical social expectations. I just think it's silly for us to give them special attention and consideration and then wonder why they get special attention and consideration.


Personally I couldn't care less what any of them are doing.


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In any case, this spoiled little flax needs a few days in the real world. I only wish the judge were allowed to extend her sentence for being so bloody annoying. Maybe she'll try to get some lip-gloss smuggled in and end up getting her time doubled, or better yet, they'll send her to solitary! I can't imagine a worse punishment than having to spend a week in a room with Paris Hilton. And if she's so mentally distraught that she can't even testify on her own behalf, perhaps she should spend a bit of time in a state mental institution once she gets out of the pokey. I hear those white coats are all the rage this year. :)

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In any case, this spoiled little flax needs a few days in the real world. I only wish the judge were allowed to extend her sentence for being so bloody annoying. Maybe she'll try to get some lip-gloss smuggled in and end up getting her time doubled, or better yet, they'll send her to solitary! I can't imagine a worse punishment than having to spend a week in a room with Paris Hilton. And if she's so mentally distraught that she can't even testify on her own behalf, perhaps she should spend a bit of time in a state mental institution once she gets out of the pokey. I hear those white coats are all the rage this year. :)



... lol.. now you've got a grand sense of humor. :)



Actually, seeing a bad "role-model" of many young girls going to jail is actually a great thing. Letting everyone who desires to be like her take note that her actions do actually have negative consequences. :)




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Wonder why her former reading teacher isn't coming forward to tell the world what a great student she was??


Wherever she went to school needs to have their accreditation revoked!


If she had killed someone while she was driving drunk would she be traumatized?? Does she even understand why there are traffic laws?? Probably not. :rolleyes:

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Well, I'll venture forth with a slightly different opinion. To me I'm just plain sick of everyone obsessing over celebrities and their "bad behaviour", and then expecting them to be held to the same standard as everyone else. If Jane Doe from down the road were arrested for drunk driving no one outside of her immediate sphere would be particularly concerned, yet alone posting about it.


If we all seem to think Paris deserves special treatment when it comes to the attention she gets for her behaviour then IMO it's just ridiculous to assume that she be held to the same standard in other affairs. Either she's a "special case" or she's not. So if we're all content to eat up the celebrity gossip I think we should cut her (and Lindsey and Brittney) a break.


I'm by no means saying they're "above the law" nor do I think they're above typical social expectations. I just think it's silly for us to give them special attention and consideration and then wonder why they get special attention and consideration.


Personally I couldn't care less what any of them are doing.




I second that opinion.

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... lol.. now you've got a grand sense of humor. :)

Actually, seeing a bad "role-model" of many young girls going to jail is actually a great thing. Letting everyone who desires to be like her take note that her actions do actually have negative consequences. :)




Exactly my sentiment. :)

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I got the information from my roommate, who has many friends in Europe. In fact, he should be over there right now visiting them.


Even if it isn't true, I think we can agree to some extent that laws of this nature should exist. Maybe not capital punishment, but something more than a tarnished driving record and fines! A friend of mine was the victim of a drunk driving accident, where the drunk driver of a large Dodge Ram literally leveled this guys Intrepid (sedan), killing his father in law instantly and leaving him with medical problems for the rest of his life. The drunk bastard came very close to getting off with little punishment... 6 months for vehicular manslaughter and a cash settlement were the worst, as a result from "having suffered enough mentally". My friend broke up with his fiance from this and left the state of Ohio altogether, being sick of the poor justice system that has no intention of serving the victims OR protecting the people.



I don't wanna turn this into a gigantic all out freakfest of opinions, but I have to kind of interject. Okay, yes, driving drunk is stupid and dangerous. As for the penalties... I'm still dealing with the DUI I got a year ago. It's cost me at least a couple thousand total by now, and will continue to cost me outrageous amounts for insurance for another two years. After that, it's still on my record for another two.


Nothing can ever bring back someone who was killed. Nothing can ever take back something someone did that was wrong. I really wish I hadn't done what I did that night to get myself in that predicament, but I can't change it. I will tell you that the mess that results is a serious one. It hits you hard financially and socially.


Nobody should drive while they're drunk. Even so, sometimes people just f**K up. There's no good solution to this.


Situations are never as black and white as you see them. Things happen, complications arise... life has way more twists and turns when you're actually living it. I don't want to say that it's okay to hurt somebody, because it's not, and if you can hurt someone and not feel guilt and pain from doing it, then you're sick. I like to think that if anyone ever wronged me, and I had a chance to hurt them in a seriously terrible way, I wouldn't take it, especially if I knew that they were sorry for what they did. Ah, I'm getting into a complicated thing here, so I'll just stop talking, lol. I was just trying to say that there are two sides to every story, and sometimes good people do things that are really f**king stupid.

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