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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Thorn Wilde


    I'm so sorry, I didn't see this comment when it was posted! You're very right about toxic masculinity. It's a huge problem that many men aren't taught to deal with their feelings in any other manner than aggression. That said, I don't think that absolves anyone of guilt, so I do think that going to prison was warranted. He will likely receive counselling as well. Thanks so much for commenting!
  2. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you! I'm glad you feel that way about Daniel. I was hoping people would. Thanks so much for commenting!
  3. Thorn Wilde


    It amazes me how callous humans can be. We're capable of such cold disregard of others. It's heartbreaking. But then, in stark contradiction, we're also capable of great compassion and love. Wish more people would make an effort toward the latter. And yeah... Some people really should not be driving. Thank you for sharing this, tim. As a pedestrian myself, I've become lazy living in a city where most people are very mindful of traffic regulations. I think maybe I needed a reminder to take more care.
  4. Thank you, Wayne. And thanks for all your help and encouragement!
  5. Thorn Wilde

    Maybe Later

    Aww, this was really sweet!
  6. Ooh, good suggestion! Actually, I think Teardrop should go on my list too, now that you've reminded me of Massive Attack...
  7. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 1

    He could be bisexual.
  8. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 1

    Gotta say as well, though, if it is Jack that Damon has a crush on, Damon’s epically stupid too. What, was he trying to test him by encouraging him to ask our Alyssa?
  9. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 1

    Damon was right; Jack is really thick. Lol! I'm liking this story. It's really interesting. And I agree with Carlos, the dialogue is fantastic. Can't wait to read the rest of it!
  10. I’m glad you liked it. I wanted to do something kind of different with my angels. Thanks for commenting, my friend!
  11. Happy Birthday, @Dodger! 🥳
  12. Yay! Finally! Excited to read everyone else's. ❤️ Just a quick note, though... you misspelled my name.
  13. Quick note in case it was unclear: This is part one of three.
  14. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 1

    Loved this story when I proofed it, and love it even more on the second read. Looking forward to seeing more people's comments as they come in; interesting to see what thoughts people have.
  15. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you very much! ❤️
  16. In the land between the rivers, near the banks of the river Tigris, lies a sleepy village where something dark is stirring. Epheriel, the angel assigned to watch over this village, senses hatred and ill will toward the village hero Jair, though it knows not from whom. Epheriel wants to protect Jair, who is the most beautiful mortal it has ever seen, but is it worth revealing divinity and risking the wrath of Heaven?
  17. Thorn Wilde


    Well, the last question I can answer: because to assess what it would be like living there, he needs a normal routine, and because they don't want to interrupt his education more than necessary. If he does end up moving to his grandparents full time, that's the school he'll be going to. As for what Social Services have and haven't told the grandparents, they don't actually know all the specifics of the abuse that Daniel has suffered. That's between him and his shrink, and it's confidential. He's told Michael some things and Stephen and Lewis some things, but not all. Social Services only know what Daniel revealed during their first conversation with them. Thank you so much for commenting!
  18. Thorn Wilde


    Well, we'll just have to see what happens, won't we? Thanks so much for commenting, Tim.
  19. Thorn Wilde


    Yeah, there's definitely more to come regarding the grandparents. But I promise good things are coming, too! We're actually starting to come up on the end... I have a total of 57 chapters planned, so that only leaves 14 to go. My book is a collection of short stories. All the stories are also available on this site for free, though some have been heavily edited for the book, to improve grammar, punctuation, formatting, remove typos, and in some cases also to add scenes or change parts of the story. It's available for Kindle, as paperback, and as ePub, if you're interested.
  20. A song I was listening to, actually. Lol!
  21. Thorn Wilde


    ‘This will be your bedroom,’ said Grandmother, leading me up a narrow staircase and to a door. She opened it and I followed her inside. It was an attic room, with slanted ceiling and a large window at the end. It was nice, really, but I instantly missed my room in Stephen and Lewis’s house; it was a lot more colourful and cosy. But the bed looked comfortable enough, and there was a large wardrobe with space for my things, as well as a desk. ‘It was your mother’s room,’ Grandmother contin
  22. Miracle of Sound's Skyrim songs put me in mind of Blind Guardian, so I've been listening to Nightfall in Middle-Earth, which used to be one of my favourite albums back when I thought metal was the only real music. Not saying I got my name from this song... but I could have.
  23. Oh? How did you think he meant it?
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