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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday

    ATGB X

    Thanks, Tony! The joy's not quite over. There's a reception coming up!
  2. Carlos Hazday

    ATGB X

    If I'm Butthead, does that make you Beavis? Glad you liked it, Dan! I'm kinda happy with the chapter myself.
  3. Carlos Hazday

    ATGB X

    I'm in trouble if people start sending me bills for tissue boxes. I did promise after the last two books ended in tragedy--Trump's election and Lix's death--this one would have a happy ending. Hope you enjoy your time off
  4. Carlos Hazday

    ATGB X

    Thanks, Dugh! Yeah, it had to be something reflecting their personalities and not cookie-cutter. It was also a culmination of a bunch of hints I've dropped about what would happen. I forget when but CJ had seen a wedding at the Jefferson Memorial before. And as an astute reader mentioned during Cesar's 40th b'day party, the tiered arrangement of key lime pies for that occasion inspired the wedding cake.
  5. Carlos Hazday

    ATGB X

    Thank you! Although the entire affair might be considered over-the-top by some, I wanted it to be all about two guys who're very much in love with each other once the glam outer layer was stripped away. Having Liz be a part of the wedding was another layer in their effort to include family.
  6. Carlos Hazday

    ATGB X

    That's a relief! Kangaroo paws are native to Western Australia but they thrive here in South Florida. An invasive species some consider a pest, I think they're beautiful. They were included as part of my effort to have the wedding blend both their heritages.
  7. Carlos Hazday

    ATGB X

  8. Some of the grooms’ relatives stayed at the Georgetown Inn on Wisconsin Avenue so they could be close to the townhouse, even though the wedding and reception were being held elsewhere. With the ceremony scheduled to begin at eleven, all guests were asked to be at the Watergate Hotel—where other out-of-towners were lodged—no later than ten o’clock. Buses would transport everyone to the National Mall and back to the famous Washington hostelry for the luncheon and party. CJ could not sleep as
  9. Great little story even If I'm more confused now that I was when I started reading. When is a birthday present not a birthday present? When it's a miracle of course. When a young kid gets a present from his uncle, it turns out not to be the pet he thought it was. There seems to be lots of secrets surrounding the protagonist family and this story but scratches the surface. A good short read that left me wanting more.
  10. I think his hesitation is part of lingering concerns over CJ's wealth. I would say more but I'm certain you wouldn't appreciate spoilers. LOL Hope you're feeling better.
  11. Interesting premise but the writing quality could be improved. I had to force myself not to stop reading during the two opening paragraphs. The length reminded me of run-on sentences. I'm unsure if back when this was submitted Anthology stories went through a proofreading. It could use help with spelling, bloat words and misused homonyms. The head of the school is a principal, not a principle. When the government forces one to sell property eminent domain is the tool, not imminent domain. We're is the past tense of a verb, where is a location. Past and pass are not the same thing. Some may be able to overlook these deficiencies but I find them too distracting. Overall, not one of my favorite stories.
  12. I'll let you know if it happens again. Or if I run into DB Cooper next time I'm in the Bermuda Triangle trapped on a boat with Michael Bolton looping on the music system.
  13. Worth the read, Val. Interesting and not the usual fare. Personally, I would have preferred Rachel to meet an untimely demise but the ending works anyway.
  14. Jeff, a widowed Vietnam veteran, faces challenges raising his four children alone. His war experience and alcoholism influence his actions to the point we end up with a main character who's not a likable person. Throw in a religious zealot as the antagonist and conflict ensues. The author painfully takes us through the protagonist's decline as his family falls apart. It's Jeff's story but the supporting cast is essential to the tale. Commentary on various social issues is skillfully blended into the narrative. A rough ending is somewhat satisfying. Those snippets I give into the story may dissuade some from reading but I advise against ignoring A Soldier's Guide to Single Parenting. It's a well-written tale worth your time.
  15. Although nearly 15 years old, this New York Times article still provides a good description of my city. https://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/15/us/a-gay-boomtown-is-more-mainstream-and-less-the-cliche.html I dug it up after walking through closed-to-traffic Wilton Drive—the town’s main street—during the Stonewall Festival this past weekend. The outrageous outfits, loud music, and alcohol consumption were still there, but what grabbed my attention was something else. Lots of kids, from infants in baby carriages to slightly older ones walking with their parents—both same-sex couples and heterosexual ones. Corporate America and governmental institutions amongst those with booth displays. Police officers from neighboring cities who volunteered to work the festival to show their support for the gay community. These are all signs our lives as outlaws are nearing the end. That the GLBT community is becoming an integral part of the melting pot. And that it does get better thanks to the struggle of those who came before us.
  16. Life is so different in a large urban environment and I've tried to point that out often. I had my bar-fly period; these days my life is much more sedate and I prefer to stay in more often than not. Gay bars will always be a refuge for many people and they can be the breeding ground for change. After all, it was at a gay bar--NYC's Stonewall Inn--that the spark for gay activism was ignited.
  17. Some people will support the leopards until they start biting. I keep hoping the biting isn't lethal and we can put the leopard down before he causes too much damage.
  18. Carlos Hazday


    LOL - CJ's attitude towards his relationship with Owen has evolved. Maybe because he's a bit older, Owen learned from his mistake--when he came on too strong right after meeting--and has shown incredible patience. I think by this point they both realize what's going to happen sooner or later.
  19. Yesterday, a member left a comment on the chapter I posted last Friday. The reader mentioned he had just received a notification for that chapter. Today I woke up to a notification saying Wildone mentioned me in a blog entry. That would be the weekly summary posted on Sunday. This happened once before and I ignored it thinking it a one-time glitch. HP Laptop. Most current versions of Windows 10 and Firefox.
  20. Carlos Hazday


    LOL- CJ's 20, Owen's 26. They've known each other for 5 years and been engaged for a year and a half. That's not fast. As a matter of fact, one reason I had CJ say he's not my boyfriend and then he's not my husband was because I didn't want the usual meet and fall in love the same day situation often encountered in gay stories. They' traveled and practically lived together most of that time. I think they're ready. I'm useless when it comes to the mechanics of GA. You may consider letting one of the staff members know about the delayed notification.
  21. Carlos Hazday


    Too many large companies have issues with homophobia, racism, and sexism even though the principals and upper management do not condone such things. Even Target, who I think is very accepting and supportive of the gay community has faced outrage at times. I have a bigger problem with places like Hobby Lobby, Chik-fil-A, Walmart, and others who directly or through affiliated foundations support hateful groups. I love breakfast chicken biscuits but won't give them my money. Tesla would be a theoretical situation since I can't afford their vehicles. I do boycott the ones who actively work against me. I won't shop at any of those three.
  22. I've been involved in two large displays and in dozens of smaller ones while I was on the Board of Directors of the local chapter. It can be and was overwhelming at times. I remember sitting in the car with a friend I'd invited to the preview in 2000 and Jeff holding me while I cried. That was right after I'd helped check in a new panel for someone I'd dated years before and had no idea they'd been sick or had died.
  23. Carlos Hazday

    October 2014

    Hope you recover soon. I'm delighted you're enjoying the story and your reactions to the chapters are very much appreciated. There are quite a few readers who seemed to like it but stopped reading (based on there being no further likes or comments after a while). Some I know abandoned it due to a personal dislike for me but I still wonder if I wrote something so offending it made some apply the brakes. Thanks for picking it up again.
  24. Carlos Hazday

    October 2014

    As you continue reading you'll realize I seldom drop a story arc. A resolution may have to wait for a few chapters but I like to tie up loose ends.
  25. Patience, grasshopper, patience. At least you don't have to wait a week or two to see what happens next.
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