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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, bud. Only three chapters left in this book so we may as well savor them.
  2. Carlos Hazday


    At least you know I'm good for it. I won't put the story on hold or abandon it and leave readers hanging. Although, I'm considering posting a day later so the chapter and the wedding take place on the same day.
  3. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, kiddo. See you next weekend at the wedding!
  4. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Chris. I did a lot of planning and prep for this wedding myself! I can just imagine what the guys went through. The enhanced Squad is out en force for this one. They'll also be front and center in the next two chapters.
  5. Carlos Hazday


    You'll have a front row seat for the wedding. Ritchie wanted to broadcast live on social media but CJ threatened to hide his phone. You'll have to settle for my account.
  6. Carlos Hazday


    Brad will be the focus of a major story arc in the future. I'm no done with him. I'm with Spencer, If I get a Tesla in the bargain, I'm ready to move and be adopted. I wish I could afford one of those babies. Funny thing is aside from weed and bikes, Harley's not the author's type.
  7. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Jeff. Ecstasy, like any mood altering substance, can be dangerous when abused. I remember reading something years ago about it being used as part of couples' therapy so there may be some medical benefits to it. To be honest, I've probably downplayed the drug use with those two. In my experience, a couple of good-looking, wealthy guys living in a big city would partake on a more frequent basis. My guys tend to be fairly vanilla compared to teens I've talked to. X is a popular drug not only in dance clubs but at raves and certain concerts.
  8. LMAO A gazillion. But none in public, they're always made as part of beta reading!
  9. “Damn! It’s good not to feel my ass drag.” It was Tuesday before he felt whole. CJ decided if he ever did ecstasy again, he would ensure he had nothing planned for the subsequent couple of days. He and Owen spent most of the time after their return to Washington setting up the apartment they would call home for the near future. Rod left a couple of pieces of furniture when he vacated the space and IKEA provided much of the rest. Dealing with vendors handling wedding arrangements and fieldi
  10. Writing, editing, beta reading, forum participation, replying to reader's comments, and reading new stories keeps me busy. Arrrrrgh! Not enough hours in the day! But I have enjoyed browsing through previous anthology flashbacks. I think I need a day by the pool with my tablet.
  11. I'm hoping there's a method to your madness. Not sure I could handle being in your position but then again I'm such a city person the thought of living in a small town scares me. I've been to Tyler; it has a Harley-Davidson dealership so it's not all bad LOL Look at the positive, cowboys all over the place! Best of luck, JT
  12. Someone gave me a beautiful, leather-bound journal as a birthday present and I scribbled the basics of this entry in it on the train ride home. I smiled most of the way. That Sunday was special and if it wasn't for Springsteen on Broadway on Friday night, it would have been the highlight of the trip. Sunday had to share the honor with The Boss. I thought about you a lot while writing.
  13. I first read Rider’s Pride in autumn 2013, when I was but a weyrling on GA. Yes, in case you're wondering, I'm a fan of the world created by Anne McCaffrey. Since then, the story has repeatedly captivated me. Each reading as enjoyable as the first. The author is faithful to the mythology of Pern as we follow J’shon from his father’s hold to Igen Weyr. He bonds with a green dragon who becomes the most important thing in his life. Dealing with internal conflicts about same-sex relationships, his battle is made difficult by the psychological baggage he carries thanks to his father’s teaching. Will he be able to overcome ingrained beliefs and find happiness? I won’t spoil it for you. The author weaves romance and adventure skillfully; the ending is bittersweet but you will not regret reading the story. Ms.McCaffrey’s spirit is alive and well in Rider’s Pride.
  14. Carlos Hazday


    @Mikiesboy Not everyone can distinguish between the physical and the emotional. But just because I may not find what some do to my taste, I have no right to judge them when what they're doing works for them. Particularly when everyone involved is on the same page.
  15. Carlos Hazday


    I hear say Turkish cakes are delicious! CJ's fixation on honesty wouldn't allow him to cheat. However, if another opportunity arose in the future similar to Amsterdam, he and Ozzie might just repeat the night's events. I sometimes marvel at how people equate acceptance with conformity. Our fight for inclusion should not mean we have to adjust and comply with mores set by heterosexuals. In the end, each one of us has to find what we're comfortable with in a relationship even if it's not what others may find acceptable.
  16. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, buddy
  17. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 1

    Hooked me. I'll be following this one. Interesting characters who sound like real people make a story much more enjoyable. The banter is epic and the entire chapter has a lyrical flow to it I found captivating. May have to read it again without music on so half my brain isn't singing along to Jimmy Buffett. Thanks, AC.
  18. Carlos Hazday


    @tesao I wanted to revisit a scenario I wrote about in Autumn with Dagon and King as the protagonists. Too many M/M stories treat characters as if they were straight people and I keep trying to portray a more realistic view of gay life. Of gay men not ashamed of who they are and willing to explore. CJ and Owen may be about to commit to spending the remainder of their lives together but they're young. VERY young. In a way, their commitment to monogamy is rare amongst young, urban guppies. Their attitudes may be influenced by their parents but they aren't clones of those older couples. They'll try new things and hopefully learn and benefit from them. Spade and Bourdain have ignited renewed interest in mental health and the debilitating effect of depression. They may be gone but their deaths may just benefit some who may now seek help.
  19. Carlos Hazday


    @tesao I introduced CJ to the effects of anti-semitism during his trip to Israel. Yad Vashem left a lasting impression I wanted to explore a bit more. The campus events exposed him to someone's visceral reaction to symbols of hatred he would not otherwise experience. With Mr. Cohen, I wanted his recalling the words of relatives to serve as a reminder we should never forget and to inspire CJ to do the same. Cisco's picture has to be at least 5 years old. I think he looks even better today even if he's not really my type
  20. I suspect some readers may consider the cast I surrounded CJ—the protagonist in my ongoing series—unrealistic. The diverse group of supporting characters could be construed as wishful thinking at a time our country seems divided along so many lines. I beg to differ. IT IS NOT A FANTASY. A few weeks ago, I traveled to New York to celebrate my 60th birthday; I was reminded how lucky I’ve been with the people I’ve surrounded myself with. A caring, loving group of humans, the world would be better if we had more like them. Brunch at an apartment in the Upper East Side, a museum visit to see the David Bowie exhibit, cocktails at a hipster pub in Brooklyn, and ice cream at a place where the line doubled upon itself and spilled out the door. And through it all, constant conversation and laughter. One person I’ve known for forty years, their spouse around thirty. Another one I met thirty-five years ago when we joined the same board of directors; their spouse I met a decade later. One is a fan of my stories on Gay Authors—my work having fans is the weirdest feeling—and we’ve chatted for a couple of years but this was our first live interaction. The other two—a father and son duo—I met for the first time that day. The seven individuals I spent time with on that one day are proof the world I describe isn’t fantasy. We were adults and children, men and women, gays and straights, married and single, Christians and Jews, Asian, black, Hispanic, and white, USA and foreign-born. Many of them had only me in common when the day began. When we parted, contact information had been exchanged by most of them. Those few hours we shared are proof we all can get along. That the melting pot is alive and well. And that when we look past our differences, we might just discover a wonderful person who will enrich our lives. I know those surrounding me that day have made me a better man and I thank them for it.
  21. Since I've read ahead I have to be careful not to give away things about how the car really isn't reliable and blows up while--- oops, never you mind. keep reading. 😈
  22. Carlos Hazday


    You mean UP there? LOL She would roll her eyes and slap the back of my head. If you remember, I left the hunky ruggers behind in Washington. BTW, check out the picture of the Scandals and the Amsterdam Lowlanders I posted in the discussion thread. I get first pick in the draft...
  23. Carlos Hazday


    My first draft was written in the middle of winter... Maybe it's where I live, where I travel, or the people I've surrounded myself with. Most of them would have never stopped and might have invited a few more hunky ruggers to join them. I had to use my imagination to limit the amount of play! The guys are still in Amsterdam right now. They return to DC tomorrow and have two weeks to finish getting ready for the wedding. This writing in the future and posting things the same weekend they take place is confusing!
  24. Ha! I was right about Sanctuary having a special energy to it.
  25. I get the impression there's a certain energy for lack of a better term few people would notice. Sam and Cynthia seem to feel Christian's the one and the fly boy felt it as soon as he stepped through the gates.
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