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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. I like Finn. I'm getting a good vibe. And the family has good taste in china; mine's white with gold around the edge. Not sure why I keep it since last time I used it was 10 years ago before I sold the big house in Miami.
  2. Carlos Hazday

    Rock Bottom

    Sooo glad you kept the cliffie! Yes, I'm evil. I'm still hurting about what happened to Simon and David.
  3. Carlos Hazday

    Going Home

    Donny seems to like making promises. To Sam years ago and now to Christian. Sounds Ike he tries to keep them too. Hints at a good, solid character.
  4. Don't push it, Val. We don't want Steve to get too cocky. 😉
  5. Looks clean to me and if anyone was going to scream it would be me. Good job.
  6. Carlos Hazday


    @bubby1234 It's too bad you're disappointed and it's a shame you won't be around for the wedding. I firmly stand by the storyline. We all have our own standards and must live by them. I refuse to judge others when what they are doing is consensual and does not harm anyone. For the record: There's no cheating. That's impossible when both parties agree to whatever's going on and both are present during such events.
  7. Carlos Hazday


    LMAO I'm gonna need to toss in a little more sex in the future. And since you like the travels, there's one more before the end of the book.
  8. Carlos Hazday


    Take your time, the story's not going anywhere. But be aware once this book's over, I'm sending over a chapter of the next one for your review and approval. The place's rented through the end of 2019 but once that date approaches, I'll include a snippet about progress with renovations in most chapters. Wanna go furniture shopping with us?
  9. Reading The Journal of Chris Williams brought to mind Animal Farm. While George Orwell used pigs and other animals as stand-ins for humans in his social commentary, in this case, we have werewolves. The other main thought running through my head while reading was the story is a tale of recovery and redemption. I'm not familiar with twelve-step programs but from the little I know about them, some of Chris' actions approached a few of the steps I'm aware of. Admission of a problem, recognition of the need to change, involvement in new activities, communication with those wronged by writing letters all seem to fit the process those dealing with addiction go through. We relate to a likable protagonist and feel his pain during the struggle to change and his joy when he achieves victories. The author draws us in and we get lost in the character's plight. Someone who wasn't a good being changes for the better and we root for him all the way. From a technical point of view, the use of a first-person narrative framed as journal entries is very forgiving. Spelling and grammatical errors can be attributed to the character since it's his words we read. Some errors could be corrected but even though not perfect, the story is a joy to read. I highly recommend The Journal of Chris Williams.
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  10. Carlos Hazday


    THANK YOU! I have the guys taking Eurostar for two reasons: One, they're train-savvy since they take Amtrak between Washington and New York all the time. That ride's 3 1/2 hours on the regular train and a tad over two on the Acela Express. The second reason is CJ's vaunted 'Bucket List' I can't imagine CJ passing up the opportunity to ride under the channel. LOL Like I said, CJ can slum with the rest of us but he's not adverse to fancier digs. I hope I made the whirlwind day in London realistic; it left me exhausted and all I did was write about it. GA's international membership is both a curse and a blessing. If I screw something up, I'm sure to hear about it. On the positive side, I've had good feedback about the trips to Australia and two separate comments about getting Amsterdam right. The trip to Israel had me scared; a lot of it was based on my trip there 20+ years ago. Didn't hear any complaints so I'm unsure if we have any readers in the Promised Land.
  11. I read this story on another site and thoroughly enjoyed it. If you know my reputation, I'm not a fan of most romance stories but this one caught my attention and kept me hooked 'til the end. So much so I sent the link to two friends here on GA. Read it, you won't regret it.
  12. I'm glad you enjoyed it, David. Thank you so much for the comment. It's appreciated.
  13. Carlos Hazday


    Maybe they did and we just didn't hear about it. I face a difficult choice deciding what to have them visit whenever I write about their travels. The first two trips to Australia spanned several chapters so I could describe a lot. Same with New York since they're there all the time. In a chapter like this one, I try not to overwhelm what my main focus is with too many locations. This chapter was about his first tattoo, his first hit of X, and his and Owen being comfortable enough in their relationship they're willing to be frisky but unwilling to go too far. Once again his dads influence on his character: they're in a monogamous relationship and CJ wants to emulate them. AAARGH! I just lost an entire paragraph when I hit return. Anyway, I think this is your first comment on one of my stories and for that I'm grateful!
  14. Carlos Hazday


    I picked 41 because of the proximity to Buckingham Palace and because American Express members do rate it highly. When CJ traveled to Miami with his fathers, he stayed at the Biltmore Hotel. When he and Owen went to Miami on their own, they stayed at The National in South Beach. In Sydney, it was The Russell. I keep trying to show he learned from them. He can afford to stay almost anywhere but I think he's bound to choose smaller, boutique properties with interesting architecture instead of glass and steel modern ones. That's not to say he wouldn't stay at a Motel 6 (budget chain not sure if known outside the US) or a youth hostel like he did in Australia's Blue Mountains if it was convenient. He's wealthy but not a snob. Although he obviously enjoys spending money!
  15. Carlos Hazday


    LOL I'm working on chapters in the next book and I'm still revealing who was at the wedding. I didn't want to turn the ceremony or reception into a list of names so what I ended up with is a series of snapshots of CJ and Owen interacting with a lot of them but not all. One reason I included the scene with Rashid Kahn in this chapter was I feared some readers would call me out on it if one of the original Elite members wasn't there. Yes, I'm scared of readers. LOL
  16. Carlos Hazday


    LMAO! I don't think CJ's wedding will be followed by the general public as much as that one! And no, contrary to what some people may expect, Harry and Megan will not be in attendance. CJ has not met Harry... yet.
  17. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Tony. The first draft of this chapter was written at the end of last year and at that time the way I described it was the way it happened. Unfortunately, as I write in the future, this type of thing may happen now and then. I'll have to think if and how I want to modify the chapter. If you catch any other instances similar to this one let me know!
  18. Carlos Hazday


    LOL I try to mix it up. CJ may end on top often but he's versatile. After all, it was Owen who took his virginity during CJ's first trip to Australia. I don't think either one has hangups about being top or bottom.
  19. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, bud!
  20. Carlos Hazday


    Bachelor parties are meant to be fun! At least they didn't go through what I did with my brother's. I rented a double-decker to take us strip-joint hopping and at one point had to hold Sal by the waist as he leaned out the side door as we drove by Miami International Airport and he puked his brain out. Nope, you haven't missed it. We'll eventually get to read segments of the letter but not until the next book.
  21. Carlos Hazday


    Crap! I can't believe I screwed that one up. Particularly considering I've been there! Oh well, I guess I owe you a refund on what you paid for the book. Thank you, I do appreciate it. It's been fixed.
  22. Carlos Hazday


    As I told Tabaqui, I'm glad I didn't screw up Amsterdam! Since this is CJ we're talking about, I had to include sightseeing in London and Amsterdam. I guess the amount of time I spent reading travel articles and looking at pictures paid off. Glad you enjoyed it, Chris.
  23. Carlos Hazday


    LMAO- Someone who read this chapter in advance said "No, no, no, CJ. Talk to my dad who still has my mom's name on his arm three wives later." Divorce is verboten for those two goofballs.
  24. Carlos Hazday


    We know those two are constantly trying to get each other pregnant so I figured I don't have to describe what goes on all the time LOL Afterall, this story is not meant to be read one-handed.
  25. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you! I've never been to Amsterdam and I was scared I would stuff it up. I follow a couple of the Scandals' players on Instagram and I've been enjoying the pictures of the city they've been posting this week. Starting with this chapter, the story teeters on the present. This is a little tougher to write in a story so grounded in real life. I can't give scores or actual results!
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