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Everything posted by Myr

  1. What's your major gaming system of choice?
  2. Myr

    Adding Humor

    I'm definitely a fan of sticking snark into stuff. It just naturally appears for me though the vast majority of the time.
  3. You know he's had a few new ones since then? I think number 10 was a couple months ago.
  4. Whoops! Yeah, I've got anthologies burned into my brain. lol
  5. So, there are times where I want to read a little lighter fare that is still good. Alex Rider series definitely fits this niche for me. His adventures are all over the top. He's pretty much a teenage James Bond. The author is good across multiple genres as well. I've read a few different things. He's also written a well-received James Bond novel and two Sherlock Holmes novels. Anyway, if action-adventure is your thing, the Alex Rider series of books (11 and counting) is worth a read.
  6. That's only part of it. The full answer is here:
  7. Myr

    Nintendo Switch

    Sorry this is late. It's been a heck of week trying to catch up from that annoying downtime with the internet. Anyway, I picked up a Nintendo Switch on a whim. This is probably my midlife crisis. I'll be picking up a Playstation 4 Pro in a few weeks. lol. Anyway, for my 41st birthday, I picked up a Nintendo Switch so I can relive my youth playing Mario and Zelda. And Donkey Kong. And probably Kirby too. It's definitely a cute little toy and I seriously doubt I'll ever mess with it much undocked. Do you guys have one? What games do you like?
  8. yes! Doing it on purpose instead of having to re-order your weekend plans around it.
  9. The Announcement feature does not work like that. And as @Cia said, we are not duplicating content since the blog post already links to all the stories.
  10. I've just enjoyed, and I use the term loosely, an Internet free weekend. This was not my desire in the least. The several-year-old network interface board for Verizon FiOS decided to die Friday afternoon. The tech was able to replace it fairly quickly, thankfully. Unfortunately, it wasn't until Monday morning that they got around to getting here to do it. The only internet access I had over the weekend was through my phone. That means that time I would normally have for taking care of stuff around here was totally zapped. This includes being able to write one of the more detailed blogs that show up here on Tuesdays. I'm writing this as I'm overdue for bed because like Winter is Coming, so does Work. To our authors, if you've noticed the "Respond to Review" option now showing up on reviews... don't use it. Stories doesn't know what to do with it yet so, you'll just get an error when you submit whatever you write. I've reported it to our programmer, so it should be included when we roll the next version out. It's currently going through bug squashing. The weekend without internet, when I actually had time to work on it, didn't help. Anyway, I will hopefully have more a more helpful blog next week
  11. Myr

    Now or Never

    I've seen that concept before in my readings. I can't remember if it was fanfics somewhere or Eragon or elsewhere.
  12. Myr


    I have added it to the sidebar for now. I've also added it to the Our Picks section which is at the bottom of the main page and in the Activity drop down on the main menu
  13. With the update to 4.3.X version of the forums, the underlying software allows for a single reply to a review from the content owner. This feature support has not been rolled out into the Stories Module (yet). As I've been without useful internet since Friday, I'm a touch behind on the software stuff, so, it'll be awhile yet until that feature is in and working. I think.
  14. It sounds like you had a corrupted cookie/cache and it corrected itself.
  15. Myr

    Justice League

    With my internet down for 3 days except for phone, I've had some time to catch up on other things. (oddly enough). I got around to watching this finally and I enjoyed it. Ezra Miller in spandex.... mmm. There were a couple of spots that were a little slower and superman, as ever, is an overpowered hero. I'd say about 8/10. well worth watching and keeping in my collection.
  16. I really enjoyed Eragon when I read it years ago. I liked the sequel as well and then I was so tied up I never finished reading the series. I have them in my giant pile... but I still haven't gotten back to them. I really need to, since I did enjoy the book so much. Has anyone else read this? What do you think?
  17. I'll add it to my evergrowing list. The system is tested and works when you post a chapter immediately or post a chapter for publishing at a set time. As soon as you start doing edits on an unpublished chapter, whether that is unpublished or unpublished and set for a posting time, it's starts doing strange things. There is also possibly a malfunctioning date based security feature. The system is made to publish stories... not use it at a word processor. Best advice until we sort things out... Don't put anything into the system until it is ready to publish. Use the Preview button. It works. Publish immediately. For the love of all that is holy, if it doesn't post looking correct, do not unpublish. Just edit it immediately. When you publish, it triggers the notifications and when you unpublish after that, it triggers support requests saying such and such a story was announced but is now missing.
  18. What was the timeframe between saving it unpublished and publishing publicly?
  19. So, I have picked up a Raspberry Pi in order to have yet another toy to play with. Though, in this case, it is so I can learn more about them. I don't actually need one. Lol. Anyone else playing with these cute little things for projects?
  20. @Daddydavek I'm more at this point...
  21. As we roll ever closer to Armeggedon... er.. the go date for GDPR, Invision, the software company for the forum software is releasing another update to specifically address the ongoing concerns of pretty much anyone running anything on the Internet. We will be rolling the update ASAP. It is set to release Tuesday (Today). Some features in it: Downloading personal data. One of the requirements of GDPR is to be able to provide what personal data is tracked. They've added a feature to create an export file of personal data. Deleting Members. We now have the option to anonymize data when we delete a member. As a reminder, in most cases where users have content posted, we delete your account and leave the content per the Terms of Service you Agreed to upon joining and re-agreed to if you are logged in and reading this. As a general rule, deleting content causes community disruption and we avoid that wherever possible. But we can now easily strip said content of anything the EU considers to be personal data. The Privacy Policy page gets more updates as well. Currently, there are a lot of third-party services that integrate with the forum software and any of them that are used, have their own privacy policy. The system will now automatically display said policies and thus allow us to simplify our own. We are also working through the bugs on the new story update as well. This is the update that will put all the sorting and filtering right at your fingertips. I leave you with a current image: As you can see, we have the theme working on the test server. This shows Stories I follow sorted by word count (most)
  22. Myr

    Batman Begins

    Of all the times Batman has been in movie form, the first two movies in Chris Nolan's reboot top them. Batman Begins gives the gritty, more realistic and most important of all, less campy version of Batman. This movie hit all the right notes and was only really topped by it immediate sequel, the Dark Knight. (And then pissed away in that god-awful mess called the Dark Knight Rises. I swear Nolan purposely trashed that movie so that no one would ask him to make another) Anyway, Batman Begins set the stage. Well worth it.
  23. If you have somehow stumbled through life and not read this, you really should. I just loved that the history department head at my school, assigned this book. Far too many of the current generation indoctrinated on BS need something to wake them up.
  24. Myr

    Fitbit Charge 2

    I have been using a Fitbit Surge for a little over a year. Unfortunately, the Surge was a bit of a dud in the design category. It was one of the few FitBits without a replaceable band... and guess what broke today. If you guess the band, then you get a gold star. Anyway, I like the software quite a bit and I especially like the sleep tracking features, which I really need. So I picked up the cheaper, but more useful Charge 2 to replace my on the way out Surge. This one also has the hourly reminder to get up and move. Another thing I need.
  25. @BHopper2 @northie@Headstall The way I view genre tagging on a story is there should be 1 to 3. More than that and you either have a much larger than normal story (Circumnavigation anyone?) or are a bit experimental or unfocused. For example, I usually tag genres as primary and secondary. Science Fiction and Adventure, for example. The longer the story, the more likely you'll have 3 genres. With my own stories, my short stories have 1 or 2 tags and my longest one has 3 and they legitimately hit on those elements. @Graeme right now the data is completely manual manipulation in Excel. I'm an Excel generalist and not a superuser so it would take quite awhile to gather that.
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