Today would have been Dad's 69th birthday. Today mark's two years since I last talked to him. In a few weeks, it will mark two years since he died.
I have been in a contemplative mood all day. Withdrawn would be a good word.
A lot has been going on in the last two years. I've spent a LOT of weekends at Mom's, which means a lot of traveling. I've had a lot of ups and downs and being there for mom. I've not had much in the way of downtime trying to take care of things Mom can't, working a full time demanding job, and running Gay Authors. Certainly somethings have taken longer than I'd have liked. This software upgrade has dragged on for too long, but I've not had the time to chase it.
I'll be doing even more shaking up in my personal life over the next year. Things on the site will continue as they have. We'll have that upgrade soon. I'll have more time to write. Try to spend less time stressing on stuff and more time living.
Dad had a great philosophy on life. Grasp a hold of it and live it. Never go to bed angry.
I'm trying Dad. Love you. Miss you.