As you have no doubt noticed by now, some ads suggesting you support Gay Authors have cropped up in various places.
We are growing mightily fast right now. This might be due to our Google ranking or because of our steady work to bring authors and readers together. Whatever the reason, we have already outgrown two servers. We are now on a dedicated server. This month, if we keep going at our current rate, will hit a staggering 14 GB of transfer. This is just 1 GB shy of our limit. This is up 4 GB from last month. Our first server was limited to 5 GB. Our second was limited to 10 GB. This one is limited to 15 GB at this pay level. This pay level isn't so cheap, but the next level up is not something I can afford myself.
We need support. Send $5. Send $10. Whatever you can afford. In the meantime, I will be setting up a few (hopefully) ads that will generate moeny to help deflect some costs. If you make online purchases, consider buying from Amazon by clicking on links from here. We get a small kickback. Every little bit helps folks.
If we continue at our current rate without some support from members, I will be forced to close Gay Authors.
I would like to thanks those folks that have already donated some money. It helps, trust me.
I also plan to setup a "Support Services" style thing that will accept credit cards. What you'll get from support services (besides helping to keep us open) are a hosted blog, and increase in PM capacity. I'm looking into some other things, and I'm open to suggestions. Post them here.