You can be Farrah, but I'm definitely not in the middle wearing plaid with massively bell bottom jeans.
@Mrsgnomie lives out in the woods. She can be the lumberjack wanna be.
I'm rocking the turned up collar on the jacket!
I have never, nor will I ever admit to being a mature adult.
I act it when I'm doing actual adult stuff like paying bills. But in my heart I will always be a carefree 13 year old who loves to laugh.
I tried to convince her to have the guys buy the castle that's on the market
Cousin Camp Castle!!
(She said no 😪)
I'm glad the surgery went well and you're home. You're doing the right thing by resting and keeping ahead of your pain. Positive thoughts for a quick recovery!❤
The changes are perfect.
Peter and Dan both made a lot of mistakes and need to hit rewind, then reset before moving forward. Love at first sight doesn't always translate to "I love you forever". It takes time to get to know one another and hopefully (like when I get to chapter 11 later today) we'll find out how Mr. Hobson has spun these turn of events.
Great job Tim!
I hope the literary muse spurs you on and you can post this soon. It's already pulled me in with all sorts of questions.
Looking forward to reading the rest!
I'm still waiting on @Mrsgnomieto edit the last chapter I sent. Wonder what her excuse is?
"I had a chapter to post and respond to everyone's comments, blah blah blah...."
I got her chapter done when I was traveling!