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Everything posted by Mawgrim

  1. Tristan definitely needs some time to think about what Peter has told him. Although he's blaming himself for jumping to conclusions and leaving, it might have been useful if Peter had confided in him about his problems before deciding what he was going to do. TT is the only good thing that's emerged from the whole mess so far.
  2. Mawgrim

    Delivery Duties

    It’s not just you. Quite a few people I know who enjoyed the original books lost interest at that point. Todd just doesn’t have the same flair for creating interesting characters as his mother did. The brilliant thing about Pern from any writer's point of view is that there are so many gaps to fill in. Like you, I started reading the series back in the 1970's with a copy of 'Dragonflight' from my local library and waited for each new book eagerly. Thanks for reading and for leaving comments.
  3. Mawgrim


    Manora will get them to talk!
  4. Mawgrim


    D’gar sat in his usual place around the table in the council room. Thread would be falling over Bitra and the Weyr itself later in the afternoon. F’lar had unrolled a map showing the area that would be affected. ‘I’m going to leave two Wings to protect the Weyr. That’ll be you, S’lel and K’net. We all know how distressed the grounded dragons get when they know Thread’s falling and they can’t fly against it, so seeing their wingmates up there might help to reassure them. D’gar, can your Wing
  5. Mawgrim

    Chapter 19

    That was a memorable chapter. The sex scene was so powerful and tender and the crashing car metaphors fit perfectly. The reflection of those quiet moments afterward with Carole King singing on the radio is an image I will remember.
  6. Mawgrim

    Delivery Duties

    Thread fell from the cloudless sky like a deadly rain. D’gar had been close to it many times now, but the sight of the stuff still made his skin crawl. It was vile, alien; an organism that devoured mindlessly and would devastate the surface of Pern if not for dragons and their riders. He checked the sacks fastened to either side of Herebeth’s fighting straps. Today, he was delivering to ‘C’ Wing. The heaviest, largest sacks were for the bronzes; Tiriorth and Piroth. Just a few sevendays ago,
  7. Mawgrim


    D'gar and S'brin, along with their clutchmates, learn about fighting Thread, love and loss.
  8. Mawgrim


    Good for Rick, telling Rita where to get off. I was wondering if Caroline Lee had noticed his interest in Gus earlier and decided to engineer that meeting?
  9. Mawgrim

    Back at Benden

    Put it down to the enthusiasm of youth.
  10. You are still awake. Herebeth’s mental voice intruded on D’gar’s thoughts, which had been going around in circles since he’d got to bed. Every time he shut his eyes and tried to drift off, F’drun’s threat repeated itself over and over again. He sat up, staring at the now familiar walls of his weyr. Very observant of you, he replied. I reckoned you’d be asleep after all the work you did today. Sorry, yesterday. It must be well past midnight, judging by how quiet it was outside. Your thoug
  11. Once you start this story you will be unable to put it down. Told from multiple points of view it deals with all kinds of issues; the traumas of being a teenager and wanting to belong, coming out, abusive relationships, bullying, falling in love... By the time you reach the end of the story you will feel as if you've lived with all of the characters and gone through their various highs and lows. It is beautifully written and will evoke both tears and laughter. One to read and savour.
  12. True. But he was out of the way for a while so less of an issue!
  13. ‘Might I just congratulate the Weyrwoman on her excellent advice at the start of Fall today.’ R’gul raised his cup of klah and made a slight bow towards Lessa, who was sitting in one of the chairs around the council table. ‘If you’d not come up with such clever solution, we might have let a fair amount of Thread get through.’ She gave a slight smile. ‘You’d be welcome, R’gul, except it wasn’t my idea. I simply passed the message on, thanks to my ability to speak to all dragons.’ He looke
  14. Mawgrim


    Great to see some HP fanfic here and an intriguing first chapter.
  15. Mawgrim


    Rita is definitely going out of her way to include Rick in all of her events and to make everyone think they are an item. I'm wondering if this is all part of her plan to get the townsfolk on her side rather than because she actually fancies him.
  16. Mawgrim


    It was too tempting not to do.
  17. Mawgrim


    Some of them are starting to get it. The riders from the past have a lot to learn about the modern age as well. All of them will eventually need to adapt. F'drun is a loose cannon who will never learn.
  18. Mawgrim


    Give it time...
  19. Threadfall morning again. D’gar hadn’t slept well. His brain had refused to switch off and he’d spent most of the hours of darkness thinking through the various tactics that might be suitable for today’s Fall, depending on weather conditions. When the grey light of dawn started to filter under the curtain, it was a relief to know that the night was finally over. His stomach was no worse than usual, thankfully. He’d have liked to just get a cup of klah served in his weyr, but R’feem had alway
  20. Mawgrim


    Glad that Rick was so insistent to Rita about her outstanding bill, but I guess the lunch meeting will give her some time to talk him round as to why she can’t pay it right away. I wonder if Helene is one of those people who is totally possessive about her partner. Maybe Gus was trying to escape from her when their disagreement occurred.
  21. The Gather passed without any more incidents and was crowded enough that D’gar managed to avoid bumping into H’sal, or anyone else he’d rather not see. Afterwards, though, he was reminded that although Fort Weyr was home, it also held a lot of unhappy memories. The first day he’d arrived at Benden, it had felt like a fresh start, in a place uncontaminated by the past. That was still true; perhaps more so now that he had H’rek as a weyrmate. He visited J’rud again the next day. The healers ha
  22. Mawgrim


    Great ending. I've often thought that if I could go back in time and tell myself of a year ago what was going to happen in 2020, it would sound like a sci-fi nightmare. Looking forward to reading more about Kevin and Steve.
  23. Mawgrim


    Don’t worry too much about H’sal. He’s staying at Fort Weyr.
  24. Mawgrim


    Yes, they can help each other see the different points of view. Plus they’re both young enough to change.
  25. Mawgrim


    Over the next sevenday, he managed to visit H’rek twice more in between fighting the usual Falls over Benden’s area of responsibility. Each time, he noticed the progress underway to make Southern more of an established Weyr rather than a temporary camp. To his northern eyes, it still seemed odd calling anywhere a Weyr if it wasn’t situated within a rocky bowl, but everyone there seemed to have accepted it. Thanks to F’lar’s Threadfall charts and the records he’d perused to make them, they no
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