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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Well, we do get around. We often need poeple to talk to, and we often need stories to talk about, which brings me to another point. I love your anthology story!
  2. I want to thank C James for the opportunity to review such a group of stories. In total, I reviewed 15. I intend to read the remaining 9 (1 is one that I wrote) over the next several weeks so that I can review them as well. CJ, you do such a marvelous job with all that you do. Thanks again for the opportunity to share my opinions. I want to thank all 15 of the authors as well. Reading is a source of inspiration for me.
  3. Steve, he really is a lurker a lot of the times. He's not always posted. In fact, he doesn't post quite as much as he used to, thought he has posted more today than usual. As for evil cliffhangers, you never know what he's going to do next. :wacko:
  4. I'll be trying to finish Chapter 12 this weekend. For the last several weeks, I have been mostly reading. I have three stories that I am currently into right now, one of which I just got into, but I am going to have plenty of time to get back to writing now, especially since I have finished reviewing anthology stories. I also have a bit of editing to do. What can I say? I am involved in a lot of activities here. Oh, and before anyone starts barging at my door in search of an editor, I can only edit or beta read for a couple of people, and they know who they are. I don't really see that changing any time soon, if ever. Thanks everyone! It has definitely been a joy talking to all of you in the forums.
  5. No, it's not just Steve's job. CJ is the quickest to point out when Shadowgod uses evil cliffhangers. He also grasps at straws to find evil cliffhangers in Second Chances, something I am NOT doing until Chapter 4. That's why I am quick to point out the fact that he uses them. And Mike, it's okay! I am an admitted postaholic. 2,000 in 6 months is some serious posting.
  6. He'll go on a killing spree. The Scar does not care at all about human life. I'm afraid he's going to hurt Eric.
  7. He'd probably just reach for a knife and kill that person. The Scar is one diabolical dude.
  8. Well, there are other contedors: Graeme, Kevvie, BeaStKid, and Gary. As it it, I am number 8 to reach the Bi-mis. I have a long way to go before I am even halfway to 6,000 posts.
  9. Perhaps someone should give him a hug. If you're going to be work in the black market, you need a level head. You need to be wary but not paranoid. Paranoia tends to get people caught more quickly than being careless.
  10. Well, mine happens to be one of the threads. I post a lot mostly because I'm chatty. I also like to argue and discuss. It comes naturally to me. I wonder if anyone has noticed how argumentative I can be at times. Anyway, your post definitely make GA a lot more lively. I like arguing with you about evil cliffhangers.
  11. I post a lot, because I like having discussions, and yes, I do like to have casual banter in the "Last Post Wins" thread. Now, that I have reached such a milestone, I'll anxiously await your arrival into the bimillenium club.
  12. It may be foreshadowing. That could definitely be terrible. I don't want Brandon and Chase to die. That would make me very sad indeed.
  13. These is monumental. C James has reached a club in which the closest rivals are over 1000 posts behind him. You should definitely be proud! :king:
  14. Well, that's the Steve from the story, your own creation. You were trying to mislead us. Now, as for Eric, I think he's on The Scar's poo poo list. That is a dangerous place to be. Need I say more?
  15. I will only believe that if Steve tells me so himself. That is a personal challenge to you to have him make such an admission. I have no doubt that the two of you scheme such things, but neither of you are innocent in the matter. What evil ideas have you given him for LiS and DnCW?
  16. You're the one who wrote it. And if Shadowgod is evil, then so are you. I think the two of you are having some kind of contest to see who can be more evil, only the victims are Eric and Cody respectively.
  17. They're both rather evil, especially with their cliffhangers, or should I say shadowhangers and goathangers?
  18. Maybe he's one of those self-hating type homosexuals. That would be a good twist.
  19. As if he is going to stay safe. We have our worries for a reason. You are evil, C James. You're just as evil as Shadowgod, if not more so. We know you're going to be mean to Eric. That's why this group was formed. We're watching you. :2hands:
  20. Lord Goatamort has yet to reveal such information. It's seems that the Dark Lords love to keep us on the edge of our seats.
  21. I think you made a bit of an error. Steve's misdirections are far better than my own. I'm celebrating the evil cliffhangers of C James and those of Shadowgod. They're so amazing!
  22. Yeah, he's more like the preacher and the sheriff. If anyone is going to turn into a hero, it will be The Scar's son. Does anyone see a pattern here?
  23. I'm celebrating the new information the two of you just told me. Thanks!
  24. That may or may not be possible. I post only intermittently. I'm a lurker.
  25. I must have missed something. Poor Vlad is on a suicide mission. I'd rather see The Scar die.
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