Oh, that must have been embarrassing. Luckily, I do not have dildos, but I'm sure my mom has found porn a time or two. Omg, the 'rents use to leave a vibrator out in plain site sometimes. It was gross.
I meant that as a joke. Some people have a hard time understanding my sense of humor though.
Indeed you are lucky. Catching the parents is so disgusting.
Who? Me? I'm innocent and cute and the chapter just came out that way. Just wait until the next one. I'm thinking it might end up being a cliffy.
It sounds like you want to be the Queen of Evil Cliffhangers.
That poem is pretty. I like it. As for your kids being on spring break, I'm sure you have your hands full. I want kids someday. I know they can be simultaneously a blessing and a curse, but at the end of the day, there's something extra special about being a parent.
I must have misunderstood. There are some who hold the contrarian ideology. I thought maybe you had been burned in the past. Truth be told, most people have been hurt in some point in life. Eventually, you just have to suck it up and move on. That is all you can really do.
One thing I love about straight women is being able to talk about guys. I'm not big on the whole shopping thing personally, but partying and talking about guys is enough reason for me to seek a straight woman's company.
Need I remind you that what beta readers suggests has to be either approved or disapproved by the author? If there are evil cliffhangers in your chapters, you are the one to blame. Besides, I think you concoct the evil cliffhangers all by yourself. What will it take to get you to admit that you are the greatest architect of evil cliffhangers on this site?
Such negativity! At least it is not summer. Do you have any idea how horrible winter is here? It's unbearable. When spring finally arrives I am happy and usually... (Okay, I will behave.) Spring is nice when you've been stuck indoors due to months of cold weather. That is why I'm celebrating.
Well, we are not as fortunate here, so green grass and temperatures above freezing are something to celebrate. As far as it getting hot, that happens in July and August. That is not something I celebrate.