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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Mikie, you're so adorable! Be careful or the tiger might have to pounce you.
  2. Happy Birthday! I can remember being 22. It was just after I moved back to where I am now. Have a wonderful day and don't party too hard.
  3. I was around a little over a month of 1982. It was the year I was born. And yes, I am sure he has more than one phone. He would be a complete idiot not to. he needs to remember to stay in character sometimes. He already struggles with that. Remember the knife?
  4. Kevvers, Jamie is the total package. He's smart, sweet, and gorgeous.
  5. I found this old thread on the site. I couldn't resist turning it into a short-short story for the amusement of all. Keep in mind the fact that this is satire. If you do not have a sense of humor, do not read this! Once upon a time, there was a mad scientist named Snow Dog. Snow Dog, being a naughty puppy, decided to reach new heights as one of the first members of gayauthors.org to join the millennium club. With pride he created a thread to mark his great achievement. In the process, four members, three of whom would soon be important, decided that the millennium club was their new mission in life. Their names shall forever live in infamy. They are C James (the most prolific postaholic of all time), JSmith (the cutest admin and tech support genius), rknapp (another cute member), and the A Friendly Face (one of our wonderful moderators). With perseverance, the four members sought membership in the millennium club. Three of the four soon joined the bi-millennium club. Two of the decided to reach new heights and soon became the two most prolific members of all time. Soon more monsters of prolific posting emerged. Graeme (the wondrous echinda from down under), ever wanting to be prolific soon joined them as a prolific poster in his own right. With stars in his eyes, young and impressionable BeaStKid soon joined the ranks and became one of the most prolific members of all time. He was soon joined by Benji, an all around nice guy. Soon a new author called Tiger sought to no longer be a newbie. As his post count increased, he wanted new titles until he could one day have a title of his own. His friend, Sacha, made the same decision and the two soon reached 500 posts. With great eagerness, Tiger sought the millennium club, a club his friend would join several days later. The Tiger shall now and forever remember how Snowy inspired him and so many others to join the millennium club and surpass him with their dreams of prolific posting.
  6. Keep him away from tequila and women. Show him what it's like to be a real man. Yes, I think you know what I mean.
  7. Well, be careful when using a cattle prod on a goat when you're near the edge of a cliff, especially if someone named Eric is with you. :wacko:
  8. We all know you're occasionally lurking, Beastie. Btw, that was a good chapter. The whole thing with Joe is interesting. At least now we know why he dislikes gays. I still think he has some major flaws. I'm still wondering exactly why he is being redeemed, but it just makes me want to read the next chapter. Great chapter, CJ!
  9. Tiger


    For me it brings on a period of time when I cannot sleep for a while. That's not a good thing at all.
  10. There's no doubt about that. He also has laser beam eyes. Be careful, Jan.
  11. Lugh, now I know where you got your great sense of humor from! You were born on April Fools' Day. Happy Birthday!
  12. I just know he's going to do something bad to Eric. We must have SPiCE on alert in the coming chapters. Lord Goatamort is going to do something dastardly to him.
  13. Thanks for pointing out Dan's evil cliffies. Now I won't be accused of using those for a while. I just got into the story myself. I like it!
  14. Some may never know the answer to that question.
  15. Tiger


    I actually like the idea of perpetually staying the way it is right now. It means more evening time during the winter. I wish they'd just leave it. Going back and forth makes me tired, especially the spring one. :wacko:
  16. Kev, I am the first to admit to not understanding the gender identity paradigm. At the same time, I do try to be sympathetic to gender minorities, because they are attacked just as much as we are. Having said that, I am definitely happy with my gender and have no plans to have any kind of surgery to change it. I have actually been trying to imagine what it's like, but I just cannot imagine having gender identity issues. I also do not think I would ever cross-dress. That is not my thing at all. I will try to remember to use terms like biological female in the future. I meant no offense to anyone at all.
  17. That's an excellent point, Kevvie. While some may hide their emotions more than others, most people are emotional. When you say or do something hurtful, people are going to react, even if what you said was taken out of context or if what you did or said was unintentional. I know I have been guilty of such gaffes, and even straight friends have been mad or hurt at one time or another. I'm not know for being intentionally cruel, but I have been known to say things i should not say. I am quick to apologize though.
  18. Well, I did just as you mentioned. Well, I can find out easily enough. See above! We have discussed this issue. You know why I am saying that by now. Quite frankly, if I am going to be accused of it, I will show everyone just how capable I am of using them!
  19. Has anyone ever heard of a transitional bisexual? Well, for those of you who don't know a transitional bisexual is a condition of sexuality transitioning from heterosexual to bisexual. I believe myself to be one, and I think I'm to the point of being completely gay. I think part of my issue was accepting, and I have. I even made the change on my profile. I still see a few exceptions like Halle Berry and Carrie Underwood, but for the most part, I like men. Even with such exceptions, I could never really love them. It's not just on sexual level either. It's more about a joining of souls. Yes, I am a hopeless romantic, so please do not bother saying so. In other news, I will be working with the GAzette team. I will mostly be doing reviews, and as many of you know I have already done some reviews for anthology this year. Most of the anthology stories and poems I read were quite good. I intend to read some more of them soon. Also, if anyone has read my anthology story, I encourage you to talk about it in the thread even in you think it sucked. Well, I am going to be releasing a new chapter of Second Chances very soon. Gary has been thoroughly checking the chapter to make sure it is as close to perfection as we can get. I must say that I really appreciate everything he does. He is an exceptional beta reader. I would recommend him, but he is admittedly stretched thin right now. I can understand. There are only two authors that I beta read or edit for on GA, and I have no intention of having anymore. As it is, I write stories on top of the edting and beta reading I do. I'm also working on the GAzette team and hopefully I will continue to work with the anthology team. I too risk overdoing it if I take on anymore right now. In addition, I won't be posting quite as much in the forums, because I think I have overdone that a bit. For anyone who thinks it's good, one of the admins has told me that it creates a hassle for them, so please do not follow my bad example. From now on, I am going to try to have less than 20 posts in any given day, partly out of kindness to our wonderful moderating team. Also, I do not think I will have enough time on my hands.
  20. Thanks for the anatomy lesson, Greg. I really don't see why the story is such a big deal though. She's still anatomically female, so there doesn't seem to be anything that unusual about it. Now, if it were the male-to-female post-op transexual, that would be huge news imho.
  21. There's already something in the works according to what they keep saying about Chapter 9. Don't blame me. I like evil cliffhangers. I just have not yet used them. Besides, Shadowgod does a lot of good. He's one of CJ's beta reader, and he writes some of the best stories on GA. Even if I did not like evil cliffhangers, I would still like what Shadowgod does.
  22. You've got that right for sure. I know some people think it's weird to have straight friends, but I will never understand why. With straight people, you can just have a good time. On the other hand, gay friends are more likely to understand you. I judge people as people and not by who they share a bed with. I try to keep an open mind. Some of the best friends I have are straight.
  23. I don't think Steve has ever claimed responsibility for those. Rather, he is falsely accused. Besides, Shadowgod is too busy creating diabolical cliffhangers in Dreams and Clipped Wings.
  24. Tiff, I reviewed 15, and I still have 8 more to read. I read Myk's earlier today. Yes, the level of participation is most certainly wonderful. I just wonder if the summer anthology will be even bigger. I intend to be involved with it too. Now I'm inspired to write. Thanks again to everyone for making the Spring Anthology possible. As CJ said before, the authors are the ones who deserve most of the credit.
  25. Who's Brendon? I have never heard of him. <hides from Mike>
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