Well, there are other controversial philosophical issues other than money. I am what most would call a high-mach. Machiavellianism by definition is the political theory of Machiavelli; especially : the view that politics is amoral and that any means however unscrupulous can justifiably be used in achieving political power. Those who believe in this particular philosophy tend to be cunning, deceptive, and manipulative. At the other end, we have those who are vulnerable and easily manipulated or controlled.
I rate high upon the scale mostly because I truly believe there is a sucker born every minute. While my beliefs and skills could make me potentially dangerous, I choose not to use them unless I have to do so. There is a test to find out how high or low you are on the Machiavellian test. I scored a 78. The website says to think of someone like Rupert Murdoch or Bill Clinton as high-machs. I may be high mostly because I happen to be cynical and lacking in the trust department. I'm not an egomaniacal, manipulative b*****d.