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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Jess, that was a funny story. Now I would like to ask if anyone thinks Joe is going to face the possibility of death. The Scar thinks he is weak and obviously had his mother offed for being "weak".
  2. I know the way the kill cattle is quick and painless enough. It is certainly much more humane than how they like to kill cattle with a sword in other parts of the world.
  3. You poor dear. You're going to need to be in therapy for years now.
  4. He is evil, perhaps even moreso than Shadowgod. There is probably going to be a devious revelation about the woman's demise.
  5. Linkin Park "My December" I often feel the words to this song when I'm feeling down... this is my december this is my time of the year this is my december this is all so clear this is my december this is my snow covered home this is my december this is me alone and i just wish that i didnt feel like there was something i missed and i take back all the things i said to make you feel like that and i just wish that i didnt feel like there was something i missed and i take back all the things that i said to you and i give it all away just to have somewhere to go to give it all away to have someone to come home to this is my december these are my snow covered dreams this is me pretending this is all i need and i just wish that i didnt feel like there was something i missed and i take back all the things i said to make you feel like that and i just wish that i didnt feel like there was something i missed and i take back all the things that i said to you and i give it all away just to have somewhere to go to give it all away to have someone to come home to this is my december this is my time of the year this is my december this is all so clear and i give it all away just to have somewhere to go to give it all away to have someone to come home to
  6. Tiger


    I do not really know what the difference is between manga and anime. I can say that I happen to be a huge fan of anime, including live action anime. Cutey Honey The Live is awesome. It has peaked my interest in live action anime. I have also seen like the latest cartoon version, Cutey Honey Flash.
  7. I really do want a lesbian friend. That would be awesome. I think she would have to be a lipstick type though. I don't think I would ever have much in common with the butch type.
  8. Kevin, it is not about following society's rules. If there is someone who makes you feel happy and complete then why deny yourself of that person's love? Besides, if we wanted to follow society's rules we would pretend to be straight, get married, and have lots of children with our wives. Some have done that, and it was because they were trying to passify society's wishes. But to say that you don't want someone to love just because you see that as something society wants is rather short-sited in my opinion. I rarely disagree, but this time I do. Don't deny yourself of love if you find it, Kev.
  9. That is not good at all. I would have made her wash the rug herself by hand though.
  10. Another day or two, and we'll be celebrating 3000 with you.
  11. I believe it was The Scar who killed Joe's mother. I do not think there is any room for doubt about that. Yet, The Scar is supposidly misunderstood. I know I do not want to be married, but I wouldn't kill anyone. :wacko:
  12. We should be careful though. He might do something mean to a tiger. He already picked on an innocent echidna.
  13. I happen to agree. If he kills a frog, a tiger may have to kill a goat.
  14. to Benji on 1800 posts. I better watch out.
  15. Well, you should know better than that. Have you forgotten about the mutant goat, the innocent woman, and the cliff? Yes, wounds like that tend to become infected. You should go to a pharmacy and find betadine. It may be messy but it works. Hmmmm... I wonder if you'll be including a frog in a future chapter.
  16. Exactly my point. There are some things you just don't do in a friend's home.
  17. Thank you, BK. It seems like yesterday, I had less than 500 posts. Time flies.
  18. I would not be too happy with people making out on my living room floor, unless I was involved in the process. They would deserve the cold water.
  19. Some people are rather tactless. I think I would have poured the water on my friend.
  20. Thank you, Benji. I wondered if anyone would notice. You seem close to the same milestone.
  21. I actually like gumbo, and I'm a Missouri boy. I won't try alligator soup, but bring on the cradwads.
  22. Have you been to the vet? You need to keep your paws healthy. That had to hurt. I hope you're not in too much pain.
  23. Welcome back to GA, Xuan. I, for one, am always happy to see new members. Hopefully, you can be more active on the forum this time around.
  24. Those are some excellent points! All relationships take work. Fairy tales are just that. Real life relationships (and not just romantic ones) take hard work, communication, compromise, and trust if they are to be successful.
  25. You seem to catch a lot of your family members in compromising positions. I once caught my uncle doing something unilaterally. That was awful. That scarred me just as much as catching the parental units.
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