That is deplorable. I know some think parks are a great place to do that, but I happen to think they need their heads examined. I can think of nothing cheaper than picking up some stranger at a park. For those here who do, I hope you're staying safe.
I think you will be joining the millenium club before I join the bi-millenium club. I also have some stiff competition for being the 8th member of the bi-millenium club. I won't name names, but it starts with a B.
I hope "Everyone" means everyone other than a sweet, innocent tiger. I would never contribute to something like that, just like C James would NEVER use evil cliffhangers.
He reached 2000 posts. There are few who have reached that many posts. It may be a few months before someone else joins the bi-millenium club. It's a club that only 7 members have ever belonged to...
I would probably ask for clarification. I like being able to know what someone said. I would never assume he said, "I love you," in such a low tone of voice, thought I might wonder what he said if he did not clarify. That's just the way i see it though.