Well, I want to stay on targe with my new goal, not surpass it. I think I have actualy sped up a little in the last couple of weeks. I could be mistaken though. :
Yes, and the description of the murder was nicely done. I hope Gary was joking. I loved the deliciously evil chapter. Lord Goatamort strikes again. I also must declare yet another evil cliffhanger!
Kevin, I second your opinion on Nick's new relationship. I am a little surprised, but I'm still cool with it. There may be a woman out there who can set me ablaze. All I have to say for now is, "Are you woman enought to change me?"
Congratulations, Bob! Some have the slowly but surely attitude. I happen to admire though, despite the fact that my post per day average is much higher than average. I'll probably slow down in a month or two.
We feel the same way about you, Kev. Your posts are both entertaining and informative. There's also something mystical about you that intrigues me. I haven't quite figured it out yet.
I actually started with straight porn and lesbian porn (which does nothing for me). Anyway, I defnitely prefer gay porn and concentrate more on the men in straight porn.
My heart aches for people in those countries. That article sparked a lot of emotion in me. I tend to internalize my emotion, but I couldn't hold back when I read that. It was too much. I felt so much empathy for that man. He just wants to be free to love as he is meant to love and receive the love the way he is meant to be loved. Why can't people understand his needs?
You're correct, Sacha. I happen to not be in 100% club. I think if more people were being honest, they would say the same. I'm about 80/20, so the 20 is a whole lot easier to ignore. Therefore, men should worry more about me cheating with other men than with women. I do not intend to cheat either, but it's just something for people to think about for a while.
Yeah, I do like bottled water. I too only started drinking a lot of water recently. Now, I drink several bottles a day. Tap water around here is unsuitable for drinking. I reached that conclusion long ago. <Skips to the refrigerator> That's much better.
I have a bad habit of misplacing stuff. That seems to be the most common occurence. Also, I tend to misunderstand people. That can lead to some problems.
Well, I just hope you find the right person, Rose. Whether man or woman, the one is the other half of your soul. I hope never never give up on finding her (or him).
No, it is not a curse as far as I'm concerned, but we didn't ask for it. That's an unchangable fact. How others treat us is a lot of the reason some might think of it as a curse. We are blessed in western society when compared to others. Part of it was the fact that the article really made me feel emotional. I am actually quite sensitive to stuff like that, people struggling when they should not have to do so. It makes me sad, and it makes me angry.
That is appalling. EEK!!! I don't think I want to drink water at all anymore. That is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard. I don't need any of those meds. I'll be in real trouble if there is Levitra in the water.
I did not say that I was planning such a thing. Besides, we should not talk about character deaths in this forum. Lord Goatamort has enough evil ideas as it is.