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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. He just got some in Chapter 3, twice as I recall.
  2. Someone tequila'd the Eric again, and he sodomized a goat. :wacko:
  3. Chase and Hoskins, you're incorrigible. Everyone else has good ones.
  4. I have three: to lose some weight, get my home business off the ground, and get my own place. Anyone else have any?
  5. That's true. Midshipmen were junior officers. Ship boys were servants.
  6. Jeremy, I hope you're wrong about that. We like Robbie. We would be disappointed in him being so overbearing.
  7. Tiger

    Child Abuse

    Childhood is supposed to be a time of innocence. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. When I went to bed last night, I thought about this. Now, I don't think I had a bad childhood overall, but I wasn't free of abuse and neglect. My biological father died long ago, 1986 if I remember correctly. I don't remember much about him. I remember him and my mom taking me to the car. It was an old Volkswagen Beetle. But I also remember a taste. When I was a teenager I tried beer. Only I realized when I tried it that I had tasted it before. I think I know why. He gave me beer as a baby to basically make me go to sleep. Mom suspected that as well. I also know that he didn't properly take care of me. He was too busy getting drunk. Between his mental illness (paranoid schizophrenic) and his drinking problem, he was really in no position to take care of a child. Unfortunately, my mother had to work. As I recall, she worked at a bank in downtown Kansas City, Missouri from 1969 until a few years after I was born. It took a while for her to finally leave him. She did not leave until one night when he did something pretty bad. See we lived in a duplex, one where we lived on the ground floor, and our neighbor lived upstairs. Apparently, a liquor store burned down, so he and my biological father took some bottles of liquor from the remains of the store. I'm sure it was quite a steal. Anyway, he passed out from all the booze he drank. Later he woke up in the middle of the night and went back upstairs, but he left the door to our home open in the middle of the night in Kansas City, something that made my mom decide that it was enough. We moved in with my aunt and uncle. They of course had two sons. The younger of the two used to play these games with me where we would "play" with each other. He was 3 or 4 years older than me, so such games were probably what most would consider inappropriate. I don't know when it started exactly or when it ended. I do remember at the worst was when I was 10 and he basically tried to rape me. So as I said, my childhood wasn't free of abuse, but I feel as though it could have been much worse. I also have another cousin, well by marriage I guess you could say. My mom remarried in 1985, and his sister's eldest is a real piece of work. Now, in her defense, she was also a victim of sexual abuse by at least two people, my adoptive father being one of them. Ironically, she left her second child at our home in 1997. Unfortunately, he did the same thing to her daughter for 5 years along with her friend. Now, I know what my adoptive father did was downright heinous, but why would she leave her own daughter in a situation where she was subject to the same abuse she suffered at the very same hands? I've always wondered this. She's never done right by her kids. She was negligent from conception. She got pregnant as a teenager, probably 16 or 17. She had twins, but because of her extensive drug abuse during pregnancy, they both died. The oldest surviving daughter was born with fetal alcohol syndrome in December of 1987. She had a lot of problems, and now she's having a child of her own. It wouldn't take much for her to raise her son better than her mother raised her. She too was sexually abused and also exposed to drugs by my cousin's endless supply of losers. She didn't care what her boyfriends or husbands did to her children so long as she what she got what she wanted, which quite frankly was dick. Her younger daughter (the aforementioned one) was the one who lived with us for several years. It's safe to say she was abused extensively. She too also suffers from the effects of her mother's substance abuse. Her one and only son was born in June of 1992. He was born 3 or 4 months early with cerebral palsy, and she had used methamphetamine during that pregnancy, which was fortunately her last. The things I've mentioned scar a child for life. Whether the abuse is sexual, physical, or involving negligence, it takes away their innocence in one way or another. Children are supposed to be protected and free from exploitation and mistreatment. Unfortunately, some people find ways of thinking that there's nothing wrong with it. I've even heard someone say that the only reason that sexual abuse messes a child up is because society says it's wrong. I strongly suspect there's more to it than that, but no matter what causes the damage, does it really matter? The fact is that it DOES cause damage. That is the important thing to remember, and it's exactly why our society sends child abusers up the river.
  8. He might be. That doesn't mean that George should jump his bones or that he should even be a homo.
  9. Well, you have a bit more say when it comes to your blog. However, I'm guessing a play-by-play would be inappropriate. Forums are supposed to be PG-13 though.
  10. One would think that sex outside would be legal in some instances. Obviously, you can't just do it on Main Street across the street from the courthouse, but I doubt there'd be laws against having sex in your back yard so long as there's a fence or having sex out in the woods or somewhere outside but not within public view. I'd love to have sex outdoors and probably wouldn't care so long as there's no risk of getting caught. I would not even frown upon a willing audience.
  11. I figured I'd go ahead an answer. The age limit was raised to 13 as of 1794. Before that the age was 9. Still, it would be improper for Granger to have his way with them all.
  12. That would be extremely naughty. Do you know just how young they are? They can be quite young... The last captain was hanged for that.
  13. Tiger


    I saw it in 3D. It was great. The CG made it even better. The forest was simply amazing and all the creatures there. The movie is one of the best I've ever seen. I don't say that often either.
  14. Tiger


    Seriously, the movie is a masterpiece. Anyone who hasn't seen it should. It has lots of cool graphics, a good theme, awesome actors, and a good message.
  15. More Kenny G... The Moment Forever in Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHFWqk08tNY
  16. I also love Kenny G. I don't know if everyone else does, but I do. He's awesome. Songbird Silhouette http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PsA_haOB3E
  17. I happen to also love Tchaikovsky. 1812 Overture is awesome. And yes, I love Pachebel's Canon in D.
  18. I agree with Nephy, though I do like intelligence. Emotional stability is boring. Of course, dog ugly isn't suitable either.
  19. Well, I don't always have a tiger avatar. I change them sometimes. I happen to love Yoda, so... Oh that is a good one. There's a song I love. And recently I found a video with dance to go along with it. It is Bolero by Ravel. It features a ballerina named Maya Plisetskaya. She's retired and quite old by now. There's a description of what the ballet is about as well. Inside a tavern in Spain, people dance beneath the brass lamp hung from the ceiling. [in response] to the cheers to join in, the female dancer has leapt onto the long table and her steps become more and more animated. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aK68IdDuGM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yietPuC8fWE
  20. So long as your wife doesn't remove your balls.
  21. I'm sure there are plenty of lovers of intrumental music, from classical to jazz and big band, instrumental music is awesome. This is a place to post some of our favorites. There will be more to follow, but I figured this was a good place to start.
  22. There was a time in my life that I used drugs. It started innocently enough. I started with cigarettes and alcohol around 14. One time when I was a teen (I believe it was between my sophomore and junior year) I got so drunk that I couldn't even move. I was on the ground, and I rolled over and puked. That was not my finest hour. THe fall before that, I had tried marijuana for the first time with my cousin and my adoptive brother. It also happened to be Thanksgiving. It wasn't exactly a good time for me to experiment as I was going through depression at the time. My parents ended up finding out. They didn't ground me or anything, but they did tell me they didn't like me doing that. I also tried cocaine with my cousin, the very same one in the summer. Luckily, I didn't have a steady supply and crashed severely after using it. Otherwise, I could easily have become a coke head. After that summer I did not smoke weed much until I graduated from high school. When I graduated, I ended up working at a nursing home as a nurse assistant. That place was full of potheads, and it wasn't long before I became good friends with some of them One in particular was a woman I took to and from work almost every day. She and I would get high a lot. I even remember getting stoned off my ass on 9/11, taking bong rips while watching the horrific replays of the towers falling to the ground. It wasn't too long before I tried meth and crack. I ended up doing meth more times than I can count. I loved the stuff. Had it not been for my friend going to jail, I'd probably be on the stuff to this day or dead. I never shot up. That's the one fortunate thing. Instead I took it in a capsule. Some vitamins you get at Wal-Mart are in capsule form, and you can empty the capsules and add meth. The high was intense. I remember my friend telling me that the only thing missing in the capsule when compared with a needle was heat that accompanied the drug entering the bloodstream (and obviously the rapid onset of the drugs effects). After her arrest, I did meth a few more times and also marijuana. The last time I used marijuana was about this time last year. I have not touched meth in over 5 years. For anyone out there who's thinking of trying drugs, don't. It's not worth it. Marijuana is tolerable so long as you do not get the false impression that using other illicit drugs is okay just because marijuana is mild. Cocaine, meth, and heroin are deadly drugs. People have spent their life savings on those drugs and have committed acts of larceny just to get a fix. People even kill for them. And don't be under the impression that getting drunk every weekend is a good idea. Binge drinking makes you puke for a reason. Alcohol is a deadly poison, one that is responsible for hundreds of deaths every year.
  23. You finally tipped the scales. You should be truly ashamed for making Canada less friendly.
  24. Happy birthday, Jack.
  25. Mark, it happens. I for one think you deserve a break. Authors risk burning out after a while. You're one of the best authors at GA. You know that already. And a good way to recharge is to read. That's a way to restore yourself so to speak. Also, I know people probably don't like what happened with Calvert. Well, this is what I think. George needs a chance to really grow as a character, and his closeness with Calvert could end up doing harm to them both. The need separation. Yeah, it will suck not having them together in other ways. They're good together, but it was bound to happen eventually. Rarely did anyone stick together for a long time in the navy, and they still don't. Also, I hope Travers will be in the same fleet with Granger. They have a close relationship, but there's still enough discipline that the two of them can have their special bond and keep that information under wraps.
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