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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Interesting topic! I am actually mostly attracted to masculine men. That's not to say that some of the effeminate guys don't turn my head. Take Sammy Case for example. He is HOT, and I'd take him in a New York minute. And why wouldn't I bring an effeminate guy to dinner? I look at the indivudual, not something they cannot help. As for me, I'm more of a masculine type, though my voice often makes it obvious that I'm gay.
  2. Tiger

    Happy News!

    Vic, those are some good tips. That's what I will be doing. I'm looking to have everything set up by late summer or early fall. I have to save up some money. Anyway, I'm really glad that you found a better place, Ash! I know you've been a little down lately. I told you things would get better.
  3. Yeah, they need to do something to fix the problem. I'm sure some people don't bother to call the bank to see if the check will clear, and that can have devastating consequences. Fraud is all too common in the US. It's such a shame.
  4. 4 looks to be the most interesting. That is definitely something I look forward to reading. Here's a piece of advice though. Try to stay focused on one or two stories at a given time. Othewise you will spread yourself too thin. I've done that a time or two.
  5. Well, yesterday I received something in the mail. It contained a check for $2,500. I decided to call the bank of supposed origin to see if it would clear, and they told me that the note was fraudulent. Now here's the scheme. Basically, this place (and others like it) will send you a check for a considerable amount of money. They'll say you can keep a certain amount, but they want you to "test" Money Gram or a similar service and send the money to a given destination, likely one outside the nation in which you reside. Should you ever have ANY doubt, find the phone number online of the bank in question via a google search similar to this one. Should you attempt to cash such a check, you WILL be responsible for covering the bad check. And no, I did not attempt to cash the check. It went into the shredder.
  6. Happy birthday, Niels. Hope you come back and visit soon.
  7. Happy birthday, Tiff.
  8. That's impossible. I'm an angelic tiger.
  9. My favorite chore is cooking. I love to cook. Ironically, my least favorite, washing dishes, accompanies cooking.
  10. Tiger

    Leave the Pieces

    Well Dom, I am a huge fan of your stories, and once I have a steady pay check, I am definitely going to buy premium so that I can enjoy it... then again, it may end up that I will when I get my tax money instead.
  11. Jan, that's great! Of course, I even thought of myself as bisexual at one time. I am still very much open to dating bisexuals so long as they don't fall into the category of being more attracted to women than men. It's an individual basis otherwise. Yes, I've been burned by a bisexual in the past, but I won't allow that to jade me to the point where I won't. I just tend to be a little more cautious. As far as I can tell, Nicholas' friend just needs some time before he can be in a relationship. He may turn out to be an awesome boyfriend. Only time will tell.
  12. Kevin, most of my friends are actually straight, so maybe my perspective is different. Having said that, I identify as gay, though I suppose there might be a few women I'm open to. However, I think a relationship, in my case, is out of the question as I am like 99% gay. I don't even know how far I could take it with a woman. Thus, I may very well be in a different boat than you. But most bisexuals that I know aren't all that active in the gay and lesbian community. I think the perspective of a "true blue" bisexual who is active in the community would be most welcome.
  13. That was a great chapter. I'm not going to scream cliffhanger (for once). You can't have everything worked out in the chapter, because otherwise the story would be over and we would not have more chapters in which to read. Keith is definitely a good guy. While he hindered things for a while, he now realizes that the first mistake, and the one that might have created others, was in assuming that Eric was just looking for a piece of ass. Now it looks like Eric and Jansen will end up together, and it makes me happy. The general is a smart man. He knew that The Scar was out to double-cross him. I also think I know the real reason as to why Felicia saved his bacon. I see the beginnings of love here. It's a classic love-hate relationship! At least, that is what I am starting to think. Any thoughts?
  14. First off, I don't think he was using you. I think he at least feels close to you as a friend, and you were there for him. Second, feelings for an ex can remain for quite some time. In some cases, it never goes away completely. That doesn't mean he won't be open to a relationship with you in the future. It just means that he'll always care for her no matter who he ends up with. Now guys, I am not trying to stereotype, but one fact cannot be denied. It's easier to have relationships with women. You don't have to worry about what others might think. This is something to consider with bisexuals in particular. There's also the whole concept of reproduction. That's not to say, that given the right man, a bi man won't spend his life with another man. It just means that there's a built-in greater likelihood of ending up with a woman. Another consideration is that there are more straight women out there, and that means easier access. It just means that you have to be aware, but also it means that you shouldn't rule it out either.
  15. This is just unthinkable. This guy murdered a dog. Source: http://cbs11tv.com/pets/Dallas.Dog.tortured.2.936571.html
  16. I'm starting to think that I must be boring, at least after a while. It's like people initially find me interesting but eventually get bored with me. I don't really understand it. Do I lack spontaneity and fun? That's what I'm starting to wonder. It seems to be an endless cycle, and in the end, I am left with a bad taste in my mouth and a complete lack of understanding of what went wrong. I guess I am overly impulsive at times, but aren't a lot of people? Isn't that human nature? The biggest question of all is this: How can I expect to truly understand people if I cannot understand myself? If I can't figure it all out, I'm going to end up old, alone and miserable. I am to a point where I don't even know why I bother waking up in the morning. People are rarely what they seem, and in the end, I'll just end up feeling abandoned again.
  17. Hmmmmm... the hungry tiger might find roasted goat and frog legs to be way too much deliciousness to pass up. Meh... my halo will ward away any evil after effects of eating either of them.
  18. There is a site that might actually help. http://www.geocities.com/completely_nutters/saidsynonyms.htm
  19. Well, this will be a shocker, but the answer is 8. I know that's very young and definitely pre-pubescent, but I guess I'm just unusual.
  20. Happy birthday, Aaron. May you have many more.
  21. Oh, there were others Greg, and I think I posted this blog entry before I posted this blog. I saw your second post, and I'll be honest. It felt like an attack, and instead of posting in the thread, I decided that my blog was more appropriate.
  22. When I first saw the title, I was thinking something more. Anyway, it's always good to comfort a friend.
  23. Well, I was even accused basically of not liking bisexuals, but there was a topic where I said I'm open to dating them, so I feel as though there was a lot of misunderstanding there. However, I take any possible relationship with caution, and I'm likely to only go for one who is at least somewhat more attracted to men. Opinions vary on a lot of things, because we all have our own unique personalities and circumstances that shape who we are. Thus, I think people need to keep that in mind. If ever clarification is needed, I'd rather people PM me about it rather than flaming in the forums about it.
  24. So, it seems that people want to minimize my bad experience. So now I'm just going to tell everyone what it was all about. Here's how it was. A couple of years ago I was really into this guy. He was a lot older than me. It was the summer after my dad died, so I was seeking older men. Here's the thing. He'd been raped repeatedly when he was a teen. Thus, he was scared. So basically, I got a total mind f**k from hell, and that's why I have serious issues where "closet cases" are concerned. I got hurt really badly, so before ANYONE else decides to f**king judge me for it, try to consider my point of view before foaming at the mouth.
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