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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Tiger


    I probably won't. I write 100,000-word novels. I guess that would take two months. That would certainly be a challenge.
  2. Kevin, I understand that you've been busy. It's okay. We all have busy times, and I hope it all turns out well for you. As for the guys you've been dating, why not try one of your friends. Maybe one of them might be worth looking into. You know they're already good people. That's my 2 cents.
  3. Well, I went to the health department. Last week I got tested for HIV. I had to wait a week, but the news is good. I am HIV negative. Now, I deleted my entry from yesterday, but I shall repost that video as well as another. This is a hilarious parody about Sarah Palin based on "Bubbly" by Colbie Caillat. It is freaking hilarious. The second one is based on Hey Delilah. It's funny as hell too.
  4. It Started With Brian was one of the first stories I started reading on GA. I knew he wasn't doing well, and I wish he had gotten better. When he told me of his illness, I actually cried, because he was so young.
  5. I hope Rich finds a new job soon.
  6. Tiger

    Boyfriend to Rehome

    Wow! It's great to hear from you! I hope you do eventually get back to writing, because your stories are totally awesome!
  7. I have seen C.R.A.Z.Y. I thought it was pretty good even for a foreign film. I especially like how it turned out in the end.
  8. I suspect that Eric will still be a problem if and when there is a sequel. He can be good, but he definitely has a dark side. Drugs can change people, but I believe that side of him still exists even without the drugs. I still think he's evil, but not quite as evil as his father and his uncle. However, I think he can be called the anti-villain as he actually saved the day in the end.
  9. Tiger

    I'm Butch!

    Vic, that's awesome. Could you take me for a ride some time?
  10. What is the little red monster? That's a good question. While I seem to be at a point where I am not depressed as much, there seems to be something else emerging. Occasionally, the little red monster comes out to play. Anything can set it off like a hungry lion being unleashed. I guess one could say that I need to get it under control, because I'm just irritable, and that is not a good thing at all. What causes it? Well, sometimes people, like me, spend years being self-sacrificing. It takes an emotional toll. One might ask what I am doing about it. Well, I am trying meditation. They often talk about reaching a state where one is not thinking as much. So far it seems to be helping. One thing is that I think I may need to return to counseling at some point when I am truly ready to get through this. I think it also boils down to the fact that I need to work on some of my life goals and really work on a plan to escape. It's about time for me to take care of me. What I want is to basically start over with my life. I figure that the Midwest has nothing to really offer me, so I want to save up money and get the hell out of here. Added: I wrote a poem of the same name. It's here for anyone who would like to read it.
  11. I agree, Jan. It's difficult to resist in such a weakened state. I just hope that Chase understands.
  12. Actually, it's still 7. The results should be in by next Tuesday. I'll be alright. :-)
  13. CJ, why must you always accuse Shadowgod of being evil whilst denying your own evil. After all, Shadowgod is one of your pupils. Thus, you are even more evil. Considering this EEEVIL cliffhanger, it just proves more and more just how evil you are.
  14. Oh, I'll be in the clear so long as I test negative. It's just waiting a week that makes me nervous. The chance isn't all that high, but it's still there nonetheless.
  15. Now, I know that the main test is more accurate, but I have to wait a week before I know my HIV status. I'm still nervous about it. I just wanted to know today, because I wanted peace of mine. I just have to be patient, which is difficult for me. This is my life I'm talking about. The contents of a vile hold the key, and it takes a week to know my fate. I shouldn't bitch about it, but I can't help myself.
  16. I blame the goat for giving Eric tequila again.
  17. A relaxed moonlight ending? Ummmm... it's far from that. The bikers are totally going to catch them making out, and that's not going to go over too well. Plus, Chase is going to be mad. It's got me thinking though. Maybe it's not Brandon or Eric who need protecting. Maybe it's Chase instead.
  18. Tiger

    Bicycle Lights

    Well, I hope you heal soon. Take care.
  19. She's definitely a good choice. I got into a major Cher kick recently. She's awesome.
  20. At this point in time, I do not. If I had a boyfriend or prospects for a boyfriend, I would shave my balls and all the way to my ass and trim the area above my dick.
  21. Happy 19th, Anna! Have a good one.
  22. It can be found here. It's not updated on the main site, but it's still what we've been waiting for.
  23. Tiger

    King of gaffs?

    Oh, I've come across a few already. Still, it's not necessarily how much someone talks. There's also the issue of what one says.
  24. Oh, I forgot female artists. I'm torn between Celine Dion and Cher.
  25. Just an update... It should be posted tomorrow.
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