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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

2014 - Summer - The Backup Plan Entry

Last Call - 1. Chapter 1

Rachel woke with a jolt. It took a moment for her foggy mind to recognize the annoying buzzing sound. The screen of her cell phone lit up her tiny bedroom when it rang again on her nightstand. Fumbling with the phone, she blinked, trying to focus her sleepy eyes, but it was helpless. She was blind without her glasses. Clumsily grabbing her phone, she answered with an automatic swipe of her thumb.

“Hello?” Rachel answered, still in a haze.

“Rachel?” the caller asked, as the screen of her cell phone went black, plunging the room back into darkness.

“Sam? Is that you?” Rachel gasped at the sound of his thick raspy voice. It was very distinctive. She had dreamed of that voice a million times. Rachel longed for Sam to be there whispering her name into her ear, holding her against his chest, spooning her body as she lay in bed at night. Instead, she had a pathetic blanket wrapped around her bare shoulders, and not Sam’s warm arms.

“Rachel?” His voice was low and throaty when he asked her, “Are you still there?”

She was consumed with excitement. Sam was really calling her. She didn’t care that it was three o’clock in the morning. He was calling her and for a moment, Rachel forgot how to speak. “Y-y-yes, Sam,” she whispered into the phone. “I’m here…for you, my love,” silently mouthing the words that he would never hear. Those words could never be spoken in the light of day. Rachel has loved Sam since the first moment she met him, but she would never ever be able to tell him how she felt.

“I’m sorry to wake you,” Sam softly apologized.

Not wanting him to hang up, Rachel quickly reassured him it was fine. “It’s no problem, Sam, but, where’s Carlos?” As soon as the words spilled out, she immediately wanted them back. She was still half-asleep, and it had just slipped. It’s not like she really cared where Carlos was. Sam was calling her! He needed someone to talk to and he reached out to her, not Carlos! Carlos had Sam all the time; right now, he was hers. Rachel had always been envious of Sam’s handsome Latino boyfriend, jealous of all the time they spend together, but Rachel knew that nobody was ever going to be good enough for her Sam. She shook her head and reminded herself that they were her friends, both of them were her friends, yet she couldn’t deny the longing she felt for Sam.

“He’s gone…”

Rachel waited for Sam to explain. When he didn’t, she closed her eyes and took a shaky breath. The last thing she wanted was to talk about his relationship with someone else. “Well, I’m still here,” she whispered, “I will always be here for you.” Nobody could ever love Sam like she did.

“I was twelve-years-old the first time I met someone like me…”

Rachel was quiet while he opened up. She quickly realized Sam wasn’t talking about meeting someone gay. This was deeper, darker, and disturbingly different from anything he had told her before.

“…He went to school with my older brother, Tom, but I instantly knew they weren’t friends, because after he walked away, Tommy completely shredded the guy, making fun of him, calling him all kinds of horrible names. Not me! I wasn’t scared of him. I wasn’t disgusted like Tom. My heart was pounding inside my chest. I was riveted. I couldn’t stop staring at the guy. It was impossible not to notice a six-foot black guy wearing a blonde wig and a powder-blue spandex dress. He was beautiful. My chest was so tight, I thought it would burst. Every nerve in my body burned for him.”

Closing her eyes, listening to Sam’s voice, Rachel didn’t want to interrupt him. He’d never opened up like this before, and she didn’t want him to stop talking. Sam never hid the fact he was gay, yet Rachel had thought his mildly effeminate manner was nothing more than Sam’s soft, kindhearted nature. Obviously, there was a secret side to Sam that Rachel didn’t know.

“It was absolutely frightening and exhilarating at the same time. His image is forever burned into my mind,” Sam said. When he didn’t speak again for several long minutes, Rachel thought he had hung up.


“Have I ever told youuu how much I need youuu? Being around youuu makes me feel normal. I don’t feel like I have to pretend or be someone I’m not. I love youuu, Rachel.”

Rachel gasped at his confession. Those were the words she’d longed to hear.

“I-I-It’s too late,” Sam mumbled. His soft words held a slur that she hadn’t noticed before and now it suddenly scared her.

“Sam, what’s going on?” Trembling as she asked him, tears streamed from Rachel’s eyes, wetting her face, causing strands of hair to stick to her cheeks. She has loved Sam for years and finally, sitting in the dark, she told him, “I love you, too.”

“N-N-No backup p-p-plan…” Sam stuttered, before the phone suddenly went silent.

“Sam? Sam!” Rachel screamed into the darkness, but nobody answered.

The next morning, Rachel received another phone call. This one was from the police officer who found the body of Samuel Retner McCormick in his home, where he had died of an apparent drug overdose. Sam had committed suicide. His cell phone was beside his body, along with several crumpled letters. The most recent one, dated two days earlier, was his last and final rejection letter for gender reassignment surgery. It was clutched in his cold, dead hand.

Copyright © 2014 K.C.; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

2014 - Summer - The Backup Plan Entry
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Chapter Comments

Well, that sent chills up my spine. What a heart wrenching tale and so well done. Great job KC! Thank you for sharing it with us.

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The warning was correct, so raw.

I liked the story telling, and how things gradually unfolded. I'm glad Rachel was there when Sam reached out, even if it was too late.

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K.C. - what you did to me: I sensed it coming and was sucked in anyway. I could almost grieve for them both.


Stop that!!


Well done, sir.

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Nothing like a little raw pain and the truth to show you how not to live your life. Poor Sam. You couldn't help but feel for him. Rachel just managed to be with him at the end whether she knew it or not. The story was riveting KC. Nicely done.

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:,( so sad, poor Sam to get a final rejection letter for something she wanted for so long :,( How will Rachel move on now ? Raw, sad, heartwrenching, moving story, Well done KC :hug:
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  • Site Administrator

If she's friends with them, why didn't she go check on him? Does he live too far away? Why did the police call her? Is she his only contact? Cops usually call next of kin, and he mentions a brother. Why did Carlos leave him? Before all that happened? Because he couldn't become a woman? Because he wanted to become a woman and Carlos found out? Sam's story is so sad, and so hard to understand in a way--I'm the person I'm supposed to be inside my body. I can't imagine the pain of not being able to fix something so fundamental, but suicide is sad. Giving up hope that things can get better. Definitely a story not for the faint of heart, and it raises so many questions.

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There was a warning? :o I have to pay closer attention next time...sniff.. I feel bad for both of them and in the end no one could save the other. Nice job KC.

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  • Site Administrator
:,( A very poignant look into something that happens far too often. :( Nicely done.
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Tragic in so many ways. I applaud your fearlessness in your choice of topic. While it leaves us with many questions, its message is no less striking. Well done.

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Well, that left me feeling like I just want to reach out and scream! This happens way too often.

well done.

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I saw the title and thought this was going to be another drinking story. Boy, was I wrong. I guess I never considered what the warning really meant, but I would have read your story anyway. Although it had a tragic outcome, I found it very moving and enlightening. Well done!

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On 06/13/2014 05:38 AM, Cole Matthews said:
Well, that sent chills up my spine. What a heart wrenching tale and so well done. Great job KC! Thank you for sharing it with us.
Thanks Cole. This was really difficult to write, but it was one of those stories where the characters were screaming for me to tell their story. I hope I did them justice.
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On 06/13/2014 09:30 AM, DynoReads said:
The warning was correct, so raw.

I liked the story telling, and how things gradually unfolded. I'm glad Rachel was there when Sam reached out, even if it was too late.

Sam reached out to her, yet he didn't since it wasn't a cry for help. This was really a goodbye between friends, even if Rachel didn't know it. She had obviously made an impact on his life. Thanks for reading.
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On 06/13/2014 12:23 PM, Ron said:
K.C. - what you did to me: I sensed it coming and was sucked in anyway. I could almost grieve for them both.


Stop that!!


Well done, sir.

I never meant to upset everyone. This story grabbed ahold of me one day and I felt compelled to tell it. Sam and Rachel needed their story told. Thank you so much for reading.
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On 06/13/2014 02:44 PM, comicfan said:
Nothing like a little raw pain and the truth to show you how not to live your life. Poor Sam. You couldn't help but feel for him. Rachel just managed to be with him at the end whether she knew it or not. The story was riveting KC. Nicely done.
Thanks Wayne, it was really hard to write and once it was done, it was even harder to post. So many taboos with transgender, suicide, unrequited love. Very tragic indeed!
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On 06/13/2014 06:46 PM, Slytherin said:
:,( so sad, poor Sam to get a final rejection letter for something she wanted for so long :,( How will Rachel move on now ? Raw, sad, heartwrenching, moving story, Well done KC :hug:
Sam had reached his/her end when the final rejection letter came. There was no future. This was a small glimpse into their friendship and a their last goodbye. Thank you for reading.
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On 06/14/2014 12:30 AM, Cia said:
If she's friends with them, why didn't she go check on him? Does he live too far away? Why did the police call her? Is she his only contact? Cops usually call next of kin, and he mentions a brother. Why did Carlos leave him? Before all that happened? Because he couldn't become a woman? Because he wanted to become a woman and Carlos found out? Sam's story is so sad, and so hard to understand in a way--I'm the person I'm supposed to be inside my body. I can't imagine the pain of not being able to fix something so fundamental, but suicide is sad. Giving up hope that things can get better. Definitely a story not for the faint of heart, and it raises so many questions.
Lots of questions...let's see if I have the answers. I know that I've had friends drunk-call and I haven't went to check on them. I guess I always assumed they were okay. Digging deeper into the backstory: Sam wasn't close to his/her brother. If the police had called him, I would think he would have refused AND the police have Sam's phone and know that Rachel was the last phone call. That's why they would have contacted her. Carlos walked out on Sam because he/she wanted to change. Being trapped in the wrong body would be hell and the pain of being rejected was too much for Sam to handle. It's very sad and this happens way too much. The problem with flash fiction is there will always be questions left unanswered.
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On 06/15/2014 12:31 AM, nostic said:
There was a warning? :o I have to pay closer attention next time...sniff.. I feel bad for both of them and in the end no one could save the other. Nice job KC.
The warning might have been too small. The story was very shocking to most readers. It is a very controversial and painful subject. thanks for reading.
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On 06/15/2014 02:35 AM, Valkyrie said:
:,( A very poignant look into something that happens far too often. :( Nicely done.
Unfortunately, this happens way too much. It was a very sad story but it had to be told. It was painful and very hard to write. Thank you so much for stopping by to read it.
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On 06/15/2014 05:42 AM, Mann Ramblings said:
Tragic in so many ways. I applaud your fearlessness in your choice of topic. While it leaves us with many questions, its message is no less striking. Well done.
Thank you, Mann. I don't usually shy away from subjects just because they are difficult. This is so controversial and tragic but unfortunately, happens too much. I hope this opens peoples minds.
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On 06/15/2014 08:56 AM, Delaneym said:
Well, that left me feeling like I just want to reach out and scream! This happens way too often.

well done.

Very tragic, sad and upsetting. It was extremely hard to write. I was unsure of how readers would receive such a controversial piece of work. Thank you for reading and letting me know what you think.
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On 06/15/2014 03:23 PM, Bill W said:
I saw the title and thought this was going to be another drinking story. Boy, was I wrong. I guess I never considered what the warning really meant, but I would have read your story anyway. Although it had a tragic outcome, I found it very moving and enlightening. Well done!
Thank you, Bill. I should have made the warning bigger so readers would know what they were getting into. It is such a difficult subject,one that often get made-fun-of or people don't understand it so they ignore it. I hope this short glimpse into one person's pain will touch readers and get people to think. Thanks again!
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WOW! What a riveting short story. I am curious about the inspiration (if that's the appropriate word) for this story. Although you could have stretched out the story for several chapters to tell more about Sam's life, you chose to write a one chapter story. Well done.

I will look forward to your next story.

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I never regret reading a story but sometimes, I want to kick my butt for reading it :P As always KC, when you write subject matter, you go for the jugular. Raw, dark and heartbreaking. But, things like this happen daily and no one gives a damn. It doesn't say a lot for what we now call the human race. Sorry it took so long for me to catch up on some of my reading, but glad I grabbed this one. :2thumbs:

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On 07/04/2014 04:25 AM, WildcatLes said:
WOW! What a riveting short story. I am curious about the inspiration (if that's the appropriate word) for this story. Although you could have stretched out the story for several chapters to tell more about Sam's life, you chose to write a one chapter story. Well done.

I will look forward to your next story.

Thanks for reading Les. The subject is very personal to me. I have a few transgender friends and it can be a terribly painful struggle. This story could have been ripped from today's headlines :( To see the views of the general public on transgender stories is awful. It's unimaginable how people are treated. Thanks for reading.
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