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2015 Prompt Responses - 9. Prompt 396 - The Minor Part 6

First line: "When will I see you again?"

“When will I see you again?” Jonathan hugged me so tightly I thought my ribs would crack.

I embraced him just as fervently. It had been three weeks since Brad and the police took Jonathan away from me. My brother refused to agree to the terms in the original custody agreement. He wouldn’t even meet with me and my and Jonathan’s lawyers. So we ended up taking him to court and were now waiting for our case to be called.

Jonathan ran up to me the minute he saw me, engulfing me in a bone-crunching embrace. I was just as happy to see him. Tears streamed down his face and he sniffled into my shirt.

“I don’t know. It all depends on what the judge decides.”

“They told me you didn’t want me anymore, but I knew they were lying.”

“Of course they were lying. Ray and I want nothing more than to have you come live with us.”

“How is Ray doing?”

“He’s doing great. His physical therapy is going well. The doctors are very happy with his progress. He wishes he could be here today, but the doctors thought it would be too much.”

“I’m glad to hear he’s doing better.”

“Jonathan! Get over here, now!” Brad scowled at us.

My lawyer put a hand on my shoulder as I involuntarily took a step toward Brad. Jonathan looked at us beseechingly before trudging over to stand with his father.

I was boiling with rage, but knew I had to control myself if I had any hope of gaining custody of my nephew.

“Will the litigants in the case of Johnson vs Johnson please enter the courtroom?” The bailiff asked loudly.

I allowed Brad, his lawyer, and George to enter first, then followed with my lawyer trailing behind me. Jonathan was to wait with a security guard until he was called.

The judge reviewed the particulars of the case and listened to testimony from me and Brad. He was provided with copies of the custody agreement and my lawyer played the tape of the initial conversation we had with Brad. Brad’s lawyer objected, but the judge overruled him. I was proud of the way I held my temper, especially when Brad outlined the details of the ‘school’ that Jonathan was now attending. The bastard didn’t even have the decency to wait to enroll him until after the hearing.

“I would like to hear from this young gentleman myself,” the judge declared.

Jonathan was brought into the courtroom and sat in the seat next to the judge. He looked gaunt and had dark circles under his eyes. His hand shook as he raised it when he was sworn in.

“Young man, I’ve listened to your father and your uncle’s testimony and reviewed the custody agreement that was proposed. I’d like to know your thoughts on the matter. Are you comfortable answering my questions in open court, or would you prefer to do so in the privacy of my chambers?”

Jonathan swallowed and sat up straight. “I’m ok with answering your questions here.”

“Ok, son. Would you prefer to live with your uncle or your father?”

“My uncles, sir. Nate and Ray took great care of me when I stayed with them. I love them both and want to live with them.”

“Do you feel like you have more liberties there than you do in your father’s household?”

“I’m not sure what you mean, sir.”

“I mean are there rules you have to follow or are you just left to do your own thing?”

“Oh, there are rules. I have to be in bed by ten. Nine when I’m enrolled in school. I have to help with the chores and complete my schoolwork on time.”

“And you are ok with those rules?”

Jonathan nodded. “Yes, sir. They’re the same rules my dad has.”

“Tell me why you ran away.”

“I didn’t run away. I was kicked out.”

The judge frowned. “Why were you kicked out?”

“Because my dad caught me kissing another boy. He said he didn’t want a faggot living in his house and I wasn’t his son anymore.” Jonathan sniffled and wiped the tears from his cheeks. I wanted to run up there and comfort him.

“I see. Tell me about this school you’re attending.”

“I hate it,” Jonathan said. “They make me attend all these ‘therapy’ sessions after classes and make me pray in a chapel for an hour every night. They tell me all sorts of horrible things. They want to ‘cure’ me.”

“What do you mean by ‘cure you’?”

“They say I’m a sinner and that I’m tainted. They tell me that what I feel is an abomination against God and I’m going to hell unless I change my ways. They’re trying to make me straight.” He paused. “But I’m not straight. I’m gay and I always will be. Uncle Nate and Uncle Ray are the best people I’ve ever met. How can that be wrong?”

The judge smiled for the first time since the proceeding began.

“Most young men your age are very conflicted about their feelings, especially when questioning their sexuality.”

“I was confused for a long time, sir. I tried to deny it, but I knew for sure when I kissed Ricky. How can anything that felt so right be wrong?”

“How did you find your uncle? It’s my understanding that he’s had no contact with his family for fifteen years.”

“I found some old photos last year and asked my grandma about them. She told me I had an uncle, but I was to never speak of him. There was a paper with an address in with the pictures. I took a chance and was lucky that he still lived there.”

“How would you feel if you were to remain in the custody of your parents?”

Jonathan frowned. “I’d rather die. With all due respect, sir, I would just run away if I had to live with my parents. If I can’t live with Uncle Nate and Uncle Ray, I don’t know where I would end up. Nowhere good, I imagine. I won’t go back to that school. I hate it there!” Jonathan started sobbing.

My lawyer grabbed my arm when I tried to rush to my nephew. He shook his head. I wiped the tears that were cascading down my cheek. I didn’t know what I’d do if the judge ruled against us.

The judge handed Jonathan a tissue. “Thank you, son. You may go have a seat with your lawyer. I need to review the evidence and give this case some thought. You’ll have my decision shortly.” He stood and exited the room.

It was an hour before we were recalled. The judge cleared his throat and began speaking. “I have to say that I am appalled by the very nature of this case. In this day and age to kick out your only child for something he can’t control is unfathomable to me. It’s been made very clear by Mr. Johnson that he is unable to provide a nurturing environment for this remarkable young man. That travesty of a school should be shut down and I cannot condone sending a young man there who has very clearly indicated he wants no part of their ideology. I am ruling that the original custody agreement be put into place, effective immediately. I remand the junior Jonathan Johnson into the custody of his uncle, Nathaniel Johnson.”

I stood up and let out a loud cheer as Jonathan ran over to me and into my arms. We were both sobbing in relief.

Brad stood up and yelled “I don’t want my son in that faggot’s custody! Put him in foster care, but I don’t want him living with that piece of shit!”

“Mr. Johnson! Control yourself or you will be held in contempt of court!”

“I am his father! I have rights! I should be able to say where my son lives! I don’t want him with that faggot!”

“Bailiff, remove Mr. Johnson from this court! You are in contempt!”

The bailiff removed Brad forcibly from the courtroom.

Jonathan continued hugging me, refusing to let me go. I gently drew him away from me and smiled.

“C’mon, Jonathan. Let’s go home and give Ray the good news.”

Thanks for reading! This will be the last chapter in Jonathan and Nate's story. Maybe I'll revisit them in the future - I never know where the prompts will lead me, but I think this is a good stopping point for now. Please leave a review and let me know how you liked their story!
Copyright © 2015 Valkyrie; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

  • Site Administrator
On 02/21/2015 05:33 AM, Carlos Hazday said:

I hope Brad ends up with Bubba as his cellmate and may he walk funny for a week afterwards!

LOL I doubt Brad will be in jail long enough to meet Bubba, but he will have to pay a nice, hefty fine. Wouldn't it be awesome if the courts could dictate where that money went and it was donated to a gay youth shelter or something similar? In Brad's name, of course. ;) Thanks for reading and reviewing, Carlos! :hug:
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Yes ! I like happy endings :) Awful parents ! Great prompt, I hope we can read more about these carachters in the future, Penguin black-and-white-cat-smiley-emoticon.gif

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  • Site Administrator
On 02/21/2015 08:57 AM, Slytherin said:
Yes ! I like happy endings :) Awful parents ! Great prompt, I hope we can read more about these carachters in the future, Penguin black-and-white-cat-smiley-emoticon.gif
I never know where the prompts lead, so we may see more of these guys in the future. :) I'm glad you liked it, LBO! (My inner editor insists on correcting 'characters') :gikkle::hug:
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  • Site Administrator
On 02/21/2015 12:52 PM, comicfan said:
I love a just ending. Very nicely done.
Thanks, Wayne. :) I'm glad you liked it!
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Absolutely awesome Val! There has to be more at some point--we need to see them settle in a house of their own, new friends at school for Johnathan, the whole nine yards! How about a multi-chapter story rather than prompts? There is so much potential for this trio to grow and explore their new family life.

Don't take this wrong, but you are doing yourself an injustice limiting yourself to prompts.

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  • Site Administrator
On 02/21/2015 07:33 PM, ColumbusGuy said:
Absolutely awesome Val! There has to be more at some point--we need to see them settle in a house of their own, new friends at school for Johnathan, the whole nine yards! How about a multi-chapter story rather than prompts? There is so much potential for this trio to grow and explore their new family life.

Don't take this wrong, but you are doing yourself an injustice limiting yourself to prompts.

I agree that this would make a good multi-chapter story. They're definitely on my list of future story ideas. I can't make any promises as to when or if I will ever get to it, though. Right now I'm focused on completing 'The Hollow Hills' and my antho piece. Writing, editing, and volunteer commitments for my profession keep me pretty busy. I'm really glad you like these guys so much. I appreciate all the support and the reviews. :)
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