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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Caesura - 1. Chapter 1


Chapter One – Kristof


Noël had called Landyn from school to tell him he would bring home a friend─Kristof Sorenson. They wanted to work on their presentation. Even though security measures were less strict after McGill’s apprehension about a year ago, Landyn still wanted the name and address of every new visitor, so he could check their background. He hadn’t found anything suspicious about Kristof, yet he felt a strange sense of trepidation when he went to open the door.

Instead of the anticipated evil, he found Noël doubled over in laughter beside a grinning young male with short blond curls, and he thought maybe he was just too used to always suspecting the worst, a hazard that came with the job as head of security.

“Hi, I’m Kristof.” Their gazes met, and recognition flickered over the boy’s face. “We met before, right?”

Landyn couldn’t help but smile back. “Yes, at Paolo’s Pizza Place. I used to work there.” Dismissing any lingering bad feelings as nonsense, he stepped back and let the boys enter the hall. “Please come in.”

“You wouldn’t believe how perfectly Kristof imitates Professor Wagner, including this silly head move the man does all the time.” Noël cuffed his friend in the side. “Go on. Show him.”

Kristof blushed, but then he and looked down at his feet, but then stretched his neck, and jerked his head around as if he were a chicken looking for corn. When his gaze found Noël, he inclined his head to the right and made some odd snuffling sound with his nose, before looking at an imaginary wristwatch. “You’re late, Carmichael. Again.”

Noël burst out with laughter. “Wagner, the pissed off rooster.”

Shaking his head, Landyn gave Noël’s shoulder a squeeze. “All right, boys. Have fun with your presentation.” Considering all the things that happened last year, he was relieved to see Noël finally acting his age.

Smiling to himself, he went back into the living room where he had left the duty roster of his security teams on the coffee table, when he heard Noël’s eager voice in the hallway. “Come on, I’ll show you the amenities.”

In the next hour, laughter came from the hallway repeatedly. “Has to be an interesting project.” Landyn muttered to himself.

“Where is Noël? I thought I heard him a while ago.”

Diarmad’s sharp voice made Landyn instantly get up from the sofa, so he could give his king a short bow. “He came home with a friend an hour ago, my lord.”

“A friend.”

Landyn cringed. No one had informed Diarmad about the visitor, and on top of that, Noël hadn’t gone to his mate, as he usually did, when he came home. “Yes, Kristof Sorenson. I checked his background. He is okay. They are working on a project, a presentation I believe.” Just then, loud laughter sounded from Noël‘s room.

“Work. I see.” Without another word, the King went back to the study, closing the door behind himself with more force than actually necessary.


Landyn could have kicked himself. Diarmad had been unusually irritable the last few weeks. He should have known this wouldn’t go over well and made a mental note to remind Noël to go to his mate as soon as he comes home from school next time. He also needed to introduce any friends he brings to the house.

Just then the door sprang open. “It’s in here.” Noël bounded into the room. “Oh! Hey, Landyn, sorry. I didn’t know you were working here. Do you mind if I show Kristof my piano before he goes home?” He motioned for Kristof to come closer. “There it is, isn’t it beautiful?” He went over to the instrument, opened the lid, and ran one finger lovingly over its keys.

“Wow! I admit I had my doubts, when you said you have a Steinway.”

“Do you want me to play something for you?” Noël already sat on the piano bench, eagerly looking through his sheet music.


“What do you want me to play?”

Kristof shrugged. “I don’t know, whatever you want.”

Noël had no problem with that. He played some classic pieces, a few rock ballads, and finally ‘Für Elise’ because it was one of Diarmad’s favorites. Then he eyed Kristof, who was absentmindedly running his hand over the glossy, black finish of the top board. “Wanna play something together?”


“Sure.” He scooted over to make room on the piano bench, and Kristof sat down beside Noël. After some minor coordination issues, they started to play Chopsticks. Until Noël deliberately switched to the Flea Waltz.

Kristof elbowed his ribs. “That isn’t Chopsticks, moron.”

Noël fake-fell from the bench, landing on the floor with a loud thud, laughing hysterically. “You pushed me!”

“I did not!”

“You did too.”

“What is going on here, Noël?” Silver flashing through his eyes, Diarmad stood in the door frame of his study, glaring furiously at his mate. “You know I am working at this hour of the day, right?” Then his gaze fell on Kristof. “And who is this? I believe we have not been introduced yet.”

Kristof hastily scrambled up from his seat, holding his hand out. “I-I’m sorry, sir, Mr. Carmichael. My name is Kristof Sorenson.”

Diarmad completely ignored Kristof’s outstretched hand. His gaze was still fixed on Noël. “This was not music but noise. Awful noise.”

It was as if Noël didn't register the degree of his lover’s anger. Slowly getting to his feet, he grinned. “Aww, D, come on. That’s Kristof, a friend from school. We’re doing a project together. I told him about the piano and he wanted to see it. I’m sorry if we got a little carried away …” Laughter was still clinging to his voice.

“You’re going to stop this nonsense instantly.” With that, Diarmad turned around and shut the door behind him, leaving everyone in stunned silence.



November Rain

Bohemian Rhapsody

Chopsticks Waltz


Flea Waltz

Für Elise

Copyright © 2017 aditus; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Oh my... Diarmad will not get away with acting like that. Okay maybe Noel should have said hi and introduced Kristof, but there was no need for that display. What's going on...?


And I guess Landyn should listen to his instincts...

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Yeah sorry Dad is right. I'm sure that's going to go over great with Noel. Obviously something else is bothering him a great deal, but acting like that with the person he's married (or however you want to call their bonding) to is not the best way to go.


I forgot how much fun it is to see these characters, I'm already excited and we've just barely gotten started.

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Hmm, is "dad" jealous or territorial? Yes Noel probably should have gone to say hello and introduce his friend but perhaps he didn't because he knew that Diaram would be working and didn't want to disturb him. Or perhaps he just needed the chance to be young and silly for a bit if his mate has been grumpy.

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First of all: it was so good to see the familiar characters back: the prologue didn't give any clues in that direction.


And really: chopsticks on a Steinway ? How sacrilegious. No wonder Diarmad was a bit irritated by the "awful noise". The generation gap taken into account, Noël could have been a bit more civilized by introducing his friend and Diarmad could have been a bit less blunt in his reaction.


But there's more to it, isn't there ...?

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Someone seems to have forgotten that his lover is significantly younger than him and needs time to act his age. Old Man I'm-an-alien-not-a-vampire needs to cool his jets.
Hm...the previous book had been all about Noel adjusting to his new life, and yet little has been said about Diarmad doing any adjusting of his own. It's quite common when there's a disparity between ages (or "supe status")--the elder/supe expects their mate to change for them, but never consider doing the same for their younger/human mate. It creates a severe power imbalance in which abuse can fester. In this light, it makes even more sense that Kute mates require those two additional souls to help them strike a balance (and makes sense how each iteration of mate--servant, brother, lover--builds closer to an equal standing). I don't think Diarmad has quite grasped what it means to be Kute, and I predict even worse than this before he pulls his head out of his royal arse.

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Diarmad, with grumpy "humph!"
got the rest all in the dumph,
spoiling innocents at play;
sigh...there'll be another day.


Great chapter, Adi.

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So a year has passed since they mated? And I'm guessing Noël has been back to school all that time? What does he tell his school mates about who he lives with? Not the truth of course, and I bet nothing to indicate he's as good as married. So Kristof naturally assumes D. is Dad, which is why he called him Mr. Carmichael. Probably pissed Diarmad off even more and added to his jealousy, since Noël may not act as happy and carefree in his presence.
I just went back to read the first story again and I noticed Noël had plans to show his mate they were equals, including topping him. But more importantly not letting Diarmad control every aspect of his life, and I'm hoping we'll see more of that. Simon was looking forward to their fights. :lol: I am too and I bet Noël will surprise his mate again and again.
Oh and we need to know what has happened in the past year, including what Noël's family knows. Does he still deceive them with the fake apartment?

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Well someone is awfully grumpy. I wonder why he's acting so jealous? Is it something Noel has actually done, or something completely in his head? I have a feeling it's a little bit of both. Of course, regardless of why, Diarmid is acting like a spoiled child and Noel is not going to respond well to that. There are better ways to express himself that embarrassing Noel in front of his friend... and making that friend feel uncomfortable as well.

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So maybe Noël could have checked in first, but sometimes you get caught up. Landyn said he was happy to see Noël acting like a kid again so that's what it is.. Diarmad may be overreacting just a bit, and maybe, Noël will not take it lightly..


Curious about who Kristoff is.. Landyn's Spidey sense tingled so there's got to be more to the story..


It felt good to get cozy with them again..

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On 07/11/2016 08:23 PM, Puppilull said:

Oh my... Diarmad will not get away with acting like that. Okay maybe Noel should have said hi and introduced Kristof, but there was no need for that display. What's going on...?


And I guess Landyn should listen to his instincts...

'What's going on?' You really don't want me to answer that.

I like that you think Noël won't let this slide.

Thank you for reading, liking and commenting, Puppi. And you're right: Oh my...

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On 07/11/2016 08:52 PM, Mikiesboy said:

Gosh! Sorry, Dad!


D is acting like a child, wow!

'Sorry, Dad!' lol I can't get Dad D out of my head now...

Thank you, Tim! :)

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On 07/11/2016 09:11 PM, spikey582 said:

Yeah sorry Dad is right. I'm sure that's going to go over great with Noel. Obviously something else is bothering him a great deal, but acting like that with the person he's married (or however you want to call their bonding) to is not the best way to go.


I forgot how much fun it is to see these characters, I'm already excited and we've just barely gotten started.

'I forgot how much fun it is to see these characters, I'm already excited and we've just barely gotten started.'

I'm so happy you think so. :D

Of course you're right, what ever the problem is, that's not the way to solve it.

Thank you for reading and commenting, spikey582!

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On 07/12/2016 12:37 AM, dughlas said:

Hmm, is "dad" jealous or territorial? Yes Noel probably should have gone to say hello and introduce his friend but perhaps he didn't because he knew that Diaram would be working and didn't want to disturb him. Or perhaps he just needed the chance to be young and silly for a bit if his mate has been grumpy.

I like that you think of reasons why Noël and Diarmad did/reacted as the did. I can't answer your questions, but I agree Noël is just young and silly and he has every right to be.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, dughlas! :)

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On 07/12/2016 02:46 AM, J.HunterDunn said:

First of all: it was so good to see the familiar characters back: the prologue didn't give any clues in that direction.


And really: chopsticks on a Steinway ? How sacrilegious. No wonder Diarmad was a bit irritated by the "awful noise". The generation gap taken into account, Noël could have been a bit more civilized by introducing his friend and Diarmad could have been a bit less blunt in his reaction.


But there's more to it, isn't there ...?

'the prologue didn't give any clues...' But it made you you thinking who, why, when?

:D Although I did it too, you're right: chopsticks on a Steinway is sacrilegious. But Noël made it up with the other pieces and even played 'Für Elise' for Diarmad.

You're the only one so far who takes Diarmad's side. I agree with you, on both observations 'more civilized' and 'less blunt'.

Thank you, Peter! :)

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On 07/12/2016 03:01 AM, Dayne Mora said:

Someone seems to have forgotten that his lover is significantly younger than him and needs time to act his age. Old Man I'm-an-alien-not-a-vampire needs to cool his jets.

Hm...the previous book had been all about Noel adjusting to his new life, and yet little has been said about Diarmad doing any adjusting of his own. It's quite common when there's a disparity between ages (or "supe status")--the elder/supe expects their mate to change for them, but never consider doing the same for their younger/human mate. It creates a severe power imbalance in which abuse can fester. In this light, it makes even more sense that Kute mates require those two additional souls to help them strike a balance (and makes sense how each iteration of mate--servant, brother, lover--builds closer to an equal standing). I don't think Diarmad has quite grasped what it means to be Kute, and I predict even worse than this before he pulls his head out of his royal arse.

Dayne! I'm awed. And I want to say so much right now, only I can't... except: Thank you for sharing your analysis and thoughts.

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On 07/12/2016 03:25 AM, Parker Owens said:

Diarmad, with grumpy "humph!"

got the rest all in the dumph,

spoiling innocents at play;

sigh...there'll be another day.


Great chapter, Adi.

lol, Parker! Thank you!


Like your kind words, very nice.

Think King D skates on thin ice?

Rittberger jump bring to pass

only to land on his ass?

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On 07/12/2016 04:32 AM, Timothy M. said:

So a year has passed since they mated? And I'm guessing Noël has been back to school all that time? What does he tell his school mates about who he lives with? Not the truth of course, and I bet nothing to indicate he's as good as married. So Kristof naturally assumes D. is Dad, which is why he called him Mr. Carmichael. Probably pissed Diarmad off even more and added to his jealousy, since Noël may not act as happy and carefree in his presence.

I just went back to read the first story again and I noticed Noël had plans to show his mate they were equals, including topping him. But more importantly not letting Diarmad control every aspect of his life, and I'm hoping we'll see more of that. Simon was looking forward to their fights. :lol: I am too and I bet Noël will surprise his mate again and again.

Oh and we need to know what has happened in the past year, including what Noël's family knows. Does he still deceive them with the fake apartment?

Of course you went back to read the first story again. :) You just want to catch me making continuity mistakes, right? JK.

Yes, about a year has passed. We will learn about this time and his family a little, I think.

The rest? Expect to be surprised. At least I hope so.

Thank you for reading H&I again and commenting on Caesura, Tim.

Looking forward to your rants...

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On 07/12/2016 06:58 AM, LadyDe said:

Ditto with all the other reviewers!! :yes: I've been waiting on this story. :read: Poor D!

Thank you for reading, liking and commenting, LadyDe! :)

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On 07/12/2016 07:03 AM, LitLover said:

Well someone is awfully grumpy. I wonder why he's acting so jealous? Is it something Noel has actually done, or something completely in his head? I have a feeling it's a little bit of both. Of course, regardless of why, Diarmid is acting like a spoiled child and Noel is not going to respond well to that. There are better ways to express himself that embarrassing Noel in front of his friend... and making that friend feel uncomfortable as well.

I like that you everyone says Noël won't respond well. And yes, Diarmad could have handled the whole situation better,a lot better. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Lit. :)

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part of the problem is when Noël asks Kristof do you want me to play something for you...on the piano Diarmad bought for Noël for his (Diarmad's) enjoyment

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On 07/12/2016 11:00 AM, Defiance19 said:

So maybe Noël could have checked in first, but sometimes you get caught up. Landyn said he was happy to see Noël acting like a kid again so that's what it is.. Diarmad may be overreacting just a bit, and maybe, Noël will not take it lightly..


Curious about who Kristoff is.. Landyn's Spidey sense tingled so there's got to be more to the story..


It felt good to get cozy with them again..

You trust Landyn's Spidey sense? Yeah, me too.

Diarmad and Noël could have done things better, but the King certainly acted a little strong. Maybe jt_hooks is on the right path.

Thank you Def, for reading, liking and commenting. I'm always curious to read what you think. :)

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On 07/17/2016 03:16 AM, JayT said:

part of the problem is when Noël asks Kristof do you want me to play something for you...on the piano Diarmad bought for Noël for his (Diarmad's) enjoyment

You might be on to something...but it would be an egotistical way to think. And Noël played 'Für Elise' for him at the end. Even though, with jealousy you never know.

Thank you jt, for sharing your thoughts. It's very much appreciated. :)

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Yes, D was overreacting ... but why didn't Nöel just say 'Hi' to him when he arrived ?

When the green-eyed monster shows HIS fangs, you better run for your life. It turns you into something that is not pretty !

"Beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on."

I loved the chapter - and I wonder how Nöel will react ! He won't understand it and so he won't like it ! 😤

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