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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Kidnapping is Always an Option - 21. Chapter 21

Phenner was having a rather raunchy dream that caused a few parts of his body to twitch against the person he was clinging to, which just so happened to be his petite mate Mycha. The two of them were wedged in the middle of a massive bed inside the ginormous bedroom that Loxias Zander had bequeathed to them. To each of their sides rested the other cuddling pairs. Adrian and Caspin were behind Phenner. Rios and Nix were behind Mycha.

The rabbit felt a wonderful feeling rolling over him at the warmth that surrounded him. He liked waking up in a bed with all of his precious mates. Why, it reminded him of his childhood when he practically slept in a pile with his siblings to keep warm. As he roused awake, Phen subconsciously began to grind against the mouse in his arms.

Mycha, unfortunately, did not awake with grace. He practically jumped out of his own skin. Every now and then, the Murisian had nightmares. But, as soon as he realized where he was, he practically melted against the rabbit. "Good morning." He greeted with a small yawn that he covered with his small hand.

"It is a good morning," Phen whispered, trying not to wake the others. "I'm sorry I made you startle." He rubbed his nose against Mycha's, just able to make out the cute freckles across it in the dim light of the curtained room.

The smaller man smiled. "It wasn't you, I just had that dream...the one that makes you feel as if you either had a rug pulled out from under your feet or are falling into your body?" He explained.

"I've never had dreams like that." The rabbit looked thoughtful. "If I fall I usually land soft. I once had a dream about the big moon swallowing the little moon and then swallowing our land. We had to jump onto the big moon at the last second. That was kind of scary. But then there were fun things there and plenty of food, so it was okay in the end." Phen bit his lip and his eyes fell from Mycha's. "I guess at home I used to dream of dying... Just not waking up. I heard people talking about me sometimes when they thought I wasn't listening, especially when I was a kit. I was sickly. They said Brunna, the death goddess, would come for me gently in my sleep someday soon. That I would go peacefully and just not wake up." Phenner's flower-pink eyes were somber when he looked up again. "Sometimes, I would try not to sleep, so Brunna wouldn't take me."

Mycha's heart ached for the young kit Phen had been. He had been told how Phenner had struggled with his health before he joined the Captain and Adrian, but he didn't realize to what extent the rabbit had been suffering. "I couldn't be more relieved that Brunna didn't take you." He responded back softly, emotion bleeding into his voice. "If she had, we'd had never met. I'd have been sold off to a sadist and I would never have known what real love was."

"We're taught at home that life is like a web," Phenner whispered. "So many connections to others that affect everyone and everything. Every tiny strand and crossing is vital. Everything we do is important, it has effects on others and the world." The rabbit nodded sagely. "So, I try not to be a total fuck-wanker." Phen smiled shyly. "Rios taught me that word."

The Murisian's nose wrinkled and he shook his head. "Don't learn anymore words from Rios." He suggested as he took hold of one of the rabbit's ears and nuzzled the side of his face against it.

"I love you, Mycha." Phen let out a contented sigh. "The web has been very good to me."

A wide smile formed on Mycha's face. "I love you, Phen. Tons and tons."

"That's a lot," the rabbit said in wonder.

Mycha pressed a kiss to the ear he was holding and snuggled closer. "...maybe even more than that." He admitted with a light blush.

Nix rolled over in his sleep, away from Rios, and wrapped a dark arm across both mouse and rabbit. The cat mewed softly in his sleep.

Phenner froze until Nix's breathing evened again. "Are you excited for the little kits on the way?" He tried not to wriggle in excitement and wake Nix. "I wish they were here now."

"I'm both nervous and thrilled." Mycha confessed. "A father of six? That is a lot of responsibility."

"You don't have to take on everything," Phen stroked Mycha's cheek. "The responsibility will be spread around."

"I'm still in shock that some of them even have my genes...I only came in him once!" He whispered incredulously.

"I'm really glad that they do." Phen's smile was radiant, even in the dim light. "I hope they take after you." The rabbit's smile faded. "I don't know if it's good for any of them to be mine... Caspin fixed me, but I could pass on sickness... What if it's something the big machine can't fix?"

"I highly doubt it. If something happens and they do end up sick, the MedBay will definitely help them, too. Just like it did with you." Mycha insisted. "And if it doesn't, we'll just take better care of them."

"You really think so?' Phen asked, his voice small and unsure.

"We'll all protect them, I know that for a fact." Mycha replied.

"You don't just mean from being sickly, do you?" the rabbit asked gently.

"I mean from everything that we can." The mouse clarified. "All their lives."

"I can teach them to run, to hide." Phenner shook his head, one long ear fell forward to lay across his cheek. "I'm not a fighter."

"Hiding is just as important in survival as fighting. You teach them to run and hide, and I'll teach them to fight." Mycha stated firmly.

"I didn't know you are a fighter," Phen said, his tone respectful.

"I...I was trained well before I was taken from my planet. The experience morphed me into someone else." Mycha elaborated with a frown. "But, now is definitely the time to start training again. I can teach you, as well. We should all be ready to protect the babies."

"No one will ever have the chance to hurt them." Nix's growl startled them both. "Anyone who tries will have a short bit of torture and pain, then death."

Mycha nearly jumped right off the bed in surprise. "Sorry, Nix. Did we wake you?" He whispered.

"No," the black cat's face was nearly invisible in the near darkness. Only his gem-like eye shone in the dimness. "I'm hungry... And was worrying about the kittens, like you."

Rios suddenly bolted up to a sitting position. "I'll start making us some break-"

"No!" Phenner and Mycha yelped nearly at the same time.

"You stay put." Mycha insisted.

"Mmm, everyone's so lively this morning." Adrian pointed out as he and Caspin stirred awake.

The captain blinked sleepily as he sat up, his hair sticking in all directions. He looked at Nix, who had rolled back over to cling to Rios. "S'okay, Nix. He's not going anywhere."

"Can't...breathe..." the moth wheezed.

"You were going to leave again!" Nix accused. "You don't like sleeping next to me! I don't snore, and I only kick a little! You only got scratched that one time and I said I was sorry!"

"Baby, you can kick, prod, and scratch me however many times you want." Rios admitted. "I was only going to make us something to eat. But, not if you don't want me to move." He raked his hands tenderly through the Civek's hair. "I rather like this, staying in bed with you."

The cat threw a leg over the Alano. "No moving." A hesitant purr vibrated against Falorios. "And keep doing that. That's nice."

The Alano was more than happy to comply. The pads of his fingers began to dig and massage Nix's scalp. "I won't move."

Mycha led Phenner out of the room by the hand, saying something about tea and breakfast. The rabbit looked back at Nix with a giggle and a twinkle in his eye before the Murisian quietly shushed him and pulled him from the room.

Nix's eyes narrowed. "Bunbun has been acting a little funny lately..."

"Hmm?" Rios mused out loud as his fingers made their way down to the back of Nix's neck and continued their massage. "Nah, maybe he's just reverted to his childhood after all of us huddled together like he and his siblings did."

Nix purred softly and settled down. "I thought foxy was acting off, too. You haven't noticed?"

The moth's fingers and hands began to dig and knead at the flesh behind the Civek's shoulders, reveling in the soft purring. "Maybe he's thinking of how to deviously get at Mycha's freckled butt alone later." He suggested.

Nix stretched languorously, making small happy noises as the Alano's talented fingers loosened tense muscles. "Hungry," Nix murmured, the odd behavior of his lovers forgotten. "But food is so far away. Don't want to move." The cat let himself go boneless to lay sprawled across Falorios.

Falorious chuckled as his hands continued their path, digging into any tense area he could find. "Hopefully bunbun and mousey will bring some food back, then."

Nix made a hopeful noise, too content and comfortable to bother with something as complicated as forming words or sentences. Not much later, Phenner and Mycha returned with a tray loaded with foods Nix had seemed to enjoy now that he was pregnant. The cat sat up eagerly and made little gimme hand motions. Phenner giggled and sat the tray on the Civek's lap.

"Thank you," Nix purred warmly as he dug through a little bowl of nuts.

"I second the motion." Rios added with a smile as Mycha handed him a small bowl of food, as well. "Thanks, mousey."

"Where did Adrian and the captain go?" Mycha wondered aloud, noting their absence.

"Maybe they went to get food for themselves?" Rios responded.

Nix's berry-dark lips curled into a little pout. "Didn't want to eat with us?"

"... or maybe they're making everyone something to eat?" Rios quickly amended.

Nix quickly ate everything in the little bowl of nuts except for a single kind that he picked around. He held onto the tray and stood with it.

"I want to go see what they're making," the cat announced as he slipped through the door and headed for the kitchen.

Rios, Phenner, and Mycha followed along to the kitchen just as Nix picked up a sheet of paper. The Vulpan and the human were nowhere to be seen.

"Running errands," the Civek read. "Keep an eye on Nix." The ebony cat frowned. "Foxy signed it with a little smiley face. What the hell do I need an eye kept on me for?" Nix's dark face looked suddenly ashen, he covered his blind eye. "Is... is it a joke about my eye? They said they wanted me to go without the patch, but I just can't... not yet." His tall triangular ears drooped.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Rios said as he rushed over to take hold of both of Nix's hands. "You're reading way too much into that note. They're just running errands."

"I hope they remember to bring that ice cream you liked," Phenner mused out loud, trying to raise Nix's spirits.

The pregnant cat's ears perked up a little. "The kind with the little pieces of fruit in it?"

The rabbit nodded. "It was on the list."

Nix sat down on the floor in front of the refrigerator, contemplating Caspin's note. He frowned at it, inky eyebrows drawing downward.

Mycha's eyes widened when he caught sight of something pinned on the fridge. He rushed over and quickly tugged it off, shoving it in his pocket. "S-So, would anyone want something to drink?" He asked out loud.

"They aren't coming back," Nix responded quietly.

Nix pointed at Mycha's pocket. "They didn't take the list. They aren't getting groceries. There won't be any ice cream with little fruit bits." Nix's shoulders slumped. "They want it just to be the two of them again. They couldn't take breaking the news to us. They waited until we were safe, then they left." Nix's looked up at Rios and Mycha with a wide eye, though his pupil had tightened to a slit in a sea of yellow-green.

Mycha's ears flattened down. "They wouldn't do such a thing without letting us know." He countered. "Besides, this isn't the first time they forgot the list!"

Nix reached up to hold the tips of Mycha's fingers. "They're gone." The inky Civek pulled back and curled into himself.

The Murisian rushed forward to hug him. "Stop thinking that way!" He hissed. "They're coming back."

Nix made a soft keening sound that nearly broke Mycha's heart.

Phenner began to rub Nix's back, a deep frown on his face. "Nix, I've been with Ade and Cas the longest. Don't you trust me at least?"

Nix rubbed his cheek against the bunny's shoulder. "Something's wrong. Secrets. Something." The Civek's lower lip trembled.

"Alright, everyone, let's have a seat on the couch." Rios suggested as he plucked Nix right into his arms and they all migrated to the couch. Their two shorter lovers immediately cuddled around the pregnant Civek sitting on the Alano's lap.

"Don't be sad," Mycha urged.

"I'm..." The cat clenched his teeth. "I'm fucking pissed!" Nix shook off their affection and stood, stomping one bare foot. "How dare they leave us? You didn't bail!" The Civek jabbed a claw-tipped finger in Mycha's direction, making the Murisian shrink backwards. "None of you did. What makes them think they can just trot off and play by themselves?" He crossed his ebony arms across his chest and growled.

Sifta walked into the room and froze, scenting the air. His eyes were wide as he tried to slowly back out of the room, but he'd been spotted.

"You!" Nix shouted, pointing at the startled Vulpan.

Sifta whined as his ears dropped submissively.

The cat stormed over to him, half-tail poofed.

"Where are they?" the Civek demanded. "Maybe they are going to sneak off, but not before I make sure they understand what they are leaving behind!"

"Wh-who?" Sifta asked tremulously.

"Don't act like you don't know." Nix growled, snapping his teeth at the confused Vulpan. "You would have driven them to the port."

Sifta wasn't familiar with aliens, especially pregnant ones with sharp teeth. It was too much for the Vulpan and he shifted just as Nix reached for him. With a pop a little golden-brown fox was hanging in Nix's arms. A frightened whine trickled from Sifta's throat.

"Oh!" The Civek exclaimed, just as suddenly. "Sweet little one!" Nix drew the fox close and stroked his back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just upset. Shhh, little kit." The cat swayed gently from side to side as he held the very confused and startled Vulpan.

The three men still on the couch gaped at the feline as Nix reclaimed his seat right in the middle. "You two!" He all but demanded as he pointed at Mycha and Phenner. "...shift, so I can cuddle all three of you."

A bright smile formed on Phen's face. He didn't hesitate to shift and hop onto the feline's lap. Mycha, on the other hand, was eyeing Sifta warily.

"He won't try to eat me, will he?" He whispered in Nix's ear.

The cat gave Mycha a little lick and looked to Sifta. "No chomping mousy, little kit, or you'll get a walloping."

Sifta cringed, then poked his head forward to give the little mouse a friendly lick before showing his belly. Reassured, the Murisian shifted into his mouse form, letting out a soft squeak. Sifta scootched forward on his belly over Nix's lap to snuffle the mouse before giving Mycha a long lick. Phenner hopped over and rubbed his side against both of them.

And that was exactly how Loxias found his guests. "Oh?" He mused out loud at his young beloved in his alternate form. He reached over to gently pet the top of Sifta's head. "See? Doesn't it feel better to be in your alternate forms with others, Sifta?"

The Vulpan rolled on his back to show his tummy once more. Phenner jumped on Sifta, gently nipping his chin, the rabbit's long back feet straddling the fox.

The Kaynen let out a soft chuckle at the soft, content swaying of Sifta's tail. He settled one of his large hands on the lower half of the Vulpan's exposed underside and began to rub it.

Sifta tried to control it, tried to stop it, but in the end his body won out. His back leg kicked twitchingly every time Loxias's fingertips rubbed over a certain spot by his ribs. If he hadn't been in his feral form, he would have blushed. Nix clapped in delight and Phenner licked his cheek.

Loxias exploited that spot mercilessly as his other hand began to scratch behind the rabbit's ears. "This pleases me greatly." He admitted with a low rumble. His gaze fell on the tiny mouse and he motioned towards him with his head as he spoke to Nix. "Does that little one have any weaknesses in that form, as well?"

Nix grinned impishly as he snatched the little mouse. "Tongue baths," the cat purred impishly and gave Mycha's softly furred belly a lick.

The older man's eyes widened slightly at the sight before he began to laugh. He glanced over at Falorios, who had an arm wrapped around Nix's shoulders and was simply watching them. "I have heard that Alanos also have very sensitive antennae." He commented. "And their cum tastes of key lime pie. Is there any truth to that?" He asked in curiosity.

Nix's smile was wicked as he looked up at the husky. "If you're very lucky, maybe you'll get the chance to find out for yourself." The cat licked his lower lip as though catching a bit of cream. "I definitely recommend it."

Phen perked up when Loxias mentioned Rios. The rabbit leapt off of a wriggling Sifta. Phenner scrambled up to the moth's shoulder. The bunny stretched up to rest his paws on the side of Rios's head. Phen's ears swayed as he nuzzled the antenna nearest to him.

Nix seemed to realize Mycha was still in his hand and perhaps the little mouse really did need a quick tongue-bath, urging him to lap gently at the tiny Murisian.

Rios let out a little hiss, reaching over with his free hand to scratch the rabbit's tail in all the right places. "You know better than that, Phen. There are consequences to touching my antennae." He rumbled softly.

Loxias took the opportunity to press a kiss to Sifta's chest before tugging the Vulpan into his arms and sitting beside Nix's other side, settling the fox onto his lap and petting him.

Mycha let out a squeak and began to squirm. "Niiiiix..." He whined quietly as his tail flopped down onto the feline's hand.

Phen squeaked as Rios rubbed a sensitive spot. The bunny toppled from the Alano's shoulder to land, stunned, belly up in Rios's lap. Meanwhile, a purr rumbled in Nix's chest as he carefully smoothed Mycha's soft fur. Sifta watched everything with wide eyes, his breath coming in excited little pants that had begun when Phenner had jumped on him earlier when they were both on Nix's lap.

Loxias smirked at his young mate to be. He began to scratch and pet him everywhere until he could discover his weaknesses. "Do you see, young one? Our alternate forms are nothing to feel ashamed about. We should be more like the cultures of other worlds and accept ourselves as we are."

Unlike the Kaynen, Falorios knew all of Phenner's weaknesses. He exploited each and every one of them until the rabbit's foot began to thump against his thigh.

The Murisian in Nix's hands let out a string of moans that were loud enough for all of them to hear. "O-oh no! Nix, if you don't s-stop I'll..." He whimpered and keened. It was one thing to find release amongst his lovers. It was a completely different thing to peak while in the presence of others. "L-Loxias and S-Sifta will see!"

Nix pulled back slightly, head cocked to one side. "But I want a taste." He nibbled his lower lip. "I don't think they'll mind, do you?" The cat gave the little mouse a teasing lick.

Mycha had never been happier in his life that no one could see him blushing through his fur. He gulped and peered around to see everyone's eyes on him. A shudder ran through his tiny body. "A-Alright," He reluctantly conceded, his voice taking on a slightly dramatic tone. "I-I'm ready."

Nix had given the mouse a few tongue baths since the first one back on the ship. It satisfied something new inside him to groom the mouse. Making the Murisian find ecstasy at the end satisfied something that had always appealed to him. The Civek had become methodical about it, however, and the interruption had the cat starting all over again.

Nix's warm, but slightly rasping tongue worked the pale fur of Mycha's chest, then under his chin, moving to the rest of his head. The cat carefully smoothed every bit of fur. He didn't miss an inch, even washing carefully between each tiny toe, though it tickled the mouse and made him squeak embarrassingly. It was a bit like a brushing and a massage rolled into one for the little Murisian. He next worked his way back around and finished grooming the mouse's stomach. Nix's tongue gentled as he moved lower.

"Hah...Nix..." The Murisian gasped in a shuddering breath. Mycha began to squirm once again, feeling a touch of anxiousness at the thought of everyone seeing him in such a state. But, Nix was the bearer of his children. Something inside the mouse wanted to, no, needed to please him.

A purr rumbled up from the Civek's chest adding another level of sensation that made Mycha's heart thrum in his chest. The cat's brightly colored eye was so close, pupil wide, that the Murisian could see himself reflected in it.

"P-Please!" Mycha mewled, feeling himself rising rapidly to his peak.

Everyone's eyes were fixed, rapt, on the cat and mouse as Nix continued licking. His pace never changed, he just worked his tongue as though he could continue all day, steady and relentless.

"Eee!" The mouse keened as he finally came. He was a twitching, heaving mess in the feline's hand.

Nix happily cleaned Mycha up, making the exhausted mouse twitch when he hit a particularly sensitive spot. When he was done, he licked his lips and smiled at their audience.

"You didn't mind, did you?" The Civek asked them as he leaned back and set the recovering Murisian onto his chest, gently petting Mycha's back.

Loxias had seen many things in his life. But seeing a Civek lick a Murisian to completion in his alternate form like that was certainly new. "It's remarkable that he can speak in his alternate form. Not many can." He pointed out. He then looked down at his lovely Vulpan and smiled. "Did you enjoy that, Sifta?" He asked as his tone of voice fell into sultry levels.

The Vulpan whined, hunching down and curling his tail under to hide his erection.

"Mmm, it certainly feels like you did." Loxias practically purred as he rubbed his hand against the Vulpan's privates. "I can give you relief, right here and now if you wish." He offered as he began to rub him with a purpose. "One yip is consent, twice is to stop. What will it be, precious?"

Sifta whined again uncertainly, but Loxias's talented fingers had his tongue lolling as he panted. The Vulpan closed his eyes tight and yipped once.

The Kaynen let out a gruff sound of satisfaction as he worked the Vulpan with alternating speed. His free hand stroked and scratched Sifta's chest as his ice blue eyes paid close attention to every squirm and twitch. "You divine thing," He rumbled. "Were I a more jealous man, I would have never allowed anyone else to see you this way."

Sifta gave another single yip but kept his eyes tightly shut, not sure that he wouldn't bolt if he noticed everyone watching him and watching what Loxias was doing to him, which felt oh so very good. He'd never gotten many affectionate touches, hugs or kisses, in his life. This was beyond all that and it was a little overwhelming for the Vulpan. His heart pounded with a mixture of anxiety and excitement. Others were watching, and it gave him a surprising thrill. He'd never have thought he would be that way, so exhibitionistic.

It was something he hadn't known about himself but, somehow, with Loxias touching him and these specific people around him, it didn't really feel like a bad thing.

With a boldness Sifta didn't know he had, he slowly rolled onto his back and straightened his voluminous tail, exposing his arousal to everyone. One eye peeked open to see Loxias's reaction, to make sure what he'd done was alright.

The Kaynen felt himself harden beneath the fox. Such honest and sensual reactions were charming as all hell, and positively seductive. He couldn't tear his gaze away. "Sifta, do you have any idea how badly I want you?" He hissed as he rubbed him a little harder and splayed his other large hand all over the Vulpan's underside. "What would you do, young one? What would your face look like after you are filled to the brim with my flesh?"

The image filled Sifta's mind, Loxias large and hard behind him, filling him nearly to the point of pain. He felt an anticipatory twinge in his ass. The Vulpan was shocked to realize that he wanted it, he wanted the husky draped over his smaller body and thrusting deeply inside him.

How would it feel to let this powerful man take him completely? How much of a relief would it be to allow his inner walls to drop and let himself fall, trusting another to catch him, protect him, and pleasure him? How would it be when Loxias was buried to the hilt inside him, growling wickedly wonderful things in Sifta's ear?

The Vulpan yipped and whined as he came all over himself and the Kaynen's hand. He squirmed on his back, thrusting upward in a hitching rhythm, until he finally slumped, panting, on the husky's lap.

The sight caused the Kaynen to harden even further. But, Loxias felt satisfied for the time being. Just as he had thought, the young Vulpan would be an expressive and excellent lover. "One day I hope that you will accept me completely, sweet one." He admitted as he leaned down to press a kiss to the top of the Vulpan's head.

Sifta hid his head under the big Kaynen's arm, suddenly embarrassed. Loxias made their excuses, mostly a need to clean up. He carried Sifta in one arm and grabbed the Vulpan's forgotten clothes on his way out.

Mycha had fallen asleep on Nix's chest. Phen and Rios seemed to be playing some sort of game where the Alano looked for all the ticklish places on the rabbit's white furry body as the bunny hopped around on his lap. Nix had been thoroughly distracted, but his mind returned to worries about Adrian and Caspin.

They had been a mated pair before the rest of them had come along, and had seemed happy together when Nix had met them. They had saved the rest of them in one way or another. Was it really so unlikely to think that now that they were positioned to be safe and cared for that the two mates might want to be an exclusive pair again? The Civek could understand why they would just want to leave. Nix knew he was high maintenance, his owners had complained about it to him often enough. Keeping a breeder Civek healthy and satisfied could be a chore for anyone. Now that Nix was pregnant he knew he was even more of a burden.

When Phenner paused in his play with Rios he looked over to see Nix's face drawn with worry as he wrung his hands. The bunny sighed and hopped off the moth's lap. Phen shifted and pulled on some pants. They had successfully distracted Nix, but it hadn't lasted long. He knew just the thing to occupy the Civek for a few more minutes. Phenner returned a few minutes later holding Rios's electronic tablet out in front of him proudly.

"Look what I found, Nixie!" The rabbit announced cheerfully.

He set the tablet in Nix's lap. It was lit up to reveal a picture of him chasing Caspin in his fox form, who was chasing Phenner in his rabbit form.

"That's an amazing shot," the Civek said with a grin. "I remember the end of that chase game was also particularly fun." He poked the sleeping Murisian on his chest. "Wake up and look at this, mousey. This was before you came aboard. Now we could play this with you in the front." Nix looked up and smiled. "Did Adrian take this picture?"

Phenner shook his head with a silly grin and pointed at Rios.

"Yeah, I should definitely update that background pic to show everyone, though." Rios commented aloud. "I have tons of other pics if you want to see them." He took the opportunity that Nix was occupied to dash into the kitchen to get them something to drink.

"Hmmmmm?" Mycha murmured as his eyes opened. "I don't like chase games..."

Phenner leaned his chin on Nix's shoulder, one long white ear hanging down beside it. "Aww, but you sure love the end of the game, Mycha." The rabbit watched as the Civek began browsing through images Rios had taken.

"That I do," Mycha responded in a mumble. When he finally shook off the last remnants of sleep and realized what he had said, he found himself feeling quite embarrassed. He always spoke before thinking whenever he was awoken.

"Open that folder," Phenner said, reaching forward to tap an icon labeled 'special'.

The folder opened with the touch, bringing up the first image to fill the screen. It was a candid portrait of Nix sitting outside one day when they had a picnic on one of the nicer ports. The sunlight glinted off the red tips of the Civek's hair and he had a relaxed expression on his face. As they scrolled through picture after picture, save for the background, each one was focused on Nix.

"Those are kinda nice," Mycha mused. "You're very photogenic, Nixie."

"Are these all...of me?" the cat whispered in wonder, his head tilted to the side as he peered at the screen.

Rios came back from the kitchen at that moment and let out a half-strangled sound at the pictures that were being shown on the screen of his tablet. He quickly set down the tray with glasses of milk and juice down. "H-Hey, how did you get into that folder? No one's supposed to be able to even see it!"

"Why not?" Phenner asked as Nix flipped to the next picture. "They're all really ni-oh damn, that's hot."

On the screen was Nix, sprawled amidst rumpled blankets, fast asleep. He was naked, a swath of dark skin against the lighter fabric. The inky Civek's knee was bent to expose the length of his cock. Pearlescent white dotted and smeared his ebony chest and stomach. A tiny smile curled his berry-dark lips, asleep and well satisfied. His cheek rested on one outstretched arm, as though reaching out to the one taking the picture.

A heated blush rose to the Alano's cheeks and nose. "They're private, that's why." He let out a small groan followed by a sigh of surrender. "At least, they were private."

Nix blinked at the screen, tapping a little square that pulled back to show each image as a tiny icon. There were easily over a hundred images in the file. He tapped the icon of a recent picture just as Adrian and Caspin came in the doorway. Arms empty.

"No ice cream?" Nix said sadly.

An almost pained expression formed on Adrian's face. "Forgive me, kitten. How about I take you with me later on or tomorrow and you can pick out all the snacks you want?" He offered.

"All of these pictures are great Rios...why didn't you want anyone to see them?" Mycha asked belatedly.

Rios covered his face with a hand. "Because," He said, his words a bit muffled. "I didn't want to seem like some obsessive, lovesick stalker...though, to be honest, I probably am one deep inside."

Nix almost missed Rios's words, the grumpy pout on his face disappearing as he looked down at the image on the screen. It was Nix, again, but Falorios was in this one as well. Nix was asleep, one arm thrown above his head and the blankets shoved down to his waist. Rios's cheek lay gently against the Civek's abdomen, pressing a sweet, careful kiss just above Nix's belly button. Love and tenderness shone in the Alano's eyes as he looked at Nix's tummy.

Tears prickled the Civek's eyes as he carefully held the image close to his good eye, taking in every detail. Falorios loved him, loved the lives growing inside him. Nix felt precious and cared for. The Alano truly did love him, and maybe it really was true that Rios wouldn't leave him or the kits. They could all be together, Rios and Nix and the rest of the fathers, as well as the kits. It was a revelation that made Nix's heart feel like it would burst.

The cat turned to Rios. "I need you to bed me," Nix demanded. "Now."

The Alano's mouth dropped open and closed again a few times. He shot a glance a Caspin, who urged him with his hands to get Nix out of there. With a gulp, he stood up and took one of Nix's hands, helping him up. "How about we...start with a shower?" He suggested.

Nix frowned but allowed himself to be led along. "We usually shower after..."

"I know we do. This time we might need two showers, love." Rios confessed as they entered the massive bedroom and headed towards the adjacent bathroom.

"Please," Nix whimpered. "I need you to take me. I can't wait for showers."

The Alano's second head stood at attention almost immediately upon hearing the plea. For a moment he was torn. But, then he thought of a compromise. "I can't take you completely just yet," Rios admitted as he lifted the Civek into his arms. "But, I can do something about that...need."

Nix whined needily in the back of his throat as Falorios led them into the bathing room, turning on the shower and stripping them of their clothes quickly. The Alano had to take Nix's shoulders and back him into the shower. The cat shivered as the warm water struck his back. He was about to speak another plea, not above begging, when Rios dropped to his knees in front of him. The moth looked up through pale green eyelashes, his matching hair sprinkled with tiny shining beads of water.

Seeing the Civek like this inspired a surge of emotion from the Alano. He could profess his love and undying affections to the feline until he was blue in the face, but Nix would still somehow think it suspicious. Falorios found it quite ironic that, try as he might to express and show his love, Nix only believed him whenever he found secret proof of it on his own. The truth was plain and simple for him, however. The Civek had stolen his heart. Even if they had never touched each other intimately, he would have still stolen his heart. Even if they stopped their intimacy from then onwards, Nix would still be the owner of his heart.

As the Alano took hold of the erect member before him and all but swallowed it whole, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the Civek's heats. The insatiable desire for one another's bodies became the gateway to a far deeper connection.

Nix hissed in a breath and grasped Falorios's shoulders to keep himself upright. The Civek's head fell back, catching the water and making the red streaks in his hair darken to burgundy.

He wanted this, wanted everything. He was a greedy cat, but he didn't care. He'd always been clear to the others that his nature was selfish. They never seemed to believe him or take it seriously. So, his conscience felt clear. He would take it; this lust, love, affection, and sex; until they didn't want to give it to him anymore. But, he was realizing that the time when they pushed him away might not be soon, might even be never.

The thought of never being alone made him pull back and thrust lightly into Rios's talented mouth. He wanted to be taken, claimed. He tried to back out of the moth's mouth, so he could turn and present his backside to the pale-haired man.

Sensing what the Civek was trying to do, Rios held on tighter to Nix's hips and sucked harder as one of his hands slid around to slide a finger inside the feline's entrance. The Alano knew just where to drag his finger against to stimulate his lover's sweet spot. His tongue dug into the underside of the flesh in his mouth as he dove down and pulled back at a faster pace.

"Anh!" Nix cried out, stilling for a moment before his legs trembled and he had to lean against the cool tile of the wall for support.

A second finger worked its way inside him. The Civek tightened his muscles, making Rios push harder and force them into his channel. The fingers thrust inside him as Nix whimpered and moaned. The Alano's mouth found a rhythm, thrusting in to tease against where he was most sensitive as he took the cat's length deep, tongue pressing and rubbing wherever it could reach.

Nix let out a shuddering wail as his orgasm rushed through him in crashing waves, his fingers clenched in his lover's soft damp hair.

The moth swallowed it all down and gently licked him clean as he peered up at the Civek with searing, honey-hued eyes. "That's gonna have to do for now, baby." He practically purred as he got back to cleaning them both up. "I promise much, much more soon. And not just me, either."

"What?" Nix asked blearily as Rios started washing the Civek's hair.

The Alano let out a snicker and finished up washing them both up. He gave Nix a soft kiss on the lips and gave him a mischievous smile. "I think it's time we go back to the others."

"Do I have to put on pants?" Nix asked. "I'm too comfortable to argue with pants."

"You don't have to wear anything at all, Nix." Rios replied with a widening grin. "In fact, neither will I. Come on." He said as he urged them out of the bathroom.

In the bedroom, Nix paused as everyone's eyes turned to him expectantly. All of the other fathers of his children stood next to the massive bed. Nix frowned and looked at Falorios with worry in his yellow-green eye. The Civek hadn't even realized he'd forgotten to put his eyepatch on after the shower. Rios hoped it meant that Nix was becoming more comfortable without it. None of the men minded the cat's white blind eye. Though, they sometimes wondered how he never seemed to have trouble with depth perception and it wasn't any easier to sneak up on him from his blinded side during games of chase.

Nix bit his lip and slouched slightly. He was in trouble. He'd done something wrong and it was a big enough screw-up that everyone had gathered to scold him about it. The cat glanced at Rios again. Had the moth refused to take Nix as part of a punishment that was coming? Had Falorios gotten Nix off to make him more docile for his lecture and subsequent punishment? The Civek's pupil narrowed to a slit as his eye darted from side to side, trying to remember what he'd done wrong.

He'd eaten all the ice cream in the house, but it was so delicious and he'd been hungry. He hadn't helped with the shopping, but anyone who left for that always seemed to slip off when he wasn't looking. He was demanding and moody, but he didn't mean to be. Everything just felt so emotionally overwhelming. Just the day before, Rios had caught Nix sniffling over an advertisement for knitting yarn. But, the knitting yarn had made him think of baby blankets, which had made him think of babies, which had made the cat realize that none of his family would be knitting anything, blankets or otherwise, for his kits.

The Civek made a list of his sins in his mind, not realizing he was frozen in place until Rios squeezed his hand.

Though Falorios was curious as to what was currently running through his lover's mind that caused such a worrisome expression to form on his face, he gently tugged the Civek with him to sit in the center of the bed and kissed him on the cheek. "It's time, love." He simply stated.

Nix's eyes were wide as Caspin crawled onto the bed, a little box in his hand. The Vulpan gave a little growl in the back of his throat, pushing on the Civek's shoulder until Nix was lying on his back on the bed. Cas pinned the taller man to the bed and leaned close. The cat shivered, equal parts worried and aroused. A fiercely dominant Caspin was kind of hot.

"I wish for us to be together in a Seraglio." The fox turned his head, biting Nix on one bare shoulder. His teeth were sharp and drew blood easily. He released the stunned Civek and sat up to grab the little box. "Please, be my Serai?"

The box opened with a small snick to reveal a black choker. As Caspin carefully fastened it around Nix's neck it slid softly against his skin. It felt a bit like a combination of silk and velvet, but it was slightly elastic and comfortable around his throat. Cas pulled a tiny charm out of his pocket and dangled it in front of Nix's eyes. It was a little bounding fox, with tall ears and a thick tail. In the center of the body was a small green gem the precise emerald color of Caspin's eyes. The Vulpan attached the charm to the choker and leaned over to kiss Nix deeply. The Civek tasted a hint of the tang of his blood in the captain's mouth, but that only seemed to arouse him more. When Nix tried to wrap his arms around Cas, the fox growled and pinned him again, kissing the dark-skinned cat until Nix was mewling with desire.

"I love you," Caspin whispered as he released Nix and slid from the bed.

The Civek was already a rolling mess of emotions on the inside. Tears brimmed in his eyes as Adrian then shifted towards him.

"I also wish for us to be together in a Seraglio," Adrian stated. The human wasted no time in pressing his hand to the feline's chest, his long fingers sliding along a dusky nipple as he leaned down to bite along the collar bone of Nix's other side. His canines were just barely sharp enough to leave two pinpricks of blood behind. He held out his hand before Nix's eye. His charm was simply round in form, but the gem inlaid within the circle was periwinkle blue. As he attached the charm to the choker next to Caspin's, he gave the Civek an open-mouthed kiss. "I love you, as well."

Phenner grinned as he bounced onto the bed. He straddled Nix's waist and bit back a giggle as he put his pale finger's around the cat's throat and pressed gently, trying to look serious.

"I really want to be in a Seraglio with you," the rabbit stated genuinely before leaning down to bite Nix's unmarked shoulder. A perfect imprint of his teeth was left behind, bleeding slightly from where Phenner's front teeth had dug in.

Phen's charm was a simple flower with a gold center and little pink jewels set into the petals, which were also the same hue as his eyes. He added his charm to the others and kissed the Civek warmly.

Phenner nuzzled his cheek against Nix's and whispered in his ear. "I love you bunches."

The bunny sat back with a radiant smile and hopped off the bed.

Mycha was next, and he was a nervous wreck. He swallowed hard as he clambered over Nix's form. "I, t-too, want to be in a Seraglio with you," he managed to get out as he shuffled down to one of his thighs. "Th-This might hurt a bit!" he warned as he concentrated hard on breaking the skin. When he was finally able to draw blood, he pulled back with a beaming smile of triumph. "I did it!" The Murisian had been worried that he would only be able to bruise the Civek, since none of his teeth were as sharp as the others. But, he figured out a way by gently tugging on the skin as he bit down on the barest edge. He showed Nix a charm in the shape of a mouse with a goldenrod colored gem in the center before attaching it on the collar. He grabbed a hold of the Civek's face with both his hands and pressed a sound kiss on his lips. "Love you, Nixie."

When the others had all settled back, it was finally the Alano's turn. Falorios draped himself over the Civek and nuzzled the side of his neck. "I will always be your Serai." He vowed as he gave that area a sharp bite. He held on for a while longer than the others and then gently licked the wound. He held his own charm in front of Nix. His was in the shape of a luna moth, with a gem as honey-hued as his eyes. As he attached the final charm to the choker, he kissed the Civek. The kiss was slow and sweet, building up in increments with a fiery intensity that left them both breathless when he finally pulled away. "...And I love you with every last ounce of my being." He concluded.

Rios reached under one of the pillows for a small jewelry box as he rolled beside the feline so that he Nix could move. When he opened the box, two rings were nested inside. They were platinum bands, studded with a line of stones all around. The stones were the same hues of all the gems on the charms. The Alano took one of the rings out and slid it onto Nix's left ring finger, as was a custom that Adrian had told them about. He then slid the other ring on his own left ring finger and smirked.

They all huddled together to snuggle the Civek. Mycha was particularly careful to not cling to any place near the bites. "Nixie...can you have the MedBay heal the bites or is it not allowed?" He asked, concerned.

"I'm pretty sure I can. I don't remember ever hearing about it." The cat pecked a kiss on the top of Mycha's strawberry blond head. "Sweet mousey. I don't mind wearing your bites, though." Nix let out a long contented sigh. "I don't want to go right now. Tomorrow is soon enough. I want to stay here with my Seraglio." The Civek beamed as he said the word.

Phenner kissed the bite on one of Nix's shoulders. "Does is make it too sore to move around, though? Are we hurting you?"

"Not at all." Nix looked over the pile of them on the bed and smiled wickedly. "I think I can move just fine. I can think of some movements I would kind of like to engage in right now."

The cat wasn't sure who he groped, one fondle for each hand, until Mycha squeaked and Adrian sucked in a breath.

Caspin giggled and kissed Nix's cheek. "If we're hurting you, you have to tell us, okay?"

The Civek nodded his agreement, continuing to stroke Mycha and Adrian.

Rios sidled up behind Nix, placing a kiss on the back of his neck. "Remember how I promised you 'much more soon' back when we were in the shower?" He prompted in a low voice.

The cat's ears perked up as he nodded eagerly, his hands moving faster, making the two men moan in harmony. "Now is the time for much more?"

The Alano smirked against the dark skin beneath his lips. Instead of answering, he shifted them so that he was able to work his way right into the Civek, his lubricated shaft easing on inside like a sword sliding into its sheath. Rios gently spread Nix's legs wide enough for the others to be able to have access to him, as well.

Adrian was the first to lean forward, careful not to push any of his smaller lovers, as he claimed the Civek's mouth in a searing kiss.

Nix moaned into the human's mouth. The cat kept his hands on Mycha's and Adrian's shafts, which were getting stiffer by the moment, as Nix eagerly kissed Adrian and spread his thighs wide for Falorios. Phenner took advantage of a little open space to swoop in and tease and nibble one of the Civek's nipples. Nix had always had sensitive nipples, but there was something about being pregnant that seemed to have connected the pleasures in his nips straight to his cock. The cat squirmed and whimpered, muffled by Adrian's mouth on his. The noises grew more desperate as Caspin latched onto the other nipple, his fluffy tan and black tail swishing happily behind him.

Mycha took hold of the Civek's hand and kissed the palm of it before disappearing between Phen and the captain as he pressed a kiss to the tip of Nix's shaft. He gave the head a long lick and then sucked it right into his mouth with a moan and the flick of a tail.

Nix's free hand gripped the blankets then happened onto Caspin's hip. The cat traced his fingers until he found the Vulpan's rod, stroking and squeezing it. The sudden pleasure made Cas bite down a bit harder than intended and Nix arched his body upward in pained pleasure. Phenner giggled in delight and gave the little nub he'd be playing with a hard nip. Nix arched again, precum flowing across Mycha's talented tongue.

Rios reached over to gently shift Phenner's long ears aside so that he could peer down at the Murisian below. When Mycha made his way to the base of Nix's cock, the Alano pulled back and gave a sharp thrust, rocking the Civek further inside the mouth.

Caspin thrust into Nix's warm, grasping hand as the fox and rabbit nibbled and teased the Civek's dark flesh.

Nix let out a strangled moan as Adrian pulled away for a moment. "Fuck," the cat whimpered. "Fuck me, sugar."

Adrian gave one of the feline's ears a gentle bite and then reached down beneath one of the pillows for a lubrication tablet. He moved down behind the Murisian and slid the tablet inside. The human didn't need to stretch the mouse at all, since the flesh was already accustomed to being filled, to some extent.

Mycha moaned around the flesh in his mouth. The human's shaft was thicker and longer than Phenner's, so he definitely felt a stretch. He ended up having to place both his hands on Nix's hips as the two of them were rocked back and forth.

Phenner looked down at the others thrusting and moaning. He licked his pink lips and scooted himself up by Nix's head. When something hot and hard poked against the cat's cheek, Nix turned his head and happily sucked the tip of the bunny's cock into his mouth. Phen made a happy noise and pushed himself to the Civek's throat, knowing from experience that Nix wouldn't mind in the least if the rabbit fucked his mouth. Caspin watched and let out a little whine, wishing he'd thought of that and wanting somewhere warm and wet to thrust into.

A low chuckle escaped Adrian as he saw his beloved Vulpan feeling left out. "Come here, love." He urged as he pulled out of Mycha's round backside and positioned Caspin between them. "Go for it. I'm right behind you."

The captain let out an eager whimper as he stroked his fingers across the cute little freckles on Mycha's creamy skin. The mouse let out a little squeak as Cas gripped Mycha's hip with one hand and tail in the other as he lined up and sheathed himself with a single thrust.

The human crawled back to one of the pillows to retrieve another tablet. By the time he came back, Caspin was lost in the Murisian's depths. "Patience, love." He murmured into one of the large Vulpan ears as he slid the tablet into him. He held the fox's hips steady as he rocked himself inside. "Now you are free to move as you wish. I'll follow you."

Falorios let out a guttural sound at the sight. He reached over to gently scratch Nix's nipples as they all found a rhythm.

The cat moaned, his muscles tightening, setting off a chain reaction. Rios and Phenner both thrust deeper into the writhing Civek. Nix was pushed into Mycha's throat. The mouse backed up a little bit before bobbing back to swallow down the ebony cock. He then pushed back onto Caspin, who rocked back onto Adrian's hard thickness. A flurry of excited pumping and moaning followed.

Phenner came first, wide pink eyes glued to the erotic scene. Nix swallowed every drop and kept sucking, quite aware that the bun would be up for another round.

Rios reached up with his other hand to scratch and squeeze the rabbit's tail before shifting slightly and thrusting harder into Nix's heat.

Mycha gave a hard suck and released the pressure with every other thrust from behind. A moment later, he began to keen in the back of his throat, knees trembling, as he came hard.

"Cosmos!" He gasped as he finally pulled off of Nix's member.

The Alano slid the hand on Nix's chest down to stroke the Civek in Mycha's stead.

Nix pulled of Phen for a moment to whimper, "Harder!"

He was looking at Caspin at the time, so it wasn't clear who was supposed to get what harder. The Vulpan decided it was an excellent idea, either way, Cas got a tight grip on Mycha's tail and fucked the Murisian hard and deep, forcing himself back and forth just as rapidly on Adrian's cock, which was thicker and longer than the one Cas was pumping into Mycha.

"Oh stars!" Mycha mewled as he wrapped his arms around Nix's thighs for support. He began to nuzzle and lick at the Civek's balls while he was down there, riding out each of Caspin's thrusts. To his surprise, he felt himself rise to yet another peak. "C-Captain! I-I'm gonna cum again!" He cried out.

The human behind the Vulpan let out a low growl as he began to match Caspin's pace. In a mere moment, the two of them began to thrust in tandem.

"Shit!" Rios hissed when he felt his wings fluttering open behind him. He took a firm hold of Nix's hips and began to tug the Civek into each of his pounding thrusts.

Nix was mewling, hips bucking, as he sucked Phenner. One ebony-skinned hand snuck behind the rabbit and penetrated him with two fingers. A moment before Phen thrust deep into Nix's throat and came for the second time, the Civek moaned loud and long, spilling into Mycha's mouth (which had resumed its earlier sucking) as his muscles tightened rhythmically around Rios.

Mycha squeaked in the back of his throat and pulled back slightly, but Caspin gave no ground. It changed the angle of the Vulpan's rough thrusts to begin pounding on the Murisian's sweet spot aggressively.

"Fuck," Rios hissed as he shot himself deep inside the Civek. "Nix..." He panted.

"Ahnn! Captain!" Mycha keened a moment later, unable to take Caspin's ferocity anymore. He spilled forth all over one of Nix's inner thighs and the sheets below. His body twitched a few times as he breathed shakily.

"Ah! Stars!" Cas shouted as Mycha, once again, tightened around him.

The Vulpan pulled on Mycha's tail and buried his length into the gasping Murisian, making the mouse give a little breathless squeak. The pleasure had built until Caspin was light-headed. He saw little flickers of light in his peripheral vision as he cried out his release. Being in the middle was a damn fine ride for the petite Vulpan.

Adrian wasn't far behind in the slightest. Almost as soon as he felt Caspin's release he, too, burst deep inside with a rumbling roar.

"Damn, that was..." Rios whispered, unable to even finish his sentence.

Most of the men could only answer with grunts or hums of agreement as they sprawled on the bed where they'd fallen.

Phen sat up and stretched with a goofy smile on his fair face. "Can we do it again?"

The Murisian patted around the bed until his hand closed around Phenner's foot. "Fifteen minutes...just... please." He begged.

a/n: As always, comments and reviews are greatly appreciated!

Copyright © 2017 HinderToyBL, Rambling Robin, Thirdly; All Rights Reserved.
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Sigh, poor silly Nix. I hope he feels secure in their love and devotion after this. Although, I'm sure they won't mind showing him all over again. :P lol

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On 09/24/2016 07:41 AM, Timothy M. said:

Sigh, poor silly Nix. I hope he feels secure in their love and devotion after this. Although, I'm sure they won't mind showing him all over again. :P lol

I certainly hope so, as well. Glad you're still with us so far.

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"I'm still in shock that some of them even have my genes...I only came in him once!" He whispered incredulously.


I'm binging the series....This is so far my favorite line.  Can't wait to get caught up and then wait for more....Thanks for an awesome series!!

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1 hour ago, glennish said:

"I'm still in shock that some of them even have my genes...I only came in him once!" He whispered incredulously.


I'm binging the series....This is so far my favorite line.  Can't wait to get caught up and then wait for more....Thanks for an awesome series!!


We are nearing the end of this first installment of the series, but there will be so much more to come. Glad you've been enjoying the read so far!

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