Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Pushing the Limit -Book 2 - 15. Chapter 15
It was late on a Thursday afternoon and David looked once again at the message Lyssa sent him. She had wanted to know if she and a friend could stay at the house this weekend. When David had replied that he had no problem with it, he had been a little puzzled when she asked if he could be there Friday night, she needed to discuss something with him, but it wasn’t urgent. Sinclair would be at an away game down in Naples and wouldn’t be back until late. He told Lyssa that he would be there for dinner and they could order pizza.
He was looking forward to the weekend and seeing Sinclair. They had started to fall into a routine of sorts, getting to know each other better. They had spent a good amount of time at TC’s house and David had started to think of it as home. He knew that moving in together would be the next big step that they would need to discuss. He was starting to hate the time apart from both TC and Sinclair. He had no particular emotional attachment to his own house. The kids had only lived there part time so he really didn’t think of it as their childhood home. They had left that behind in Maine. The rental market was strong in this area and David knew that if he decided to keep the house it had the potential to be a good income source. He was just hesitant on the whole being a landlord part. If he decided to sell he knew he would make a decent profit due the appreciation in value over the past ten years.
David knew that TC’s house was a better fit for the three of them, especially now that TC was moving forward with the playroom conversion. TC had gotten three bids for the job and after discussing what they wanted, he ended up going with the guy that David had gotten a recommendation for. He was the only one who didn’t bat an eyelash when TC said they wanted a playroom for adult activities.
The renovations were scheduled to start next Monday and the contractor gave them a tentative timeline of two weeks. There was some material that had to be special ordered in order to soundproof the room. David couldn’t help but snicker when TC had told the contractor that.
David had noticed that TC’s demeanor had become much more confident lately. Having Sinclair with them was a big part of it. TC was taking his responsibilities for their new man seriously. David had also noticed that Sinclair was slowly starting to be more at ease with each of them. He was still quiet, still reserved and shy, but when they were alone he was smiling more often and was less hesitant. It was definitely a step in the right direction. David wanted to see more of his smile and he knew TC wanted the same.
TC had asked Sinclair when his lease was up on his apartment and Sinclair had replied that he was locked into his lease until the end of the year. That gave them another three months to figure out if they were going to commit to the next logical step. David was pretty sure cohabitation was in their immediate future. Each day that passed made him long for it just a little bit more.
The following day he left work a little early. Lyssa said that Owen would drop off her and her friend after school so they would probably be there already, most likely hanging out by the pool. It was mid-September and still hot and humid.
When David walked into the kitchen he was surprised to see Lyssa and her friend sitting at the table, talking quietly. Lyssa looked up when she heard him clear his throat.
“Hi Dad!” she greeted him as she got up to give him a hug. Her limp was less noticeable now that nearly a year had passed since the accident. As David hugged his daughter he noticed her friend looking over at them with an unreadable expression.
Lyssa pulled back and turned toward the other teen. “Daddy, this is Morgan. Morgan, this is my Dad, David.”
Lyssa’s friend stood up and David was surprised at how tall she was, nearly eye to eye with him. Morgan had long, dark, wavy hair that hung down past her shoulders to the middle of her back. Dark eyes looked at him timidly, quickly looking away. Her features were strong, reminding him more of a young boy. She was also thin and completely flat chested. When she greeted him, her voice was most definitely deep for a girl. “Hello Mr. Callaghan. It’s nice to meet you.”
David made sure he caught Morgan’s gaze before he answered “It’s nice to meet you too Morgan. You can call me David, please make yourself at home.” Turning to Lyssa he asked “Are you two planning on going swimming now or later? I want to figure out when to order the pizza.”
“Can we order the pizza in about an hour? Um, I kinda need some advice. Well, actually Morgan does and I keep telling her that you’ll understand and might be able to help.” Lyssa said.
David looked at Morgan and said, “This house is a safe place Morgan. Whatever you say or do here, will stay here. I won’t discuss it with anyone else, unless you say it’s OK. Not even my boyfriends.”
David didn’t miss the way Morgan’s eyebrows went up a little at his use of the plural form of the word. He was pretty sure Lyssa hadn’t said anything to her friend.
“Thank you for saying that. It means a lot to hear it. I’ve, uh, been having some issues with my family lately and it’s been really hard. Um, I’m, uh, dammit!” Morgan stammered. “I’m transgender and they’re throwing me out at the end of the year when I turn eighteen. I need help figuring out what I can do.” she said, the words tumbling on top of each other.
“Oh, Sweetheart, I’m so sorry to hear that.” David gave her a moment to regroup while he thought about what he might be able to do. He knew that there wasn’t an easy solution to her problem so he told her “I don’t have a solution for you right now, but let me work on it and see what resources I can find, OK?” David offered.
There were tears in Morgan’s eyes and it broke David’s heart to see her this way. He never could understand how any parent could turn away from their child because of who they were. He may have lost his parents when he was barely an adult himself, but they had accepted him for who he was, never once questioning the fact that he was, at the time, bisexual and had brought home a few boyfriends as well as girlfriends.
David knew that this poor kid probably hadn’t had a meaningful moment with anyone in her family in quite some time, so he automatically went over and pulled Morgan up to enfold her in a hug. He held onto her as her shoulders shook, the tears finally pouring out. Lyssa came and wrapped her arms around both of them.
When Morgan’s tears finally subsided, David said “Why don’t I order the pizza now and after we eat you guys can chill out in the pool for the evening?”
Morgan’s demeanor got quiet again and she said softly “I don’t have a suit to wear.”
Lyssa smiled and told her “C’mon, I’m sure I’ve got something that will work. I’ll figure it out.”
David watched the two teens as they headed down the hall. As he pulled up the app for the pizza place they all liked, he got a text from TC asking if he was going to make it over later. Knowing that Lyssa might need his support helping Morgan he shot back a response letting TC know he was staying put for the night, then on a whim he invited him over too. Maybe if Morgan got to know more people who would never judge her, she might have a better outlook. TC texted back that he’d be there shortly. David ordered three large pizzas and a big salad. They could save some leftovers for Sinclair.
David puttered around the kitchen, pulling out paper plates and napkins for the pizza, setting the table for them. Lyssa came back to the kitchen first. She told David that she found a decent suit for Morgan to wear and she was getting changed in the bathroom. She wrapped her arms around his waist and said “Thank you, Dad. I knew you’d understand.”
“I invited TC over too. Sinclair has an away game and won’t be back until late.” David told her.
“Nope, he’ll be here in a couple hours. I got a text from him just now, there’s bad thunderstorms moving through Naples so the game was cancelled. They were almost there when they got word, so now they’re on the way back.” TC’s voice came to them as he came in the front door.
TC came into the kitchen with a smile. Lyssa scooted over to give him a hug. TC lifted her off her feet, making her laugh. He bent down to drop a kiss on the top of her head as he set her down. As TC enfolded David into his own hug, Morgan came down the hall in time to see TC plant a rather heated kiss on David’s lips. The youngster stared, just taking it all in.
When they pulled apart, David introduced TC to Morgan. “This is Lyssa’s friend, Morgan. She’s spending the weekend. Morgan this is my boyfriend TC.” He kept his promise and said nothing regarding Morgan’s current issues. David knew that TC would figure out something was up anyway.
Even though she was tall, Morgan was quite slim and her waist wasn’t all that much bigger than Lyssa’s. Lyssa had loaned her a pair of cut off shorts that had been Owen’s from a few summers ago and were too small for him. She had paired it with a blue bikini top, over which Morgan was currently wearing a white tank top with a pink heart on it.
TC didn’t hesitate and said “Welcome Morgan, cute tank top.”
Morgan blushed and bit her lower lip, not quite sure what to make of things. She was saved by the bell, literally as the pizza arrived.
David signed for the food and tipped the driver. They all dug into the food and conversation flowed easily. TC kept any questions directed at Morgan light and centered on general topics. He automatically knew that she was battling some demons and didn’t want to scare her. David was grateful for the way he spoke to her with care. TC had a soft side to him that was a complete opposite of his strong Dominant side.
When dinner was over they cleaned up quickly. TC fixed a plate for Sinclair, knowing he would be hungry and it wouldn’t be too much longer. Sin had sent another text letting them know that they were back in Bradenton and he would be down after they finished unloading the equipment.
Out on the lanai the kids had jumped in the pool and each had claimed a float. David was sitting on one of the loungers. TC had claimed the one next to him. That was how Sinclair found them when he arrived about forty-five minutes later.
“Hello Sirs.” he greeted them with a smile. David tilted his head up as Sinclair leaned down to give him a kiss. David let his tongue invade Sin’s mouth and he inhaled through his nose, breathing in the musky scent that was unique to Sin. He finally released his boyfriend, only so he could be claimed by TC. David smiled as TC pulled Sin down onto his lap and attached his lips to Sin’s like a remora to a shark. Glancing over at the pool he also noticed Morgan watching them with curiosity.
“Morgan.” David called, focusing her attention back to him and off of TC and Sin. “This is Sinclair, our boyfriend. Sinclair, this is Lyssa’s friend Morgan.”
TC had finally let Sin come up for air, a happy smile on both of their faces.
Sinclair gave a little wave and said “Hi!”
“Hi” Morgan replied shyly.
“What do you say we join the girls in the pool? It still feels hot out here. David, what color would look good on Sin tonight?” TC asked him.
David thought for a minute. They had gotten Sin Speedos in an array of colors. David had to admit that he really enjoyed seeing Sin’s body on display. “Royal blue,” David said decisively, remembering Sin’s dragon costume with it’s blue scales.
“You heard him Sin. Go change.” instructed TC as he stood up. He was already wearing board shorts and he stripped off the tank top he was wearing, revealing his toned upper body. TC hauled David up and pulled the hem of his shirt up. David lifted his arms over his head to allow TC to remove the garment, fully aware that Morgan was watching intently.
As soon as his shirt was off TC grabbed him around the waist and threw him in the deep end. He had been expecting it and came up laughing as TC cannonballed right next to him. Lyssa squealed as TC’s tidal wave rocked her raft. Once Sinclair came back, he joined them, flipping gracefully smack in between David and TC. TC immediately grabbed him and started to tickle his ribcage. Sin was slippery and managed to squirm away, laughing. Damn, David really loved that sound. Sin was finally letting go of his reservations and allowing his playful nature to show.
They all noticed that Morgan stayed off to the side with Lyssa, watching the three so called adults act like teenagers, trying to dunk each other. It wasn’t until TC and David ganged up on Sin, dragging him into that one spot where they could reach the bottom and he couldn’t, that Sinclair cried out for help.
Lyssa got out of the pool, Morgan following, and she launched all five feet two inches of herself off the deck and landed on TC’s back, clinging to him like a monkey. She yelled “Morgan! Get my Dad!!!” Morgan only hesitated a moment before launching herself into the water, attaching her arms around David’s neck. She managed to off balance him and he went under, spluttering as he came up again. It was mayhem as Sinclair, Lyssa and Morgan used underhanded tactics to bring the bigger men down. Sinclair attacked from below, diving under to pull their legs out from under them, while one of the girls would try to push them under. Morgan was wiry, but she was strong, not to mention slippery too.
They were at it for a good twenty minutes before everyone except Sinclair started to tire out. He jumped out one last time and executed a perfect jackknife in between his Sirs and swamped them both as the girls pushed them under one last time.
Getting out of the pool, David grabbed some towels and tossed them to each person as they climbed out, dripping onto the deck. Sinclair was still laughing and David couldn’t help smiling. Morgan too, was more at ease and giggled at Sin’s antics. They all dropped into chairs or loungers, TC pulling Sin onto his lap and nuzzled his neck.
Morgan looked at them and sighed. “Thank you all for including me. It’s been a while since I’ve felt welcomed anywhere.”
TC looked at the teen and gently probed “Morgan, all of us here have had to deal with issues regarding who we are. You can be yourself here, we’ll keep you safe. I promise.”
Morgan let go with one sob. It was all she needed in order to open up and talk more about her situation. She told them all that growing up she was always uncomfortable in her own skin and never could figure out why. She was the youngest of three kids, having an older brother and an older sister. She remembers always wanting to be more like her sister. She wanted to play with her dolls and tea sets. She wanted to dress like her, wear makeup like her and just be more like her in general. Their parents thought it was just a phase and when Morgan started to let her hair grow out when she was fourteen, they thought she’d get over it after a while.
It was last year that Morgan realized she was probably transgender and started to wear more feminine clothes. Her parents had thrown a conniption fit and tried to get her to cut her hair and go back to dressing like a boy. When she refused they shunned her. They ignored her when she was home, they stopped talking to her unless it was absolutely necessary and they just stopped caring. Last weekend they had told her that if she was going to keep up this ‘farce’, as they put it, then she would need to find another place to live after she turned eighteen, which would be December 28th. Her sister and brother were both still in college and not able to help her out. They, at least, accepted her, but neither one was close by, which was probably a good thing. Both of them were pretty pissed at their parents.
Morgan relayed that she had held herself together all week, but on Tuesday she had reached the end of her rope when a few of her classmates taunted her. She had started dressing like the girl she felt she really was at the beginning of the summer and most of her friends had been supportive. Even as a boy her inner circle had been small and those who were closest respected her decision. It was some of the others in their school who were close-minded and would hurl the occasional insult her way. Normally she brushed it off, but this week it became too much.
That is where Lyssa stepped in. She had placed all of her five foot-two, ninety-five pound body between Morgan and her tormentors and told them to go fuck themselves.
David beamed with pride at that admission. Even TC had to smile at her protectiveness.
Lyssa and Morgan had been friends since Lyssa started at the school in the middle of her junior year back in January and Morgan had been assigned to help her out as she had still been in a wheelchair healing from her broken leg. They shared the same class schedule and when school started up again last month they were happy to discover that they had six out of seven classes together again.
TC’s face was a myriad of emotions. David knew that he was incensed with Morgan’s parents for treating their child like an outcast, rather than embracing her for who she was. He could also see sadness and empathy flicker across TC’s countenance, his brows drawing together in consternation at the thought of this poor kid suffering and seeing tears form in the corners of his eyes as Morgan had recalled being rejected by the two people who were supposed to love her unconditionally.
When Morgan got quiet, TC spoke. “Morgan, I’m going to figure out a way to help you. I don’t know what yet, but I promise you, you’ll have somewhere to go before the end of the year. I have a few ideas, but I need to work out some details, OK? Are you working at all right now? Are you graduating in the spring with Lyssa?”
Morgan replied. “I work part time at Sketchers in the Outlet Mall. I’m dual enrolled at the high school and SCF. I actually have enough credits to graduate if they offered early graduation, but I have to wait until May like everyone else.”
“Are you planning on going to college?” TC inquired.
“If I can get some grants and scholarships, I’d like to. I qualify for the Bright Futures scholarship and I’ve submitted my FAFSA application. At this point I’ll probably just be able to do part time, but I figure that it’s better than nothing.” Morgan answered.
“That’s good. Keep yourself focused on school and let work be an outlet for you.” TC advised.
Morgan nodded and a few more tears leaked out as TC went over to enfold her in a hug. It had been a long time since she had felt the warmth of a grown-up’s hug. It was what her parents should have done, not push her away.
Morgan was drained emotionally so Lyssa dragged her off to her room so they could chill out for a while before going to bed. David started to pick up the pool area and TC and Sinclair helped. They got a load of towels started before heading to the master bedroom to shower off the chlorine. TC kept everything as platonic as he could, they didn’t need to fuel Lyssa’s imagination any more than what it was already capable of.
They crawled into bed and once they were settled David asked TC “So what do you think we can do to help Morgan out?”
TC addressed Sinclair “Sin, your lease is up in December isn’t it?”
“Yes Sir.” Sinclair replied.
TC was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. “What if we tried moving you both into my place in November? Then when Morgan turns eighteen we can let her stay at David’s house. We’d have to lay down some ground rules and after she graduates she should sign a lease. That is, if you'd be OK with renting out your house, David.”
David thought for a few minutes, mentally going over the pros and cons. “Honestly, I’ve been thinking a lot about us moving in together lately. I’ve been weighing the pros and cons of renting versus selling and really couldn’t decide. This makes the decision easier. I think it’s pretty feasible. I’m wondering if she even has to go back to classes at the high school if she already has her credit requirements. I guess we’d need to look into it. I think that if we throw in the offer of having Lyssa move in with her after she graduates and turns eighteen too, Morgan would be more than willing. Lyssa is applying to SCF and the USF campus near the airport and my house would be a lot closer than Renee’s. We’d be close enough to keep an eye on them too. Yeah, it might work.”
“Sin. What about you? Would you be willing to move into our house before your lease is up? We can cover the last month for you if it would help out.” TC asked, his lips close to Sin’s ear. David knew TC’s breath would make it hard for Sin to think straight. He liked those tactics.
Sin answered “I’d like that, Sirs.”
TC’s voice rumbled as he hummed his approval. David leaned in and kissed Sin’s sweet lips and he felt TC press closer to Sin’s backside. Their hands met and both of them stroked Sin to a shuddering climax, rewarding him for making them both happy.
TC scooped up Sinclair’s release with his fingers and stuck them in Sin’s mouth. Gradually they all drifted off, slumber coming easily now that they were all together again.
The rest of the weekend they spent at David’s house, lending support to Morgan. There was still a lot to discuss, but they would do that later, when the girls weren’t around.
David and TC took off Monday morning so they could all meet with the contractor that was coming to start the lanai renovation. David had the most knowledge when it came to building and reading blueprints and such so he took the lead as the crew arrived. The crew consisted of four guys, including the owner. He took the time to sit with David and go over the details one more time. Once David was satisfied that everything was good to go he kissed TC and Sinclair goodbye and headed to work. TC was right behind him, leaving Sinclair to enjoy his day off.
The renovations moved swiftly and were done at the end of the two week time frame that was given. The crew had done a great job. The door from the bedroom to the playroom was simple, but sturdy. Inside, the exterior walls had been closed in, no windows had been included in the plans, which had kept costs down. Most new buildings and additions in Florida used hurricane grade windows, which of course were more expensive. The exterior walls had added insulation which would help buffer any noise, not that TC planned on allowing any sound to come from Sin. It was David who could get rather loud sometimes.
Along one wall a closet had been built, shelves lining the inside. The remainder of the wall housed a pre-made storage unit that had drawers, shelves and hooks to hang things from. The ceiling had been reinforced with a strong support beam, which now had the hardware needed to support the weight of a full grown man in a sling, which was scheduled to be delivered soon.
The ductwork from the A/C system had been extended. TC was fortunate that the last unit that had been installed was large enough to accommodate the extra square footage. The walls had been painted a deep garnet, and the floors were a dark cherry wood finish. TC had ordered a St. Andrew’s cross and David had chosen a spanking bench. Those were scheduled to be delivered early the following week.
TC had asked Sinclair to choose the decor to go on two of the walls. He had found some gorgeous prints of close up shots of a sub bound in different ways. Together they decided on three, all done in black and white and framed in gold. The first, a close up of the sub’s back, his hands clasping his elbows in their palms, ropes intricately woven around the limbs and across the tight back muscles. There was also one showing the whole sub, on his knees, back arched, his hands grabbing his ankles behind him. His head was thrown back and ropes enveloped his chest and tethered his torso to the hands and feet that were also bound together in a pretty display. The sub’s body was positioned so that he was silhouetted, just barely giving the observer a hint of his features. The third one that they chose was another close up, this time, intricate knots woven across the sub’s chest and stomach, with the barest glimpse of his pubic area. Individually or together, the portraits were stunning.
TC and David had ordered a simple queen size platform bed. The frame was wood and they would install some eye hooks after it was delivered. Sinclair had asked for black sheets and TC and David were happy to oblige.
David had noticed that TC was starting to take things further along when it came to sex. They still hadn’t engaged in any anal intercourse, but there had definitely been more oral and finger manipulation. David knew that it wouldn’t be much longer before they crossed that final barrier once more. He and TC were communicating better than ever and David was happy that TC seemed much more relaxed with him. Their renewed friendship had gradually eased into a closer relationship and it had happened naturally once Sinclair had entered into the picture.
TC was able to concentrate on Sinclair wholly as a sub, knowing that his relationship with David was solid. Sinclair responded to TC in a way that was beautiful for David to watch unfold. His own relationship with Sinclair was relaxed and easy. Sinclair deferred to him, but David allowed a bit more leeway than TC, which somehow worked. It definitely didn’t hurt that Sin loved to feel the sharp sting of David’s bare hand on his ass either, or any other instrument he wielded for that matter.
September had given way to October once again and as they waited for the delivery of their playroom equipment they discussed how the next couple of months should unfold. If TC had his way, David and Sinclair would be living with him tomorrow, but he too, would need to practice patience.
TC didn’t like the fact that Morgan had to live in a household that refused to even try to understand her, let alone accept her. It didn’t sit well with David either. That was the reason he and TC decided to approach Renee and Mike. They invited them for dinner on Tuesday when Sinclair was able to join them too. He was just as concerned as they were and TC wouldn’t entertain the idea of him not being a part of what they were going to propose. He was now part of the family and would be included in major discussions. Being submissive, he would let TC and David lead the conversation, but his thoughts and ideas were just as valuable as everyone else’s.
When Mike and Renee arrived, Sin was putting the finishing touches on dinner. After everyone was settled at the table, TC and David explained what was happening to Morgan. Lyssa, the loyal friend that she was, had not said anything to either Renee or Mike, but as concerned adults, TC and David needed the other couple’s help.
Renee was outraged, as was Mike. She was determined to put an end to Morgan’s suffering at the hands of her family and declared that Morgan could stay with them in order to get her out of the toxic atmosphere she currently had to endure.
David told Renee “That’s what I figured you’d want to do. We’ve also come up with a plan, and I’m hoping that you and Mike will agree. TC and I, with Sinclair’s input, have decided that Sin and I will move in with TC in November. That will give us a chance to do some stuff that needs to be done on my house, like painting and such. I’d like to offer Morgan the use of the house after she turns eighteen. I did a little research and found out that the dual enrollment program that she’s in will allow her to enroll full time in the college’s program for her final semester. It would mean that she will still graduate high school in May and next fall she should have enough credits to enroll as a sophomore. That will save her an entire year of college expenses. Currently she’s covered by state and federal grants. I’m pretty sure that she’ll be able to get a good financial aid package. She’s a smart kid.”
Renee looked pensive and she replied “We’d have no problem with her staying with us until she graduates in May. You don’t have to move out of your home David.”
David smiled and said “My home is with TC and Sinclair. I’m moving regardless of what Morgan decides to do. Besides, my house is a lot closer to the college which will save on wear and tear on her vehicle. Plus, the three of us will be less than ten minutes away and can check up on her often. It won’t be a free ride forever, either. After graduation we’re proposing that Lyssa move to the house as well. The girls would have to stay in school full time, and keep a part time job, and pay a nominal amount of rent to help with expenses. If either of them decide to drop out of school then they would need to find a full time job and their portion of the rent would go up. Does that sound fair to you?”
Renee looked over at Mike and nodded. Mike replied “You guys have given this a lot of thought haven’t you? It seems like a good idea and I’m glad you’re going to be charging them some sort of rent. I think it will be a good lesson in finances and budgeting for them, without the worry of being kicked out on the streets.”
TC added “It is a really viable solution. David, Sinclair and I have reached the point where we need to be together in one household. I hate seeing them leave and I know they feel the same. It’s the next logical step.”
Renee looked at Sinclair, her mothering instincts kicking in as she asked him “This is something you want Sinclair? Moving in with these two hooligans?”
Sinclair blushed as he answered “It’s exactly what I want, more than anything.”
Renee chuckled and announced “Well, I think we have a winner boys. Morgan, if she agrees, can move in after she turns eighteen and you three will be drawn and quartered if this plan doesn’t work out. Understand? Am I clear enough?”
“Crystal.” David replied with a smirk.
The adults hashed out some of the logistics and by the end of the night Renee and Mike had decided to offer their home to Morgan and broach the idea of her enrolling in the college courses and moving into David’s house at the end of the year. They all hoped it would work out.
Sinclair and David stayed with TC that night and all of them were looking forward to the weekend. Everything that they had ordered had been delivered and now they had a playroom to set up.
Would love to hear your thoughts and comments as always. I need a little pick me up.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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