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Rising in the Shadows - 11. Chapter 11: Beginning Brawl

Tierney had taken the liberty of having Dirk pick them up and drive them to the museum. After a quick discussion, Mason convinced Vincent and Yakob to tag along. The shadow mages didn’t see a problem with using their preferred method of magical transportation, but gave in to the car ride. Even the monk had a joke up his sleeve when Vincent offered to carry Mason. “Alpha Scott, I assure you it won’t harm your image for me to carry you there.”

The New Yorker and his wolf were having none of it. I will be damned if someone carries me! I better be bloody and on my deathbed before that nonsense happens. Shaking off the monk’s idea, he contacted Kaplan to inform him of their departure. Just as he was going to hang up and call Cyrus, Tierney heard the panda’s distinct giggle in the background. “Don’t forget to bring Cyrus, Kap.” He smirked as he hung up and slipped the phone back in his pocket. Those two have become inseparable.

Dirk arrived in a shiny gray SUV, the group loaded themselves in and the bear took off. Vincent was baffled at Dirk’s adept driving skills. These streets are so skinny! How is he staying in the lanes? There is no way I could do this.

Careful. Use as warning.

What do you mean, bud?

He accurate. Still. Good control with body.

I didn’t think about that!

That what here for. Think thing when you not. Appreciative of his wolf’s insight, Vincent studied his friend. See? Calm. Look at eye! Studying Dirk’s eyes, the mage noticed the bear’s eyes were quickly darting everywhere. He not look at same thing twice! Bear good at an...anil…


Yes. Word tough.

I’m proud of you, though! You’re getting the hang of some of the bigger words I typically use. Vincent could feel his wolf’s pride from the internal compliment. Now, there’s an interesting thought. Did I just give myself a compliment? Does that make me egotistical?

Ah! Too big word. Think too much. Vincent kept his giggles to himself as Dirk navigated the busy streets. The Owensville couple kept their gazes on the windows as they enjoyed the sights. Every now and then, they would be distracted by Dirk's growls as he navigated through traffic.

They arrived at the museum later than anticipated and were greeted by Kaplan and Cyrus. Vincent glanced at Cyrus with a smile, his eyes were immediately drawn to Kaplan's neck. Woah! Did...did he get punched in the throat or something?

No, mark! Big mark!

Holy shit! Cyrus marked him! It's not a full bite mark, but damn! "Young Vincent," He looked up and saw Cyrus staring at him, "are you admiring my work?"

Tierney and Mason looked at the couple and smirked together as Vincent stammered his response, "I-uh, well yeah! I'm a little shocked, if I'm being honest. That's a really...interesting mark."

"You haven't seen a bear's mark, have you?" Vincent shook his head, causing the panda to giggle, "Ursus shifters are very proud of their marks, so we place them in a very obvious location. We are also beyond protective of our love interests. I want the world to know I have laid claim to this man." Wrapping his arm around Kaplan's waist, Cyrus nudged his nose against the wolf's head, "He is mine." The last word left a growl rolling out of the bear's throat.

Vincent tilted his head to the side and posed a question, "So, does that make him your mate?"

The question turned everyone's heads towards the new power couple. Kaplan curled his neck, looking at the bigger man. M-mate? Did...has he chosen me as his mate?

With a subtle smile, Cyrus returned Kaplan's gaze, "That remains to be decided. My bear wanted to mark him, and with Kaplan's permission, I did. For now, he is mine and mine alone." The statement earned several approving nods as Kaplan rested his head against the bear.

A nagging feeling crawled across Vincent’s neck hairs. Someone’s watching. He turned to his left but saw no one. Looking across the street, his eyes met with the Enforcer’s. Without thinking about it, Vincent’s eyes glowed blue. There he is. Wagner seemed shaken by the glowing eyes and barely bent his neck as he started to cross the street.

Mason turned to his mate and quickly found what he was staring at. Is that the Enforcer? Irritation prickled his wolf’s mind and allowed a swift flash of his golden irises. “Vinnie. You’re showing your eyes and there are still people around.”

Crap! I let him get to me. Calming himself, Vincent’s eyes returned to their natural hazel color and allowed Mason to pull him close. When Wagner approached, Mason hastily put himself in front of his mate.

“It is my understanding you insulted my mate?” Rage trembled in Mason’s voice, but he kept himself in order due to the many bystanders.

Wagner quickly felt the Alpha’s presence, despite being the same height and build as him. “Yes, Alpha Wilson.”

“So you know who I am. I will allow Alpha Scott to determine the appropriate discipline.” Taking a step further, Mason squinted his eyes and got in Wagner’s face, “Mark my words, you so much as speak a word out of turn against my mate, and there will be a problem. Got it?”

Mason watched the Enforcer’s throat bob, “Yes, sir.”

“Good. Do you understand why you are here?”

“To watch Mated Alpha Bolton duel Enforcer Wescott.”

Mason was pleased at the man’s scared demeanor. He knows his place now. I doubt he will say much more about Vinnie. “Yes, but did you know that this won’t be the only spar to take place while we are here?”

Recalling the smaller man’s words from a week ago, Wagner nodded, “He is also taking on Alpha Scott.” Hearing a light giggle from the large man with Kaplan, the Enforcer’s eyes widened. That’s Alpha Vonder! The guy who’s taking Scott’s place in a few months. He...he isn’t? “Is...is Alpha Vonder on the list too?”

A smirk curled Mason’s maw, “What do you think...whelp? Is that what you called my mate when he was here? My mate is just as much of an Alpha as I am, and I suggest you remember that.”

Wagner nodded in respect, but darted his eyes at Kaplan and noticed the large, dark bruise on his neck. The Enforcer felt eyes on him and found Cyrus' emerald eyes. Oh, shit! Alpha Vonder...he marked Alvey!

"Enforcer Wagner," Cyrus whispered in a cold tone towards the lycan, bringing his tan eyes back, "I am not the Alpha over this pack yet, but I will make myself clear. If you confront Beta Alvey for anything less than official pack business, you won't be answering to Alpha Scott." The bear could hear Wagner's heart rate increase dramatically as he returned to his betrothed. That should put the pup in his place, for the time being. I doubt his rambunctious behavior will halt for long. Cyrus addressed the hosting Alpha, “Tierney, are we good to go?”

“Yep, let’s head to the back.” Tierney led the way, and brandished a key to a service door behind the building. Inside, the group came to a small elevator. Concerned with the lack of space, Vincent offered to carry Mason in the shadows, while Yakob merely rode in Tierney’s shadow.

Hearing of such preposterous notions, Wagner darted his eyes at Vincent and the monk. What in the fuck are they talking about? As Tierney stepped in the elevator, the Enforcer watched the monk enter and move his foot behind the Alpha. Without blinking, he watched the smaller man disappear in a thin cloud of black smoke. “What the? That guy just vanished!”

“Enforcer Wagner,” His eyes were drawn to Tierney’s, “you are in the presence of two shadow mages. I’ll let you figure out who the other one is.”

The...other one? He looked over to the small Alpha and his heart skipped a beat. Him? A...a shadow mage!

“Ready, Mace?” Vincent and Mason walked in, and with their hands latching to one another’s, they also vanished. Even with the three hiding in the shadows, the elevator seemed to be cramped. Just as Wagner was going to step on, Yakob reappeared outside the metal box.

“It seems space is an issue? I can hold up to two people, for any who are interested in joining me in the shadows.”

Just as the offer was made, it was accepted. “Oh, yes please!” Cyrus let his eagerness get the best of him and waved towards the monk, “I would be delighted to experience such a thing! Would you like to come as well, Kaplan?”

“It’s not dangerous, is it?”

Yakob stifled a giggle and shook his head, “No, young one. There is nothing dangerous about it. Just as long as I keep my hand on your shoulder.” Watching Kaplan nod, Yakob stepped back in and placed his hands on a shoulder of each shifter. The three men disappeared in the shadows.

Tierney and Dirk kept their eyes on Wagner, who couldn’t find the willpower to take a step forward. “Alex? Coming?”

With his name spoken, Wagner entered the box, carefully stepping around the existing shadows. So, they can enter someone’s shadows. If I step on a shadow, am I hurting them or something?

No, young Enforcer, you are not.

Hearing the monk’s voice in his head surprised Wagner and he jerked, looking around the ceiling of the elevator. “Did you guys hear that?”

Dirk raised an eyebrow in curiosity, silently judging the lower-tier Enforcer. Tierney chuckled deeply, “I’m guessing you’re now figuring out Yakob is also a telepathic mage? No thoughts are sacred Alex, I suggest you stop thinking.” Tierney pressed a button for the elevator to descend. It wasn’t long before the box stopped and the group walked out. Wagner jumped in surprise as the five bodies emerged from nowhere.

“My Gods! That was...well that was very interesting!” Cyrus looked around, admiring the effects of the power he was a part of, “Thank you, Yakob. I feel privileged to have gotten a taste of your power.”

Yakob smiled politely, "The pleasure is mine. I'm thrilled to see you had a good time." Led by Tierney, the group wandered throughout the floor. Vincent and Mason marveled at the facility. Walking around the large space, they passed a basketball court, as well as a boxing ring.

But Tierney walked past it all as he went through a doorway, leading the group into an enormous concrete room. With tall ceilings, the off-white room was easily a quarter of the size of a football field. Long fluorescent bulbs littered the rafters, illuminating the dark gray, synthetic rubber flooring.

Yakob interrupted the silence with a thin whistle, "This is remarkable! What a facility your pack has, Alpha Scott." Murmurs of agreement came from Vincent, Mason, and Cyrus.

"Tierney, what sort of activities take place here?" Cyrus asked.

“Mostly group sports, but we use this room as the location of all formal challenges within the pack council. There’s all sorts of pack functions that take place here. Pack intramural basketball, the newly formed boxing club have their matches here, and the pups do their little martial arts thing as well.”

“Sounds like a lot of traffic for a small elevator.”

Pointing a thumb behind him, Tierney smirked, “There’s the staircase. We try to blend in with the museum crowd as much as possible when it’s open. Now,” clapping his hands to break the conversation and gather everyone’s attention, “I think it’s time we get down to business! Dirk? Vincent? You ready?”

Dirk responded, “Yes, Alpha.”

Vincent smiled and set his backpack down at his feet, “Yep, just need to change into something more comfortable.” Shedding his windbreaker jacket, he grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. The bear offered to show the mage where the locker room was located. As Vincent began to change, Dirk began thumbing a combination lock on one of the many metal lockers. “You keep a locker here, Dirk?”

“Yeah, it’s not too often I come down here. I think I still have a set of clean work-out clothes.” With a loud yell of victory, Dirk shed his casual clothes and donned a pair of sleek, black shorts. Vincent finished changing and started to walk back to the others, but grew curious at the bear’s decision to remain shirtless. The bear’s chest was covered with coarse black hair leading to his stomach. The mage could tell there were corded muscles under the thin layer of belly fat. When asked, Dirk grinned cheekily, “I don’t like fighting with a shirt.”

As the bear walked away, Vincent took a moment to think for himself. That’s really strange.

What strange?

Well, I’d normally fall head over heels for a guy like Dirk, but...I got nothing! I feel absolutely nothing. Not an inkling, a tingle, or even an itch!

You mated.

I know that, but I wasn’t even tempted to look at Dirk in any way.

No, not that! You mated. Only mate make feel good.

Is...is that a thing?

Yes! Only mate now good. Get?

I...I get it. Wow, that’s really interesting! So, I won’t find anyone attractive other than Mace? I think I can handle that. Thinking of his mate caused Vincent to put on a genuine smile as he walked out of the locker room. He walked up to Mason, who leaned down to peck him on the lips. As Vincent walked away, Mason quickly pinched the smaller man’s cheek, causing the mage to turn and drop his jaw, “You’re not cute, you know that?”

“Break a leg, sweetheart!” Hearing Mason’s affectionate call caused Vincent to roll his eyeballs.

“Speaking of breaking a leg,” Tierney posed a serious question to the combatants, “how do you two want to do this? Light contact? Full contact?”

Full...full contact? Shocked at knowing there was a considerable option for him and Dirk to actually hit each other, Vincent lost his breath.

Yakob widened his eyes at his pupil’s thought, “Vincent, you’ve never been in a real fight before?” All eyes turned to the monk as he showed his astonishment.

“Well, sort of. I’ve taken down several of Stefan’s mercenaries, but I jumped most of them.”

Staring down the younger mage, Yakob’s voice became cold, “Have you ever been struck in a fight?”


Folding his arms, the monk looked between the two fighters and the New York Alpha, “As your teacher, Vincent, I’m recommending a full-contact spar. This is going to sound harsh, but you need to learn how to take a hit. As shadow mages, we can dance around and avoid every attack, but we will get hurt eventually. I can not have a student who acts as a glass cannon.” Turning his attention to Dirk, Yakob’s tone grew stern, “Enforcer Wescott, I hope you have intentions of trying to win this spar. Show my student what it means to be in a real fight, please.”

“Yes, sir!” Dirk’s eyes darted towards his opponent with intensity.

Holy shit! He’s...he’s looking very serious! Vincent’s heart began to pound.

Young mage, I mean no disrespect, but I suggest letting yourself get hit once or twice. You must learn to combat pain. If you don’t, then you have no chance against Stefan! With Yakob’s words of wisdom, Vincent understood. He needed to be serious in this fight.

Walking to the center of the room, he stretched out his hand to Dirk, “Alright, show me what an actual fight is like.”

Shaking the smaller hand, Dirk couldn’t help but clarify, “You seriously have never been in a real fight, Vincent? I’m having a hard time believing that.”

“Nope, I usually sneak up on the bad guys and knock them out.”

Whispering ever so softly, Dirk was sure none of the other shifters would hear him, “I’ll give you a couple love taps, but I don’t think I can full-blown deck you.”

“I appreciate that. Do your best, Dirk.” With their hands back at their sides, Vincent took a few steps back and quickly summoned his trusty staff. He readied it with the ball facing the bear. Vincent’s heart skipped a beat when Dirk took a serious fighting stance with his arms ready to punch the staff. The bear nimbly stepped closer to the mage, almost skipping in pace. He’s so agile! I wasn’t expecting that! Vincent adopted a faster speed to his footwork as he backtracked away from Dirk.

Seeing his opponent was stalling, Dirk’s feet went even faster, quickly closing the gap between him and the staff. The bear wasn’t expecting a quick jab from the staff to his pectoral and nearly lost his balance. Vincent seized the opportunity to lower his staff and swing at Dirk’s feet, but missed as the bear hopped backwards, landing on his hands to flip himself farther away from the mage. My Gods! That...that big man can move like that? “Didn’t know you could dance, Dirk!”

Letting a low growl from his throat, Dirk regained his composure and approached the mage once more. With this attempt, the bear went on the offensive. He was within striking distance of the large staff, but just as he anticipated Vincent to pull back, Dirk lunged and latched on to the rod just past the balled tip. Got him! He pulled hard, causing the small man to come flying his way. Holding out his palm, Dirk caught Vincent by the chest and pushed the body downward, sending the mage towards the ground.

The air in Vincent’s lungs disappeared as his back slammed into the rubberized floor. A wide and dull pain spread across his shoulder blades as he processed what just happened. He...took my staff and drug me in!

No think! Look! His eyes darted up and saw Dirk standing tall with a smirk. No! No let win!

Right! Just...push the pain aside! Doing just that, Vincent fell into the shadows and once he stood, he re-emerged, bringing Dirk back into a fighting stance.

“You’re going too easy on me, Vincent! Where’s the mage that beat me at the airport?”

Sneering, Vincent flung his arm to send an ice shard flying towards the bear, only to see it be dodged. Throwing several more did not produce better results. Conjuring another staff, Vincent didn’t hesitate to start running. He gripped the hilt and swung it behind his head, only to bring it down over Dirk. When the bear side-stepped, the mage took the momentum of the staff and brought it to his side. He spun in a circle and magnified his swing’s power, bringing the ball’s aim towards Dirk’s chest.

The bear turned on his heels and put both hands out as the staff’s sphere landed hard in his palms. Dirk felt a pain shoot up his left arm. Damn! That might be a fracture! Quick thinking, kid! But once again, Dirk had his hands on Vincent’s staff. Just as Dirk pulled on the orb, Vincent dropped his end and flicked his arm back to produce a rapier. Now he has a sword. For someone who hasn’t been in a fight, he’s not afraid to pull out dangerous weapons! Keeping his stance, Dirk pranced in and out of Vincent’s range, measuring the mage’s swordsmanship. After a few swings, the bear could tell the weapon was new to the holder.

The bear feinted an approaching dash, causing Vincent to lash out. There! Dirk quickly launched a kick and landed on Vincent’s wrist, sending the rapier to the ground as Vincent yelped in pain. Sorry, little guy, but I was told full-contact.

To get a minute of reprieve, Vincent submerged into the shadows. He watched Dirk glance around in vain, but none of it mattered. His wrist was screaming in agony! Gods! It...it feels like it’s broken!

Yes. It hurt. Need focus!

“Vincent! Come on out! This isn’t exactly fair for you to hide.” Disgruntled by the call, Vincent rose up but as he stood to his feet, an idea filled his head. He put a healthy layer of ice over his damaged wrist and emerged.

Dirk turned around to find the mage. As soon as he laid eyes on Vincent, he disappeared again. The hair on his neck stood and performed a quarter-turn to see another puff of black smoke float in place. What in the hell? Stay focused! He’s fucking with me. Keeping his eyes peeled and his instincts on red-alert, Dirk did his best to keep up with the mage. He saw Vincent appear on the far side of the room, causing him to step forward on a natural instinct to chase.

As he took his step, his mind told him that the mage was right behind him, as did the foot that landed on his ankle. Dirk was swept off his feet and landed on the floor. He went to launch himself away, but large black bands held him down. I...I can’t get up! Moving his arms or legs against the rubber-like material proved useless. Did I just lose?

Vincent held his fist tight, holding the shadow bands together over the bear. I...I did it?

Yes, you did! Hearing his teacher’s voice inside his head caused Vincent to take a deep breath. He let his hand fall, along with the controlled shadows over Dirk. The bear was quick to get to his feet but resigned in the fact he had lost the duel. “That was great, Vincent! It’s been a while since I had to be on my toes. That little disappearing act was something else!”

Vincent wanted to smile and accept the compliments, but his wrist was on fire. “Thanks, Dirk. You really weren’t kidding about the whole contact fighting, were you?”

“Why, you good?”

Shaking his head, Vincent defrosted his wrist and tried to roll it. A high pitched yell shot from his throat as pain jolted his hand, “I think you broke my wrist.”

Mason stepped forward and held his mate by the hip, “Good thing you’re a shifter now. Just turn into your wolf, and you’ll be good as new.”

“Not yet, Mason!” Yakob spoke loudly enough to gather the group’s attention, “Let my student feel his pain. Not to be cruel, but he must learn what it feels like. Do you understand, Vincent?”

The younger mage nodded and swallowed his pride. His wrist hurt like a fiery Hell, and knowing that a transformation could be the cure-all for the pain, he saw his teacher’s point. Yakob’s right. If I’m in a real fight, and I don’t have time to shift, I need to be able to stomach this and keep fighting!

As Vincent focused on his wrist, Dirk walked up while rubbing his forearm, "Not bad, kid. You're not the only one with some broken bones. That staff of yours did something to my arm." Squinting his eyes, Dirk's voice grew cold and quiet, "You could have ended it at any time, couldn't you?"

Vincent sighed and nodded, "Yeah, but my wolf wanted to fight."

"Good answer. You do know we'll need to go again, right? I want to really face a shadow mage at his full strength."

"I don't think you do." Yakob stepped closer to the bear as he spoke, "Watch." With a flick of his wrist, the monk turned and sent his shadow towards the spectating group. The black material enveloped everyone's feet and rose up to their hips. Kaplan and Wagner began to struggle as the Alphas watched in admiration. "A shadow mage, properly trained, can incapacitate nearly any opponent." He let his arm down, causing the shadow to dissipate.

Dirk's heart pounded as he watched the group fall victim to the monk's demonstration. Looking back to the smaller shadow mage, he realized that Vincent obviously held back. "Nearly every opponent?"

"Yes, a shadow mage still has trouble combating another shadow mage. When it happens, it comes down to stamina."

The bear kept his eyes on the smaller Alpha. So fighting Stefan will be his ultimate test. I do not envy him. "Want to go another round, Vincent?"

Vincent smiled and agreed. As he walked back to a starting position, his wolf prodded his mind. What's up, bud?

I want fight!

Alright then. You think you can handle it?

Yes! The mage's eyes turned frosty blue as he turned to face the bear. "You go down, Dirk."

Realizing he was now facing the mage's animal, Dirk mentally prepared himself. Damn! Now his Alpha wolf is at the front. I wonder if there's going to be a difference in tactics. Expecting another staff to be formed, Dirk took his familiar stance.

The second he brought up his arms, Dirk watched Vincent take off! Barreling towards the bear, the wolf became fearless. Gods, he's going to come at me? Dirk stood firm and tried to anticipate the first move. Punch? Kick?

Vincent flicked his good wrist back, forming a crude dagger and flung it with deadly precision. Dirk sidestepped and prepared a counter. He lifted his leg to kick the man away. Gonna send this kid flying!

The mage skirted to the side and grabbed Dirk’s elevated ankle as the kick was launched. With his heel, he kicked the bear’s standing leg. Dirk fell to the floor and felt a dull pressure on his chest. Looking up, he saw those glowing blue eyes. He’s...pinned me! Vincent wasted no time and let a punch fly into the bear’s side with his good hand, followed by a swift second one in rapid succession. Dirk brought his uninjured arm up and shoved the body off. Getting to his feet, he held his side. Damn, those punches weren’t pulled at all! I wasn’t expecting a fist fight out of the wolf.

Vincent took some time to himself and stepped away to gauge his opponent. He breathed heavily and felt his heart pumping. Holy crap, bud! You’re kicking some serious ass!

Thank. You do good. Slow though. Want fight, not dance!

Well, if you think you got it, go for it!

As the two fought, the other shifters watched in fascination. Tierney looked over at Mason, and discovered the man was seething. “Mason, what’s going on?”

A ragged and tense breath left the younger Alpha’s lips, “My mate is injured. I know it’s a spar, but it’s taking everything in me to stand here.”

“I understand your anger, but Dirk doesn’t mean to harm Vincent. We came to spar, and Vincent needed to learn how to handle pain. Would you rather Stefan take him to the cleaners?” The statement garnered all eyes, but only Tierney and Mason truly felt the weight of the words. “Focus on how your mate is doing, not how he is feeling. For the most part, he’s keeping Dirk on his toes, and that is a feat to mention.” Earning a few blinks and another sigh, Tierney watched Mason loosen up. Good, I don’t need Dirk being mauled by two Alpha wolves.

“Alpha Wilson?” Both Mason and Tierney turned to the trembling voice, coming from Wagner, “I’d like to formally apologize for everything I’ve said about your mate.”

Mason kept a stern glare on the Enforcer while Tierney chuckled deep from his stomach, “Why bring this up now, Alex?”

Wagner’s heart pounded as he continued to spectate the fight. He watched the smaller man dart in under Dirk’s punch and land a knee-strike to the bear’s midsection. “I misjudged the...the Alpha. He can choose to take Enforcer Wescott down with his magic, but he keeps fighting. I can tell he’s new to hand-to-hand combat and even with a broken wrist, he isn’t afraid to throw a punch. Your mate is incredible, Alpha Wilson.”

With a snort, Mason returned his attention to the duel, “I’ll accept your apology when you give one to Vincent. I think this fight is just about over with.”

Vincent had gotten back to his feet from being tossed a couple yards by Dirk’s forward kick. Bear tough! Fight long time.

I’ll say. We’re losing our breath and he’s only started sweating!

We no give in! With a rekindled fire, Vincent put his arms up and pranced closer to the bear. He let a small kick loose, only to be blocked by Dirk’s lifted thigh. The wolf swung with his good arm, only to have it grabbed by the large hands. He was brought in close and swept off his feet, landing face first into the ground. With his arm still captured, he felt it bent backwards with a foot on the small of his back.

“Give in.” Dirk’s voice was fatigued but serious.

“No!” For the first time during the round, Vincent’s wolf resorted to his shadow magic to escape from the hold. “Never!” Looking down, the mage was happy to see he had only used one bead of magic from the bracelet. Not use much. Good. With a snarl, the wolf flicked back his hand. Large icicles formed on his uninjured hand, forming long talons on his fingers.

Wow, bud! That’s pretty neat. Guess you like using claws?

No joke, fight serious.

Okay, but you know this is just a spar, right? We’re not trying to injure Dirk.

I know. He handle. Running at the bear, Vincent kept his weapon back as he charged. As the wolf swung, Dirk leapt backwards to evade. Swiping a few more times, the wolf felt drained.

Dirk kept his guard up but stood tall, “You’re exhausted, Vincent. Let’s call this one a draw? We both know you can kick my ass two ways from Sunday with your magic, but you put up one Hell of a fight!”

I think you should listen to him, bud. No harm in accepting a draw. Hearing his human’s voice of reason, the wolf huffed and walked towards the bear. “Yes. It draw. Bear fight good. Bear strong!” Flicking away the ice claws, he pulled his good hand up to shake Dirk’s hand. “We fight again soon. Was fun!”

“I’ll say. No one really puts up a fight around here except Tierney.” The two shifters walked over to the group. All six started clapping for the performance they had seen. Mason quickly latched onto Vincent’s shoulders and tried to survey the damage, only to have the mage respond positively. Dirk and Vincent made their way into the locker room shower area to rinse off.

As the water poured down, Vincent felt weary and drained. Gods! What is this?


Oh, right! Adrenaline!

Almost had. It wear off. Fight good, but body hurt.

You said it! My wrist is hurting something fierce. A puzzled growl echoed in Vincent’s head. Got something on your mind?

We do hybrid shift, yes?

Yeah, what about it?

We shift teeth at food place? Vincent quickly found his wolf’s train of thought. You think like me?

Yep, but how do we do it?

Think hybrid shift, but on arm?

It’s worth a shot. Looking down at his arm, he did his best to think of his hybrid, but only the forearm down to the wrist. Okay, got the picture in my head. Thinking of shifting, Vincent’s eyes widened as his wrist popped and fur grew from his arm. “Holy shit! I’m...I’m doing it!”

Dirk looked over his shoulder as he heard Vincent’s statement, “What’s going on?” Seeing the smaller man’s arm turn furry caught his attention. “Wait, is...is that your first partial shift?”

“Y-yeah!” The mage grinned and snorted in pure delight as he waved his arm and unfurled his claws. “Look at that!” He focused on a mental image of his human arm and the fur receded back into his skin. Within a few seconds, his normal arm was returned. Rolling his wrist, Vincent let out a surprised gasp. “It healed! This...this is awesome!”

“Glad you’re having fun being a shifter, but you better be careful. You’ll run out of energy, and that means you’ll be needing-” Dirk was cut off by the sound of Vincent’s growling stomach, demanding food, “Yeah, that.” Turning his head, Dirk hollered towards the exit, “Alpha Scott! We’re gonna need some food, and fast!” The bear returned his gaze back to the smaller man, “I recommend a full shift to heal any injuries you might not be noticing.” Dirk rolled his head under the running water once more and as his body morphed into a large black bear. Following suit, Vincent proceeded to turn into his wolven form. Water from the shower poured over his speckled coat, delighting the Alpha.

Dirk spent little time as a bear and quickly turned back into a human. Urging Vincent to do the same, he turned off the shower and grabbed a towel from his locker. As he dried off, he heard the tell-tale signs of Vincent shifting. “Vincent, did you bring a towel?”

“Whoops! I didn’t think about that.”

“Don’t worry, I have an extra.” Fishing out a second towel, he saw Vincent walking past and tossed it to him. As the two finished getting dressed, Dirk gave the mage some pointers on close combat and recommended finding a gym that offers martial arts or kickboxing classes. The two came out of the locker room and rejoined the group. Seeing the other Enforcer, Vincent furrowed his brow and stared.

Wagner felt the mage’s gaze and turned. Despite being a foot taller than him, the Enforcer felt fear strike his heart. He didn’t dare look the Alpha in the eye and quickly bent his neck. “Alpha Bolton, I’d like to apologize. I acted like a real asshole when I saw you last week, and it was uncalled for.”

Vincent looked over the tall man. What do you think, bud? He submitted pretty quickly.

Yes, he scared. I smell on him. I accept, but no more lie.

Lie? You mean him hounding people for the visitor’s pass?

Yes. That need stop.

Stepping closer to the olive-skinned man, Vincent closed his eyes and forced the blue irises to fade away, “I accept your submission. I assume Ty spoke with you about the visitor pass thing?”


The mage struggled within himself to decide how he felt about the situation. He wanted to forgive the man and offer a chance for redemption, but the animalistic side demanded respect without falter. Blowing air from his nostrils, Vincent made his choice of words, “I’m pretty new to this whole Alpha thing, so it’s a little unclear what I should say in this kind of scenario.” Craning his head to see all of his friends and Mason, his heart’s decision remained true.

Coming back to stare at Wagner, Vincent let his tone represent his disappointment, “These guys behind me? They’re my friends, and I trust them, not just as allies, but with my own life. What you’ve done is something that will take time to repair. Until my wolf and I find that you have redeemed yourself within this pack, there is no way I can place my trust in you.

“I can’t speak for my mate’s alliance with the New York State Pack, but as far as I’m concerned... you and I? We are not allies.”

Copyright © 2021 astone2292; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

Yakob was completely right, you have to know hot handle the pain to know what it is really like in a real fight.  Even if one is mostly with magic; there could always be physical pain involved and until your body knows how you will react to it; you can't know what you can and can't just do.

Impressed with Dirk, was a hell of a fight.

Wagner may have done untold damage to his own future, maybe he will get a chance to move past it and redeem himself, we will see.

Can't wait for the next update, keep up the great job.

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4 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

Yakob was completely right, you have to know hot handle the pain to know what it is really like in a real fight.  Even if one is mostly with magic; there could always be physical pain involved and until your body knows how you will react to it; you can't know what you can and can't just do.

Impressed with Dirk, was a hell of a fight.

Wagner may have done untold damage to his own future, maybe he will get a chance to move past it and redeem himself, we will see.

Can't wait for the next update, keep up the great job.

I loved writing for Dirk in this fight scene! I don't think Vincent was expecting that back-handspring. 

As always, happy to see your comments, centex!

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Vincent has a lot to learn but damn he is such a BADASS!!!!!!  I just love Vincent's wolf!!!!  Hell I love all of them!!! I love how he really put the "enforcer/bully" in his place without any violence (I know ... weird for me to say that 🤣) The Bully was terrified!  I think he might have lost control of his bodily fluids...serves him right!! ...  Still want some lightning 🌩️ burns on his ass because of his attitude and the disrespect he showed Kaplan!  (Don't #*@% with Kaplan🤬) Hahaha!!!!  The double spar was AWESOME!!!  I love it when I go into the "gray" and block out everything around me... I missed the hellacious thunderstorm that passed through here, well until the power went out.....  But obviously it's all good now!  Hahahaha  Wish you could win an award for your writing .... but until then, this will have to suffice...🏆🏆🏆


Edited by Patch1
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Great sparring full contact between Dirk and Vincent.  It was very exciting to see.  I do agree with Yakob that Vincent needs to know how to fight thru the pain in order to win against Stefan.  I am very sure that Stefan will be able to inflict great pain during their fight.  What was truly frightening was Yakob's display of power.  Vincent is still far away from achieving that level.  He will definitely need to reach that level in order to neutralise Stefan's shadow power in a fight.  

Wagner got what he deserved, a humiliating demonstration of what Vincent could have done to him.  I don't like Wagner, but do hope he changes his attitude and turns his life around.  I wonder if Cyrus will want him anywhere in the pack, let alone an Enforcer. Again, dear author, you have written an exciting and riveting chapter. 

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3 hours ago, raven1 said:

Great sparring full contact between Dirk and Vincent.  It was very exciting to see.  I do agree with Yakob that Vincent needs to know how to fight thru the pain in order to win against Stefan.  I am very sure that Stefan will be able to inflict great pain during their fight.  What was truly frightening was Yakob's display of power.  Vincent is still far away from achieving that level.  He will definitely need to reach that level in order to neutralise Stefan's shadow power in a fight.  

Wagner got what he deserved, a humiliating demonstration of what Vincent could have done to him.  I don't like Wagner, but do hope he changes his attitude and turns his life around.  I wonder if Cyrus will want him anywhere in the pack, let alone an Enforcer. Again, dear author, you have written an exciting and riveting chapter. 

Vincent's beginning to know what a real fight is like. Sure, we're still watching him spar, but now he knows how to take a hit. 

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Brilliant!  In my mind, I kept going back and forth between the actual storytelling and the technique of your writing.  The whole structure and shape of the sparring match was so thoroughly laid out and so vivid.  I could see all of it.  Well focused!

Tierney's advise to Mace was very important.  If Mace and Vincent have to fight together, they will have to act as a united force and mason can't get distracted by his protective instincts.  Trust Vincent's abilities, as new as they are.  All the guys are going to be a united force to be reckoned with.

And then there's Wagner.  I don't think a bully changes his ways in an instant.  He merely find a different target.  I think he's still gonna need a smack-down before things are over.

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55 minutes ago, Quixo said:

Brilliant!  In my mind, I kept going back and forth between the actual storytelling and the technique of your writing.  The whole structure and shape of the sparring match was so thoroughly laid out and so vivid.  I could see all of it.  Well focused!

Tierney's advise to Mace was very important.  If Mace and Vincent have to fight together, they will have to act as a united force and mason can't get distracted by his protective instincts.  Trust Vincent's abilities, as new as they are.  All the guys are going to be a united force to be reckoned with.

And then there's Wagner.  I don't think a bully changes his ways in an instant.  He merely find a different target.  I think he's still gonna need a smack-down before things are over.

Thank you so much! I certainly tried to create the scene. 

Not sure when the gang's going to assemble, but it'll be neat to see the magical Avengers. 

Smackdown? You ain't gettin' no spoilers from me...

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Vincent to Wagner: "You're not my enemy, but neither are you my friend."

Well said.

Oh! I did like the way Vinny improvised and made a cast for his wrist. Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. <- Warriors creed.

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Good chapter, will Wager take notice of what Vince said? It remains to be seen. 

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7 hours ago, Bft said:

Good chapter, will Wager take notice of what Vince said? It remains to be seen. 

Let's hope so. The guy needs a swift kick in the tushie. 

  • Haha 1
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