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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 


“Are you gonna leave any for us?”

Without looking at CJ, Liebe shook her head, used an index finger to dig out another glob, and stuck it in her mouth. The flat bagel with a schmear and nearly transparent slices of Nova, tomato, and onion remained untouched.

Owen reached for the other tub. “I think the vegetable one’s history. We’re stuck with chive and onion.”

Since both Thursday and Friday were holidays in Mexico, they had flown into New York on Wednesday night and planned to return home on Easter Sunday. As usual, the morning after their arrival CJ was up early, walked a block to Pick-A-Bagel, and returned with breakfast.

Liebe, apparently satisfied she had asserted ownership rights, pushed the container to the side and reached for the bagel. “I like cream cheese.”

“Really, Munchkin? I couldn’t tell.” CJ’s sarcasm was lost on the girl. She shrugged, lifted the toppings, and licked the bagel. “Anyway, you have to eat the fish and veggies too. Either that or we don’t buy any more cream cheese.”

The mild threat worked to accelerate what would have happened anyway. Liebe was not a fussy eater, and although she pouted, the entire thing found its way to her mouth. Satisfied, CJ leaned back in the chair and returned his attention to The New York Times front page. “I can’t believe how much I miss reading the Times and the Post hard copies.” In Mexico, they received the Barrosas’ newspaper and maintained digital subscriptions to the New York and Washington dailies.

“I’m used to reading on the tablet by now.” Owen had previously complained that CJ, although not a technophobe, had an unnatural affinity for analog media. “Hey, you want to clean up when we’re done, or do you want to take her in the shower with you?”

CJ watched while Liebe tugged on her bangs with a cream cheese-covered hand. “Oh, no. I’ll clean the table and load the dishwasher. You’re gonna have fun washing her hair.”

An hour or so later, Liebe slipped her hand from her fathers’ and ran across the grass towards someone walking a golden retriever. “Wingnut!” Luckily, the man and his dog were both friendly and stood still when she wrapped her arms around the animal’s head.

“Liebe! Back here. Now!” CJ’s tone left no doubt he was unhappy with her. “What have we told you about running away from us?” He looked at the dog walker and grinned. “Sorry about that. She misses her golden.”

“Not a problem. Samson likes kids.”

A sheepish-looking Liebe had returned to Owen’s side and wrapped both arms around one of his legs. “You think I’m going to protect you from CJ? You got it wrong, young lady. You know you can’t run around like that. What if the dog hadn’t been friendly?”

Although her fathers always presented a united front, she had already figured Owen was a softer touch and more willing to overlook her missteps. Apparently, not at the moment. “Sorry…”

Owen leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “Don’t let it happen again. Okay?”


Central Park installed its first carousel in 1871 but the current merry-go-round dated to 1908. Located in the middle of the park, off 64th Street, the amusement ride was a favorite with locals and tourists alike. Crafted by Solomon Stein and Harry Goldstein, the ride featured fifty-seven hand-carved horses and two chariots. It was their initial destination.

“Look, Liebe. Want to ride a horse?” CJ had picked her up as they approached the entrance, so she could see above the people in front.

“Were you serious about Chump’s people running this thing?” Owen had looked doubtful when CJ had shared the information.

“Yep. His company used to manage the carousel, the ice rink, and a golf course. After the idiot attempted to overthrow the government last year, the city canceled the contracts.”

“There must have been some sort of morals escape clause, or something like that. Otherwise, they would have sued.”

“Leave it to a lawyer… I don’t know if they did, but I would have gone with his attempt at subverting democracy as sufficient cause. A new company’s running the show now.”

CJ and Owen alternated standing next to Liebe while she rode one of the carved equines, supporting her by keeping a hand on her back. The unoccupied father took pictures. “Are you going to share them online?” Owen smiled when CJ showed him the one he had just taken.

“Sunday, when we leave. I don’t want people finding out we’re in town and wanting to plan something. It feels good to blend in and disappear.” It was uncanny how easy it was to go unnoticed in New York. In Mexico City, Owen and Liebe’s blond hair attracted looks, and the fact the two men would hold her hands or each other’s while walking even more so. Though they had not experienced overt homophobia, there had been disapproving looks at times. In Manhattan, he and Owen were just another millennial gay couple walking their child in the park.


“Oh, my god! She’s so big!” Cristina pushed her sunglasses atop her head and smiled at the girl in Owen’s arms. “Hi, Owen. Hi, CJ.” She may have greeted the fathers, but her attention was on their daughter. “Hello, Liebe. I’m Cristina. Any chance you’ll let me hold you?”

The girl nodded and extended her arms.

“She’s even cuter than last time I saw her.”

CJ and Owen had let Cristina know they would be in Manhattan for the weekend and asked about maybe getting together. She had insisted on buying them lunch. Not only was Cristina Chipper’s sister, but she and Brad were dating. She was an important cog in their social machinery.

“You look great, Cristina.” CJ hugged and kissed the woman he had known since he was a teen.

Owen followed suit. “I can’t believe we don’t get to see Carolina.”

“I know… But once I explain some things, you’ll understand why. When Damien wanted to take her to Spain this week to meet relatives, I agreed. It gave me a chance to take care of a few things.”

Cristina had married Damien Prado a few months after CJ and Owen’s wedding. Within a year, she had given birth to a daughter. Her marriage collapsed soon after. The social-climbing ex-husband had accepted her demands to prevent the publicity usually associated with a messy divorce. In exchange, Cristina had agreed to generous visitation rights when awarded custody of their daughter.

“I’m surprised you’re not in D.C. with Brad this weekend.” CJ and Owen had followed her when she approached the hostess stand. They were asked to wait a few moments.

“He was here last weekend and will be back next one. I’m working this weekend. I have a couple of meetings the next few days that will keep me busy.”

“Ms. Pereira? If you and your guests will follow me?”

The server took drinks orders and left them with menus. “Oz, appetizers and entrees for both of us? Liebe can eat what she wants from our plates.”

“That works. I’ll have the oysters and the peas and bacon risotto.”

Cristina looked surprised. “She’ll eat oysters?”

The response came from a nodding Liebe. “I like slimies.”

“Oysters, Liebe. These are called oysters.” Owen attempted to explain. “Oysters, clams, mussels… they’re all slimies to her.”

“We feed her anything and everything we eat, Cristina. I think she feels challenged when we enjoy something, and she always insists on trying whatever it is we’re having.” CJ gave the menu a final look and placed it on the table. “Shrimp cocktail and the Cobb salad for me.”

“Have you guys ever had their truffle and parmesan fries?”

CJ and Owen shook their heads.

“They’re out of this world. I’m getting the salmon burger, and I’ll order fries. We can share them so you can have a taste.”

The server came and went while the three talked about family and friends. Eventually, Cristina steered the conversation towards the reason she had insisted on treating them to lunch. “Please keep this confidential. Brad doesn’t even know yet. I’m telling him next time we see each other.”

CJ immediately worried she was going to break his friend’s heart again. While in high school, Brad had developed a crush on Cristina which was not reciprocated. He joined the army, was deployed, injured, and returned home to Washington. In the meantime, Cristina had married, given birth, and divorced. The two had reconnected, and CJ thought the relationship was growing. “Are you like going to break things off with him?”

“Oh, god no, CJ! Nothing like that. It has to do with work.”

CJ’s sigh of relief was echoed by Owen.

Cristina smiled at them. “I’ve always been amazed about how much you guys care for him.”

“He’s our brother.” Owen’s assertion was seconded by CJ’s nod.

“Okay, now that we got that over with… I’ve been working with cryptocurrencies, and I think someone noticed. A head hunter approached me with an opportunity to get more responsibility and potentially make a lot of money.”

“Is it legal?”


“What? How many offers to invest do we get that we quickly figure out are scams?”

Cristina smiled at them again. “You’re about to get another one, although it won’t be a scam. Me getting the new job looks good, but it’ll take a bit to be final. In the meantime, I think one of MK Tyler Equities’ new funds might be something you’d be interested in.”

“That’s the financial firm pursuing you?”

“Yeah… It was founded and is run by Mary-Knight Tyler. The job may lead to me moving to different cities over the next few years, but I think the sacrifice would be worth it. Did you know in the U.S. less than ten percent of financial jobs are held by women? MK’s trying to change that. It’s why they recruited me. She wants me as part of the team in charge of getting acquired companies ready to sell or take public. You know, clean up the clutter, apply a little lipstick, and make them all pretty for buyers. I’d get a salary, a generous expense account, and a piece of the action. The equity portion could make me a very, very wealthy woman.”

CJ knew such activities could make investors a lot of money but often had a detrimental effect on communities. “Layoffs?”

Cristina looked apologetic when she nodded. “Probably. Although the project I’d be involved in would create new ones. Overall we may add to the workforce.”


“Among the properties this one company has are a couple of paper mills and coal-fired power plants. They’ve all been shut for a while, and we plan to reopen them. We’ll be hiring.”

“You’re going to burn coal?” Owen sounded appalled.

“No, relax. God, you’re such a tree hugger.” The grin took the sting out of her accusation. “We’ll convert them to gas and would like to run a carbon-neutral operation. That’s where you come in.” She looked at CJ, grinned, and shook her head. “Not you yet. Just Ozzie for now.”

Owen looked doubtful. “How and why?”

“Because of your knowledge and your employer. Planted and maintained to feed the paper mills, there are acres of trees we now control. We’d like to manage our forests so they generate carbon credits to offset our emissions.”

“Are you planning to donate the land?”

“That’s to be determined. Which is why we’d like to work with the Nature Conservancy to decide on the best approach. Do you think you’d be interested in helping us? We’d cover all costs, of course.”

“Excuse my ignorance.” CJ gave Liebe one of his shrimps and she promptly stuck the tip in her mouth and bit it off. “Why are you firing up the power plants? Are you starting paper production again?”

“Nope. We’re going to turn the mills into cryptocurrency farms. The buildings will be filled with computers tracking transactions. And we make a profit from each one. Like when credit card companies take a few pennies every time someone uses their card.”

“You need the power plant not for the computers but for air conditioning!” Owen sounded proud of his deduction.

Cristina nodded. “You got it. I haven’t been in one yet, that’s supposed to happen tomorrow on Long Island. But from what I understand, all those computers working twenty-four-seven generate incredible heat. We need to keep them cool, sooo…”

While they concentrated on their meals, Owen appeared lost in thought. “I think you might want to retain ownership of all those trees. The Conservancy can probably help you establish some sort of management program to maximize credits, and the forests could also generate some revenue from selling lumber. Wildfires have taught us allowing large tracts of land to go unharvested creates too much fuel, and sometimes all it takes is a spark to light it up.”

“That’s our understanding. When Mary-Knight suggested hiring a consultant would be part of the process, I mentioned I knew you, and what you did. She asked me to feel you out.”

“Better than feeling him up.” CJ’s comment earned him a slap to the back of the head.

Cristina chuckled. “It’s like being around my brother. The two of you and your humor. Okay, I’ll pass Owen’s contact information over.” Done eating, Cristina dabbed at her mouth with a napkin and tossed it on her plate.

“Your turn, CJ. Actually, both of you. Have you guys invested in crypto?” When the men shook their heads, she kept talking. “We’re carving out the future farms and related properties from all the rest and offering a piece of the action to investors.”

“Are you planning an IPO? Have you started SEC registration?” Owen proved he had learned and retained enough knowledge from his MBA and securities classes. An initial public offering was a complicated matter involving owners, lenders, and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

“No and no. Maybe at some point in the future, but for now, we’re doing a private placement.”

Those worked by identifying financially qualified individuals and offering them the opportunity to invest without shares being available to the public at large. “I thought you guys might be interested.”

“Oz?” CJ already knew he wanted to hear more but would not admit it unless his husband agreed. A nearly imperceptible nod let him know Owen was on board. “We are. Obviously, we need a lot more information. What’s the minimum?”

“Five million this time around. We might open it to smaller investments through a different fund later on. I’ll have to get you a copy of the prospectus and then we can talk again. Mary-Knight will probably want to meet you guys.”

“That may be a problem. Although I have a flexible schedule and can work remotely, CJ doesn’t. We’re trying to parcel out his leave so we can attend a couple of weddings this summer, and take time off when my parents visit us.”

“This isn’t going to happen overnight, and we can always fly to Mexico City for an overnighter if needed. Where are those weddings?”

“One’s in Newport and the other one on Mackinac Island.”

“Oh! I hear that’s beautiful. Are you flying direct?”

“Nope. The one in Rhode Island we’re gonna stop in D.C. on the way there and back. We’ll leave Liebe with CJ’s dads. Michigan she’s going with us. CJ’s friend wants her in the wedding.”

“Perfect. Once you firm up the plans for the first one, let me know. Easy train ride between New York and Washington.”


It could have been because they spent most of the day running around Central Park, and Liebe was exhausted by the time they returned to the apartment, but the girl was cranky even after a nap. Crying fits alternated with moody silence. CJ and Owen canceled their dinner reservations, asked Ethan and Sean to come to their place, and ordered delivery.

“I paid close attention to the Oscars for the first time in my life this year.” Sean reached for one of the containers laid out on the dining room table. They had enough food for a crowd, and he appeared intent on trying everything.

“You didn’t even watch the whole thing.” Ethan turned his attention to their hosts. “After you guys left the stage, he changed the channel. We missed seeing Will Smith slap Chris Rock.”

CJ and Owen cracked up. “CJ’s not big on awards shows either. We watched the Grammys this year because of Chipper.” Both their guests knew Chipper well. Ethan had attended law school with Owen and was a member of The Squad. CJ had met Sean when the redhead was in Washington for Capital Pride soon after CJ’s move from Miami. The man had been a friend for years.

“Between him and you guys, we’re gonna need to establish a Squad Museum. All of you won a bunch of other awards too.”

“We haven’t seen any of them. Brad and the documentary’s director represented us everywhere but the Academy Awards. Considering how much of a struggle it was for me to get time off to go to L.A., there was no way I could attend any others. Since Brad’s taking care of our place, it was convenient. Each time he went to a ceremony, he’d drop off my dads’ awards at their place and stash ours at Everhope.”

“What about the Oscars?”

“Nah, we took those home with us. The embassy showed the documentary on Veteran’s Day, and CJ promised he would take the statuette in if we won. It’s still on his desk as far as I know.”

“It is. But just because it pisses my supervisor off.”

Ethan cracked up. “Hateful much?”

“He’s a dick, and I don’t want to talk about him. Tell us about this weekend.”

“It’s my coming out trip.” Sean created a wave of eye rolls. Considering he had done porn and worked as an escort, coming out had taken place years before. “I get to meet Ethan’s Canadian family.”

Ethan had been born in Burlington, Ontario, a suburb of Toronto, to a Canadian father and an American mother. The next morning, he and Sean were flying north for a family celebration.

Owen held up the bottle. “More wine?” He poured until it was empty. “Let me open another one. Ethan, how old’s your grandmother?”

“Ninety. And her health’s slipping, so this may be the last Passover we get to celebrate together.”

“Lots of people?”

“Yeah, but I have no idea how many. Just a bunch of Jews and Sean having Seder in Canada. Wait! He’s not the only goy. One of my aunts married a gentile.” The punch Sean gave him was not gentle.

“You guys coming back Sunday?”

“I am. Ethan’s headed to Texas for a week.”

“Work?” CJ felt stuffed. He had eaten more than his share of everything and felt bloated. “I’m a stuffed pig.” He patted his stomach. “Oz, I’m going running tomorrow.”

“I’m happy to see both of you are still solid.” Sean worked as a personal trainer during the day and helped manage a bar in the evenings. “I told Ethan you’d probably get fat eating all that good Mexican food.”

“We both try to exercise as much as possible. I play rugby and CJ spars with a bunch of marines every week. So why the trip?”

“You remember that anti-abortion law Texas passed last year?” When CJ and Owen nodded, Ethan continued. “When that happened, Citibank and other national corporations vowed to provide equal access to reproductive health care for all employees. They expect to be sued and have proactively created a legal defense mechanism. We’re part of it, and I’m going down there to meet some of the local attorneys. What the fuck’s wrong with Texas and Florida? Those two are the worst offenders.”

“Asshole governors. It frustrates the heck out of me most of their actions are purely motivated by politics.” CJ had become increasingly frustrated with Republican legislatures and their regressive legislation. “So, you doing litigation now?”

“Yep. It’s what I’ve wanted to do all along, but Dad insisted I spend a few years dabbling in other areas.” Ethan’s father was a senior partner in the law firm.

“Good for ya, mate. I can’t wait until I hear you argue a case in front of the Supreme Court.”

Because Ethan and Sean had a morning flight, they did not stay late. Saying goodbye, they promised to plan a weekend in Mexico City over the summer.


“NO! Don’t like.” Liebe swatted at the teal dress with puffy sleeves the salesperson held in front of her.

CJ and Owen had strolled down Third Avenue after breakfast and stopped at Janie and Jack, an upscale children’s clothing store on the Upper East Side. With the girl constantly outgrowing clothes, replenishing her wardrobe was a constant struggle.

CJ kneeled so he and Liebe would be eye to eye. “Listen to me, Munchkin. You need a couple of dresses for when we go somewhere nice. You have to pick two of them”he raised two fingers“or Oz and I will.”


CJ stood. “Okay, you can throw a tantrum all you like.” CJ turned his attention to the smirking saleslady. Older than both him and Owen, she was probably accustomed to children acting up. “We’ll take that one, and the first one you showed her. The one with flowers. And the leggings.”

When he returned his attention to the girl, Owen had picked her up. “Ceej, give her one more chance. Munchkin, one more try. Pick two or your father will.”

Close to crying, she pointed at the flowered one and at denim overalls with a skirt instead of pants. “No mas.”

Trying to hide his grin, CJ retrieved his credit card and handed it to the clerk. “Run the card and bag them up.”

“I’m impressed she gave in.” She removed tags, folded the outfits, and wrapped each one in tissue paper. “Do you always talk to her that way?”

“Yeah… It doesn’t turn out this well every time, but we try to treat her as if she was older.”

“It seems to work. You may have called her behavior a tantrum, but trust me, she was better behaved than most kids who come in here. I think you guys are doing a good job raising her.”

“Thank you.”

Their second stop was much more productive; Liebe liked t-shirts and sweats more than dresses. She ended up leaving the store wearing her first pair of real jeans; they were not structured to provide easy access for changing diapers since she rarely had accidents anymore.


“How old is this place?” Owen had turned his head to look at CJ, but it was the attendant scanning the ticket on his phone who replied.

“The first game at Citi Field was on March 29, 2009. A college game between St. John's and Georgetown.”

“Yes!” CJ pumped a fist in the air while a grinning Liebe stared.

Owen rolled his eyes. “Forgive my husband; he’s a Georgetown alum.”

The attendant momentarily ignored the people in line and smiled at CJ. “Your team won.”

“You were here?” CJ considered it likely. The man was probably in his late fifties, and CJ knew many ballpark employees often remained at their job throughout their lives.

“Yep. Been with the organization since I was in my early twenties. I even worked at Shea Stadium before the Mets moved here.”

After dropping off their purchases at the apartment, and feeding Liebe a large enough snack to keep hunger at bay until they reached the ballpark, they caught the subway to Grand Central Station. There, they switched trains for the ride to Queens. In keeping with their desire to expose Liebe to everything America, Owen suggested—with CJ readily agreeing—a baseball game.

“You’re a genius, Oz. What’s more All-American than a spring afternoon ball game? We’ll need to buy her a shirt. And a dog, and peanuts, and Cracker Jacks!”

They did it all. As the afternoon’s warmth waned, Liebe ended up wearing a New York Mets baseball shirt over a sweatshirt. The clip Owen filmed, capturing her dismal failure at buttoning the shirt, drew tons of attention when he eventually shared it on social media.

Liebe lasted nearly the entire game. With her asleep in Owen’s arms, they left at the end of the eighth inning with the Mets trailing the visiting Cardinals by seven runs.


Costing somewhere over twenty-five billion dollars, Hudson Yards was the most expensive real-estate development in U.S. history. Straddling the Chelsea and Hudson Yards neighborhoods of Manhattan, the majority of the structures in the complex rose from a platform built over the West Side Yard, a storage facility for Long Island Rail Road trains.

Included in the fourteen acres of public space, The Vessel served as the project’s signature structure. With 154 interconnected flights of stairsalmost 2,500 steps and 80 landingsclimbing the open-sided, metal honeycomb structure promised incredible views of the city, the river, and beyond.

“You ready, Munchkin?” Liebe nodded. They had spent a weekend in Manhattan the previous summer, before moving to Mexico City, but had been unable to take the then one-year-old to the top. The structure had been closed after a rash of suicides; the barriers affording unobstructed views of New York’s cityscape were easy to hurdle.

“Let’s go, Liebe. I’m carrying you first.” Owen caught the girl when she raised her arms. Because of her height, climbing the steps would have taken her too long. “Maybe next time we come you’ll be tall enough to go up by yourself.”

At the top, they asked someone to take pictures of them with the city in the background. The views were not the same as the ones from the Empire State Building, Freedom Tower, or One Vanderbilt observation decks. The significant difference in height between the structures meant instead of being perched above most of Manhattan, their surroundings had a more human scale; they had to look up, down, and to every side from The Vessel’s summit.


“Oz, loud.” Liebe covered her ears with her hands, closed her eyes, and buried her face in her father’s side.

“Look, Liebe, look. It’s going faster.” CJ picked up the girl and turned her so she could watch the airplane take off.

Because their room would not be ready for about an hour, they had left their luggage with the bellhop and headed to the rooftop bar, pool, and observation deck. CJ had insisted their Easter Sunday return flight depart from John F. Kennedy International Airport, wanting to spend the night at the TWA Hotel.

Designed by Finish-American architect Eero Saarinen, and opened in 1962, the TWA flight center had been restored and expanded, opening in 2019 as the only lodging on airport grounds. CJ had followed the process online. The midcentury modern masterpiece, with its curved ceilings and walls, had been restored to its glory days, and CJ had been itching to stay at the National Register of Historic Places structure since it reopened.

“You want a cocktail?” Owen tilted his head in the direction of the bar at one end of the pool.

“Let’s wait. We can walk through the exhibits and by then we should be able to get into our room. We can have a martini in Connie before dinner.”

Connie, a dilapidated Lockheed Constellation L-1649 Starliner had been meticulously restored, including repainting in 1950s TWA livery, and converted into a cocktail lounge.

The exhibits CJ alluded to were part of the hotel’s Jet Age displays and included items from TWA’s history—including Howard Hughes’ tenure as owner—and Saarinen’s development of the terminal. Uniforms worn by cockpit and cabin crews were integral parts of the collection. Over two thousand items had been accumulated, with many coming from former employees or their families.

“I’m not saying the late fifties or early sixties were an ideal time, but there’s something to be said for their attire.” CJ pointed at one of the stewardess’ uniforms. “Pillbox hats were cool. Maybe we can get Liebe to start wearing them and bring the style back.”

“Spare me. Have you forgotten what a pain it was to get her to agree to dresses? I doubt our daughter’s going to be a fashion victim.”

“Speaking of fashion, have you noticed the two of us are the only ones wearing shorts?”

“Yes! I was trying to figure out if it was the type of guests this place gets, or if people were trying to get in the spirit. Did you see those two guys dressed as if they were on the set of Mad Men?

“They made me want to get more skinny ties. Let’s see if our room’s ready. I want to shower before we come back down for drinks and dinner. And I think I want to wear a blazer and slacks to keep up with the spirit of this place.”


“I foresee a dancing queen.” CJ shook the index finger Liebe held on to while dancing in her seat. “At least to Uncle Chipper’s stuff.” Their friend had released new music overnight and sent them a file with all the songs.

“I can’t believe he dropped two new records without any fanfare.” Owen had already mentioned he liked one of the songs in Spanish the best.

“He did say the advertising would explode today. I can’t wait until we see him in concert again.”

“You realize aside from the dads and Ritch, he’ll be the first visitor we have? Maybe you should try to stay home for a bit instead of jet-setting all over the place.”

CJ was unsure if the comment or Owen’s expression needed attention first. “Wipe that smirk off your face. And what the hell are you talking about?”

“Ceej, for barely having any leave, you’ve gotten around plenty since we moved. Tulum, Cancun, Vail, Hollywood, Miami, Washington, New York… Just saying, mate.”

“Ha! You freaking hypocrite. The only one of those trips I’ve been on alone was Washington. Don’t go giving me crap. What brought this on, anyway?”

Owen turned his laptop around. “An article about how to spend weekends traveling even when you have no vacation.”

“Sounds like we could have written that. Well, since we canceled your birthday trip to Belize, we’ll be in Mexico for a while. Next time we travel it’ll be to Rhode Island in June.”

“Unless something happens and we need to escape for a few days. I’m looking forward to a couple of quiet months.”



Copyright © 2021 Carlos Hazday; All Rights Reserved.
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