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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Make sure you read the first Twinks in Space book!

Twinks in Space: Fantastic Voyage - Part Two - 53. Chapter 53 - Answers

Dear Readers, I hope all of your questions will be answered along with Lyoths, but you're going to need to wait for the explanation of a few things 😊

“Why are you here?!” Lyoth demanded.

The final godstroll bared its expansive rows of teeth and rumbled, “Revenge.” The beast was hidden behind a building and protected from Fonith, Tenki, and Quigley’s blasters, but the monster could see Lyoth from where it stood.

Lyoth was looking right at it. “Who hired you?

The giant’s eyes shifted over the cleaved pieces of its kin. Then it focused back on the warrior. The black blade was pointed directly at it. “Brocian Contingent godstrolls hired by pirates to smash islands.”

Lyoth scowled at the thing. “You made a mistake, taking this job. Was the order given by the Giblox Authority, or whatever they’re calling themselves now?”

The godstroll grunted and huffed an angry breath.

“What do you know, man-eater?”

It growled at Lyoth. “I.C.U.A. does not care about tiny islands. I.C.U.A. is taking power.”

Lyoth’s eyes narrowed. “You’re going to die on these tiny islands with the others of your accursed kind.” He noticed movement several stories above the giant, and Lyoth made a wicked smile, as an arrow came soaring down and sank into the side of the monster’s neck.

The beast roared, clutched at its throat, and glared up to where the arrow had come. It saw that the archer was too far up the building for it to do anything, and when another arrow sank into the godstroll’s cheek, it let out a shriek of fury and charged at Lyoth. Multiple blaster bolts exploded against it, fired by Fonith, Tenki, and Quigley, and the final godstroll dropped dead in front of Lyoth.

Above the planet’s surface aboard the Galaxy Surfer, Captain Suoki was startled to watch the three enemy ships that were in orbit, as they suddenly disappeared into hyperspace. He had not heard from anyone down in Boullia Bay since dropping off Lyoth and Stawren, and he waited.

Inside Her Majesty’s Hole, Jintrin and Phentrom were huddled together with a few of the drag queens who frequented the bar. Through the windows, their vantage point was limited, and they could not tell why it had become quiet outside.

“Is it over?” Jintrin whispered. “Did we win?”

“I don’t know,” Phentrom replied.

“Where’s my daughter?” Jintrin added. “Where is Stawren?”

Phentrom turned to the Blue man. “She was outside the club when the fighting was at its worst, but I lost sight of her.”

“Should we go outside?”

Phentrom looked nervous. “I think we ought to wait for someone to come in and tell us what’s going on.”

The drag queens agreed with Phentrom and urged Jintrin to stay in Her Majesty’s Hole until they were certain it was safe in the streets.

Out in front of the bar, Fonith holstered her blasters and turned to her fellow warriors. “Tenki, Quigley, it was an honor to fight by your sides. Thank you for helping me protect this city.”

Tenki looked proud and replied, “Always! After the ground defenses took out the first of the mercenary ships, and the others moved out of range, we knew there was going to be fighting in the streets.”

Quigley let out a relieved sigh, and he turned to Fonith with a warm smile. “If this city is to be a new home for my family, then I will gladly defend it!”

A pair of shadows appeared in the dust and smoke ahead of them, and in a flash, Fonith’s blasters were drawn again, but she laughed aloud as she saw who it was. Lyoth and Stawren stepped out onto the street. The black sword was in Lyoth’s hand, and Stawren’s bow and quiver of arrows were slung over one of her shoulders.

“Thanks for this,” Lyoth said to Quigley, extending him the weapon.

“I think you should keep it,” Quigley replied.

Lyoth bowed and shook his head. “I appreciate the gesture, but this blade is too special to give away.”

Quigley let out a chuckle that eased the tension in his body from everything he had gone through, and he replied, “It was made by a friend. I ended up with it, sort of by accident, and when I tried to give it back to her, she told me to hang onto it.” He unstrapped the weapon’s scabbard. “I’ve had it for several years, and you should keep it now. My friend’s working on a new one. Please,” Quigley insisted, and he nodded at the weapon, “you deserve that sword.”

Lyoth bowed his head to Quigley a second time and accepted the sheath. “I thank you, Quigley.” Lyoth slid the blade into its holster.

Phentrom came rushing out and kissed Lyoth on the lips. “I should have done that before,” he whispered, “when you appeared in the street with Stawren.”

Lyoth smiled and kissed Phentrom back.

Jintrin followed the mandroid and wrapped his Blue arms around his daughter. “Glad you’re okay.” He kissed her forehead.

“Yeah, dad,” Stawren replied, “we’re okay. We’re all gonna be okay.”

Now to deal with the blood...
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Thank you so much for diving into the second book in my sci-fi series, and I hope you enjoy it!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Next time blast all the ships before they can move out of range.

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The last of the godstrolls was killed after saying they were hired to get revenge. The real enemy was identified....“I.C.U.A. does not care about tiny islands. I.C.U.A. is taking power.” The godstroll ships flew away to safety.

Let us hope with all the dead godstroll bodies that enough blood is available. Peace is reigning in Bouilla Bay now.

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Don't think the pirates won't make another attempt to retake the place....

Something needs doing about the ships that got away with at least 10 Godstrolls....

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Let's hope that they can get another blood to get the amount they need.  So, it does not appear that the I.C.U.A is behind the attack on Boullia Bay, my money is on the idiots that this group ran out the last time.  

Glad that this group is safe, but of course, will anyone or place be safe if the I.C.U.A. is not stopped?

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