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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Make sure you read the first Twinks in Space book!

Twinks in Space: Fantastic Voyage - Part Two - 66. Chapter 66 - Back to the Aergoroth Nebula

The ingredients are delivered.

With the required amount of godstroll blood collected, Fonith punched in the secret destination for the Aergoroth Nebula, and her starship entered hyperspace.

Stawren was asleep. The walk from the inn back to the Cometskipper made her leg throb again, and she had lain down before Fonith initiated takeoff.

Lyoth and Phentrom were talking together in the ship’s kitchen, both telling the other everything they had each been through.

Captain Suoki was on the bridge with Fonith.

“I wonder how long it’ll take,” the big fellow mused,” for these scientists to build the deep space scanning computer that’ll help us search for the Ulaa-lah.”

Fonith smiled. “I look forward to continuing the hunt beyond charted space. I hope they’re able to complete the device quickly.” She leaned closer to Captain Suoki. “The items required are strange.”

He shook his head. “I know. Why do they need all this stuff?”

“And why is it such weird stuff?”

Captain Suoki looked toward the rear of the ship. “We’ve all been through a lot recently.” He turned to Fonith. “Are you okay?”

Fonith’s expression became more serious as she thought about the electro-torture she had suffered. She sighed. “I’m alright, ready to move on to other things.” She placed her palm on the big man’s forearm. “What about you?”

He nodded and gave her a smile. “I’m ready for not being in peril anymore, at least for a little while.”

“Agreed,” Fonith replied. She brought her ship’s hyperspace flight timer onscreen. “There are three and a half hours until we arrive. Suoki, would you like a cup of tea?”

“That sounds absolutely divine. Also, I miss Froufrou, but thank you for leaving him with your niece and family.”

Three and a half hours later, the Cometskipper was floating in space with the Aergoroth Nebula before it. Stawren was awake, and she was with the others onboard the ship. They were all looking out at the spherical cloud of cosmic dust and gas.

“There it is,” Lyoth stated.

“Are you sure the Cometskipper’s shields can withstand the nebula?” Captain Suoki asked.

Fonith brought her palm to the inner bulkhead. “She’s also been through a lot,” and Fonith gave the bearded fellow a knowing glance, “but her shield still has a quasar boost from the repairs on…” Fonith paused. “What was that planet called? It was the one orbiting the red giant star. I’m not sure I ever knew its name when we were there. Oh, and we went to that club there, Rainbowdales!”

Phentrom perked up. “Yes, that was such a fun night! Rainbowdales was a delight!”

Fonith turned to Lyoth. “Your ship was able to make it through with its shields, right?”

“It was,” he confirmed, and he smiled at Stawren. “Back on Allthrin, we chose the Galaxy Surfer because it had enhanced shields that we suspected were capable of penetrating the nebula. It was a rough flight, but tech on the planets inside the nebula where we’re going should take over and bring the Cometskipper down, once we get close enough.”

“Before we left the nebula again,” Stawren added, “they upgraded our shields. And their tech is… pretty crazy. I mean, the jellyfish machine was bizarre.”

Lyoth laughed, but then a thought struck him. “Stawren, maybe it can heal your leg like it did my arm!”

She looked as if the idea had not even entered her mind. “Do you think it can?”

“Only one way to find out.” Lyoth turned to Fonith. “Ready to take us in?”

She nodded, activated her ship’s shields with the quasar boost, and piloted the Cometskipper into the corrosive cloud. The enhancement to the protective systems allowed the vessel to slide through the dust and gases. The ship began to vibrate, but after a few minutes of fairly smooth travel toward the heart of the nebula, the Cometskipper’s engines disengaged.

That’s them!” Lyoth declared. “This is how they controlled the Galaxy Surfer. Let them take over.”

The communication light in front of Fonith began to blink and she answered. “This is the starship Cometskipper. Is this the Aergoroth Nebula?”

“Greetings, Cometskipper,” replied the voice of a woman, but on the screen in front of Fonith was only static. “It is indeed! Welcome to the Aergoroth Nebula.”

Lyoth spoke up, “It’s Lyoth and Stawren. We were there on Xecot recently with the scientist Ilial and his team.”

“Well then, welcome back. I’ll transfer your communication to him.”

The screen flickered, and it flashed with the new connection.

“Hello? This is Ilial.” The man’s Blue face started to become visible through the static.

“Ilial, this is Lyoth and Stawren,” he repeated. “We got it all.”

Really?” Ilial replied. “Splendid! Great work, you two. I’ll have the electro-grav-mag bring you to Xecot.”

“Actually,” Lyoth countered, “Stawren’s been badly injured, and we were wondering if the… Meduso…”

“You’re wondering if the Medusozoa can heal her,” Ilial concluded for Lyoth. “Yes, of course, I’ll transport your ship to the physiological rejuvenation facilities.”

“Thank you!” Stawren called out from where she was seated.

“I’ll see you all soon,” Ilial added.

The call disconnected as the Cometskipper broke through the interior of the Aergoroth Nebula’s cloud, and the artificial planetary system at its center was revealed. The ship was drawn down to the healing center on Pilia, where it was automatically docked, and a medical team was waiting for Stawren with a hover-chair. However, when they saw the state of her leg, they realized there was nothing the Medusozoa could do for her.

The chief nurse spoke. “I’m sorry, Stawren, but your body has already begun healing from the treatments you’ve undergone. We would need to remove the plasticized cast, the internal supports, even the medicine-distributors built into the bandage, in order for the Medusozoa to be able to heal you. Lyoth’s injury was merely healing on its own with simple bandaging, but your complex injury, and even more complex treatment, needs to be allowed to heal with the ordeal your leg has gone through.” He looked like he felt bad, and he repeated. “I’m sorry.”

The group climbed back onto the Cometskipper, and the technology within the planetary system transported Fonith’s ship from Pilia to Xecot.

Ilail had received the news that the Medusozoa was not able to treat Stawren, and he was waiting when the ship landed. He also apologized to her. “Stawren, I’m so sorry we weren’t able to treat you, but I’m glad you’re okay.”

She shrugged at him with a grin. “Yeah, my leg got pretty messed up – in case you couldn’t tell – but I’ve had some good treatment. Anyway, Lyoth and I and everyone were able to get all the ingredients you said you needed for the scanning computer.”

“Remarkable,” Ilial replied with a beaming smile.

Lyoth began to bring the unique items out of the Cometskipper. “Volcanic parstiline,” he stated, placing the specialized containment unit onto a tabletop. “Hopefully it hasn’t degraded. And here’s the solidified doziniath.”

“Your magnetic collection thing worked perfectly,” Stawren added.

Ilial smiled at her. “I’m so glad to hear it.”

Lyoth headed into the cargo hold of the Cometskipper and wheeled out a small cart. “The granitewood is in this.”

“Ah-ha, let’s hope it’s a suitable replacement for calstos wood,” Ilial replied.

Lyoth entered the ship one last time, and he cringed at the others as he stepped out with the last item. “Finally, talsimite crystals, in one-hundred liters of godstroll blood.”

Ilial looked at the group in awe. “I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult collecting all this was.” He bowed to them. “I am astounded by you.”

Time to construct the computer.
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Thank you so much for diving into the second book in my sci-fi series, and I hope you enjoy it!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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No "Bring me the broom of the Witch of the West?"

I guess they're really building this gizmo.

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Good--They reached llial in the nebula without a problem. He was very pleased that they collected what was needed.

Now, on to building the computer.  I hope Stawten recovers from her injuries.

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I really want to see how all of this goes together to construct anything; I want detail..  LOL

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6 hours ago, drpaladin said:

No "Bring me the broom of the Witch of the West?"

I guess they're really building this gizmo.

Or 'Eye of the Newt"....tho we wouldn't miss it or him either on this planet....

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3 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

I really want to see how all of this goes together to construct anything; I want detail..  LOL

I hope the next few chapters are satisfactory!

(I'm a little curiou to see how everyone is going to react to them)

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