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Permanently Black and Blue - 8. Chapter 8

Shaun took a long shower when he woke up. He’d showered before school yesterday, too, and spent a stupidly long time in the closet deciding what to wear. It was the reason he’d missed the bus and he’d felt incredibly foolish during the subsequent lecture from Ruth.

But he hadn’t regretted it once he’d got to school. The effort had been noticed. Miss Stevens had been the only one to outright compliment his appearance, but more than one person had looked his way yesterday and it had been unusual, getting attention for something good for once.

When he got out of the shower he spent a couple minutes shaving, because it was long overdue. He hadn’t had the time yesterday and he hadn’t bothered the whole week before. He checked his stitches next. He wasn’t taking care of that either. He hadn’t touched them after the forced trip to the hospital and he’d refused to change the bandaging and clean it like the doctor had suggested. Eli had bugged him incessantly while he’d been laid up on the couch, but he hadn’t listened.

They were prominently displayed over the towel wrapped loosely around his waist and Shaun prodded at the red, puckered line of flesh with a scowl. He’d just washed the wound in the shower, and it looked even grosser than before.

Shaun stuck his head out into the hall. “Grandpa!”

Eli appeared after a moment. “Yes?”

“Can you help me rebandage my stitches?” Shaun asked, then nudged the door open a bit wider as Eli stepped down the hall. “I took everything off in the shower.”

Eli squeezed into the room as Shaun turned and hopped up on the counter. His stitches got pulled and he winced.

“I’m guessing last night went well?” Eli asked as he got down the tube of hospital-grade antibiotics from the medicine cabinet. It was supposed to lessen the likelihood of a scar and speed up the healing process, but Shaun hadn’t been using it.

“What do you mean?” Shaun grumbled.

“You’ve been moping around here all week but now you’re going out again. Right after a visit to your little…friend.”

Shaun narrowed his eyes. “So?”

“Shaun,” Eli sighed. “I know what happened. You told me, remember?”

Of course, he remembered. He’d stupidly told Eli about his kiss with Jesse right after it had happened, but he’d been avoiding the subject ever since. Eli had tried to talk about it more than once, but Shaun had gone into a rage whenever it was mentioned. The fact that he was sitting calmly – for him anyway – as they discussed ‘the kiss’ was probably a dead giveaway that something had happened.

“I won’t tell anybody,” Eli said casually as he finished applying the antibiotic. He selected a new strip of gauze next and smoothed it over the wound. “I’m just curious what’s going on with you.”

“I’m going to practice,” Shaun muttered. “Like always.”

Eli’s eyes twinkled with mirth as he got the medical tape. “Is Jesse coming along this time?”

Shaun jumped off the counter and snatched the tape from Eli. He stormed back to his room and slammed the door.

“I’m sorry,” Eli said from the hall, but Shaun ignored him. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“I’m not uncomfortable!” Shaun shouted. Then he ripped a strip of tape off the reel with his teeth and stuck it carelessly across the gauze. He poked himself in the stomach in his haste and growled as he applied it properly.

“Just want you to know I’m here to talk. About anything at all,” Eli said through the door. “You don’t have to be embarrassed—”

“Shut up!” Shaun yelled and mercifully, Eli fell quiet.

He strode to his closet and pulled out the outfit he’d picked the night before. The thermal shirt wasn’t new, but the jeans were. They’d been stuffed in the back of the closet since Ruth had bought them because they were kind of stiff, but he looked good in them. He was finally ready to break them in.

He was going to Jesse’s, earlier than he’d planned, but he wasn’t in the mood for another interrogation. He sat on his bed and yanked his socks and boots on in a hurry. He could hear Eli puttering around in the living room, waiting for him to come out, and it added to his annoyance.

Once he was decent, he stormed out of his room and blew past Eli in the living room. He left the house and jumped off the porch, heading for the tall grass separating his place from Jesse’s. He had to slow a bit as he cut through the brush. It was full of bugs and he shooed them away with annoyance. When he reached Jesse’s, he felt something crawling on his neck and he swatted the critter away with a yell of frustration. The door opened while he was scratching his fingers aggressively through his hair, just to make sure the bug was gone.


“Fucking bugs,” Shaun muttered as he hopped up on the stoop and stepped into the house. He glanced around the front room, looking for nosy children, but it seemed they were alone. At least for now… He met Jesse’s eyes suspiciously. “Where is everybody?”

“Out.” Jesse stood on his tip-toes and kissed Shaun warmly on the lips. “I’m glad you’re early.”

Shaun pushed him away. “What do you mean ‘out’?”

“They’re out shopping.” A slow smile stretched across Jesse’s face. “They won’t be back until after lunch.”

Shaun frowned. “So, soon.”

“Well, not soon soon.” Jesse pouted. “I still have some weed. We could go upstairs for a bit.” He reached for Shaun’s hand, but Shaun pulled away.

“No,” he said sharply. “We’re leaving.”

“But we’ve got the whole place to ourselves!” Jesse whined.

Shaun stalked for the door. Yesterday, up in Jesse’s room, had been…interesting. He was more than ready for a repeat, but Jesse’s family would be home any minute now and he wasn’t about to get caught with his pants around his ankles.

Jesse locked up behind them and followed Shaun grumpily through the grass. “I don’t know why we couldn’t have smoked before we left.”

“We can smoke at Will’s,” Shaun grumbled as he pushed through a thicket of grass. A huge mosquito flew into his face. “Shit!” He swatted it away. “We’re going to get eaten alive in this fucking field!”

“Somebody needs to mow it,” Jesse said, ducking behind him. “The kids call it the Forbidden Forrest.”

“It’s your property.” Shaun snorted. “When old Man Welch was in better health, he took excellent care of his lawn. It’s gone to hell since he died.”

“He left a bunch of crazy lawn equipment in the garage. Nobody knows how to use it,” Jesse said. “Mom has to buy a new mower.”

Shaun rolled his eyes. “I’m sure grandpa will do something about it come summer. He won’t let it get too out of hand.”

Eli always left the keys in the Ford. Shaun told Jesse to get in as they approached. “I have to grab my guitar. Start her up.”

Jesse headed for the car as Shaun swept into the garage. He gathered his guitar and amp, listening to the engine starting up in the drive. When he stepped outside again, Jesse smiled at him coyly through the windshield and Shaun took a deep breath, then started for the car.

The moment they pulled out of the driveway, Jesse scooted closer on the bench seat and wrapped his arms around Shaun’s middle.

“Careful of the stitches!”

“Oh! Sorry,” Jesse smiled apologetically, but then laid his head on Shaun’s shoulder with a sigh of contentment. He rested his arm a bit higher on Shaun’s stomach and snuggled close.

Shaun stiffened. He should have known this would happen. He ground his teeth together and let himself be cuddled as they drove out of town and jumped on the highway. Jesse was quiet, utterly content, and Shaun battled with himself as he watched the road. He liked feeling Jesse at his side, but deep down, he knew the guys in the band would whole-heartedly disapprove. He became more and more uncomfortable as they got closer to Will’s. A white Honda coasted into Shaun’s lane and then slowed until they were going five miles under the limit. Shaun growled under his breath and swerved around the dumb fucker.

“Slow down!” Jesse whimpered, clutching Shaun in distress and pulling the stitches for a second time.

“Ow! Fuck!” Shaun elbowed him to get more room, but Jesse didn’t relent. He hugged Shaun tighter in apology.

“I’m sorry!”

Shaun glared down at him. “Are you like this with all your…lovers?” he spat. “I don’t remember you hanging off Emily like this!”

Jesse nervously bit his lip. “I told you yesterday. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before. You’re special.”

Frustrated, Shaun shoved him away with brute force.

“Ouch!” Jesse rubbed the spot on his chest where Shaun had elbowed him. He sat up and pulled away with tears welling in his eyes.

Shaun instantly regretted it. “Well, you’re acting like a clingy girl,” he snapped, angry with himself more than anything. “What the fuck’s wrong with you?” he grumbled.

Jesse blinked up at him, his expression pained. “I thought about it after you left last night.”

“Thought about what?” Shaun sneered.

“You,” Jesse muttered and then turned to gaze out the window.

Shaun glanced at him nervously from the corner of his eye. Jesse’s face was turned away and Shaun studied him in secret. Jesse’s auburn hair fell against the slender line of his neck, obscuring his soft, freckled skin. An urge rose in Shaun’s belly to brush it away so he could taste Jesse’s warm, sun-kissed skin and he cleared his throat and looked away.

“I’ve never been in love with anybody before. Not for real anyway,” Jesse said in a soft voice. “And I know this is different because I’ve never wanted to protect anybody like I do you… Well, nobody except Brian. And I love him, too. In a different way.”

Shaun scowled. “Cute.”

“I hold onto you all the time because I want to make sure your safe,” Jesse whispered.

“Safe?” Shaun made a face. “Why would you worry about me being safe? I’m perfectly fine.”

Jesse turned and there were tears in his eyes. “Are you kidding me? I worry about you all the time!” he cried. “I can’t help it. I’ve never met anyone who’s so self-destructive!”

Shaun glared out the windshield. “I know what it looks like,” he grumbled. “But I don’t want to kill myself. I’m not suicidal, okay?”

Tears streaming down his face, Jesse whined. “Why won’t you promise to stop cutting? You won’t even lie! It’s like your proud of it!”

“Because I don’t want to lie to you.” Shaun clenched the steering wheel in a white-knuckled grip. “Sometimes I can’t resist.”

Jesse whimpered. “I’m scared to death I’m going to lose you!” He threw himself at Shaun and began to sob in earnest.

Shaun’s face was beet red. He could feel his cheeks burning with it. Jesse was only clingy with him. Jesse only wanted to protect him. Jesse had only ever loved him. What strange things for someone to say in reference to Shaun of all people! He patted Jesse on the back. “Okay. Calm down.”

Jesse looked up at him tearfully. “I know you don’t like when I say it, but…I love you.”

Shaun sighed, but Jesse leaned up and silenced it with a kiss. He swiped his tongue along Shaun’s lower lip and Shaun chased it back into his mouth with a groan of reluctance. They kissed heatedly until Shaun swerved and the van beside them honked three times in rapid succession.

Shaun pushed Jesse away with a grunt. “You’re going to be the cause of my death, retard.”

Jesse laughed. “It’ll be unintentional though.”

“Great.” Shaun glanced at the van beside them. A big guy with a beard was gesturing at them like an ape. Shaun sped up and passed the asshole before Jesse could see. “I get that you…love me and everything, but you have to reign it in, okay? You can’t be all affectionate and shit in front of the band.”

“I know that,” Jesse whined.

They were fifteen minutes from Will’s place. Shaun grumbled as he sped ahead. “Just…practice keeping your hands to yourself. We’ll be there soon.”

Jesse folded his hands in his lap with a sigh. He looked out the window and watched the cars as Shaun blew around them.

When they pulled up outside Will’s place, Shaun parked on the street, then leveled Jesse with a serious look.

Jesse looked back at him nervously. “What?”

“No gay stuff in front of the band,” Shaun said firmly. “I mean it.”

Jesse huffed. “You’ve told me a hundred times now…”

“That’s because I don’t trust you,” Shaun hissed. “Somehow, you’ll find a way to break the rules.”

“What are you talking about?” Jesse smiled as he opened the door. “I love the rules.”

Shaun growled.

Jesse walked around behind the car and knocked on the trunk. “Open up! I’ll grab the amp.”

Shaun yanked the trunk release and got out huffily to retrieve his guitar. Already, the vein in his temple was pulsing with irritation. He had a bad feeling about tonight.

They made their way up the front walk and approached the little house. Shaun didn’t bother knocking. He waltzed right through the door with Jesse trailing behind him.

Will lounged on the couch with a beer. Ben sat beside him and that was unusual. He almost never arrived earlier than Shaun.

“Hey,” Ben said cheerfully as they came into the room. His gaze flickered between the two teens and he smiled slowly.

“What the fuck?” Will furrowed his brow. “Why did you jackoffs all decide to come so early?”

Shaun was about to answer, something sarcastic, when Ben beat him to it.

“I told you,” he said with a grin. “Angela went out of town with her friends. I was bored.”

“I wasn’t talking to you, dumbass.” Will burped, then crushed his beer can in his fist. “I’m going to run across the street to pick up some shit from Kelly. You guys sit tight.”

Shaun moved out of the way as Will shouldered past.

“You brought your boyfriend, too,” Will muttered. “Great.”

Shaun turned to glare at Will’s retreating figure when he caught a pleased little smile on Jesse’s face. Shaun shoved his guitar into his already overladen arms. “Take that in the garage,” he barked. “Now.”

Jesse tried to hide his smile, but it was next to impossible with his arms overloaded. The door to the garage was propped open and Jesse waddled into the room with a dumb look on his face.

Shaun slumped on the couch with a huff. He looked up and met Ben’s wide, amazed eyes. “What?” Shaun snapped.

Ben looked away quickly, but he was smiling, too. “Nothing.”

Shaun growled dangerously. “What is so goddamn funny?”

Ben looked at the TV with an amazing amount of interest. “Have you ever seen this episode before?”

Shaun glanced at the TV. They were watching Impractical Jokers.

Jesse breezed back into the room and jumped on the couch between Shaun and Ben. He turned to the bassist first. “Hi,” he said cheerfully. “How’s it going, Ben?”

“Oh, are you two buddies now?” Shaun sneered.

“Yeah,” Ben and Jesse said together, then they grinned at one another like creepy identical twins. Shaun crossed his arms and glared at them.

Ben and Jesse chatted in a casual, back and forth kind of way Shaun was incapable of. First they covered music, which was a subject Shaun knew a lot about, though he chose to remain silent. Then they moved on to TV, which, it turned out, Shaun actually knew very little about. When they started talking about sports, which might have been spoken in another language for all he understood, Shaun got up and moved into the kitchen to swipe some beer.

“Are you okay?” Jesse asked in a sweet voice when he returned. “Come back and sit with me.”

“Yeah, man.” Ben was fighting a smile. “Why the long face?”

“Shut up.” Shaun stood in the entry to the kitchen, guzzling his beer. “I’m fine.” He thought about going to the armchair but figured Jesse would find some other ridiculous way to sit beside him. Grudgingly, he strode across the room and retook his seat on the couch. He sipped glumly from his can and glared at the TV.

Jesse scooted closer. “Are you sure?” he asked, laying his hand high on Shaun’s thigh.

“Yes!” Shaun shoved Jesse away as Ben started to laugh.

Jesse glared at Shaun and Shaun glared right back as his face got hot with humiliation. Jesse didn’t back down. His pretty blue eyes flashed with defiance and for a moment, it seemed he was going to challenge Shaun! Then the front door banged open and Will strolled inside with a cheeky grin. Jesse sat back on the couch with a huff and Shaun shifted away subtly.

Ben, still laughing, looked up curiously and asked, “What took you so long?”

“Little slut needed that ass tapped,” Will drawled as he walked through to the kitchen. “Whoo-boy! Papa needs a drink!”

Shaun shoved Jesse away as Will disappeared into the other room. “Hands off,” he hissed.

Behind him, Ben snorted with amusement, but Shaun ignored him. It was obvious he knew what was going on.

The four of them hung out for another twenty minutes until Danny arrived. They drank for a while, watching TV, and bullshitting about work. The conversation was dominated by Will and Danny and Shaun drank his beer in blessed silence. Practice started shortly after and they migrated to the garage.

“Our next gig’s at The Randolph,” Will said as they got set up. Shaun knew the place. They’d been there before. It was another dive bar about an hour and a half from his house. “It’s on Tuesday night so this’ll be our only practice. So, everybody better be perfect.” His gaze fell meaningfully on Shaun.

Shaun gave him a haughty look in reply as his fingers flexed restlessly over the fret board of his guitar. He was anxious to begin playing. The negativity only made him want to do better anyway, fuck Will for being such a douchebag.

When practice finally began, Shaun was immediately lost in the music. He shut his eyes as the notes flowed through his body. Sweat beaded along his forehead as he moved his hips with his guitar. He fell into a trance as he played. The dirty garage and the other band members fell away. He forgot about Jesse sitting across the room. It was just him, his guitar, and the music.

Shaun was good. He knew it with a bone-deep certainty and once he got out of this shithole town, he’d prove to everyone that he was good for something…

Shaun’s eyes snapped open as a rush of determination spiked through his veins. He tore into his guitar and added an awesome new riff to Will’s tired-ass song.

Will glared at Shaun as his voice was drowned out, but he continued to sing. It sounded better anyway, and Ben grinned at him over Danny’s drum kit.

With his heart in his throat, Shaun looked across the room and met Jesse’s pretty eyes with a confidence he wasn’t even sure he had. Jesse’s stare was unwavering and as they held each other’s gazes, slowly, Jesse’s lips curved into a sensual smile.

Shaun’s cock pulsed with interest. He thought about claiming those sweet lips again then, a dark thought slid into his mind and he couldn’t stop thinking about sucking and biting on Jesse’s plump bottom lip until he cried and begged to be fucked. He dropped his gaze as guilt pervaded the warm jolt of arousal.

He’d always had unusual urges. He knew they made him even more of a freak, but he couldn’t suppress his dark desires. They invaded his thoughts at the most inappropriate times.

After their first kiss, Shaun hadn’t been able to stop thinking about how gorgeous Jesse had looked with tears in his eyes. Every night they’d been apart, he’d replayed the memory as he came up with sick fantasies of all the different ways he could make sweet little Jesse cry again and screw his face up in pain.

Some fantasies were basic, such as the not so horrible longing to fuck Jesse slowly, wanting to fill his – no doubt virgin-tight – ass with his thick cock as Jesse cried out in a mixture of pain and helpless pleasure.

He also thought about drawing decorative lines on Jesse’s skin with the tip of his knife so he could paint the luscious expanse a beautiful bright red.

So, Jesse said he loved Shaun? Well that was sweet because Shaun wanted to watch Jesse bleed, and cry, and scream his name.

Shaun was a freak. He didn’t know how to handle his desires…and he was terrified to tell Jesse his darkest thoughts. Maybe Jesse knew a little bit about his past, but he didn’t know anything about the fucked-up dreams Shaun had at night…

He didn’t deserve someone as sweet as Jesse.

“That was pretty good,” Will said as practice came to an end. Shaun took his guitar off and reached over his head to stretch out his back. He groaned as his eyes slid shut.

“We should go to that place down on the corner,” Danny said. “I’m parched and your fridge is totally empty.”

“Yeah. Good idea,” Will said. “We can walk home once everyone’s wasted.”

“That’s the idea,” Danny said cheerfully.

“I’ve got money tonight. I’m buying first round,” Ben chimed in.


“Yo, Shaun!” Danny called.

Shaun finished stretching. He opened his eyes and blinked rapidly. Jesse stood just in front of him, mere inches away.

Will checked his fingernails. “You faggots coming?”

Jesse smiled wryly. “You bet.” His eyes never left Shaun’s. Shaun narrowed his in warning, but Jesse was oblivious. He fluttered his eyelashes and smiled back.

Will muttered something about rolling blunts for the walk as he and Danny headed inside. Ben started to follow them. He elbowed Shaun on the way out. “Don’t take too long packing up?” he said with a knowing grin. “We’re thirsty!”

Shaun scowled as Ben chuckled and strolled out of the garage. The door slammed behind him and suddenly, they were alone. Shaun whirled back to his equipment and hurriedly unstrapped his guitar. He could feel Jesse’s eyes on his back.

Jesse stepped in front of him. “You’re really hot when you play.”

Shaun glanced up. Jesse gazed back at him, his eyes heavy with lust and Shaun nervously licked his lips. “Shut up,” he growled under his breath and set his guitar in its case. He slammed the lid and fiddled with the latches as Jesse watched.

“C’mere.” Jesse stepped closer and slid an arm around Shaun’s waist. Shaun groaned with reluctance as Jesse wormed between him and his instrument and pushed his fingers into his sweaty hair. “Watching you play gave me a stiffy,” Jesse laughed.

“Stop,” Shaun tried to twist out of his grasp, but Jesse held fast.

“Shaun, please,” Jesse moaned, and he stretched up on his toes and pressed impossibly closer. Shaun tilted away as Jesse’s breath ghosted across his lips. “Kiss me.”

“Jesse,” Shaun huffed. “Not here.”

“Please,” Jesse whined and slowly, Shaun stopped struggling. He sighed.

“You want a fucking kiss?” He grabbed Jesse’s hips and yanked him flush to his body.

Jesse gasped. His lips parted and Shaun groaned with arousal. He slammed his mouth down on Jesse’s and pushed his tongue into the moist depths. He groaned deep in his throat and reached for handfuls of Jesse’s ass cheeks. He kneaded them insistently as he held Jesse’s slender little body to his, firm against his cock. He groaned into Jesse’s sweet mouth as he dominated him with aggression.

Jesse held on for all he was worth. He tangled his fingers in Shaun’s locks as he whimpered and arched into the embrace with a desperate need. He was rock hard against Shaun’s thigh.

The kisses were unrelenting. Shaun stroked Jesse’s delicate jaw and clutched his body close as his dick pulsed to life. Jesse reacted to Shaun’s exploring tongue with soft, breathy sounds of pleasure and Shaun felt like he was on fire. He wanted to tear his clothes off and grind.

Shaun pulled back when his cock was straining against his fly. He rested his forehead against Jesse’s and gazed heatedly into his eyes. “Fuck you,” he hissed against Jesse’s wet lips. “I’m so goddamn hard right now.”

Jesse whined. “Oh God.”

“Are you guys coming or what?!” Danny yelled from the other room, much too close for comfort.

Shaun pushed Jesse away and wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. He didn’t even look at the other boy as he adjusted the fit of his jeans and slipped out of the room. His dick was so hard, he struggled to walk straight.

“The papers are on top of the fridge,” Will was saying when Shaun joined the others in the living room.

Danny was halfway across the room, heading for the kitchen. “What about the bud?”

“It’s on the table,” Will instructed. “You can’t miss it.”

Danny disappeared into the other room, to roll blunts, presumably.

Jesse walked up beside Shaun as he surveyed the living room. Shaun glanced at him, then quickly averted his eyes in embarrassment. Jesse’s clothes were disheveled, and his lips were red and swollen. He pulled them into his mouth and chewed them nervously as Will looked between them with a raised brow.

“You guys good?”

“Yep,” Jesse said, his eyes drifting nervously to Shaun’s, but he didn’t meet his gaze.

“So what do they have on tap at this place?” Ben asked suddenly and Will glanced at him with his other brow raised. “I’m buying first round. I was just wondering if they had anything on special.”

“I don’t know.” Will shrugged. “They have the usual shit.” He gave Shaun a weird look, but then stepped between him and Jesse without comment. “I’m going to see what that idiot’s doing in there. Hold down the fort, losers.”

Once the blunts were made, they walked to the bar. It wasn’t far and they smoked one of the blunts most of the way and talked about band stuff.

It was Saturday night. When they arrived, the place was packed with grungy truckers, laborers, and other rough types. The five of them found a big booth in the back of the room where it was quieter. There was a smaller table across the aisle with three young women in matching blue uniforms from a local retail store. They were giggling over one of the girls’ phones and enjoying cocktails. Danny leered at them as they got situated.

The table was circular, and Shaun and Jesse sat facing Danny and Will. Ben sat beside Shaun, to his right, but promptly got up to get the drinks. The rest of the guys got comfortable around the table. Will took out his phone and scrolled through it boredly. Danny picked up one of the coasters and spun it like a top as he gazed longingly at the pretty retail girls across the aisle.

“What band were you in again?” Jesse asked as he rested an elbow on the table and his chin in his hand. Under the table, his right hand fell on Shaun’s knee.

Shaun stiffened.

“Pandemonium,” Will murmured, distracted by the screen in front of him.

“Oh yeah. I’ve heard of you,” Jesse said. “I can’t think of any of your songs though.”

“How old are you again?” Danny sneered at him.


“I heard Dirty on the radio last night,” Danny said arrogantly. “It’s their best song.”

Jesse smiled. “Yeah. That’s a great song. That’s you?” He squeezed Shaun’s leg and rubbed it warmly. Totally against his will, Shaun let out a slow breath of air and relaxed into the booth. Jesse began to eagerly grope him.

“It topped the charts in 2009,” Will drawled. “The royalties aren’t great, but they pay for the house.”

Ben returned with beers on a tray. He set everything down then carefully passed them around. Shaun pulled a tall glass of foaming beer in front of him. He took a swig as Jesse’s fingers crept along his inner thigh. Shaun gulped audibly as his face heated with arousal. He tried to hide it behind his glass.

“What was your best show like?” Jesse’s fingers pressed into Shaun’s eager cock. “If you have a song on the radio, you must have drawn a huge crowd.” He moved his fingers up and down firmly, and Shaun lifted his glass and took another drink as his cheeks burned. His cock twitched against Jesse’s fingertips with a mind of its own and he struggled to swallow his mouthful.

Across the table, Danny curled his lip and elbowed Will until the singer looked up. “Tell him about that chick that gave you head on stage.”

Will set his phone down and laughed. “That wasn’t my best show.”

“How is a blowjob on stage not your best show?” Danny gaped at him. He grabbed his beer and took a healthy swallow. “I wish we were that popular. It’d be nice to get that kind of service.” He leaned back in his seat as a slow smile stretched across his face.

Will rolled his eyes and glanced at Jesse. “Not a big deal. Some skank climbed on stage and pulled my dick out.”

“Wow,” Jesse said as he rested his hand firmly over Shaun’s erection. “Did she get you off?” Shaun groaned into his glass and slid closer to the table as Jesse tried to get him off.

“She would have looked really stupid if she didn’t.” Danny sneered. “Bitch was obligated to swallow, too.”

Jesse laughed. Under the table, his nimble fingers took Shaun’s fly and slowly pulled it down. Shaun snorted into his drink as he struggled through another ill-advised swallow. Beside him, Ben shook with silent amusement.

“What the fuck’s going on with you?” Danny glared at him from across the table as Shaun wiped his red, beer splattered face with his sleeve.

“It went down the wrong pipe,” Shaun said gruffly.

“I hate when that happens,” Will said, then turned back to Jesse. “My best show was in Miami,” he continued, and Danny sneered, but turned his adoring gaze back on the singer. “We’d been on tour for seven amazing months and landed in the hottest party town on spring break. The crowd was huge and pumped. All the chicks were topless. I leapt off the stage at the end and surfed through a sea of people yelling my name.” Will’s eyes were glazed with the memory. “It’s one of the top five moments of my life.”

“Do you think you guys will ever get famous like that?” Jesse wiggled into Shaun’s boxers and he jumped as his fingers skimmed along his naked shaft. Shaun’s cock twitched with need and he bit down on his tongue and concentrated on keeping his breathing steady. “No offence, but nobody was crowd surfing at that one show I saw.”

Will waved his hand. “We’re just starting out. We’ve got time yet.”

“How long have you guys been a band?” Jesse asked as he stroked Shaun’s cock in a soft, teasing grip. His fingers were so gentle, and Shaun’s cock ached for attention. He started to sweat. His glass was almost empty, but he took another swallow and then played with the frosty mug.

“I joined beginning of last year,” Ben piped up beside Shaun. Then he elbowed him. “You started a couple months after me.”

“Irrelevant.” Danny tossed a coaster at the bassist. “We started two years before we picked you losers up.” He glanced at Shaun, his lip curling with disdain. “We had a better guitarist before.”

Shaun scowled, but it didn’t have the usual menace behind it.

Danny laughed at him. “Seriously, what the fuck are you doing? What’s wrong with your face?”

All eyes on him, Shaun glared heatedly at the drummer across the table. “You’re pissing me off.”

Danny grinned at him. He lifted his glass and chugged the last half of his drink. “I’m buying second round!” he cheered, then slid out of the booth.

Will went back to his phone. “I’ll be big again,” he muttered, scrolling through his Facebook page. “I’m a star. They can’t keep me down forever.”

Shaun sneered at him, but Will was involved with his social media. He didn’t look up. Shaun used the opportunity to shove his hand under the table. He bumped into Ben in the process but fuck him. He seized Jesse’s wrist.

“Quit already!” he hissed as he wrenched Jesse’s hand away. “You always take it too fucking far!” His cock was straining for release. Their earlier rendezvous in the garage had left him wanting more and it was impossible to resist, but he did. Because Jesse was so close to ruining everything. “Goddamn you, Jesse!” He tucked himself away and zipped up.

“What did I do?” Jesse chuckled, but he brought his hand back to the table and sipped his beer like a little sissy. “I don’t know what you mean?”

Ben shook with laughter beside him. Shaun rounded on him next.

“Shut up,” he said under his breath as he caught Ben’s eyes and gave him a warning look. “I get it alright? You know.”

Ben smirked at him. “Know what?”

Shaun growled dangerously. His nostrils flared with anger.

“What are you idiots talking about over there?” Will asked. He looked up, his brow furrowed with suspicion.

Ben blinked at him. “Those girls over there.” He nodded toward the table with the three retail girls. “They’ve been checking us out since we sat down.”

Will looked over his shoulder. The brunette, the one with a spike through her eyebrow met his eyes and smiled slowly. Will turned back with a grin. “Good lookin’ out, Ben.”

When Danny returned with more beer, Will didn’t even let him take a seat. He slid to the end of the booth and blocked him.

“Those girls are making eyes at us,” he said, waggling his brows. “Let’s see if we can get them another round.”

Danny smiled. “Good idea. These bozos are boring me to tears,” he said, sneering at the other side of the table.

Will and Danny grabbed their beers and left the table. The girls welcomed them without question, and the men took seats facing away from Shaun and his two accomplices.

Ben spun around, a knowing smile teasing his lips. “Tell me everything! Are you guys dating?”

“No!” Shaun hissed.

Ben tried Jesse next. Jesse had a hand over his mouth, but it did nothing to hide his shit-eating grin.

“Fucking shit, Jesse!” Shaun growled under his breath. “Could you be any more obvious?”

Ben clapped his hands as he howled with laughter. “You guys are fucking adorable together!”

“Shut up!” Shaun snarled.

Jesse dropped his hands with a giggle. “Don’t tease him too much, okay? He avoided me for a week after we kissed the first time. We’re still testing out the waters.”

Shaun gripped his beer in his hands. “Oh my god, why the fuck are you telling him our business?!”

Jesse punched him on the shoulder. “Because he’s our friend. Relax. He won’t tell Will and Danny. Right?”

Ben crossed his heart. “Scouts honor.”

“Please,” Shaun gasped. “Please, can we talk about something else?”

Jesse smiled sweetly as he slid a hand up Shaun’s thigh again. “Sure. What are we talking about?”

Shaun fell back in his seat with a groan. His erection had gone down, but his dick was so damned confused. Jesse teased his fingers closer and closer to Shaun’s cock as he and Ben started another conversation totally out of Shaun’s skill set. He was even less social with Jesse’s hand cupping his rigid length. He rubbed Shaun’s hard shaft up and down with his palm, going slow, keeping Shaun hard and hot and desperate for more.

Shaun sat like that for a time. Hard and miserable. Jesse played with his cock the whole time and Shaun, too embarrassed and turned-on to think straight, let him. Ben went back to the bar a couple more times and Shaun drank his fair share. He was hot around the collar, but no amount of booze would cool him down.

When Ben went to the bar for another round, Jesse cuddled into his side and pressed a warm kiss against Shaun’s neck. He sighed blissfully as he squeezed his cock. “I’m so glad we could get away tonight.”

Shaun finally lost his patience. He was so close to exploding in his jeans…. He whirled on Jesse in a furious rage and Jesse pulled back slowly, his blue eyes widening with fear.


“Don’t. Call. Me. That.”

Jesse pulled his hand away from the bulge in Shaun’s pants. “Sorry,” he whispered.

Ben returned with another tray of beer. He set it on the edge of the table. “Everything okay?”

Shaun got up before he was trapped in the booth again. He shoved past the bassist. “Bathroom,” he grumbled, then he flew down the aisle.

Shaun found the bathroom at the front of the building, to the right of the bar. He rushed inside before anyone saw his erection.

It was a small, dirty bathroom with two stalls in the back. A row of urinals were on the opposite wall, but Shaun needed the privacy. He headed for the stalls, passing a leaky sink by the door with a paper towel dispenser that had seen better days.

He slid into the last stall and pushed the door shut.

“Fuck…” he muttered as he stepped up to the toilet. He unzipped his jeans and released his dick. It came free of his boxers and sprung upright until it was almost parallel with his belly. “Jesus Christ, Jesse.” The veins pulsed with blood and the head was dark red with arousal. He hissed as he wrapped his fist around the thick base. He squeezed himself experimentally and precome leaked from his dickhead and dripped into the water below. “Shit”

Across the room, the door swung inward.

Shaun froze with his hand on his cock.


“What?” he hissed. It was Jesse. Of course it was Jesse.

There was a soft tap on the door and Shaun spun around with a huff of frustration and aggressively opened the latch.

Jesse stood on the other side; his bottom lip secured between his pretty white teeth. He looked down and his eyes widened. “Woah.”

Shaun grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him into the stall.

As soon as the door shut, Shaun pressed Jesse against the cold, metal stall and took his bottom lip into his mouth. He gripped the back of Jesse’s head as he sucked and licked the plump morsel. Jesse moaned and arched into his body. He parted his lips and Shaun took the invitation. He pressed his tongue inside Jesse’s hot, sweet mouth and explored the moist depths as his cock grew even harder.

Shyly, Jesse’s fingers slid around Shaun’s pulsing cock. “Oh. It’s huge,” he whispered, and Shaun groaned with excitement. Jesse began to move his hand. His fingers were hesitant.

Shaun sank his teeth into Jesse’s bottom lip, and he stretched it a little, teasing him. Jesse gasped and his fingers flexed around Shaun’s length.

“Harder,” Shaun growled.

Jesse looked up at him from under his lashes. “Do you like it rough?”


Jesse firmed his grasp, but not nearly enough for Shaun’s liking. He was going much too slow, as well. He gasped when Shaun bit him again. “Shaun...” Jesse moaned, and Shaun’s cock lurched against his palm.

Shaun reached down and curled his big hand around Jesse’s. “Fuck you, your touching me like a little girl.” He forcefully molded Jesse’s hand until the grip was more to his liking. He nuzzled his lips against Jesse’s cheek and then leaned closer to lick the tender shell of his ear. “Go faster. bitch. I need to come.”

Jesse shivered as his hand began to pump Shaun’s length with purpose. Shaun groaned and buried his face in Jesse’s soft throat. He kissed the warm, salty skin with an open mouth. He sucked it into his mouth as Jesse’s hand glided over his cock. Shaun could feel Jesse’s erection against his thigh, but Shaun ignored it right now.

He spiraled in blissful pleasure as he guided Jesse’s hand along his length. He closed his eyes and breathed in Jesse’s soft familiar scent as he pulled and stroked Shaun’s cock, urging him on. He smelled like fresh laundry and apples. His cock wept clear fluids as his orgasm drew ever nearer.

“You’re going to make me come,” he said in a deep voice. “Fuck you, Jesse. You aren’t following the rules! You’ve had me hard all goddamn night!”

“Mmm,” Jesse hummed as he squeezed Shaun’s dick. “That’s because I love you and I want your cock.”

“You want my cock?” Shaun chuckled.

“I think maybe I am gay,” Jesse said in a soft voice, lifting his chin. He looked ridiculous with his hair askew and his bottom lip marked with Shaun’s teeth. He peeked up at Shaun shyly from under his lashes. “I’ve been checking out your bandmates tonight,” he said guiltily. “Will’s gorgeous. He knows it, too, and it’s annoying, but I think Ben’s cuter. He’s such a good guy…”

Shaun’s expression darkened. He wrenched Jesse’s hand off his dick and rudely flipped him around. “Open your fly,” he demanded as Jesse pressed his cheek against the metal stall and looked timidly over his shoulder.

“M-my fly?”

“Do it.”

Jesse reached down and unzipped his jeans. Shaun grabbed the waist of his pants and hooked his thumbs inside so he could get the briefs, too. He pulled everything down.

Jesse gasped as his ass was exposed to the air. Shaun stepped back and took a good look at his round, little ass. Soft and pink, Jesse’s pert cheeks were totally hairless and smooth. Shaun licked his lips and reached down to touch. He cupped Jesse’s ass, one cheek in each hand and squeezed. He groaned as Jesse’s flesh gave and filled his large hands perfectly. They were warm and firm, but very pliable. The thought ran through his mind to spread Jesse’s cheeks so he could examine his hole, but he was so incredibly turned on, he was afraid the sight might make him blow his load right there on the spot. He had a better idea anyway.

Jesse looked over his shoulder. His bottom lip trembled. “Are you going to fuck me?”

“Shut up,” Shaun muttered. He pulled his jeans down and stepped closer. He loomed over Jesse’s slender little body and nudged his feet apart with the edge of his boot. He spat in his hand and used it to slick his dick.

“Oh god,” Jesse whimpered.

Shaun’s cock jumped with anticipation. He knew it was wrong and gay, but he wanted to fuck Jesse. And he would. Soon enough. But for now…

He slotted his dick between Jesse’s thighs. “Spread,” he growled, and Jesse pressed his cheek against the metal and reached back to spread himself open. Shaun groaned as his wet dick settled against Jesse’s perineum. He pushed Jesse’s silky balls aside and smacked him on the hip. “Close.” Jesse pressed his thighs together and Shaun thrust into the narrow opening. His cock bumped into Jesse’s and without thought, he reached around to gather Jesse’s erection in his hand. Slow and steady, he began to drive his hips into Jesse’s sweet ass.

Jesse gasped. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth with a soft sound of pleasure. He let go of his ass cheeks and laid his hands on the graffiti-ridden stall. They slid up and over his head as Shaun’s thrusts came quicker and with more force. He braced himself and pushed his hips back, so his plush ass bounced in Shaun’s groin. The sound of his skin slapping against Shaun’s was deeply arousing and it bounced around the empty, tiled room.

The friction and the heat felt amazing against Shaun’s sensitive cockhead. When he pulled back, he saw the moisture from their combined sweat, spit, and pre-ejaculate slicked his shaft. He tipped his head back and let out a long groan of pleasure as Jesse squeezed his thighs and squirmed deliciously on his cock. He shifted his hips back and forth as he fucked Shaun’s hand and rode his dick with obvious delight. Shaun pressed his fingers into the delicate swell of Jesse’s hip and held him steady as his orgasm approached. He sobbed as little spurts of precome slicked Jesse’s channel. His cock glided against the wet, sensitive skin.

The bathroom door burst open and Danny whined. “I want the dark haired one!”

Jesse pulled away from the stall with a gasp and Shaun slapped a hand over his mouth and pressed down. “Quiet!” he hissed.

“You’ve got your pick between the two blondes,” Will drawled, his voice getting dangerously close and Shaun let go of Jesse’s dick and slipped his arm under his ribs. He yanked him back against his body and hauled him into his lap as he sat hard on the edge of the toilet. With his hand secured over the bottom half of his face and his arm banding his chest, Jesse was his prisoner. “Have ‘em both if you want. I don’t care.”

“You take the blondes. You’re the one who’s obsessed with hair color,” Danny grumbled. Shaun leaned slightly to the right and peeked through the crack in the door. Danny stood just feet away, his back to the stall. The sound of piss hitting porcelain rent the air. “Ahh, shit. I’ve had to piss since we got here.”

Will chuckled as he let out a stream beside him. Shaun leaned sharply to the left and looked through the other side of the door. “You’re such a girl. You don’t have to wait for me. You can go to the bathroom whenever you damn well please.”

“Oh, I’m a girl because I don’t want to miss any of the action?”

“You might be getting more action if you were back at the table right now,” Will said. “And fuck you. I’m taking the brunette. She’s got perfect tits.”

“No fair!” Danny huffed. “You always get the hot ones!”

“That’s because I’m a celebrity,” Will said cheerfully.

Danny snorted. “I guess Shaun took his boyfriend home for the night.”

Will stepped around him. Shaun watched his shadow pass under the stall door. “I don’t know what that freak’s problem is lately. He sucked at practice last week.”

Danny made a wet, gagging sound and Shaun imagined he was doing some gross impression.

Will snickered.

“I swear that little homo was getting his cock rubbed under the table,” Danny grumbled.

“Yeah. Something weird’s going on.”

Shaun ground his teeth to dust as Jesse’s breaths came fast and hot against his palm.

“What are we going to do if he comes out of the closet?” Danny muttered as the water turned on. They were standing in front of the mirror.

“Get rid of him,” Will said firmly. “What else are we going to do? He’ll ruin our reputation.”

“He’s already ruining it,” Danny sneered. “I think he took a shower today. Must have been the first time in three months. He reeks.”

Shaun seethed with anger. He squeezed Jesse tighter and tighter.


“Be. Quiet,” Shaun bit out.

“Let’s hope he’s left the house by the time we get back,” Will said. “Then you and the blonde skanks can have the couch and me and Miss Tits can have the bed.”

“Oh c’mon! Three people on a couch?”

“Don’t worry.” The water shut off. “You can’t bag them both, anyway.”

“You’re about to be proved wrong,” Danny boasted as they moved for the door. “Watch me work my magic.”

“Want to bet on it?”

“Nope. Child Support garnished my paycheck. I’m living off beans and hotdogs for the next two weeks. That twenty I bought drinks with was supposed to be gas money.”

Will’s reply faded as the door swung shut after him.

Shaun growled low in the back of his throat. “Did you hear that, Jesse? They’re going to kick me out of the band.” He dropped his hand and then shoved Jesse out of his lap.

Jesse fell against the stall with his pants around his ankles. He pressed his hands against the door and looked sadly at Shaun. “I’m s—”

“Fuck you!” Shaun shouted. His erection was long gone. He stood and yanked his jeans to their rightful place and zipped up. “You’re going to get me in so much fucking trouble!” He reached around Jesse and smashed the lock with his fist. The flimsy metal latch came undone and Shaun flattened him against the door on his way out.

He stalked across the room and stopped in front of the mirror.

Shaun glared at his reflection.

He’d just been so close to pushing his cock into Jesse’s tight ass. He’d never felt desire like this in his life. He wanted Jesse’s body with an intensity that scared him. He was used to keeping secrets, but he couldn’t seem to cover this up. Jesse couldn’t keep his fucking hands to himself and Shaun couldn’t control his desire for him. It was going to be his undoing.

Shaun grabbed the edge of the sink and snarled at himself. At his stupid. Ugly mug.

Behind him, Jesse’s curious face appeared in the grimy bathroom mirror. He was adorably mussed. He looked absolutely ridiculous.

Shaun curled his lip.

Jesse stepped toward him. “Shaun?”

Shaun’s hand trembled on the edge of the sink. He growled at Jesse’s bewildered reflection.

“Are you okay?”

Shaun lashed out.


“Why did you do that?!”

“Shhhit!” Shaun doubled over his hand as sharp pains shot up his forearm. “Fuck, fuck, fucking shit!” The glass had spiderwebbed but stayed in its place on the cinderblock wall.

Jesse hurried over. “Shaun?”

Shaun groaned as he stretched his hand over the sink. His arm shook dramatically as he checked the damage. His knuckles were split and bleeding and indented in the red, puffy flesh along the back of his hand. “Oh, fuck! I fucking broke it,” he sobbed. “Goddamnit!”

“Let me see!”

Shaun wrenched his arm out of Jesse’s grasp. “Get away from me,” he spat, then whirled for the exit.

He walked out of the bathroom and straight for the door. He didn’t look at anybody. He didn’t fucking care.

He left the building and started down the broken sidewalk. It was dark. The path was lit by dim streetlamps and starlight. A dog barked in the distance. There were two blocks of houses between the bar and his car and he stretched out his legs and made long steps. He cradled his broken right hand to his chest as he walked. It throbbed along with his heartbeat.

“Motherfucker,” he cursed under his breath. He checked his hand again when he passed under the light. Blood ran from the swollen knuckles and dripped off the tips of his fingers. He groaned. “…shit!”

“Shaun! Wait up!”

Shaun grumbled mutinously. He wanted to be alone damnit!

“Shaun…please…wait,” Jesse huffed as he appeared over Shaun’s right shoulder. “Let me s—”

“I don’t want you to see!” Shaun screamed.

Jesse stopped on the pavement. He gazed at Shaun with big, tear-filled eyes. “Is it really broken?”

Shaun bared his teeth at him and kept walking.

Jesse shuffled after him, keeping a safe distance. Shaun could feel his eyes on his back. It made him itchy, Jesse’s stupid concern. Maybe if he’d just listened and kept his fucking hands to himself than none of this would have happened!

They reached the house in under five minutes. Shaun stomped the whole way. He didn’t know what he was going to do. How was he supposed to play now? He flexed his hand experimentally as he approached Will’s house. “Ugh! Fuck!” Sharp pain lanced through his fingers and wrist.

The door was unlocked again. Shaun stormed through the living room and kicked the garage door open. He spent a few frustrating moments, cursing and shoving things around as he packed up one-handed. He wanted to get out of here before he had to face the other band members.

He hugged his guitar to his chest and grabbed the amp with the same hand. When he turned around, grumbling under his breath, Jesse was in the doorway, watching him with sad eyes.

“Move,” Shaun grunted as he shoved past with his equipment. He stalked out of the house.

Jesse caught up just as he’d fit everything into the back of Eli’s car. Shaun held his injured hand to his chest as he slammed the truck shut. He looked at Jesse with narrowed eyes. “What are you waiting for? Get in.”

Jesse scrambled to get in the car.

Shaun huffed and stepped around to the driver side. He climbed behind the wheel and started to reach for his keys when he paused. “Fuck…how am I supposed to turn the keys?”

“Let me drive,” Jesse said, and he slid over until his thigh touched Shaun’s. He grabbed the wheel. “C’mon. I know where we’re going.”

Shaun sighed deeply. He knew Jesse was trying to help, but nothing but time would fix his hand. Shaun had done this before. Twice.

Shaun let Jesse climb over his lap as he slid into the passenger seat. He leaned heavily against the door.


Shaun started to reach into his back pocket with his right hand again. He scowled and did an awkward maneuver with his left. He fished the keys out of his pocket and tossed them across the seat. He glared at them hatefully.

Jesse snagged the keys and pushed them into the ignition. “Just relax. Sit back and close your eyes.”

Shaun grumbled disagreeably, but he did as suggested. He slumped back and let his body sink into the worn leather seat. He rested his hand on his chest and closed his eyes.

Jesse messed with the radio and an old country song, one of Ruth’s favorites, began to play. He sang along as they pulled away from the curb.

Shaun tried not to concentrate on the throbbing pain as they bumped along. He listened to Jesse’s voice. He wasn’t the best singer, but he could carry a tune and the song reminded him of another time, of a warm summer afternoon pealing apples. He was just a boy and Ruth hummed the same tune as they worked, cheerful, and indulgent. Slowly, he drifted into a troubled sleep.

When he opened his eyes again, it was still dark. He sat up with a groan and grabbed the door handle out of reflex. “Ahhhaa!”

“Oh, shit, your hand,” Jesse hissed. Shaun looked down. Jesse was cuddled into his side, pillowed against his chest. He sat up as his brow furrowed with concern. ‘

“What the fuck?” Shaun peered out the window. They were parked in the back corner of a parking lot the size of a football field. A large blue Wal-Mart rested on the other side of the shadowed lot. There were a handful of cars clustered near the entrance, but they were alone. A security light overhead illuminated the inside of the car with a dim, yellow glow. “Wal-mart?”

Jesse smiled. “You were asleep, and I didn’t want to go home. I figured they’d be cool if we parked for a couple hours.”

Shaun scowled at him. “I want to go home.”

“Really?” Jesse pouted.

Shaun huffed and held up his hand. “I should probably get this looked at.”

“Yeah, but will you?” Jesse looked highly skeptical and Shaun rolled his eyes.


Jesse beamed at him. “Look what I snagged when we went back to the house.” He grabbed a baggie off the dash. There were two fat joints resting at the bottom.

Shaun frowned darkly. “You stole those?”

“Yep.” Jesse grabbed a lighter from the same spot.

“Idiot,” Shaun grunted. “Like they don’t hate me enough already!”

“Those guys are total assholes,” Jesse said as he opened the baggie and selected a blunt. “You and Ben should split and make a new band.”

Shaun gaped at him as he stuck the roach between his lips and lit up. “That’s stupid. Who’s going to sing.”

Jesse looked at him closely. “How about you?” He parted his lips and a thin, tendril of smoke slipped out.

Shaun glowered at him. “I. Can’t. Sing.”

“I bet you have an awesome singing voice,” Jesse crooned, and Shaun snatched the blunt from him and took a draw. “Your voice is deep and sexy. You’ve got that terrifying growly thing you do, too. It’s great.”

Shaun snorted with amusement. “Whatever.”

“Oh, c’mon! Have you ever tried?”

“I don’t know anything about fronting a band, Jesse,” Shaun hissed. He blew smoke in his face. “I don’t know how to run auditions or schedule shows.”

“You could learn,” Jesse said. “And Ben could help you.”

“Ben,” Shaun sneered. “He’s an even bigger idiot than you are.”

Jesse laughed.

They passed the blunt twice more as Shaun mulled over Jesse’s comment. He was sick to death of dealing with Will and Danny. He didn’t like the music they played. He wasn’t happy with anything that was going on. He got to play and that was about it.

Jesse put the roach out with the tip of his wet finger, and he set it on the dash. “I’m sorry about what happened at the bar,” he murmured. “I don’t know why I thought that was a good idea. I was having fun. It’s nice to get away from the kids, you know?”

Shaun started to cross his arms but thought better of it. He sighed and rested his elbow on the window as he glared out at the lights on the distant highway. There was nothing out here but roads and endless fields.

“Let me make it up to you,” Jesse said huskily, and Shaun lowered his eyes. Jesse gazed at him longingly. He licked his lips and Shaun’s cock jumped to attention. It started to fill with blood as Jesse rested a hand on his thigh and stretched up for a kiss.

Their lips met and Shaun’s body tingled with anticipation. Time slowed as they kissed passionately, their tongues meeting, their lips sliding together with soft, wet little smacks. They were enclosed in an intimate bubble as the intensity of their kisses increased. Shaun pulled Jesse tight to his body as his cock grew stiff in his jeans. Then, Jesse groaned and broke away. Shaun blinked at him and Jesse smiled and reached over Shaun to grab the door handle. He threw a knee over Shaun’s thigh and sat firmly in his lap. Jesse settled against Shaun and their bodies fit together perfectly. Jesse’s mouth was just a hair higher than his now and when their lips met for a second time, Shaun groaned deep in his chest and wrapped his arms around Jesse’s tiny waist. He held him close as he explored his hot mouth with his tongue.

Jesse squirmed as the kisses got hotter and the windows steamed up around them. Shaun nipped his bottom lip and he moaned, “I wanna get naked.”

Shaun hummed with approval as Jesse got up on his knees and unzipped his fly. He squirmed and wiggled around and in seconds, his jeans were on the floor. He reached for Shaun next and he leaned back and lifted his hips as Jesse unfastened his pants pulled everything down to his knees.

When Jesse sat in Shaun’s lap again, his naked butt was warm against Shaun’s bare thighs. Shaun slipped his left hand underneath his soft, fleshy butt cheek and squeezed firmly. Shaun pulled him closer with his right arm, careful of his hand, and captured Jesse’s lips again as he groaned deliciously into his mouth.

“I want to fuck you so goddamn bad,” Shaun hissed, resting his forehead against Jesse’s. Their hot breaths mingled between them. The windows were completely fogged.

Jesse’s blue eyes widened.

“I know it’s gay, but I don’t care,” Shaun growled as he kneaded Jesse’s warm ass cheek so the boy in his lap began to wiggle. “Really, really soon I’m gonna slide my dick in your tight little ass.”

Jesse gasped.

Shaun pulled his hand out from under Jesse’s butt and wrapped it around both their cocks. He gazed down at his handful. It was so weird handling another guy’s dick. He’d never considered himself to be extraordinary, but he felt like a monster next to Jesse. Shaun’s dick was so much bigger and thicker. Jesse was a couple inches shorter than him and the only reason they lined up at all was because he had a booster seat. Shaun’s shaft and the bulging head were flushed dark red with blood. Jesse’s slimmer length was a soft pink all over and very cute to look at and Shaun felt his face heat up as the thought ran through his mind. Even Shaun’s balls were bigger. He had to spread his thighs a little as his large, hairy balls shifted around in his wrinkly sac. He was enormously aroused by their difference in size.

Shaun pushed his tongue into Jesse’s mouth as his cock pulsed with excitement. He groaned and sucked his sweet tongue as the pleasure mounted and Jesse squirmed in his lap and thrust his dick against Shaun’s with enthusiasm. The little noises he made urged Shaun to deepen the kisses and his hand, though awkward and not his dominant one, was powerful and moved with urgency.

“Shaun…” Jesse gasped into his mouth. “I love you…”

Shaun hummed with approval and sank his teeth into Jesse’s bottom lip. He flexed his fingers and pumped their dicks as Jesse whined and moaned in his lap. He worked his thick, rigid length against Jesse’s slim shaft until Jesse clutched him tight and spurted long ropes of semen over Shaun’s fist and his forearm.

“Oooh godddd,” he groaned in pleasure.

Shaun tore his mouth off Jesse’s and sank his teeth into his throat as he ramped up his efforts to come. He gripped their shafts and pulled and stroked their lengths as Jesse whined and his little cock twitched against Shaun’s, confused from the excessive stimulus.

Shaun growled thunderously as his orgasm approached. The pleasure crescendoed until it peaked and he came at last and with an incredible rush of relief. He let out a long groan of satisfaction as his cock erupted and warm ejaculate gushed from the bulging tip. His arms fell to his sides and his body went limp with exhaustion. “Oh, shit, that needed to happen like…yesterday,” he groaned.

Jesse chuckled and slid out of Shaun’s lap. He looked around for something to clean them with and came up short. He plucked his tightey-whiteys from the jumble of his clothes on the floor and used the soft cotton to clean his dick. He handed it to Shaun when he was through and Shaun, his nose wrinkling, did the same.

He checked the clock on the dash. It was just after three in the morning.

“I don’t want to go home,” Jesse muttered as he pulled his jeans on. Shaun followed his example. He lifted his ass and yanked his pants back to the rightful place with his uninjured hand. He glared at the damage to the right and sighed heavily with resignation.


Jesse pinched the blunt off the dash. He flashed the lighter and took a hit. “Let’s bake out your grandpa’s car.”

Shaun chuckled and accepted the weed when it was passed. “Nothing better to do.”

Jesse turned on the radio. More country music.

“I hate country,” Shaun grumbled.

“You hate everything,” Jesse said with a shrug. “What’s new.”

Shaun tossed his arm around Jesse’s shoulder and pulled him close. “Shut up.”

Jesse leaned back and peeked at him shyly. Shaun gazed down at him. He was so gorgeous, and his heart skipped a beat.

“I just hope you don’t hate me,” Jesse said softly, biting his plump, kiss-swollen lip. “Since I’m such a giant idiot.”

Shaun huffed. He leaned down so his mouth was inches from Jesse’s. “That’s my favorite part about you,” he whispered, before he slipped his tongue inside and kissed him upside down. “You’re so fucking stupid,” he said affectionately.



The next morning, Jesse drove Eli’s Ford back to the house. Ruth’s van was gone, church, and they shared a passionate kiss in the drive before Jesse left for his place and Shaun went inside.

Shaun grudgingly took a shower. It felt like a chore, but his hygiene had been on his mind now, more than ever. Jesse had said it himself last night, he wanted Shaun’s cock. Shaun was intensely flattered, and he wanted his dick to be presentable if the need should arise.

He paid special attention to his hair and the healing stitches on his stomach, then he carefully cleaned his fractured hand. The swelling was bad. He needed ice and some Ibuprofen.

After the shower, he combed his hair, dressed the stitches with the antibiotic and pulled on some lose PJ pants. He grabbed an ice pack from the kitchen and some of Ruth’s Advil from her room and got comfortable on the couch. He turned on the TV and found an old black and white western on Eli’s favorite channel. It wasn’t really his thing. He liked violence and guns, but the old movie caught his interest.

Close to the end, the grandparents came home. Ruth spared Shaun a single, narrowed-eyed glance as she bustled into the backroom. Shaun curled his lip, but neither said a word. Eli poured a glass of water in the kitchen and brought it to the living room. He paused in the doorway and smiled at Shaun. It was unnerving.

“What?” Shaun snapped.

Eli gestured to his hand. “What happened?”

“Broke a mirror,” Shaun said coolly. He didn’t look away from the TV. “My hand’s fractured again.”

“Oh boy,” Eli chuckled as he walked into the room. He sat on the other end of the couch and put his leg up. “What are you watching?”

“High Noon,” Shaun said through his teeth.

“Where’s your friend?”

“At home!” Shaun cried. “I’m trying to watch this!”

“Alright,” Eli chuckled. “Chill out, dude.”

Shaun’s left hand curled into a fist at his side. He wanted to finish the movie, damnit.

“How was practice?” Eli asked as he took a sip from his glass.

“Fine,” Shaun hissed.

Eli nodded. “That’s good. I know how much the music means to you.”

Shaun grumbled under his breath.

“Are you going to tell the band you’re dating Jesse?”

“What?! No!” Shaun cried. He looked wildly over his shoulder toward the back of the house and Ruth’s bedroom. “I’m not talking about this with grandma in the house!”

“I can’t ever seem to catch you at the right time,” Eli said with a head shake. He sipped his glass of water.

Shaun rolled his eyes. “Ben already knows,” he muttered. “I guess Jesse must have spilled the beans.” He face-palmed and kept his face covered as he spoke. “He was all over me. He’s going to get me fucking kicked out,” he sighed. “The guys noticed. It’s why I broke that goddamn mirror.”

Eli pressed his lips together to hide his smile. “Did it help?”

“Fuck you,” Shaun grumbled. “What do you think? I don’t even know if I can play now.”

Movement sounded from the hallway. Shaun looked over his shoulder as Ruth came out of the back dressed in her comfortable gardening clothes. She swept through the kitchen and exited the house.

“Maybe it’d be better if he didn’t come to practice anymore,” Eli mused.

Shaun barked with laughter. “That’s not going to happen. He loses his mind if we’re separated for five minutes.”

“Young love,” Eli sang. “So innocent.”

Shaun gaped at him in horror.


Eli looked through to the kitchen door and smiled shrewdly. “I wonder who that could be?”

Shaun bared his teeth at him.

“I’d better check who it is.” Eli started to get up when Shaun lobbed the melted ice pack at his head. He wacked him right in the face and Eli’s water sloshed down his trousers. “Hey!”

Shaun got up and stormed into the kitchen. He threw open the door.

Jesse stood on the porch. He smiled, but when he caught sight of Shaun’s expression, it slipped. He peered into Shaun’s face. “Everything alright?”

Shaun growled at him. “Perfect.”

“Oh.” Jesse reached up and curled a lock of Shaun’s hair between his fingers. “You combed it.” He smiled again and it was brilliant. “Nice.”

Shaun frowned and pushed Jesse’s hand away.

Jesse bit his bottom lip. “Are you busy? What are you doing?” He looked over Shaun’s shoulder and into the house.

“None of your business,” Shaun snapped, moving his body to block the view of the kitchen. “Wait here.”

He shut the door in Jesse’s face.

“That wasn’t very nice of you,” Eli said as he watched from the couch. “You could have invited him in.”

“Nope.” Shaun grabbed his boots from next to the door and sat at the kitchen table to pull them on. He laced them up then stood. “I’m outta here.” He slipped out the front door and stepped onto the porch where Jesse waited with his arms crossed. He didn’t look happy.

“What was that for?” he asked.

Shaun blew past him and hopped off the porch for the garage. “I was being interrogated.” He crunched through the gravel and wrenched open the side door so he could storm inside.

Jesse was right on his heels. “What do you mean?”

Shaun went straight to the gun rack on the back wall and grabbed his Remington 7600. He spun around and Jesse shouted in surprise.

“I’m sorry!” He covered his face and cowered in fear. “For whatever I did! I’m sorry!”

Shaun lowered the gun. “What?”

“Please don’t shoot me.” Jesse peeked at him through his fingers and relaxed when he saw the rifle was aimed at the floor. “Shit. I thought you were going buck wild or something.”

Shaun rolled his eyes. “Do you want to learn to shoot or not?”

Jesse smiled at him cautiously.

Shaun grabbed the basics, a pocket full of bullets and his grandpa’s worn pack of cigarettes. “Come on.” He slung the rifle over his shoulder and turned for the door. Jesse scurried after him.

They ran into Ruth in the backyard. She was crouched in her flowerbed with her hands in the dirt. They had to pass her on their way to the woods and she looked up as they approached. “I wondered what you two were doing in there,” she grumbled.

“Shaun’s going to show me how to use the rifle,” Jesse said enthusiastically.

Ruth narrowed her eyes on Shaun’s hand as he stopped beside Jesse. “What happened?”

Shaun tucked his hand behind his back. “Nothing.”

Ruth glared at him. “I hope you’re not getting up to anything funny.”

Shaun sighed dramatically. “What the fuck are you talking about, grandma?”

“You’re always up to no good.” Ruth turned back to her rosebush and pulled some weeds underneath. “You remind me so much of your father.”

Shaun crossed his arms. “Can we go now.”

“If you shoot something good, bring it home,” Ruth said over her shoulder as she selected a trowel and plunged it into the dirt.

“Right.” Shaun grabbed Jesse’s wrist and tugged him across the lawn.

“Oh, and it’d be nice if you made it home for Sunday dinner, Shaun. You missed two weeks in a row,” Ruth called after them. “And bring your friend!”

On the edge of the yard, a deer trail cut through the trees behind the house. Shaun yanked Jesse down the narrow, overgrown path. Trees pressed in on either side, thick with leaves, and Shaun slowed when the house was completely obscured behind the foliage. He released Jesse’s wrist with a sigh of relief.

“Fuck…she’s such a cunt,” Shaun muttered, looking back at the house.

“Your grandma reminds me of you,” Jesse said with a snicker.

Shaun stepped deeper into the woods with a huff.

“Shaun!” Jesse hurried after him. “Wait up!”

Shaun ignored him and barreled down the path. With his longer legs, he left Jesse behind without even trying and he hollered in distress, but Shaun didn’t slow down. It was a straight shot; Jesse would have to be a total idiot to get lost. Shaun didn’t stop until the trees parted and a small, sun-dappled clearing opened up. He pulled the rifle from his shoulder and was looking for a place to set up when Jesse ran into his back.


Shaun glared at him over his shoulder. “How could you possibly miss an entire person standing right in front of you?”

“I had hair in my eyes!” Jesse cried, pushing his sweaty hair from his face. “And there are so many fucking trees, I could have gotten lost! I can’t believe you left me like that!”

“Christ.” Shaun snorted. “Are you going to make it?”

Jesse pouted like a baby. “Most likely.”

Shaun crouched down in the dirt to load the rifle. Jesse knelt beside him and watched with interest.

“First thing,” Shaun said firmly. “Don’t touch the trigger until you’re ready to shoot.”


Shaun listed off a few other safety tips he’d picked up from his own gun lessons many years ago. Then he showed Jesse where the bullets went and pulled the bolt back to give him a better look. “Come here.” He stood up and cocked the gun. “Let me show you how to hold it.”

Jesse stepped in front of him and Shaun was reminded of their guitar lessons weeks ago. Jesse held it all wrong and Shaun corrected him with a huff of impatience.

“Like this, stupid,” he said as he settled the rifle against Jesse’s right shoulder. “There.”

“Woah,” Jesse said. “It’s heavy.”

“It kicks, too. So be forewarned.”


Shaun reached down the barrel and tapped the scope. “You’ll be looking down your sights when you’re ready to shoot,” he said. “Try it.”

Jesse looked down the scope. “Cool.”

“Let’s practice before we move on,” Shaun said. He looked around the clearing and spotted a large tree trunk with a couple knots. “Aim at that tree over there. Center the biggest knot in your sights.”

Jesse moved the rifle woodenly and looked down the scope. “Am I ready to pull the trigger now?”


Jesse pulled the trigger and reared back violently into Shaun’s chest. “Ouch!” The shot was off by a mile. He’d moved the gun at the last moment.

Shaun snickered. “That’s what I meant by the kick.”

“That wasn’t a very good warning,” Jesse muttered under his breath.

“Try it again.”

They tried five more times before Jesse had the hang of it. He wasn’t as strong as Shaun, but Shaun showed him how to firm his stance and hold his upper body to support the gun.

“That’s good enough,” Shaun said, taking the rifle from him and turning on the safety. “We’ll move on. See if we can find something to kill.”

Jesse looked up at him with puppy-dog eyes. “I don’t want to kill anything.”

“We hunt in my family,” Shaun said proudly. “And we eat what we hunt. That’s the way it’s always been.”

“What’s for dinner tonight?” Jesse asked with wide eyes.


Jesse shivered with disgust and Shaun pulled him along with a bark of laughter.

“You’re such a pussy,” he jeered.

They walked to one of Shaun’s and Eli’s favorite hunting spots. A tree Eli had marked with his initials fifty-some years ago when he’d first moved into the house. It was over a mile away, but Shaun knew the forest like the back of his hand. It took a good minute of hiking to reach, but Shaun didn’t break a sweat. Jesse, however, was extremely winded and fanning himself for relief when they finally reached the tree.

“This is it,” Shaun said. “We can stop.”

“Thank god!” Jesse stumbled against the trunk of the old tree and fell to his knees beside it. “I have to sit down for a minute.”

Shaun chuckled as he sat beside him and rested the rifle in the brush. He stretched out his legs and looked around at the peaceful, wooded landscape. The tree was on a slight incline, surrounded in a thick forest of neighboring trees. Thirty yards away, at the bottom of the incline, was a small meadow drenched in afternoon sunlight. A stream ran through it and the water sparkled in the brilliant light.

It was a special place, but Shaun kept it to himself as they waited for Jesse to catch his breath. He was on the look-out for pray, however and kept his eyes peeled as he took out the pack of cigarettes and casually lit up.

Jesse watched him with jealous eyes. “I should have brought my weed. We both could have smoked.”

Shaun offered him a cigarette, but Jesse shook his head.


Shaun snorted. “Are your lungs too good for nicotine?”

“I tried menthol once.” Jesse made a face. “It was like smoking a peppermint stick.”

“Those are girly cigarettes,” Shaun sneered. “I don’t smoke that shit.”

“I don’t want any.” Jesse shook his head again. “Thanks.”

Shaun looked down at the meadow. “My dad was a heavy smoker,” he muttered as he took a pull. “Smoking makes me think of him.”

Jesse chewed his lip. “Do you think about him a lot?”

“Of course,” Shaun said. “My entire life changed when he killed mom and slit his throat.” He took another pull off the cigarette as he thought. “I hate my grandparents, but I like living with them better than I did my crazy mom and dad. I’m not sure that would have happened if they were still alive.”

Jesse frowned. “I don’t know about that.”

Shaun ignored him. “I just wished we could have moved,” he said bitterly. “If I could have gotten away from the rumors, maybe I could have had a chance…”

Jesse scooted closer and pressed his body to Shaun’s side. “What are you talking about? You’re gonna be a rock star, remember? If you’d moved, maybe that wouldn’t even be possible.”

Shaun shrugged uncomfortably. “Whatever.”

Jesse smiled at him. “Maybe you should quit smoking. If it helps you stop thinking about your dad.”

Shaun glared bitterly into the trees as his cigarette burned, forgotten, between his fingers. He saw something moving through the trees…

“Shaun,” Jesse said, leaning in close. “I know it’s hard, but we have to let go of the past and live in the now. It’s the only way to move forward.”

Shaun looked over his shoulder. “You sound like a junior psychologist.”

“I’ve been to a couple counseling sessions,” Jesse said easily. “It was a family thing.”

“Look at that.” Shaun pointed over his head, down into the meadow.

Jesse turned. “Oh.”

There was a young buck in the meadow. It looked like he only had one horn, and it wasn’t very sporting, but he’d be an easy kill for a beginner.

Shaun flicked the cigarette into the dirt as he got up on his knee. He grabbed the rifle and checked it was loaded, keeping his eyes on the buck as he worked. “Get in front of me. We’re going to shoot this fucker.”

Jesse whimpered, but he climbed around Shaun and hunkered down in front of him just the same.

“I’m going to help you this time,” Shaun said. “Because I want you to get him on the first shot.” He pressed himself against Jesse’s back and settled the gun in his hands. He laid his arm over Jesse’s to steady the rifle, then slid the other behind his shoulders to brace him. Shaun gazed over Jesse’s shoulder at the buck standing at the bottom of the incline. The animal had stopped moving, and he stood with his nose in the grass.

“Poor little guy,” Jesse whined. “He’s just standing there…”

“He’s accepted his fate,” Shaun said in Jesse’s ear and the other boy shivered in response. “Okay,” he breathed. “Look down the sights. You want to aim for the broadside. That’s the spot right behind his front leg.”

Jesse groaned as he looked through the scope. He had an easier time with Shaun’s support, but it still took a moment. “I’ve got it,” he whispered.

“Keep it steady…” Shaun said in a deep voice. “Aim just a hair high.”

Jesse took a shaky breath. “I can’t believe I’m going to do this.”

“Slow your breathing!” Shaun hissed as the buck moved a couple feet, then stopped again. “You’ll have to adjust now,” he grumbled. “Check your scope. Hurry up.”

Jesse gasped. “I’m sorry!” He took a couple practice breaths then quickly, he matched Shaun’s. Their chests moved together in perfect sync.

“When you’re ready pull the trigger,” Shaun said in his ear. “Shoot him right in the belly.”

Jesse nodded and took another deep breath. He held it, then pulled the trigger.


Shaun absorbed the kick like a pro. He held Jesse securely in his arms as the buck fell dead into the grass.

“I did it!” Jesse set the rifle aside and reached up excitedly to thread his fingers through Shaun’s dark hair. He kissed him insistently and Shaun wound his arms around his waist and pulled him close.

They kissed heatedly for several moments while they knelt in the dirt. Shaun’s dick grew in his jeans and Jesse’s was doing the same. Shaun could feel the bulge against his hip, but he wasn’t about to screw around in the woods. Anyone could walk up on them. He gave Jesse’s full bottom lip one last affectionate nip before he pulled away.

“W-what do we do now?” Jesse asked softly.

Shaun nodded over his shoulder. “I have to collect our prize.” He stood up and stepped around him to descend the hill. He entered the meadow and shaded his eyes as he scoped out his fallen prey. He stopped over the small, one-horned buck and assessed it critically. It wasn’t anything to mount on the wall, but with his fractured hand, it’d be a struggle to lift.

Jesse followed at a distance. “How are you going to carry that?”

Shaun crouched down and grabbed the buck’s hind leg with his left hand. He drove his shoulder into his gut and with a groan, he shifted the deer onto his back, so the legs stuck out in front of him. Shaun stood and winced as he pulled his stitches, but the pain was cursory next to the warm seepage of blood that leaked from the buck’s bullet hole. It pooled along the back of his shirt as he took a few staggering steps to adjust to the weight on his back.

“Wow.” Jesse’s eyes got huge. “Isn’t that heavy?”

“90 pounds,” Shaun grunted.

“Oh, god, it’s bleeding!”

“C’mon, pussy.” Shaun chuckled. “Let’s move out.”

Jesse groaned. “Another hike?”

“I’d carry you, too,” Shaun snorted. “But the buck took the only place available.”

Jesse sighed and started in the wrong direction.

“This way, dummy,” Shaun growled as he turned for the path that headed straight home. He stomped in the correct direction without further delay.

They weren’t even halfway back when Jesse started whining. “I can’t believe you’re carrying an entire deer on your back. I don’t know how much further I can go!”

“You’re such a wimp,” Shaun sneered. As he walked, the blood continued to leak down his back. The stitches on his belly stung horribly, as well, and the combination of unpleasant sensations was nauseating, but Shaun trekked on resiliently and put it out of his mind. “They make us run longer laps at school. Soldier up.”

“But it’s hot,” Jesse whined. “And there’s bugs.”

Shaun hadn’t noticed. He was in the zone. “We’re almost back. Fifteen more minutes.”

Shaun’s back was drenched in blood by the time they got back. They didn’t run into Ruth again. She’d finished gardening for the day and they went straight to the garage.

Shaun strung the deer up on the hook in the back corner. He had to use his right hand to hold the ropes and it was difficult, but he got him up alright. Blood dripped copiously on the floor, but he wasn’t bothered. They’d hose it down later.

Jesse watched in disgust. “If you’re going to gut it, I can’t watch.”

Shaun rolled his eyes. “People pay for lessons like these. You’re missing out on a prime opportunity.”

Jesse crossed his arms. “You should change your shirt before you start your Masterclass.”

Shaun pulled it off without a thought and tossed it on the workbench.

Jesse’s expression changed as he studied Shaun’s bare chest. Slowly, unconsciously, he licked his lips.

Shaun smirked as he finished tying up the buck. The muscles in his shoulders flexed and he knew he was putting on a show. “Want me to get a shower, too?”

“If you’re going to send me home,” Jesse scoffed. “Then no.”

Shaun chuckled as he tied everything off and stepped back to assess his handiwork. “My grandpa would love to have a moment alone with you,” he said, nodding with approval.

“You actually want me to talk to your grandparents?”

Shaun grabbed a shop-towel off the bench and lazily cleaned his hands. “You can. Under one condition.” He caught Jesse’s gaze and held it with intent. “You aren’t allowed to say anything if he asks about us. You have to zip your fucking lips if the conversation turns to romance.”

Jesse blinked rapidly. “Does he know we’re…together.”

“He has an idea,” Shaun grumbled as he tossed the shop-towel after his dirtied shirt. “But I don’t want him to know any more than he already does.” He swept across the room with purpose. “Coming?”

“I-I guess…”

“I don’t want you running your mouth,” Shaun said, stopping at the door to wait for the other boy. “You always say too much. You ruin everything with your stupid mouth.”

Jesse stepped in front of him and trailed a finger along Shaun’s muscled forearm. “Is my mouth really stupid?”

Shaun groaned and grabbed Jesse’s chin. Jesse gazed up at him in amazement and Shaun swept down to claim his lips. He pushed his tongue into Jesse’s mouth and pulled him forcefully against his dick. They kissed sloppily in the doorway as they rutted desperately against each other. They pushed their erections together and ground like animals in heat. It was messy and inelegant, but neither of them cared. The deer bled out in the corner as they rapidly approached a shared orgasm.

Jesse came first and clung to Shaun in the aftermath, flushed and obviously spent. Shaun climaxed just moments after, but he recovered quickly. He straightened and licked the excess spit from his lips. “C’mon. We’d better get inside. There’s no way grandma didn’t see me through the kitchen window carrying that thing.”

“Can I clean up in your bathroom?” Jesse asked.

Shaun nodded briskly. “But if you blow this, I swear to god…”

“I won’t,” Jesse said adamantly. His eyes gleamed with determination and Shaun relaxed a little.

“Okay.” Shaun opened the door and gestured him through. “Ladies first.”

“Ha ha.” Jesse flipped him off over his shoulder. “You’re hilarious.”

“I try.” Shaun stepped after him with a smile.

Copyright © 2024 mastershakeme; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

You have interesting seemingly anti-social characters in your storiesaddition to Shaun there's Trent .There's Kieran from that newer story and to a lesser degree Connor. I bet you've had a interesting love life.

You just know Jesse will F-up and say too much to Shaun's grandparents

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12 hours ago, weinerdog said:

You just know Jesse will F-up and say too much to Shaun's grandparents

If anyone can F-up the situation with Shaun's grandparents, it will be Shaun himself. If he doesn't stop swearing at them, along with stomping around and blasting music, he'll find himself either homeless or dead. (In addition to knowing how to 'field dress' a kill, and making it into dinner, Ruth can probably dispose of a 'carcass' with no one knowing where).

As for Jesse, his attitude change (and the effect it's having on his siblings) has Monica on her last nerve. Even though she needs Jesse to 'look after' the children when she is working, if push comes to shove... 🚪

Jesse's love for Shaun has become more than infatuation. 

Danger lurks in the dark recesses of @mastershakeme (imagination?).

Edited by Anton_Cloche
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