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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature content, explicit male-to-male sex.

How the Coronavirus Jump-Started my Sex Life - 3. Chapter 3

Mature Audiences. Cal and Alan take a long and sensuous shower and Alan lays down some rules.

“Come on,” Alan said as he turned away and started down the hall to the shower room. I followed a few steps behind, which allowed me a high-def view of his naked butt, flexing and relaxing as he strolled nonchalantly along, his flip-flops flopping as he walked. By the time we reached the door to the shower room, I had a steel-like boner that was about 6 shades redder than the rest of my skin.

The Showers

As we entered the showers, Alan caught sight of my boner and snickered. “Nice to see you enjoyed the view of my backside.”

I blushed because he had nailed me so thoroughly. To hide my embarrassment, I turned to hang my towel on a hook.

Alan entered the showers ahead of me and went to a spigot in the corner of the room. When I hesitated at the entrance, he said, “Over here. We only need one shower-head.”

I felt a rush of blood into my already full cock as my brain picked up the implications of that statement.

He turned on the water and stood outside the stream while he adjusted the temperature. After he had it just right, he stepped into the middle of the stream and pulled me in close beside him. I wasn’t against him but we were only about 6 inches apart. “Now, I want you to wash me thoroughly, all over. You can touch me as much as you like, explore my body with your hands, get to know every square inch. It is here for your pleasure whenever I say so. But don’t touch me without permission. Is that clear?”

I was a bit surprised at his openness to be touched and disappointed at his strict boundary, too. I nodded.

“No, Cal. When I ask you a question, a nod or shaking your head is not an adequate answer. I want you to always verbalize your answer to me. Understand?”

“Yes, I guess so.”

“Also, whenever we’re naked or in a sexual situation, you should always address me as Sir. Is that clear?”

This seemed a bit over-the-top controlling, but I felt my dick throb at the thought of him being in charge of me, so I nodded, “Yes… Sir.”

“Good. There aren’t a lot of rules, but you need to follow them if I’m going to allow you to get my cock.”

“Okay, Sir.”

“Now, my hair needs shampooing.”

I shampooed his luscious, thick hair, throwing in a head massage, which elicited a few appreciative moans from him. I washed his face with delicate soapy caresses. I washed his pecs and abs for a long time, enjoying the immediate hardening of his nipples when I touched them. The feel of his soft curly hair flowing through my fingers was an incredible turn-on for me. When he raised his arm, I carefully washed his densely-haired pit and then the other one. He turned his back to me and I gave him a deep-tissue back massage with my soapy fingers. “Oh, yeah,” he muttered several times during this cleansing. My dick was so hard I could have plowed up 40 acres with it! Eventually I allowed my hands to drop onto Alan’s rounded buttocks where I began to circle and knead his flesh with my soapy fingers. He leaned forward, spreading his feet about 18 inches apart and putting his hands against the tile wall on either side of the faucets. After a few minutes, he jutted his ass back towards me and I thought I might cum from the sheer erotic nature of his movement. “Clean my ass,” he directed. I gasped at the invitation. Slowly, gently, I let my hand slide down the cleavage between his cheeks. When my finger touched his sphincter, his body jerked and he cried out softly, “Oh, fuck!”

I was so shocked at his strong reactions to my finger at his asshole that I stopped moving. “Go on,” he said. Damn! I thought. This must feel good. Seeing his reaction made me very curious to find out for myself how this feels.

I got more soap on my hand and began moving my fingers around his hole as his entire butt wriggled from side to side and he moaned almost without stopping. I wasn’t quite sure what I should do next, but he certainly seemed to be enjoying this, so I just kept it up. Finally, he said, “Gently slide your finger inside me.” I gasped, but I did as he instructed. With just a bit of pressure, his ass seemed to relax and my finger began sliding out of sight.

I was surprised by the way his asshole felt to my finger. “Oh,” I said, “you’re tight and so hot inside!”

“Fuck, yeah,” he moaned. “Now turn your finger inside me.” I did and he moaned and twitched some more. “Move in and out.” I did and he said, “Oh,” each time my finger went deeper into him. “More soap.”

I pulled my finger out and soaped it as well as I could. When I placed it back at his opening, it took no real pressure to slide my finger into his welcoming warmth. As I pulled back and pushed deeper, his moans grew louder and it seemed I almost didn’t have to try in order to go knuckle deep with each push. Eventually I realized he was pushing his whole ass back onto my finger each time I pushed in, so my finger was only doing part of the work. Even my addled brain finally registered that what I was doing to Alan was giving him a lot of pleasure. I couldn’t help but wonder how it really felt to have a finger going in and out of your hole.

I must have washed his hole for 10 minutes before he finally said, “Okay, that’s enough.” I pulled my finger slowly out and took a deep breath to calm myself. It was only then I realized my dick was leaking precum like crazy.

Alan pushed off from the wall and stood up again. Slowly he turned around to face me, a big smile revealing his perfect white teeth. He touched my cheek with one hand and stared into my eyes. “You did a really nice job with that, Cal. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Sir.”

His smile broadened. “We’re going to have so much fun together.”

He looked down at his cock and my gaze followed his. He was fully erect now. Oh, what a beautiful sight! He had to be hung at least 8 inches and was thick, but not scary-thick. And he was neatly circumcised, which allowed the helmet head to be fully exposed and available. I felt a very strong desire to lick it; no, it was a desire to place it in my mouth, to taste it and feel its hardness and strength with my tongue. He looked up and caught me staring at his cock. “Why don’t you wash my cock?”

Without thinking, I moaned. I soaped my hand and slowly reached out for the cock of my dreams. I came up underneath, allowing the spectacular specimen to lay in the palm of my hand for a moment while I felt its warmth and its heft, which was much like a 16-ounce water bottle. Oh, fuck! I thought I might pass out, but I willed my fingers to close around his manhood and they did. Now I could feel the entirety of his meat and it was fine, very fine! I began to move my hand up and down his shaft much like I would to masturbate him, but also turning it clockwise and counter-clockwise in a washing action.

“Oh, yeah!” he moaned. After a minute or so, he began thrusting his cock into my hand and then pulling it back, jacking himself with my soapy palm and fingers. He placed both hands on my shoulders and leaned into my body as he moved within my grip. This intimate physical closeness ramped up my desires tremendously. He leaned his forehead onto my shoulder and moaned with each thrust, driving us both crazy with lust. Then, as quickly as it had begun, he stopped moving, head still on my shoulder. “That’s enough. I think you should wash my legs now.”

Hesitantly, I released his cock, got more soap, squatted on my haunches in front of him, and went for his legs. I thought I would feel an emptiness from losing direct touch with his amazing cock, but I found his muscular hairy thighs to be very masculine and therefore sexy. I couldn’t help but notice his big cock swinging a few inches from my face, tantalizingly erect and, oh fuck, dripping precum! I got off on washing his legs and even his feet, but finally I was done.

Alan pulled me to a standing position and smiled. “You did very well, Cal. I’m going to enjoy having you wash me again.”

I expected him to tell me to wash myself and then walk out, but he surprised me. “Okay,” he said, “now I will wash you.”

He didn’t take as long as I had and he seemed to be accomplishing a task rather than exploring my body, but it was still wonderful to have his gentle hands moving over every bit of my flesh as he washed me. He spent only a moment on my hard pole before he turned me to face the tile wall. “Bend over,” he said and I did, reaching out to the wall to support my weight and moving my feet apart as he had earlier. He washed my buns dutifully, then caressed them a bit. Damn, what a turn-on that was! There was a brief pause while he lathered his hands and I held my breath for what I thought was coming.

Sure enough, with the pressure of a feather, he placed one finger against my sphincter and sent some kind of electric shock through my system that caused my body to lurch up and made me shout, “Oh, god!” without even thinking. I swear I felt it on the head of my dick, on both my nipples, and throughout my abdomen in addition to deep in my bowels.

“I thought you would like that,” Alan chuckled. “Now, just relax. You’re going to love this.”

I did my best to relax as his finger started moving ever so lightly across my pucker and around its edges. More hot current flooded my body, but not with quite the same intensity as that first lightning bolt. He made me itch deep inside and, when his finger pushed into my interior, his rubbing motion scratched that itch in the most satisfying way. “Oh,” I moaned unconsciously. For a while he gently pushed and pulled his finger, frequently turning it as if scrubbing all he could reach. It was an amazing sensation that was as completely new to me as it was phenomenally pleasurable.

“You like my finger inside your butthole, don’t you?” He pushed in to the knuckle.

“Oh, fuck, yes!” I wailed.

Perversely, he pulled his finger almost all the way out. For a moment he held it there and then I felt a bit more pressure before the finger slid in again. But wait, the finger made me stretch more. It didn’t hurt but it almost frightened me and I couldn’t understand why it felt so much larger than before. After a thrust or two, I finally realized Alan had inserted a second finger into my hole. Somehow this made me feel more like I was being possessed rather than cleaned. After a couple of minutes of this dual assault, I became conscious that I wanted his fingers to go deeper into me, almost as if I had a deep itch that was not being scratched by the two fingers.

“Oh, yeah,” I cried in a feeble attempt to get more. Shortly after I had that realization, he withdrew his fingers. Suddenly, the emptiness was as strange as the feeling of having something up inside me had been a few minutes earlier.

“Stand up,” Alan said in that weird half-question, half-command way I was getting accustomed to hearing.

I pushed off from the wall and pulled myself up to my full 6’3” height. He leaned into my back, his chin resting on my right shoulder. “I think you liked that a lot, right?”

“Oh, Alan,” I began to gush, “it was amazing. I’ve never had such feelings before.”

“Yeah, even a complete top like me understands how good a finger-fuck can feel.” His left arm came around me and crossed my abdomen, holding me close. “You need to know that you and I are very different. While I like your finger gently massaging my hole, nothing else goes in there. I don’t have that need. Don’t ever try to put anything else inside my ass. Got it?” He tightened his grip on my belly.

“Yeah, sure, Alan.”

“Alan, what?”

Huh? Oh. “Alan, Sir.”

“Good. As I was saying, we’re different. My fingers inside your asshole made you want to have more in there. No, actually, it made you suddenly realize you crave cock in your hole. It’s natural for you, just like it’s natural for me to want to put my cock in a tight warm hole like yours. That’s why we’re a perfect pair. You want to be fucked with a big cock. I have a big cock that needs a tight hole. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” As much as I wasn’t thrilled with him pointing out this difference between us, I immediately understood that he was absolutely correct about it.

“Okay. Let’s get your legs washed so we can get back to your room.”

Thanks for reading this far. Get ready for some hot times in Chapter 4!
Feedback always appreciated.
Copyright © 2024 KKirk; All Rights Reserved.
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I hope you are enjoying the story of Cal and Alan as they get acquainted during the quarantine.  Thanks for reading.  Your comments are very welcome at author.Kenneth.Kirk@gmail.com .  Kenneth Kirk
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

I don't like that Alan is such dominator, it is ok in some circumstances but making cal into bit of a bitch is not really good in the short or long term , roll playing is ok but only for so far , if it carries on to normal life then it can be a problem especially as alan has already indicated that this is only a short term affair, i say this as Cal is so very inexperienced 

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This chapter confirmed my suspicions of this being the beginning of a Dom/Sub relationship. Alan sure knows what he wants and is taking Cal on an adventure.

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7 hours ago, mikedup said:

I don't like that Alan is such dominator, it is ok in some circumstances but making cal into bit of a bitch is not really good in the short or long term , roll playing is ok but only for so far , if it carries on to normal life then it can be a problem especially as alan has already indicated that this is only a short term affair, i say this as Cal is so very inexperienced 

I’m 100% with you. Don’t like the Dom/Sub kinda thing.  

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Posted (edited)

While it isn't my cup of tea, this Dom/Sub thing, from what I understand, Alan fails to impress me, while I understand this is all new to Cal, Alan should do a much better job as his role as an instructor. Quite frankly what he is doing is self-centered and a narrow step above abuse...there are many sexual flavors at the buffet and Cal needs to experience many of them...

Edited by drsawzall
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Hi guys,

I really appreciate this feedback as it is a bit of a surprise to me.  Perhaps I am naive having never experienced a dom/sub relationship.  As the author it is up to me to build my characters so readers can truly see their motivations.  I don't think I've succeeded too much at this point.  Hopefully, if you will stay with us for a few more chapters, you may see that Alan has some better motives than just control a little bitch.  I wrote this story several years ago and am doing some rewrites as I am posting the chapters, so I will take your comments into consideration as I go forward.

Thanks again for your honest responses.

Happy reading!


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10 hours ago, drsawzall said:

While it isn't my cup of tea, this Dom/Sub thing, from what I understand, Alan fails to impress me, while I understand this is all new to Cal, Alan should do a much better job as his role as an instructor. Quite frankly what he is doing is self-centered and a narrow step above abuse...there are many sexual flavors at the buffet and Cal needs to experience many of them...

Based on  that fingering session, the guy is in denial.  

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On 8/30/2024 at 9:06 PM, Tonyr said:

Based on  that fingering session, the guy is in denial.  

Alan is delusional for sure. A little too wrapped up in himself and takes the whole dom/sub thing very seriously. He comes across as rather superior in this chapter, which I found quite off-putting.

@Gary L was right though, the shower scene was very hot. Alan just needs to open his mouth less and open his hole more and he will be much more appealing.

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On 8/29/2024 at 9:25 PM, drsawzall said:

While it isn't my cup of tea, this Dom/Sub thing, from what I understand, Alan fails to impress me, while I understand this is all new to Cal, Alan should do a much better job as his role as an instructor. Quite frankly what he is doing is self-centered and a narrow step above abuse...there are many sexual flavors at the buffet and Cal needs to experience many of them...

I second that. 

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