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    Lee Wilson
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is an original work of gay fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between adult males. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission. Story ©2024 Lee R Wilson.

The Boy on the Porch - 7. Thursday Thrashing, and Friday Fun

A sexual interlude occurs. Two, sort of. I know it's been a long wait, but hey, Brendan was too busy to get busy with Greg. One homophobic slur.

The week went by slowly, but well. Thursday came and Brendan was impatient about getting to Greg’s. He was about to leave, and his kid-sitter asked him a question.

“Are you leaving without your shoes?”

“My sh...” He looked down, “Oh, shit.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I would have figured it out soon enough.”

“Yeah, first step outside when your foot gets wet.”


“Never heard of rain, Uncle Brendan?”

“Oh, I’m losing it today.”

“Lucky Greg.”

“Hey, let’s not go there, young lady.”

Jill turned around to see what the boys wanted on their burgers, waving backwards, “Bye, Uncle Brendan.”

“Bye kids, I won’t be too late.”

Jill couldn’t resist taking one more shot, “Better not be late, we don’t need no babies here.”

Brendan shook his head and asked himself once again, ‘What did I get myself into?’ He put on his sneakers and left to go to Greg's. He got a surprise when Greg opened the door to let him in.

"What the fuck?"

"Don't you like my new outfit?"

He walked in, taking in the view before him. Nearly every inch of Greg's body was covered in black leather or latex. He even wore dark sunglasses.

"I can't even tell it's you."

Greg leaned in to kiss Brendan, "Okay, it's you. But why the Halloween costume?"

"I just figured it's been a while since we've been together, I thought I'd throw some spice into the mix."

"Spice is fine, but how do I get that off you?"

"It's magic. It only comes off if you close your eyes and undress."

"Hmmmm. Interesting."

"Yeah. And it's fucking hot in here. Start stripping."

Brendan smiled, "Oh, I don't know. I think I want dinner first."

"I lied, there is no dinner. Strip. PLEASE?"

Brendan laughed, closed his eyes, and started undressing. He was tempted to open his eyes when he heard a zipper, but decided to let Greg have his fun. It was definitely a unique greeting. When Brendan was nude, he wondered what the next step was.

"Is it off? Can I open my eyes now?"

He was answered by a mouth engulfing his flaccid penis and a muffled, "No." Well, it wasn't flaccid for long. Greg guided Brendan to the couch, knee-walking in front of him the whole way. He sat down, threw his head back, and enjoyed Greg's mouth and tongue. He opened his eyes and looked down to watch Greg's head bobbing in his lap. Greg paused and looked up at Brendan, seeing his open eyes, he stood up and impaled himself on Brendan's cock.

"Oh. God. You've been horny, you didn't even hesitate once."

"No. I've been needing you, Brendan. I didn't want to wait any longer than necessary."

"Yeah, but I don't have a cond..."

"I don't care. Fuck me Brendan."

Brendan decided he liked this new, reckless version of Greg. He matched Greg's motions, thrusting up as Greg lowered himself. It didn't take long before Brendan felt himself getting close.

"You might want to get off, I'm close."

"No. Cum inside me."

Brendan couldn't hold back any longer. He exploded with blast after blast, seemingly filling Greg's ass with his cum. Greg stopped bouncing, and sat still on Brendan. His only motion was to lean forward to kiss Brendan deeply. They kissed for a few minutes. Brendan finally got some feeling back in his body and realized how hard Greg was.

"My turn."

"Okay, but let's use the bedroom. I got lucky so far to not leak on the couch. Not pushing my luck twice."

Brendan put his hands under Greg's ass. Greg lifted his feet onto the couch for leverage. Brendan was about four inches taller and thirty or forty pounds heavier than Greg. He stood up, and with Greg still impaled by his cock, and carried him to the bedroom. Fortunately, Greg's master was on the ground floor, so there was no challenge of remaining inside him while climbing stairs.

Brendan sat on Greg's bed and Greg finally separated himself from Brendan. Brendan laid back and raised his knees toward his shoulders. Greg was leaking sufficiently to lubricate Brendan's ass. He took it slowly but was still deep inside Brendan quicker than most of their other lovemaking sessions. Brendan felt no pain. Greg only hesitated a moment once he was balls deep, then began thrusting. Brendan had no complaint about a lack of a condom this time. He wanted the complete experience as well. Greg pounded Brendan's ass for five minutes before groaning in pleasure. Brendan's moans matched Greg's in intensity. Greg collapsed on top of Brendan, completely spent. They laid together like that for a few minutes before Greg lifted himself off.

"Shower before dinner, Brendan?"

"Yeah. I'd say we need it."

They showered, helping each other wash, which also helped each of them to another erection. Greg turned down the hot water. The cold water quickly fixed the erection problem. They dried off and went to the kitchen, not bothering with clothes. Greg had everything prepared, the steaks were left warming in the broiler when they reached medium rare. The extra time turned them into medium well, the way they both liked their steaks. The potatoes and carrots were nuked, and they began their dinners.

"So, how is life in the big, new house?"

"Good, so far. I'm benefiting from the strictness of Abel and Kathy. The kids are cooperative, and I think they're adjusting well. I'm still learning a lot about parenting, but so far, no crises."

"Good for you. I hope it stays like that for you. I, um, I have something else to talk to you about."

"Go ahead."

"I could have mentioned this on the phone, but thought in person would be better."

"Okay, what is it?"

Greg took a deep breath, "I got notice at work on Monday. They're closing the office at the end of the year. I could either take the severance package, which is kind of appealing since I've been there fifteen years. It's two weeks per year of service, so I'd get thirty weeks. My other choice is taking a transfer to another site."

"Where would you be sent to if you took it?"

"I might have a choice, but either outside of Philadelphia or Birmingham."


"They'll pay for relocation, which is good, since I'm just one of many customer support guys, but I think they expect a lot of attrition from the older, more experienced staff, so they're making the move more appetizing. I've heard rumors of a significant retention bonus as well, if we stay with the company. But nothing has been said officially on that."

"I know we're not hiring, like almost everybody else in our sector, but I couldn't promise you'd get hired even if we were."

"Yeah. I get it. I don't have to decide right away. I have until the end of October to tell them my choice. But I figured, we've been getting pretty serious, you should at least know what's going on."

"I appreciate that. If you need someone to bounce your thoughts off, you know I'm here."

"Yeah. Thanks. Going back home to Birmingham would be nice, but after fifteen years, I don't know who's still around, aside from mom and dad, anyway."

"The old boyfriend still there?"

"Sebastian? No, he moved to Georgia like twelve or thirteen years ago."

"Oh, really?"

"Don't worry, I haven't seen him in like four or five years. He's a bodyguard for some Russian mafioso last I heard."

"Russian mob?"

"Yeah, allegedly. I didn't really believe him when he told me that. I think the guy he worked for got killed a couple months ago in a car accident."

"Any thought of taking the package and getting back together with him?"

"No. We weren't together long, and we never did anything sexual. The guy is huge. He's like seven feet tall and as wide as a fucking truck. All muscle. I didn't want to risk him having this huge schlong and skewering me with it, so I broke it off before we got too far."

"Ha ha. Well, regardless of what you decide I'll deal with it."

"I could take the severance package and stay, but like you said, nobody's hiring. If I didn't find a job before the money ran out, I'd be SOL."

“I’d say you could come live with us, but the mortgage payment will be more than my rent was. I still haven’t figured out what the food budget is going to be. I’ll get a little from the state for fostering the kids. I’m throwing most of my savings into the down-payment. The timing just sucks.”

“I know. And I didn’t tell you to wrangle an invite, just had to let you know what may happen.”

“I get it, Greg. I guess I can understand why you waited for dinner. That killed just about any desire to do more.”

“Sorry, wasn’t intending that either, but you’re right.”

Greg began staring into space.

“I can see you’re distracted, maybe I’ll head home.”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. I guess that makes sense. Sorry to be such a party pooper.”

“No problem. See you Saturday?”

“Sat... Oh, yeah. What time?”

“We have to be at the courthouse at one. So, say 12:30 to leave a little spare time?”

“Yeah, okay. See you then. I'll grab some lunch before I come over.”

Brendan kissed Greg goodbye and went to the foyer to retrieve his clothes. He was as lost in thought as Greg was. He drove home, but to the old house. He didn’t realize his mistake until he started to get out of the car. He left, this time arriving at the right house. He was greeted by Steve as he walked in.

"How w-was your v-v-visit?"

"Good and bad, I guess I'd have to say."

"You d-don't l-look h-h-happy. What h-happened?"

"Greg might be transferring to another state after the first of the year."

"Oh. Th-that s-s-sucks."

"Yeah. It does."

Brendan went to his liquor cabinet, which fortunately had a lock on it. Took out a bottle of scotch and went into the kitchen for a glass of ice. He poured perhaps a double shot into the glass, took the scotch back to the cabinet and re-locked it. He sat on the living room couch, took one sip, and stared into space. The ice had melted before he remembered he even had the drink.

Jill and Nick were in their rooms when Brendan came home. Steve went upstairs, got Nick, and knocked on Jill's door.


"C-can w-we c-c-come in?"


Steve was obviously anxious.

Jill tried to break the ice, "Did I hear Uncle Brendan come in?"

"Yeah. He l-looks s-sad. He s-s-said Gu-gu-Greg might b-be m-moving."

"I wonder how close they are."

"He told me he likes to kiss him."

"Really, Nick?"

"Yeah, Jill. He told me the other day when he explained boyfriends to me."

"W-what should we d-do?"

"Probably nothing. If he wants to talk about it, he will. It's really none of our business anyway."

"What if he's so sad he kills himself?"

"I can't see him doing that Nick. It's obvious how much he cares about us. He'd never want to leave us alone. Look how quick he and Uncle Rich worked to get this house."

"H-he g-got hims-s-self a b-bottle f-from that l-locked c-cabinet."

"Did he keep the bottle out?"

"N-no. He p-p-poured a gu-glass and p-put it aaaaa-way."

"Should we spy on him?"

"I wouldn't call it spying, Nick, we'll just watch for a while because we're concerned."

They walked quietly out of Jill's room and down the steps far enough to see their uncle just sitting on the couch. After five minutes, and he hadn't taken a drink, they returned to her room.

"I don't think he's going to get drunk just sitting there. Let's wait a while longer and then go down to watch something on TV before bedtime. Maybe he'll say something about it."

"We could ask if he's okay."

"Good idea, Nick."

They waited until just before eight o'clock and went downstairs.

Jill opened the conversation, "Is it okay if we watch some television?"

Brendan was still slightly disconnected from reality.

"Uncle B-B-Brendan?"

"Huh? Oh, hi kids. Homework done?"

"Yeah Uncle Brendan, you asked us that before you left. Are you okay?"

"Yes, Jill. I'm fine. Just wondering how to handle a situation."

"Steve told us Greg might be moving. Is that what's bothering you?"

"Yeah. But you all don't need to worry about it. We'll figure it out. Worst case we have to break up and he leaves. It's not like we were planning to get married or anything."

Jill kept the lead, "How long have you two been dating?"

"Almost two years."

"Sounds pretty serious."

"Yeah. I thought it was."

"Is he moving for any reason?"

"Reason? Oh, yeah. His company's closing the building. If he wants to keep his job he'll have to move to Philadelphia or Birmingham."

"So, it's not like he wants to leave you, right?"

"Oh. No. He's just as confused about what to do as I am."

Nick jumped into the conversation, "If he doesn't move, couldn't he come live here?"

"Here? Well, technically, yeah. But if he doesn't move, he won't have a job. Buying this house will stretch my finances to the limit. Another person without more income would be difficult if not impossible."

"Why don't you hire him?"

"It's not that easy, Nick. First of all, I really don't have any responsibility to hire someone. Secondly, my company isn't currently hiring anyone."


"Like I said, you all don't have to worry about it. I'll be fine, no matter what happens."

"Then we can watch TV?"

"Yes, Nick. Of course. Hmm, I guess I'd better dump this. I forgot I even had it. Don't even want it now."

"I'll dump it for you."

"Um, no. I think I'll handle that, Jill. You might be tempted to try it."

Jill looked disappointed, "Okay."

"Looks like I was right. If you don't mind, I think I'll go to bed early. School tomorrow don't stay up late. Nick, in your room by nine o'clock, you two, ten. Okay?"

"S-sure, Uncle B-Brendan."

The next morning, Brendan was up and dressed early. He got the cereal and milk out when he heard the first footsteps coming down the stairs. No surprise, it was Jill, since her bus came first.

"Good morning, Uncle Brendan. How are you today?"

"I'm good. I made peace with myself over Greg's move. I think I'm okay whatever way it turns out." Famous last words.

"Good. We were a little worried last night."

"I didn't mean to worry you all. I just had to think it over. There was really nothing to worry about."


Jill ate her breakfast. As she was finishing, Steve came down, "Do you remember Lanny's c-coming home on t-the b-b-bus with m-me t-today?"

"Right, your sleepover. Is he bringing his bathing suit?"

"I r-remind-d-ded him yes-t-terday. You o-okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. It's supposed to hit eighty-five today, the bathing suit will be useful."

Jill left, Steve poured a bowl of cereal. As soon as he was gone, Brendan went up to get Nick moving. Much to his surprise, Nick was already in the bathroom. Brendan went back downstairs to finish his coffee and wait for Nick to leave so he could do the same.

"Good morning, Uncle Brendan."

"Good morning, Nick."

"You okay today?"

"Yes, I'm fine."


Nick ate his breakfast, grabbed his book-bag, and headed out to the bus stop. Brendan followed a couple minutes later, heading out to work. He ended up being a little late coming home due to issues at work, but he still made it home before the kids.

Lanny came home with Steve, they spent a few minutes doing homework, then changed into their bathing suits to hit the pool. They knocked on Brendan's office door.

"Come in."

"Hi Uncle B-Brendan. Can I g-get the gate k-k-key?"

Brendan disconnected it from his key chain, "Keep the horsing around to a minimum. I can see the pool from up here, I don't want to have to come down."

Lanny saved Steve the trouble of answering, "We'll be good, Mr. Nelson. Thanks for letting me sleep over."

"You're welcome, Lanny. Have fun."

Jill and Nick gave Steve and Lanny about an hour before they walked outside, asking if they could swim too. They said yes, of course. Steve because he figured he'd get in trouble if he said no. Lanny said yes so he could watch Jill in her tight, one-piece bathing suit. Nick was just happy to be included. If they were still with their parents, he probably wouldn't have ever been able to swim in the pool, with his mom and dad thinking he'd drown himself somehow.

Brendan finished his workday and popped his head out the back door, "I'm ordering pizzas, anybody want anything different than last time?"

They all said no. Brendan ordered the pizzas, then told the kids they'd be there in forty-five minutes, so they should get out of the pool soon. Fifteen minutes later, they dried themselves off and went upstairs to change. We'll eavesdrop on Steve and Lanny.

"Steve, your sister is hot. Did you ever see her naked?"

"Ewww. N-no. Th-that's gu-gross."

"Only because she's your sister. She got me all hot and bothered in the pool."

Lanny had begun removing his bathing suit.

"I c-can s-see that. You have a b-b-boner."

"I can't help it. I'm thirteen. You got any tissues?"

"Yeah, w-why?"

"Duh. So, I can jerk off. I don't want to go back downstairs and risk her seeing me like this."

"You're n-not g-going to the b-b-bathroom to d-d-do th-that?"

"I can't wait. You don't mind, do you?"

"N-no, I g-guess n-not."

"So? The tissues?"

Steve handed him his box of tissues. He tried not to watch but couldn't resist. Standing there naked himself, he became hard. Lanny took out a few tissues and handed the box back to Steve.

"It looks like you'll need these too."

"Um, I..."

"It's cool, go ahead. I want to watch you do it too."

Steve really wasn't sure about doing that in front of his friend, but finally broke down and started wanking. Lanny came a minute later, it took Steve another minute more, Lanny having a head start and all.

"You won't tell anybody we did that, will you?"

"Hell n-no. Th-they'd think we're f-f... sh-shit, I can't s-say that."

"Why can't you say fag?"

Steve realized his mistake, but covered himself well enough, "It's n-not n-n-nice."

"I guess. We better get dressed, the pizza's probably almost here." Lanny wasn’t completely satisfied. The subject would come up again.

At dinner, Lanny kept staring at Jill. After a while it started to creep her out. She gave a nasty look at Steve, then glanced at Lanny. It took Steve a moment to realize what was going on, but when he did, he elbowed Lanny and mouthed 'stop that.' Lanny kept it to short glances after that. An improvement, but Jill told Steve after they finished eating to have his friend turn down the perving or else she'd help him stop.

The kids watched a couple movies on Prime and Brendan left them alone and went up to his office to waste time on his laptop. He had just come down to the second floor to use the bathroom. When he finished, he heard an "OW!" He went down to investigate.

"What's going on?"

Steve and Lanny both looked at the floor. Nick was clueless, so Jill had to answer, "Lanny's been staring at me all night. It's giving me the creeps. I smacked him."

"Lanny? Care to explain?"

"I'm sorry. It's just that she's so pretty, I can't help but stare."

"I'm sure she appreciates that compliment, but I have a feeling that won't be your last, or even your least painful, 'ow' if you keep it up. I see the credits rolling, why don't you and Steve go up to his room now and amuse yourselves some other way.

"Okay. I'm sorry, Mr. Nelson."

"I don't think it's me you should be apologizing to."

"Sorry, Jill."

"Apology accepted. Don't do it again, though." Do thirteen-year-old boys listen all the time? Yeah, right.

At eleven o'clock, he knocked on Nick's bedroom door and said, "Lights out." Nick quickly complied. Knocking on the other two doors, he said "Thirty minutes." He got an okay from those three. In Steve's room, apparently Lanny wasn't done being hot and bothered by Jill.

"You want to jerk off again?"

"N-n-not r-really."

"Come on. I don't want to go sit on a toilet to do it."

"I'll r-read. You g-go ahead. Pr-pretend Iiii'm not h-here."

"If you're sure."

"Yeah, g-go ahead."

Steve picked up a book as promised and didn’t look away from it at all. A few minutes later, Lanny stood up to throw some tissues in the trash. Steve hadn’t watched this time.

"You won't tell anyone, right?"

"Th-that you j-jerked off? N-no."

"Well, more that I did it in your room with you here."

"I'd gu-guess doing it t-t-together wu-would be worse."

"Yeah, you're right. But promise?"

"I p-promise. Y-you p-promise t-too."

"Yeah, I promise I won't say anything. Neither one of us will want to get picked on about it. Do you have a side?"

"A s-side?"

"On your bed, silly. I'll sleep on the other side you don't."

"Oh. I sleep b-by the alarm cl-clock."

"Cool. Can we go to sleep now? I'm kinda tired after you know what."

"Okay. N-no touching. Oooo-kay?"

"Definitely no touching."

Next Up - “Depositions, and a Problem Appears”

As I'm sure you gathered from the teaser, the calm before the storm is almost over.
In case you're wondering, yes that was a reference to 'Manny Needs A Nanny.' And if you're confused about the ages, Brendan's been in the workforce for three years, so I'm putting him at twenty-five. Greg, having worked in the one place for fifteen years, is thirty-five, hitting the workforce after two years of college and an associates degree. To complete some age discussions, Rich is twenty-nine, and Kathy thirty-three.
Copyright © 2024 Lee Wilson; All Rights Reserved.
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