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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Trouble Plus Trouble. - 19. Chapter 19


Double The Trouble.

Chapter 19.

Peter had a great sleep, and they spent the next morning in the surf and lazing on the beach. This was the second time they'd been here with no one else turning up and they were all falling in line with Andy's thinking when he kept referring to it as ‘our beach’. At eleven thirty an impatient Marty was trying to hustle everyone along so they'd be at the restaurant by twelve. That all worked out and Amy spent the rest of the afternoon with them again.

The time disappeared and after sharing a couple of pizzas at a lookout place the farewells were said and the long journey home started. After two hours Andy got too sleepy to continue so they stopped and wandered round a small town for twenty minutes while he had a doze. When they reached home they all agreed it had been a great weekend and Marty was already pushing to repeat it in a couple of weeks, as well as cursing because he didn't have his own car.

Beth was awake when Peter went in but they only talked for five minutes because he was looking forward to his bed so much.


The new week was full of significant events in Peter's life. The first one happened at the start of Wednesday's training when coach was talking to everybody. He said the entries for the next competition would be ready on Monday, and then read through the program of competing schools for the rest of the semester. It didn't mean anything to Peter because he’d never heard of any of the places but something made him look at Matthew.

Whatever was it? He looked as if he'd had a shock. Peter gave a querying look and then got even more puzzled when Matthew didn't respond. That was definitely out of character.

Things got even more bewildering when coach finished speaking and Matthew walked off to the changing room instead of joining up with the Beginner's Club. It wasn't to have a leak because he’d had one before they got changed.

"Where's Matthew?"

"Um, he just went into the changing room."

Matthew appeared after a few minutes and set everyone going as usual but Peter could tell something wasn't right. At the end of training Peter wanted to ask about it but he seemed fairly normal again, and then there was no chance because a grabbing thing started and Peter ended up having to defend himself against Kenny, Justin and Andy. Matthew went home in the wagon because Andy was heading that way and Peter had a lift with Brent who came in for a snack and the wrestle which they both looked forward to.

"Hey Brent, have you read the new novel yet?"

"No, have you? We only found out about it on Monday."

"I've started. I'm a quarter way through. When you finish we’ll get together again."

"But there's no assignment yet."

"That doesn't matter. We’ll make up our own questions."

"God, no wonder you get good marks."

"How come you didn't muck around after training today?"

"I nearly did, but I didn't want it to spread."

"What do you mean?"

"Matthew was quiet this afternoon and I didn't want to drag him into it."

Brent had noticed as well? Peter thought about ringing Matthew but changed his mind. It would be better if they were together. Peter's opinion of Brent went up yet another notch.

"He was quiet Brent. I'll find out what it's about tomorrow."

They went up to Peter's room and automatically changed into their wrestling uniform of jocks and running shorts.

"You're dead this time Peter. I've learnt those holds now."

Peter lunged at Brent in an attempt to surprise him but it was only half successful, and then not successful at all when they collapsed in a tangle on the mat. For the next five minutes he was laughing from the tickles and groaning from the weight of Brent’s body as it squelched him into the floor.

"Now it's death time. Don't move."

Peter was helpless, flat on his back with his arms help beside his head while Brent sat on his stomach and gave the occasional bounce, a treatment he'd learned by example.

"What happens if I move?"

Brent released Peter's wrists.

"Try it and see."

Of course Peter tried it. That was what he was meant to do. He made a quick jab at Brent stomach and promptly started squawking. Nipple-naugers are deadly. Well it wasn’t really deadly with Brent because he never twisted quite as far as Andy, but they still had their effect.

"Ow! Help, I'm dying. Do something else."

This was an interesting ploy to Brent."Something else Peter? It'll have to be good."


"Hold my ears."

"Nope! Not good enough."


"Still not good enough."

" Um... You can tickle my belly button."

"Your belly button? That doesn't sound like torturing."

"It's... Um... A secret thing."

Brent was hooked now, and changed position so he could get the access he needed.

"Are you going to try and escape?"

"I can't help trying."

"Right, this will control you."

He used the earlier idea and with the thumb and finger of his left hand lightly nipped Peter's ear lobe.

"Now are you going to try and escape?"

Peter gave a tiny shake of his head and felt the pressure on his ear.

"Good, now take your medicine."

The medicine took effect all right. Peter quickly became uncomfortable and Brent started laughing.

"That doesn't look like torture to me. What else happens?"

" Um.. Andy checks to see how well it's working."

"Checks? What do you mean?"

“He feels how hard I am and checks to make sure I’m pumping properly.”


“It only happens when I’m really hard.”

Peter jumped several times. Brent's checking method was longer but gentler than Andy’s quick squeezes, and when he finished his hand stayed resting with a light grip.

"Let's have a practice?"

Neither of them moved for a while, just looked at each other, but then Peter nodded and they stood up.


The phone rang and rang.

"There's no one answering Andy. He can't be there!"

It was all very unsettling. When Peter arrived at school there was no sign of Matthew and when home period started he still wasn't there. He'd tried ringing at morning recess, and now it was lunchtime he was trying on Andy's mobile. They were all puzzled. He'd never missed a day at school yet and they were wondering what they’d do at training without him there in charge.

"You could ring Rob. You know his number?"

Peter didn't, but he was fairly certain his mum did so they rang hoping it was her lunch hour.

"Hi Mum!"

"Peter, are you ringing about Matthew?"

That was a surprise question.

"Yes, he’s not at school and he doesn't answer at home."

“He’s having a day off and he's with Rob. I was going to ring school with a message for you. You're still going for tea but I'll be driving you round when I get home."

“Is he all right?"

There was a silence, which gave Peter a shock because he could tell Beth was thinking what to say.

"He’s not sick Peter. It's a private thing. He’s having a talk with you tonight, but just tell the others he's with Rob for family reasons. He says none of you are allowed to slack off your training just because he's not there."

Peter was getting more bewildered. The last bit sounded exactly like Matthew, but it also sounded like Rob must have been talking to his mum quite a lot.


"Don't worry about it Peter. I'll see you when I get home about six. Love you!"

"Love you mum."

"What did she say?"

Peter pressed the off button and handed the phone to Andy.

"He's with Rob. It's family stuff, whatever that means, and he says we're not allowed to slack off our training this afternoon."

"Family stuff? That probably means it's none of our business. I wonder what it is?"

That made Peter smile and kind of defused the situation.

"Andy, that doesn't add up. If it’s none of our business we shouldn't ask what is."

"Get real Peter. You're wondering about it."

Marty piped up now.

"What's family business mean?"

"I dunno! Anything! Maybe he had a fight with Rob and they're trying to sort it out?"

"Matthew? Andy, he'd never fight with Rob."

They all agreed on that and started coming up with other ideas.

"Someone could have died. And uncle or aunt?"

"What if he has to go and live with his mum?"

"His mum? I don't think he's even got one!"

"He must have Peter."

"You know what I mean. He's never said anything about her and neither has Rob."

"I know what it is. Matthew's got someone pregnant and they're arranging an abortion!"

"Matthew? How would he do that?"

"God Marty! If you don't know that yet you better stay away from Amy!"

This earned Andy a rather stronger than usual whack on the arm, but it didn't slow him down one bit and the topic now changed to Amy and how Marty couldn't stop talking about her. It took Peter's mind off Matthew, but when he went to the library to spend half an hour reading his Lit novel the queries all built up again. Training was weird without Matthew telling him what to do and then waiting at home for an hour till Beth arrived after six was just about impossible.

Reading didn't work because his mind wouldn't focus properly, using his new computer was useless for the same reason, and in the end he sat downstairs in the living room watching through the front window till the car pulled in. His mum was useless too. All she would say was that everything would work out, whatever that meant, and by the time the car stopped at Matthew's house Peter ran worriedly to the front door.

Rob opened it and promptly disconcerted him with a big hug.

"Matthew’s in the kitchen Peter. Take it quietly with him won’t you? He's very nervous."

Rob headed out to Beth’s car, saying he'd be back later, while Peter felt like yelling. Why wouldn't anyone say what was going on? Peter rushed towards the kitchen then slowed down wondering how he was going to greet Matthew.

"Um, hi."

With all the questions in his mind that didn't get him far, but it certainly fitted Rob's request.

"Hi, I am just putting some T-bones on. I know you like them."

Peter loved T-bones but at the moment he couldn't care less.

"What's happening Matthew? Why weren’t you at school? Are you okay?"

Oh no! Had he said the wrong thing? Matthew was quiet and looked like he was struggling for words. Peter couldn't help himself and started giving Matthew a hug. It didn't work because Matthew went kind of stiff as if he didn't want it, which frightened Peter more than anything else. He dropped his arms and stared at Matthew, who looked like he was fighting to hold his feelings in.

"Can we talk about it after tea Peter?"

No way was he going to wait that long. Peter shook his head at Matthew, turned the stove off and quickly covered all the food with plates and tea towels.

"What's wrong Matthew? I'm not eating one mouthful till you tell me."

This got the first little wisp of a smile since Peter had walked in, and with a touch on Peter's arm Matthew headed up to his room where they sat on the bed.

"Um, I don't know how to start. Dad said I should have told you ages ago but I was too scared, and then it got harder and harder because you're my friend and I didn't want to lose you!"

Peter looked at him and a blanket of the fear started folding round his heart.

"Matthew! You won't lose me. What are you talking about?"

"I'm gay Peter."



They watched, gauging each other's thoughts, while Peter figured out what to say. A smile twitched the muscles of his face and he directed it straight at Matthew.

"Wow! You're gay?"

Matthew nodded and Peter took in his intense look.

"And I'm meant to stop being your friend because of that?"

"You might when you think about it properly."

"No way!"

Peter stood up, pushed Matthew, who made absolutely no attempt at resistance, flat on his back, then sat on him.

"See! I've got you now and you're not getting away. Are you going to try?"

Matthew shook his head. Peter wanted him to start smiling.

"You wait. In a couple of weeks I'll be too strong for you to escape anyhow."

"Peter, if you're my friend, people will be horrible to you when they find out."

"I don't care! Anyhow it's none of their business and you don't have to tell them!"

"They'll all know in three weeks."


"My old school is the one that joined the swimming competition and we’re against them soon."

"Is that why you went into the changing room by yourself?"

"Yes, we moved here to get away from them and it’s like we wasted all our efforts."

Oh wow! Rob had moved for the same kind of reason Beth had.

"Well I'm glad you moved."

This got the smile that Peter had been looking for.

"Matthew, I don't know why you didn't want to tell me. We think Brent's gay and you know I like him."

"I know, but I didn't want anyone being horrible to you. You've already been through that and I didn't want anything to start up because of me. I thought if I kept it secret, we’d be friends and nothing would happen. I had another friend too and I thought it wouldn't matter to him, but he was the one who spread it round about me, so you don't always know Peter."

"He sounds like an enemy, not a friend."

Peter gave a laugh, dug his fingers into the chest in front of him, gave a bit of a bounce then grabbed Matthew's wrists and held them pressed into the bed. Matthew still did nothing to fight back, but Peter wouldn't have cared if he did. It would be like their normal happy wrestling.

"See, you're too weak and you have to do what I tell you."

Matthew just waited to see what would happen.

"Repeat this after me.

You're my friend."

"I'm your friend."

"Idiot! Now say, I'm your friend."

"You're my friend."

"Double idiot! But it still worked. What are you going to do if I start giving you a red chest?"

Matthew’s smile this time was more normal.

"I'll give you one back."

"Want to bet?"

Peter proceeded with the red chest for a couple of minutes and then when Matthew finally moved to stop it, let himself be wrestled into a reversal of positions and given the same treatment. This dissolved into ten minutes of their normal wrestling before they sat up and grinned at each other.



"Hey Matthew?"


"You're gay?"

Matthew nodded, not quite sure where this was going.

"So are you gay for me?"

"..... What?"

He knew exactly what it meant and Peter grinned at him.

"Do you like looking at Mr Long?"

Matthew didn't say anything. He didn't have to, his embarrassed look was answer enough to make Peter laugh and stir even more.

"Rudey! You like looking when I've got a boner too don't you?"

Matthew was actually blushing for the first time that Peter could remember.

"Peter, you shouldn't ask questions like that."

"Why not? I don't mind if you like looking, and anyhow I already know the answer. It's why you grope me all the time when we're wrestling."

Matthew started protesting at this complete fib, then realising how much he'd risen to the bait, relaxed and started smiling again.

"You wait. Now you are asking for it."

He didn't say what Peter was asking for but it warranted another quick wrestle which this time ended with Peter being the one who was sat on.




Matthew looked like he was trying to make up his mind about something and for an instant Peter thought he was going to be groped. After all, his comments had set him up for it, but instead his stomach was treated to a very forceful bounce of Matthew's body. Matthew looked pleased at the squawk of protest he'd caused, then jumped up and headed for the kitchen saying he was hungry. The steaks were giant ones from the special butcher Rob always raved about, and an hour later they were happily cleaning up after lots of raving of their own about how good the meat had tasted. Matthew was kind of back to normal but he still kept looking at Peter is if he wanted to know what he was thinking, and when the fry-pan was finally scoured clean and put away they sat on Matthew's bed again for more talking.

Peter had thought of all sorts of things while they were eating.

"What are you going to do when we swim against your old school?"

"I don't even want to be there Peter. I know they'll say stuff and everyone will find out, but it's not fair for coach and everyone if I don't turn up."

"Too bad! You're more important than swimming."

"But everyone will still find out. Someone would talk about me on our team, because I win so much, and then it looks like I'm scared as well as letting the team down."

Matthew was right, and they were quiet for a moment while they thought about it.

"Why don't we tell Andy? He'd know what to do."

"I don't want to tell anyone."

"Mum calls him a rough diamond and I do too. Look how he stood up for me the first weekend at the beach. He’ll do the same for you. He's your friend too."

"Not as much as he is yours though."

"Matthew! He thinks you're a hero. We all do."

"Hero, that's a joke! Just because I'm good at swimming doesn't mean I'm a hero."

Peter wished his mum was there. She'd know how to answer that. His own spontaneous answer worked anyhow.

"You're my hero, even if you couldn’t swim an inch. That just makes you a double hero."

Matthew stared and gave a funny grin.

"You can't have a double hero."

"Well you're a hero and a champion then."

Matthew was shaking his head but Peter felt pleased with himself for saying it like that. Besides, it was true.

"Let's ask Mum. She’ll know whether it's a good idea to tell Andy."

Matthew agreed to that without a thought.

"We'll ask her tomorrow when we're celebrating."


"Oops! That's meant to be a surprise. Dad’s taking us all to a posh restaurant tomorrow night after Beth’s first day."

That was great. Peter knew what his mum would say. She’d carry on about Rob doing too much, but love every minute of it.

"She’ll tell him off Matthew."

"She already does that, but dad just laughs. He reckons he got her into it and he loves surprises."

"Yes, and so do you. It runs in the family."

Matthew stood up so Peter did to.

"What are you doing?"

"I have to ring dad. We planned it that if I didn't ring him by eight it's a signal for him to come and take you home."

"Idiot! It's Thursday. I'm staying for the night aren't I?"

That got the biggest smile yet from Matthew and they went downstairs to make the call. Peter understood the gist of the conversation by listening to Matthew side of it, but there were still some tantalising bits.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing much. He’ll be home in about an hour and we’re not allowed to wreck the place any more than usual!"

Typical! It had them both smiling though. Back in the bedroom Matthew wanted to know what had happened at school, and then they looked at the new differentiation topic that Mr Crossman said they were starting in double maths the next day. They quickly gave that up because it was Double Dutch and their minds were too unsettled to focus on studying, but at least they knew they’d have to listen hard.

"Play something on your guitar for me Matthew."

Rob arrived and interrupted that, telling them to come down for some supper, and gave Peter a wink as he went out the door. It was rather early for supper but Rob said they had to go to bed early because they were getting up early.

"We are? How will we wake Peter then Dad?"

"Don't you worry about that Matthew, I'll ice him. He has to wish Beth the best for the day so we'll drop by in the morning."

Peter had planned on ringing, but Rob’s plan was much better, and it also fitted with the other plans which he started when they returned to Matthew's room.

"What? Have our showers now? It's only half nine Peter."

"I know, but I still want to talk."

"Oh? ...Okay."

Matthew had first shower and was lying under the sheet when Peter returned from his.

"Give me five dollars."

"What for?"

"Then I'll drop the towel."

"Very funny!"

"Two dollars!"

"Get lost!"

Peter dropped the towel anyway.

"Hey, what are you looking at Matthew?"


This was fun. A whole new way to stir. Peter climbed into bed and lay on his side facing Matthew.

"How long have you known you're gay?"

"Um, it's hard to say. Over a year for certain."

"How can you tell?"

"I just know."

"Do girls look good to you?"

"Yes, but they're not as interesting."

"What about Amy?"

"She's beautiful Peter, but she's not sexy to me."

"Marty would reckon you're mad. What about Andy? Is he sexy?"


"Is he sexier than Marty?"

"No, Marty looks terrific."

"Who else on the team looks sexy?"

"Nearly all of them."

"Who is the sexiest then?"


"Kenny? Are you serious?"

"Of course not! You are."

"Are you just saying that because you like me?"

"No, you just are. And you know that anyway. You told me Andy and Brent said you looked sexy. And I heard Kenny and Justin and David saying it one time too."

"They did not. When?"

"At training one afternoon. You were in the shower."

"What did Rob say when you told him you were gay?"

"I didn't tell him. The vice principal at my last school did after I was in a fight about it one time."

Peter knew all about fights from his own last school.

"What happened?"

"Dad was the best. He had a friend who was gay when he was our age, so he knew what it was like for me, though he says it was even worse to be gay back then."

"Are they still friends?"

"No, he disappeared. Dad thinks he might even have killed himself when his family didn't want him any more. He doesn't know for sure though because they wouldn't even talk about him."

"Were they good friends?"

"Yes, but not best friends. They used to go on hikes together."

"What did they do to you at your school last year?"

Matthew described some of the events that happened and it really was similar to the way Peter had been bullied himself.

"Why did you stay on their swimming team? If they were the worst it would serve them right if they didn't win so many events."

"I nearly didn't stay. Dad didn't want me to, but I liked the coach and I didn't want to let him down. I think they might have been even worse if I gave up too!"

"Why did you change schools?"

"Dad didn't like that school. They didn't do enough to make things better. It was mostly their vice principal. He was in charge of student welfare, but one time he even said to dad that it was me who stirred the trouble up."

Matthew stir up trouble? That was just crazy.

"He must have been stupid. What did Rob say?"

"He went ballistic. He even spoke to a lawyer about suing the school, but we changed our minds and moved instead."

"What do you think the teachers here will be like when they find out?"

"They'll be good. That's why we came here. Dad talked to different principals and Mr Gunn was the nicest. Mr Crossman and coach already know and they're both friendly."

"They know?"

"Yes, dad and I had a special talk with them when Mr Gunn arranged it."

Wow! That was really interesting. Peter already liked coach, and Mr Crossman, who he already thought was the best teacher in the whole place, just got even better.

"Um, do you wish you weren't gay?"

It was a different track to what they were talking about, but it was an important question for Peter.

"I used to, but Dad says it's part of who I am and if I wasn't gay I'd be a different person, so I changed my mind."

He jammed his finger into Peter's chest with a little laugh.

"It's like you and Mr Long isn't it? Just because people say bad things about you doesn't mean they're true."

Peter thought about all this. Matthew must talk as much with Rob as he did with his mum.

"Do you feel funny answering all my questions?"

"No, it's good. Dad's the only other person I’ve ever really talked to and I like telling you my secrets."

That was enough to give Peter a happy mental shiver.

"You're amazing Matthew. I don't want you to be a different person either."

"Idiot! I'm not as amazing as you. Have you got any more questions?"

Only about a zillion.

"Yes, you haven't told me who you think is sexiest on the team. Except for me I mean."

"Yes I did. Marty!"

"Marty? I thought that was just out of him and Andy. Do you feel like you want to touch them?"

" Um... Yes."


"No I'm not. I never do unless I have to."

"I was just stirring."

"I know. That was embarrassing though."

Peter thought almost all his questions had been embarrassing.

"You don't have to answer all my questions."

"I was trying to."

"Why aren't you giving me my special tickle?"

"I don't know if you still want me to."

"Of course I want you to. It's a special Matthew thing."

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

Peter thought he was going to hear some complicated reason that he’d have to argue about.

"You're lying on your side."

"There, I fixed that. Now what's your excuse?"

Matthew didn't say anything, just started tickling.

"It's nice when you do that. Hang on. I'm going to turn the light out."

With that accomplished, Peter jumped back under the sheet and waited for the tickling to start again.



"You know it gives me a boner when you do that?"


"Well you'd like to check it out wouldn't you?"

The tickling stopped and Matthew was still while he processed this question.

"But I'm not going to Peter."

"Why not? You've done it lots of times before."

"I know, but it's different now."

"What? Just because you're gay we can't muck around like we always do?"

"You'll know I like doing it though."

"So what? You always liked doing it before and we still had fun. What happens when Andy and Marty start something? Are you going to tell them you don't do that stuff any more? That doesn't make sense."

"I don't know."

"Yes you do. I don't want things to change between us and you don't either do you?"

"Of course not, that's what I've been worrying about."

"See! And if you don't act normal how am I going to tease you about it?"

"You want to tease me about being gay?"

"We always tease each other. It's fun."

There wasn't any answer but Peter knew that he’d made Matthew smile.

"Go on Matthew. Check me out so I can stir you."


Matthew leaned across and pressed through the sheet. Peter pulled the sheet away, told him to do it properly, then as soon as he was touched called Matthew a rudey.

"I am not. You're making me, so you're the rudey."

"Oh my God! You're groping me and you say I'm the rudey?"

"I'm not groping. I'm following your instructions."

"It feels like groping to me."

It didn't really. Matthew was very tentative and gentle, with the lightest touch, and after a couple of soft squeezes moved his hand away.

"Don't let go!"

"What? Why not?"

"I want to ask you more questions"

"I think I'm embarrassed Peter. Why do you want me to hold you?"

"That's what the questions are about."

"Oh... Are they to tease?"

"No, they're real questions."

There was some hesitation but then Matthew's hand took a soft but electric grip.

"So, do you like holding me?"


"All right. Promise me you won't let go till I finish asking questions."

"Um, okay!"

"I mean really promise"


This was being rather tricky but Peter now had Matthew manoeuvered into the situation he wanted. He lay quietly and waited, tingling messages having their strong effect.

"Aren't you going to ask me questions?"

"When I'm ready."

"And I just keep holding you?"

"Yes, you promised!"

"I thought you are going to ask me things straight away."

"All right. Tell me Mr Gay! Are you pleased I've tricked you into holding me?"

"Um, yes!"

"You've got a boner too, haven't you?"


Peter lay quietly again. Well, his mind was racing with thoughts, his heart was speeding from tension and his body was flooded with sensation, but he was waiting for Matthew's reaction. It didn't take long.

"Why aren't you asking me questions?"

"I am. I'm thinking about them."

There was more waiting till Matthew had to speak again.

"Why are you making me hold you so long?"

"You said you liked it."

"Yes! But it's making me nervous."

"Matthew! You don't have to be nervous with me."

"But I don't understand what you're doing."

"Well I want to tell you but you have to ask me."

"Okay, so what are you doing?"

"I can't tell you."

"You just said you would."

"I know. But I can't break the rules."

Poor Matthew was getting more and more puzzled.

"What rules? We haven't got any rules."

"Yes we have. You're using them now to answer my questions."

Matthew understood straight away but couldn't believe that was what Peter really meant.

"You mean you have to be holding me before I can ask you questions?"

"I shouldn't answer really ‘cause that's a question but maybe."

There was quite a pause before Matthew spoke again.

"All right. Hold me if that's what you mean."

That was very clever. It wasn't a question and Matthew would find out if it was what Peter meant. Peter rolled to face Matthew, which squashed his tickle hand, and took hold of Mr Fat, who was very fat indeed. Matthew made a funny little noise and tugged his hand free.

"Will you answer my questions now?"

"Yes, and I won't let go till you finish asking."

"So, what are you doing? I can tell it's not just some crazy game."

"I'm holding you."

Matthew gave a funny mixture of a snort and a frustrated laugh. They both knew that wasn't what he meant.

"All right. Why are you holding me?"

"Because you like it."

There was another pause while Matthew thought.

"Are you doing sex stuff to prove we're still friends Peter?"

"Nope! We're friends whatever."

It's not a game is it?"


"Why won't you just tell me?"

"I will!"

"Help, I'm going crazy. Well why did you trick me into holding you then?"

"So you’d answer my questions, and, because I like it."

This caused the longest pause of the whole conversation.

"You like it?"

"Yes, I always have."

The conversation was becoming more and more stilted as Matthew worked through Peter's revelations.

"You mean you like it because it makes you feel randy?"

"Yes, but because it's you too."

Peter wished the light was on. The look on Matthew's face must be very interesting.

"You're stirring me aren't You Peter?"

"No, not at the moment. Why don't you just ask me?"

"You sound like you're trying to make me think you're... Um.. Like me!"

"I'll never be that good Matthew. But I think so."

"You think so?"

"Yes, All the answers you gave are nearly the same for me."

"I must be dreaming! You think you're gay?"


"You can't be!"

"I can't? Why not?"

"I don't know. You just can't be."

"Go on, ask me questions then."

"So why do you think you're gay?"

"Because I think about you all the time and I want to do stuff with you."

"That sounds a bit rude. What sort of stuff?"

"I want to hug you and touch you all the time and be with you and hold you like I am now."

"You mean you like touching Mr Fat?"


"When he's hard?"

"Yes, he's really hard now."

"You are a rudey Peter."

"I know!"

"That doesn't mean you're really gay. It’s because we like each other so much. Dad says lots of guys do things with their friends when they're our age but then they grow out of it."

"I think I am though."


"It's like you said Matthew! Guys are sexy but girls aren't."

"None of them?"

"None so far. But stacks of guys are."

"Wow! What about the team?"

"Yes, most of them."

Matthew cued into that.

"Who is the sexiest?"


"Brad? You must be joking?"

"Of course I am! You know it's you."

"Sure too! You're just saying that."

"No I'm not!"

"Well who's next then? Is it Andy? Or is it Marty?"


"Brent? I suppose so. What about Amy?"

"It really is the same answer as you said Matthew."

"Peter! You're sending me crazy."

Peter misunderstood Matthew completely.

"Sorry! I'm being honest though."

"I didn't mean that. It's the way you're holding me."

With a start, Peter realised that his hand was moving gently on Matthew.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Not really. But you’d better."


"Can I have a hug? You said you want to all the time."

At this invitation the holding game was forgotten and Peter rolled himself right on top of Matthew and hugged tight. There was a surprised splutter and Matthew hugged back.

"This hug feels rude Peter!"

"Will I stop then?"


In fact it felt very rude and as it went on and on it felt ruder still.

"Oh my God! You're driving me crazy again Peter!"

Peter was getting rather crazy himself, and with an effort of will lifted himself away, only to have Matthew push him on his back and start his own hug.

"Don't move Matthew."

Matthew froze instantly.

"What is wrong?"

"Nothing! You're driving me crazy that's all."

Matthew laughed and started his hugging again, except it was a lot more than just hugging. Five minutes later neither of them was moving, just collapsed, overcome after an explosion both physical and emotional. Matthew stirred first, sat up, and got out of the bed then returned with a warm, damp wash cloth which sent a whole new rush of feelings when it wiped Peter clean. For a while they snuggled close and Peter enjoyed the warm, live feeling of Matthew against him, but eventually his hand started roving.

Oh boy! Matthews boner was growing again beneath his exploring fingers and his own surged back to life. Like moths to a candle, they were drawn for a second time into the fire of sensation. It took longer this time and they lay quiet for longer as well, before once again Matthew sat up. There was a tug on Peter's arm and his hand was taken.

"Come on Peter. I want to have a shower."

"You killed me! I don't want to move!"

"Killed you?"

"Well, I thought I must be dying or something."

They fumbled for their towels, and still in the dark, made their way to the bathroom. Peter wasn't quite ready when Matthew switched the light on but when his eyes adjusted after the sudden flash of almost painful brilliance, the first thing he saw was a giant smile.


"I've thought about this ever since I did it that time at training."

Peter was pushed under the water, quickly sudsed from head to toe, then rinsed clean. Matthew took his place for a turnabout treatment then they towelled off and headed back to the room. Matthew turned the light on instead of leaving it off then answered Peter's querying look.

"It's only half ten. We can stay up for another hour."

As they approached the bed he grabbed Peter behind the neck.

"I'll give you five dollars if you'll drop your towel."


But it didn't stop the towel being dropped. Matthew directed Peter onto the bed with the pressure on his neck then rolled easily on top of him. You couldn't really call it wrestling because there was more cooperation than competition. It was more of a means to be close to each other than anything else, as they squeezed and touched, smiling and laughing softly in a tangle of entwined limbs and mock restraints. At one moment Matthew would be whispering something nice in Peter's ear, the next he'd be pretending to bite it. Peter would whisper something back of course and gently repay the bite with one of his own wherever was convenient. When Matthew started running his fingertips over whatever section of bare skin was handy it felt so nice Peter could hardly cope with it.

"Do you like that Peter?"

"Electricity is coming out at your fingers and going into me!"

"Lie on your tummy. I want to touch you all over."

Matthew started at Peter's neck and with the softest touch trailed his fingertips all over Peter's back. Goosebumps rose wherever they went and the hair on Peter's scalp lifted. Down to Peter's buttocks, his legs and ankles, each area sending slightly different kinds of messages.

"Okay, turn over."

Peter lay there, now watching Matthew's mixture of concentration and pleasure, while his fingers roved hither and thither, back and forth. It was stronger than tickling. It didn't make him laugh, though it came close to that when his stomach and sides were being treated, just made him feel funny all over with shivers of pleasure. The area of his hips and thighs was different again in its feeling and Mr Long really noticed what was going on. In the end Peter called it an electricity bath and insisted there had to be something like a current flowing out of Matthew's fingers. Matthew said that was crazy but he was on his tummy in a couple of seconds flat when it was his turn. Peter marvelled at how smooth and alive Matthew’s skin felt. He could see little twitches and tiny goose-bumps following where-ever his fingers went and when Matthew turned onto his back Mr Fat was putting on a real show. When Matthew's front was finished Peter teased Mr Fat and gave him a special electricity bath of his own.

"Doesn't he ever go to sleep?"

"It's your fault Peter. You keep him awake!"

"I like him when he's awake. I think I'll keep him awake till we go to sleep."

Matthew decided it would be bad manners if Mr Long didn't keep him company, and this particular game kept interrupting their conversation for the next half an hour. Matthew snuggled up to Peter, spooning him from behind while they talked, his hands roving all the time, mostly just touching in a way that made Peter feel like they wanted to get to know him. Peter loved it so much he had to swap over so he could do the same back. Matthew kept doing things that sent Peter all funny. He poked a finger in the back of his neck and kept wriggling it round, then put his mouth on the same spot and breathed on it. That changed the feelings from being goose-bumps and shivery to warm and shivery. He had a fixation on Peter's belly button too, and liked to leave his finger pressed inside and occasionally wriggle it round softly. He wasn't the boss but he was certainly initiating more things, which made Peter wonder how he knew them. Matthew giggled when he was asked.

"I must be a rudey. I think about things I'd like to do to you when I'm in bed at night. I've been doing it since that first time when you stayed here."

Peter had great enjoyment saying how rude that was, then just as much in admitting he'd done the same kind of thing.

"What are you going to say to Beth, Peter?"

"I don't know!"

"She knows I'm gay. We told her last night."

"Last night?"

"Yes, We went round to your place while you were at Andy's.""What did she say?"


"She made me cry because she gave me a really long hug."

Peter rolled over and gave Matthew a hug of his own.

"She knew last night? I thought Rob must have rung her this morning some time. I was talking to her when I got home and she didn't say anything."

"I know. She asked me if I wanted her to, but when I said no because it was my job, she gave me another hug and said that was the best idea of all."

A lot of Peter’s wondering about what his mum's response would be, had been blown away by what Matthew had just said, but it was still going to be very strange.

"You've gone quiet Peter. What are you thinking about?"

"Telling mum!"

"You could talk to dad first. He could help you."

Peter thought about that but quickly decided against it.

"No, mum should know before anyone else."

Matthew agreed with that completely and Peter decided he’d tell her on the weekend.

"I won't say anything tomorrow Matthew. It's a very important day for her and she’ll already be thinking about you and me anyway. I'll tell her on Saturday and we’ll have all weekend. I still don't know what to say though."

"You must have thought about it before."

"What do you mean?"

"You must have Peter. If you're gay."

"I only started thinking I might be in the last few weeks."

"Is that all?"

"The first time I really wondered was when Andy wrestled with me and I got a boner. It was so embarrassing, but secretly I really liked it and I wanted to wrestle with him so it would happen again. Then they found out about my belly button and Andy always kept checking to see how hard I was. I didn't want him to let go. I kept having daydreams that he liked doing it too. And then it happened so often I started wondering if he really did."

"Do you still think that?"

"I just don't know."

"He might. You told me he said you looked really sexy. And he always gets a boner when you wrestle or practice. Gosh! Imagine if Andy was gay! That would be three of us."

"That would be four Matthew. There's Brent too.""We only think he is Peter. That came from Andy saying he thought Brent liked dicks."


"He does. Um. ...That's when I seriously thought I might be gay. We did some things when he was round at my place."

Peter was nervous about saying this to Matthew but all he did was ask what happened.

"Last week I was asking him questions about being the mascot and he told me everything. Then I said I thought they picked the wrong person because I just look big, so we measured each other."

"That doesn't sound like much Peter."

"Yes it was. We gave each other boners and we kept measuring so we'd be sure, except it was really just an excuse because we both liked doing it."

"So who was the biggest? I bet it was you."

"No, we’re really close but he's definitely longer."

"Wow! Mr Long is not the longest? He's still the king though. What else happened?"

"It was yesterday."

"Yesterday? You wouldn't have had any time?"

"Yes there was. Brent took me home after training and there was about an hour before I was due at Andy’s for tea. He came in and we started wrestling. We always do. He's really good fun. And then I told him about my belly button so he'd give me a boner"

"Did it take long?"

"I sort of had one anyway. We both did. But I wanted him to do things so I told him how Andy always kept checking."

"I bet he did too."

"Yes, stacks of times, and he got me to check him too. It was sort of a game to see who felt the hardest."

"Well! You won that."

Peter was even more unsure about relating the next bit.

"We... Um... Said we couldn't make up our minds. We sort of planned that next time he comes round we'd have another try."

"Wow! He's as good as Andy at getting people to do things isn't he?"

"Not this time. It was sort of my idea!"

"Did you make each other shoot?"

"Um. Ah.. Nearly!"

"What does that mean?"

"Well, it was sort of like a game and each time one of us got close we'd back off and the other one would have a turn. I was a bit nervous to finish and I think Brent was too."

"Brent nervous? He must have been in Dr Jekyll mode."

"He was. It was me who started everything."

"How many times did you get close?"

"It must have been about three or four times."

"That must have been driving you crazy."

"Yes, you said it before. He really knows how to make you want to."

"I know. That's what I felt like after training that time, except he stopped. When are you going to check each other's hardness again?"


Peter thought he must be hearing wrong, but he knew he wasn't.

"Well, he’s expecting it isn't he? And I know you'll win for sure."

"But what about you Matthew? I don't think I want to any more."

Matthew gave him a squeezy hug and laughed softly.

"I bet you do. You've just been saying how sexy he is and as soon as you start wrestling with him I know you’ll feel the same."

Peter couldn't argue with that, but before he could say anything Matthew went on.

"Think about it. You've already set it up between you and you'll really confuse him if you back out."

“I'll have to tell him about us? Is that what you mean?"

"Well he's our friend isn't he? If he's gay like we think he is, then he'll probably want to be friends even more."

"He might be scared to be friends when everyone else finds out about us."

"Us? They don't have to know about you Peter."

"Yes they do!"

Peter turned to face Matthew and spent the next five minutes whispering how special he was, how they were together for everything, and then other things he was feeling, till Matthew couldn't help giggling.

"You want to what?"

“I want to squeeze you so tight you squish inside me and we’re the same person and you can't get away."

"What if I want to do the same to you?"

Peter thought for a moment.

"That's even better, because I end up in a champion’s body."

This invoked a herculean effort at squeezing each other, which Peter in fact felt was partially successful.

"I know what we'll do. We’ll ask Brent in on Tuesday and I’ll be the judge and then we'll talk to him."

"The judge?"

"Yes, of whose hardest."

Peter couldn't help laughing.

"Matthew! You're crazy. Anyhow that’s cheating. If you’re judging me then I can’t lose."

Matthew wanted to know what the judge’s rules would be, and Peter said he already knew them because he'd been using them all night.

"Brent will be the one who goes crazy if that's what you're going to do Matthew."

"He might too Peter. He wrestles with me too you know."

Peter did know that, but the way Matthew said it put an extra meaning on it.


"We were getting close to things like you did."

"What happened?"

"We practised the grabbing game. You know how much I need to do that, and whenever he grabbed me he'd keep hold for ages. Then we did some wrestling."

"Did he start it?"

"Not really. You did."


"Yes, remember how you told me he was so much fun to wrestle with? Well that made me curious, so I asked him and it went from there."

That was all very interesting and they talked about Brent till they worked out what they’d do then Matthew switched his bed light off and pulled Peter into a snuggle.

"What about the main light?"

"I'm too lazy Peter!"

Peter didn't want to move, but he did, then re-arranged himself back in position.


... Matthew?"

That was so typical. Peter kept smiling about it while his own thoughts settled down. That took a while because his mind was so full of things.


The end of chapter 19.


Copyright © 2011 Palantir; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

Peter handled Matthew's hesitance over telling him about being gay and his own coming out perfectly. I also love how he didn't change anything between them, except putting more emotion behind his actions to let Matthew know he was being serious and not just "stirring." 

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