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System of a Wolf Astara

   (2 reviews)
Genres: Fantasy, Romance

Blake has a system, a schedule he follows. Any deviation can cause issues in his world. And an old friend reemerging in his life threatens to upset his delicate balance.

Erith hasn't been alone since he was fifteen. The werewolf has another mind within his own, a mind that takes over every time he transforms. But when he starts to fall for an old friend, Erith learns that his system is much larger than he first realized.

This story deals with characters who were sexually abused as minors. Mention of rape occurs in multiple chapters.
Erith has Disassociative Identity Disorder, or DID for short. I do not claim to be an expert on this disorder, and I encourage anyone who might have questions about his disorder to do their own research. This story is not meant to be a definitive source of information on the disorder.
Blake has autism, a developmental disorder I am well versed in. Many of his experiences are based around my own, and I have tried to keep true to the nature of the disorder when writing it.
This story will deal heavily with mental health and a character who is ABDL and has a little side. If any of this is disturbing to you, do not read this story.
Copyright © 2021 Yeoldebard; All Rights Reserved.

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  • Cliffhanger 0
  • Compelling 0
  • Feel-Good 0
  • Humor 0
  • Smoldering 0
  • Tearjerker 0
  • Unique 0
  • World Building 0

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

I’m giving this story 5 stars but on one condition - it can’t be the first story about werewolves of @Yeoldebard anyone reads. 

It’s a captivating story showing struggles of two characters with their mental health and trauma - although for me actually more about Erith than Blake as we see him diving really deep head on much more than the other guy. 

It’s not a light read by any means and I honestly had to put it down a few times and take a break to read something lighter to be able to deal with it. Here I want to mention that suicide probably should be also mentioned in the description of this story somewhere. 

But pushing through and finishing it was worth it in the end even if my mind doesn’t agree with some of the things and doesn’t exactly like all the characters. 

Some of the chapters had me biting my nails and wanting to skip ahead to see what happened. 

We have two narrators, both very unreliable, surrounded by equally unreliable and fallible background characters. I could probably say it’s a story about people messing up for various reasons. 

However, the important point in my eyes is that the story kind of assumes we are already familiar with some world building background and I feel without this background that story would read very differently. I read other stories dealing with werewolves as portrayed by @Yeoldebard before and it was very important for my understanding of this story. 

One more important thing I want to say is that this story ends in a way Japanese literary fiction often ends. There is no definite solution, no closure, we are still at a point where I want to know “and then what?” and that was one of my favourite things in this narrative as well. ❤️

Response from the author:

This was a rather difficult story for me to write, and not merely because of the circumstances going on in the real world at the time. There were several times I had to set the story aside myself to steel myself for what was coming. It is not a happy read by any means, but I am happy you were able to get through this story.

Thank you for your review.

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   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

The first half is a 4.5 out of 5, but I cant in good faith recommend this to anyone. Any praise about its characters and the exploration, of their disorders and trauma is dropped in the second half to focus on a love story between a child rapist and his victim, with everyone except one of the dual protagonists being totally ok with it. Oh and said protag is treated as an asshole for it by the narrative. All characterization from the first half? Trashed. Same names, barely connected. Plot points? Dropped. Graceful and careful handling of the subject in a respectful and realistic way? Blakes autistic traits disappear and Erith's system is a plot device for drama. The first half is so good it gets 2 stars, but it falls apart. I left a spoiler filled review about how the child rapist character who the second half revolves around ruins the story on the final chapter. 

Response from the author:

I want to thank you for your honest review. This is a story that unfolded over a thirty day period, and that means a lot of the writing and plotting were rushed. That said, this story is less about romance and more about dealing with trauma. Erith’s system was never intended for drama, and I apologise if it seemed that way.

That said, Blake’s autism never went away. His symptoms are always there, even if they become more subtle as the story progresses, from early stimming to awkwardness or rudeness when dealing with people to a general inability to read body language.

A lot of Blake’s interactions with Adam are heavily coloured by the fact that they are mates. Ultimately, this points to a legal system that is broken, in that as long as Blake consents, no one is able to separate him and Adam. Erith’s (and to a greater extent Varen’s) reaction to Adam is coloured by his past and by how he feels people like Adam should be dealt with, the same way many people in the world view people like Adam. While this all could and should have been dealt with with much more tact and grace, due to time constraints, I was unable to portray their issues properly. Moreso, the very fact of Adam’s past paints him as irredeemable in many people’s eyes. It is a fact that will turn many people off to this story, and I fully understand and expect that.

That said, I am deeply sorry you did not enjoy the full story. I do appreciate your review, and will strive to do better with my other stories.

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