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Wacky Wednesday: Interview With Totallyy



You might know Totallyy from chat or *coughs* his very colorful gallery pictures, but today's blog is all about his author side! Read on to learn what Ashi found out motivates one of GA's newer authors.

Interview with Totallyy


Interviewer: Ashi


Totallyy is one of my favorite authors on GA. His writing is concise, and each of his word delivers a lot of punch than its initial impression. Some use of words are very poetic, and may require some deeper work on readers' part, but a couple read-throughs will pay off. I certainly feel I could connect with his writing. I hope you guys will, too.


So here are some of the questions I asked of my favorite author.


What inspired you to write?


I started writing because I didn't like how ugly my feelings were and I wanted to make them into something beautiful.


Hmmm.... Interesting. Ugly feelings.... Could you elaborate on that?


I struggled with a lot of my emotions when I was a teen. I was sad a lot, and I didn't like that it always manifested so negatively. Writing helped me focus on something else other than how horrible I felt about myself.


Feelings I Don't Know How to Say Otherwise, when you wrote that, what was on your mind?


Basically, the title expresses the pieces exactly. I was listening to someone talking and it suddenly hit me: this overwhelming wave of emotional fluctuations. Writing has been my coping mechanism for a real long time, so I channeled those feelings into words. So the piece is just that, me, coping.


As a reader, I find your writing style very lyrical and raw on emotion.


Hahaha. That's the way I usually am.


What/who was your inspiration of that style, if there is any?


Honestly, people tell me my style is descriptive but that's just the way my emotions translate most wholly. A lot of fiction like to describe things, and places and people and those are really important. But I personally enjoy describing feelings more, the noise inside your body, instead of of the details outside. I find [them] more interesting, more universal.


Interesting. On that vein, would you consider yourself more of an introspective person or do you seek experience outside of yourself?


I'm usually introspective. I often dwell inside my mind.


Totallyy's works can be found on GA. Please check his works out!


Thank you Ashi and Totallyy for coming on today's blog!!

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Great interview--really interesting!  I'm going to have to put Totallyy on my must read list.  Well done, Ashi and Totallyy. :-)

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:blushing: I can't believe this got published. Thank guys for reading what I write, I know I'm definitely not the most diligent writer.


GA's been a great community for me so far, and I barely joined 3 months ago. I've already met some brilliant people who've helped me grow a lot more than I expected to! :)



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Yeah, totallyy is totally awesome.  You guys got to read his work!  Keep up the great job, totallyy!  :)

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I find that Totallyy's writing is unique in that he  wipes the blurriness of emotions and gives you a crystal clear picture of what he wants you to see in the story. His stories run the full gamut of emotions but they don't blur into one another, each emtion is right there for all to see . Very descriptive and a joy to read. Great interview Ashi :-)

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I think Totallyy is a strong person to be able to pull out everything inside of him and stroke his heart on paper to share with the world.

Every writer has a knack for something, his is diffidently from the 'inner core' a place where our emotions mix with the soul.

Shine bright Totallyy!


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