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Csr Discussion Day: Your Alpha, My Mate By Wolfwriter



Wow, the month is gone already! While the time is flying way too fast for me, it just means that today's the CSR Discussion day for Your Alpha, My Mate by Wolfwriter. If you haven't had a chance to read it yet, don't read down because the comments will likely be spoilers. To kick off today's feature, I have an interview with Wolfwriter. She's also agreed to come back and chat on the blog 'live' from 5 to 7 PM, CST, to talk to readers and answer questions. If you can't make it during that time, please feel free to leave your comments when you can!


Let's start with a bit about you.


So, what do you do in ‘life’?
I am currently unemployed due to a back injury but take care of a husband with Asperger’s and an anxiety disorder.


Single people tend to write more… so, you single?
Nope, married for 3 years next month


Do you eat your fruits and vegetables?
Yes, I love fruits and veggies, especially strawberries


Finally, and you must be honest… What are you wearing?
t-shirt and lounge pants


On to other things, now that we know that, lol!


What brought you to GA?
Followed Rob Colton and Cia from Literotica


What’s your favorite aspect of the site?
Have really gotten to love the chat room because I have been able to meet so many new people and make some good friendships


When did you begin writing?
Did some writing in high school but got serious about it June of last year when I started Your Alpha, My Mate.


Tell us what gave you the idea for Your Alpha, My Mate.
Have always been into werewolves, hate to say it but really got into them when I watched Twilight.


Do you have a favorite character in the story?
Jamie is my favorite character because he went through so much.


Where are you at writing the follow up story? Can we get a sneak peek? Or do you have another writing project in the works?
Bear Down is a spinoff of Your Alpha and the sequel Lonesome Theta. Currently writing Lonesome Theta for Camp NaNo WriMo. I guess you can have a sneak peek at the sequel :D


Alpha Jackson said that I was going to be going to
be travelling amongst the various packs to bolster our relationships with as many packs as we possibly could. Also while doing this I will be able to look for my mate amongst the other packs.


I have been hoping to find my mate for the past six years, but have so far not found him or her. Don’t get me wrong, I have had many offers to share my bed, but I always felt that there was something missing and I knew that bedding random people would not fill that empty space.


I know that it is not uncommon for people to have relationships prior to finding their mates, especially if it takes a while to find them. While the temptation to experience the pleasures that would come from being with someone other than my mate, I wanted to give that special gift to that person that was made just for me.


“Alex, it’s time for dinner,” called my mom from downstairs.



Don't forget to come back between 5-7 CST, if you can, to chat with Wolfwriter!

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Since I may not be on during the live Q & A, I will post a question in advance:


It's very challenging to write and post as you go, since once the chapter is up, you pretty much can't go back. If you had the chance, is there any part of Your Alpha, My Mate that you would change?


I may post more in advance as well :)

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5-7CST?? :o But But But But...I wont be around at that time  :(



I'll just leave my questions here. Maybe they will help get the ball rolling during the live chat :D




Q: Did Jamie have any homosexual tendencies before meeting Jackson? Did he identify himself as straight or gay before leaving home?


The new pack is very accepting of same-sex mates. How many same-sex mates are there in the LoneStar pack? Was there any in the Cajun Red Pack?


Jamie is such an effeminated character.  Did you ever considered doing a gender swap and making him a female character instead? (Female Jamie as a powerful white wolf would have been bad-ass!!!)


Chapter 15- The proposal: “…sterling silver band with three small diamonds in the center.”  :o Uhmmmmmm, I thought silver weakened shifters? Why would he give him a ring that would hurt him?


How much money does Jackson have? I know his parents are the Alphas, but the dude bought all the furnishings for an entire house without batting an eye.  New laptops, matching desks, paint, kitchenware, bedroom furniture and linens…((with those perks, I’m for sale as a new mate if the Cajun Reds want Jamieback…just saying…consider it Jackson!!)) ;) ;)


Great interview! I can't wait to read the responses! :D

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I was one of the editors on this story.  With a story using two editors and two betas, did you get any conflicting advice regarding plot/grammar and how did you deal with it?  (I certainly know I can be pigheaded with editing suggesting)

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Since I may not be on during the live Q & A, I will post a question in advance:


It's very challenging to write and post as you go, since once the chapter is up, you pretty much can't go back. If you had the chance, is there any part of Your Alpha, My Mate that you would change?


I may post more in advance as well :)

There have been several things that I have actually gone back and changed so that things made more sense. Overall I would probably change the section where Jackson is kidnapped and make some changes there

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5-7CST?? :o But But But But...I wont be around at that time   :(



I'll just leave my questions here. Maybe they will help get the ball rolling during the live chat :D




Q: Did Jamie have any homosexual tendencies before meeting Jackson? Did he identify himself as straight or gay before leaving home?


The new pack is very accepting of same-sex mates. How many same-sex mates are there in the LoneStar pack? Was there any in the Cajun Red Pack?


Jamie is such an effeminated character.  Did you ever considered doing a gender swap and making him a female character instead? (Female Jamie as a powerful white wolf would have been bad-ass!!!)


Chapter 15- The proposal: “…sterling silver band with three small diamonds in the center.”  :o Uhmmmmmm, I thought silver weakened shifters? Why would he give him a ring that would hurt him?


How much money does Jackson have? I know his parents are the Alphas, but the dude bought all the furnishings for an entire house without batting an eye.  New laptops, matching desks, paint, kitchenware, bedroom furniture and linens…((with those perks, I’m for sale as a new mate if the Cajun Reds want Jamieback…just saying…consider it Jackson!!)) ;) ;)


Great interview! I can't wait to read the responses! :D

1.) Jamie didn't think about being straight or gay. He just knew that he hadn't had any desire for either male or female.

2.)There are a few but you never know what is going to come up in the sequel

3)When I first started the story he was a girl :P

4) that's a myth

5) Jackson is well off, his dad has a couple of business plus he worked for his dad's companies from the time he was 15 and had been saving up so that he would have the means to take care of his mate.

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I was one of the editors on this story.  With a story using two editors and two betas, did you get any conflicting advice regarding plot/grammar and how did you deal with it?  (I certainly know I can be pigheaded with editing suggesting)

you guys actually never gave conflicting advice., what zandra missed you caught. as for the betas i just recently added phantom and he has done a tremendous job with fixing some of the plot holes that are there

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Lonesome Theta question: Are there any more white werewolves?

wrong book :P not telling more about the sequel

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Are your stories something you share with your husband, family and friends, or are they your special private escape?

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Are your stories something you share with your husband, family and friends, or are they your special private escape?

hubby isn't interested in them just because he's not really into reading, so I guess they are my private escape.

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Hey I love your writing! I was wondering where do you draw your inspiration from? 

from other authors and stories. sometimes the storylines just come to me

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 First, I'm sorry to hear about your husband's illness.  Life isn't fair to all. 


Will Lonesome Theta be posted here?  I'm enjoying Bear Down now.  I enjoyed  Your Alpha, my mate.  The only small adjustment I would love for you to make is that your characters tend to speak a bit too formally sometimes.  It doesn't feel natural.  I would recommend reading it out loud and seeing if it feels like you'd say it that way.  I'd like to see your conversations a bit more loose and relaxed, unless it is someone who deserves respect or they don't  know, so more formal language is necessary.  I put this in my comments in the story and hope it helps.  I enjoyed the characters and as a paranormal story fan, I think it was a great job, esp given it being your first real attempt at writing. 


Looking forward to more from you!

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