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Ask An Author #27

Renee Stevens


Hope everyone is having a great week so far! Once again, it's the first Wednesday of the month, which means it's time for this month's edition of Ask An Author. A big thank you goes out to Dark for continuing to provide us with this great feature. Remember, Dark can only provide the Ask An Author feature if members keep providing questions.

Ask an Author #27


Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!


In AtA #26, we had questions for authors Carringtonrj, Joann414, and Mark Arbour.


In AtA #27, Mark Arbour returns, as well as Andrew Q. Gordon and Rob Colton.


For their protection, the members who asked these questions shall remain nameless (unless they choose to reveal themselves). :lol: Please note that all author replies are copied as is, spelling errors and grammar eccentricities original to the individual.


Mark Arbour was the last author presented last time, so let’s have him go first today. No introduction is really needed for this Signature Author; he’s more frequently liked than the latest thing to go viral on youtube. Having been around since 2005, Mark’s been a witness (and sometimes willing participant) to the many different incarnations of GA. Can someone who’s been around awhile tell us if he’s had the same profile pic for 10 years? Geez, can you believe it! 10 years is longer than many sports careers and yet he’s still plugging away, entertaining us with his historic dynasties. Fall in love with history all over again and wish Mark a happy birthday on May 13th.


To Mark Arbour: As one of the most successful and prolific authors on GA, did you ever imagine your series of novels would have the success and following that has grown form them?

Thanks for that, but to answer your question: No. I started writing Chronicles of an Academic Predator after I watched the movie Hairspray and was nostalgically transfixed on the early 1960s. It was an experiment more than anything, but with some strong encouragement, especially from Sharon, I kept on writing. I was pretty surprised back in those days to have that story vault up to the most-read in the non-promising/non-hosted worlds. I'd been a reader here for a long time, but I never thought I'd be able to actually write a story myself. Guess you don't know until you try.


This will be the 5th year anniversary on GA for “The Author formerly known as ‘Q’.” Lots of things have changed for this popular author. He’s gotten officially married, has a baby girl, and is involved in a myriad of different ways in online publishing. One of the first books that Q published was “The Last Grand Master.” Its sequel is due out in June, not soon enough for its many fans. In a recent blog post here on GA, Q let us in on some of his upcoming plans and says, “Also, I like to leave an open invite to anyone who has questions about publishing, marketing, or writing. Feel free to message me here or email me. I promise to always reply.”


To Andrew Q. Gordon: Do you have any new stories or ideas that you are working on for GA after the latest in the Purpose saga?

Yes, I have some other things I'm working on - I will start posting a new story that after the new Purpose story is complete. And I'll be returning to SS the Senior Year as well. I'd like to do more anthologies, but I always seem to take too long to get my things finished and I end up missing the deadlines.
Beyond that, most of my energies is going into books I've committed to working on for my publisher, so I don't foresee any new full length novels being posted here in the near future. Parenting has really restricted the amount of time I have to write, so I'm trying to allocate it as best I can.


We last heard from Signature Author Rob Colton in AtA #22. On his website, Rob describes himself as “… a software developer by day, and avid reader of romance novels at night. A romantic at heart, he loves to read and write stories that feature big, burly men who find true love and happy endings.” Goodreads.com members nominated Rob in 2013 for having the best alternate universe for his story The Degan Incident, the first story posted to GA and still one of his more popular, though “The Timber Pack Chronicles” are up there and my personal favorite is “Noah’s New Plan,” which I’ve mentioned before. Hopefully, Rob will have another exciting story for us soon.


To Rob Colton: I have seen your writing grow to something amazing and relly signature you. What kind of impact did it have on your writing/publishing that you settled in Gay Authors?

I feel more a part of a community at Gay Authors than on other sites. Everyone here has been great. I also feel like I have more control over my content. I can format it the way I want, and set up chapters in advance. It's very powerful. Cia has been especially helpful with admin tasks, as well as being a gracious guinea pig, helping to beta read my pre-release. She has given me excellent advice, and I've become a better write because of her. I also took advantage of the resources here to get set up with an editor for my newest release. Mann Ramblings has been great to work with.


That’s it for now! For more info on these authors, go check out their stories, post in their forums, and/or catch them in chat!


See you next time, with authors Joann414, James Savik, and wrathofmagneto. What? No Mark Arbour? :o Patience, Grasshopper, he’ll be back soon.


Want to ask your favorite author a question? Simply PM me (Dark).


Until next time!

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Reminds me of those early days, when Sharon unwisely agreed to edit for me.  Poor woman.  I've worked her damn near to death.  You know, kind of like that horse in "Gone With the Wind," that Scarlett O'Hara keeps whipping until it drops dead. 


(Ducks and runs for cover)

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  • Site Administrator

Great Q & A for the authors! And aww, thanks Rob! I always enjoy working with authors who are just as interested in striving for quality work as I am.

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