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I'm pissed



So here's what's going on. Apparently, the f**king morons who come up with curriculum plans for the entire state of Texas basically want to throw away basic facts and replace it all with revisionist history and junk science. Education should not have a political sway, but the damn Republicans in Texas want to ruin education for every single child in Texas for the next ten years and it f**king pisses me off.




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oh my... sometimes I really wonder what else one can do in the US... or should I say Texas?



honestly Tim this is nothing new.... its been happening since we were all in grade school. And do not just blame one party that is just ignorance. It has more to do with special interest groups screaming loud than it has to do with either party.



It says it right in the article that it's the Republicans, Steve. If there's any special interest groups involved, it's likely the Evangelical preachers.


Also, I've toned down my language a bit. I'm still mad as hell though. I've been fuming about this for several days. :angry:

Julian Alexander


Thats why I said Texas was Doomed when this Happned.



I dont care what your article says Tim, since when is the press devoid of bias? And no the NAACP wouldn't be involved to push their story, or MECHA pushing their ideas of ceaser chavez. Face it it isnt a republican democrat issue its a Interest group issue.



We dun need no ejumacation!



Steve, since when is 10 Republicans voting in favor of something and 5 Democrats voting against something not partisan? It says exactly that in the second paragraph. If any special interest groups are involved, it's the conservative think tanks, especially the religious zealot/bigot assholes who hate anyone who is not straight and white. And some of the board members were quoted, saying that education has a liberal bias. So this liberal bias myth conservatives made up is their excuse for rewriting history and promoting the "free enterprise system" in a good light instead of the flawed system that needs to be done away with in the US and replaced by the mixed market systems that have made almost every single European nation plus Canada and Australia better places to live than the US. Essentially, they're turning history and economics into fiction to promote their extreme right wing views. Mussolini would be proud.

Mark Arbour


Let us not be naive and delusional. The Texas GOP is obviously behind this. Whether it's sanctioned by the national party, well, that remains to be seen.


Both parties have their faults, but to excuse these idiots and blame the press is just a bit too shrill. I can't drink that Koolaid.



I agree completely, Mark. Someone needs to do something about this. Education is too important for a group of misguided bible thumpers to destroy the education system like this. I just emailed the ACLU in Austin. This needs to be challenged in federal court. It's not about Republicans and Democrats. It's about the future of our children.



to me, this looks like when the communists here made their own textbooks about history (social science wasn't that much taught anyway) so that it looked more friendly to them... OK, it was celebrating the communism but that was an authoritarian regime after all.



if you think foreign countries are better places to live, by all means Tim... And sorry I believe that you should get information from multiple sources. There is always some truth in a version of a story but never the whole truth in a single version of a story.


I still say you blame the "repukes" as you so kindly brand them, as a knee jerk reaction.


And yeah Mark, there is a big bad white devil.... Im the one drinking the koolaid.


here is an idea instead of being pissed and bitching about it in an obscure blog on a gay writing website, why dont you take your displeasure to the people you have the unique power of de-seating. Nothing many of us can do here except live with the actions of your board of education.

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