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Holy Shit, Part II - She's pregnant!

So today was the day we found out - and weird as it was, I seemed to be the least nervous of everyone I knew - even co-workers were more anxious than I was. I just figured I'd know when I knew.


Mike sent me about 20 text messages - I was in court for a good part of the day, first in the morning than again around 3 ish. At one point my phone kept vibrating so much from all the text messages, I had to take it out of my pants pocket because it was making me excited.


I must have been asleep when they were telling us what to expect. Today I thought it was just a home pregnancy test to be followed by blood tests Wednesday and Friday, but at Noon the surrogate sent me a text saying she was going in for the blood tests. Of course I couldn't really answer her much less ask for clarification. After that I didn't hear from her the rest of the day. I planned to go home and call her when Mike and I were together.


My plans to leave on time were a tad derailed by work issues - what else is new right? By the time I was about to leave, Mike gave up texting me and started to call. He was rather insistent that I find out more, so I sent a text message to the surrogate before getting on the Metro. I would have called but we start out in a tunnel and only get reception in the actual stations not in the tunnels. Then we go in and out of tunnels until I get home. No big deal either way, the surrogate had no news other than to say she would know later today.


I passed along the info to Mike, wishing the f'ing train would hurry up so I could call people instead of text them, but as it always is, when you are in a hurry there are problems. Something was going on and they were single tracking trains all the way to my station - can you say Major delays???


Finally, I just turned on my iPod and stopped texting or caring. Play Social Disorder loud enough and you stop worrying about a lot of stuff I find. Once home, the pestering began in earnest. To save my sanity, and Mike's life cause I was about to bust a cap in his ass if he didn't stop bugging me, I called the Clinic, they had no answers but promised to call the surrogate and then called the lab she used before calling us back.


Have you even had dinner while waiting for some important news? I wanted to know but it wasn't killing me - I think because a part of me was afraid of bad news. Mike on the other hand kept asking me to check my phone, wasn't the hour up? why hadn't they called. Seriously, I was getting close to racking the gun and threatening him with physical harm if he didn't stop.


My biggest mistake was telling him what my co-workers wife said. Dan has two children and he and I were talking last week and I explained how well things had gone prior to the embryo transfer. He told his wife, who is a doctor, and she promptly said, "he's having at least twins." Mike freaked out. I spent the rest of dinner and while we cleaned up explaining he would be a great dad no matter how many kids we have. [And he will be, he just doesn't believe it yet.]


Then I had one of those moments, you know where you get some piece of news, good or bad and you remember where you were. I remember where I was when I was told my cousin died, when I was asked to be a god father to my niece, where I was when I learned she was born etc. Sadly all of those were more momentous then this news. I was putting the salad dressing back in the fridge when the phone rang.


Mike gasped. For a conservative type, he is very expressive when it comes to things like this. Me? Not so much. The clinic folks - who are absolutely the most wonderful people you can imagine - were all on the phone along with the surrogate to tell us the news. She was pregnant.


Then amidst the laughing, congratulations etc, the Dr. says, did they tell you the levels? Levels, what levels? Her hormone levels. Okay, this was something important I gathered, or else why say it like that. Nope, no one told me. So he tells me the number - I'm like, that's a nice number what does it mean.


Twins. Yeah right, are you serious? Yes! :blink: I'm like c'mon, you can't tell that from this, right? Right?? Well, [god I hate when people do that] certainly we have seen single births with levels this high but it is typical of twins to have a level this high this soon. :blink::blink:


Then the Dr. starts to laugh. I thought it was him joking, nope. He said he could hear me gulp, and said he rarely seen an attorney this speechless. I asked again, you're just kidding me with this twins talk right? And he repeated that they won't know for sure, but we should be prepared for it as this was common when both embryos took. My heart is still racing a bit.


So, now we wait some more. Wednesday we will find out if her levels are growing exponentially and if so, next step is an ultrasound in 4 weeks. That will confirm or deny the twins rumor.


Honestly, I don't care if it is one or two, just be healthy and I will be happy. Mike is already worried we don't have enough baby furniture. [we got a truck load - yeah a real truck load - of stuff from my brother this weekend before they move back to Vegas from Philly] Guess I might have jinxed myself after all, I got one set of stuff when I might need more. LOL


One last thing, Thanks to everyone for all the positive words, encouragement when things weren't going so well, the positive vibes, the crossed fingers, toes, eyes [in Nephy case], everything. I am kinda giddy right now, probably gonna be like that until I stop getting regular sleep after the baby is born, but I am enjoying it for now. Finally!



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Twins? What great news! You will both be great dads. It's only a matter of time now.

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They're little...they don't need a lot of furniture just yet.


You can have a clean house or happy children. I went with the happy children. Mine love me. :D


Sleep when the baby(ies) sleep.


Crying won't kill them. They all have one fussy spot every day. They'll get over it eventually.


Do not, I repeat, do not intentionally keep the house quiet while they nap/sleep. Normal noise is okay.

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  • Site Administrator


LOL. See, I was talking about hcg levels earlier and how they can tell twins early on by high numbers. I'm sickik!! Anyway... One crib is better in the beginning with twins anyway, or bassinet really since you'll probably keep them in your room with you. The twin babies I've been around do the best when they are kept close to each other, they are used to it. My brothers always have been close and my dad and uncle still spend most of their time together. It's a twin thing, they're often really close emotionally and physically. Sharon's advice is all good.


That being said this is the time to be excited and giddy and celebrate! And since neither of you have to carry the little bean(s), go out, have a drink or two and enjoy a romantic dinner, plus the fun that usually comes afterward. 10 months and counting!!

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twins twins twins twins (triplets!)




so how does a virtual baby shower sound? totally gay? amazon here we come! you know they have a wish list and lots of baby stuff, right? and it totally helps GA if we order through the GA gateway, double win.


anyway, congrats daddy.

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Andrew Q Gordon


Mike: Thank you Sir, you have been so great all along. I aspire to be as good a person as you.


Sharon: Oh I am not the one you need to convince that happy kids is better than clean house, Mike is the neat freak, I am more, meh, we'll get to that when we have time, I am not stressing over it. Never thought about the keep it quiet, but with two dogs, I don't think keeping it quiet is going to be an option :)


Cia: Okay well I am not convinced we will have twins, I am still hoping it was just a joke, but as we never really expressed a desire for twins with the Dr. I am not sure he was joking. I'm also not sure if they are fraternal or identical. Not sure that makes a difference to the 'it's a twin thing' but let's worry about that when we know for sure :P


Lugh: That is nice of you to suggest, I am great with the shower Idea so long as there are no gifts involved. But let's wait til we get a bit further afield. We can revisit this in a bout a month when they do the ultrasound. And thanks Dad, you might be getting a frantic email or three at some point down the road. :)



Congrats! Double the happines and joys! You'll all do just fine I'm sure! :2thumbs::2thumbs:

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Andy - Those high levels are a pretty big indicator, but they certainly can be that high with single pregnancies as well, so don't stress too much.


As far as fraternal versus identical, it doesn't matter too much when they are that little, they are so used to be nearing each other, that they will just be more content to sleep together in the beginning, from the same egg or not. My brother and sister are twins, and at nearly 30, they still do the twin thing. My husband is a twin, and at nearly 30, they still do the twin thing. All of them are fraternal. My roommate from college and her twin sister are identical and speak a few times a month, my sister and I are closer than they are.


AND, don't stress about how much it will be to have two at one time, if thats what comes to pass - you'll only ever know what its like to have two to care for and your love for them will help you get through even the most stressful times (I was known to go in my bedroom and climb under the covers with pillows over my head for a few minutes when I was home alone with an upset child that I couldn't calm).


I always say that now that I know how much work one was, I could never handle having two. But my mother in law had twins first and said that she never felt like it was so much work until she had one 6 years later and realized two made one seem like a breeze!


The added bonus being that two will always be able to keep each other entertained. My son is always so much easier to deal with after a long day when he has a friend around to play with.


CONGRATULATIONS! :2thumbs: And make sure you guys take a babymoon!

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  • Site Administrator


Congratulations Mike and Andy :2thumbs:


Singles, Twin, Triplets, I'm happy for you no matter what.


I know the two of you have put a lot of effort and time into this and I don't think there is more deserving people out there than you two.


Just talking to you in chat and reading your post tells me that you are good people and will make two perfect dads. Perfect in that you will know that you can't be perfect but will be there for your kids best interest all the time.


I'm not going to uncross my unmentionable body parts yet (yes, it is still uncomfortable :P ) but will when the ultrasound is complete and you know what and how many you are going to get :)


I agree, you two need to celebrate :great: now. This is a major step for you both and be proud that you made that decision to try again.


Lots of love,



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WOW!!! Congratulations.. all the crossed fingers and toes worked.. :) 4 weeks ... just four weeks and you'll know how many!! yay! thumbsupsmileyanim.gifthumbsupsmileyanim.gif



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Hey, congratulations! My sister is pregnant with twin girls- she's about 21 or so weeks along. We're all pretty excited. Good times, good times.

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YAY!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :2thumbs:


Can't wait to see pictures of them :D

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Andrew Q Gordon


Marzipan: Thanks :)


Amelia: I keep trying to tell myself the levels don't really mean all that much BUT in speaking with my co-worker - at 5 weeks her levels were about 400. At 2 weeks our surrogates is 665. I said before we found out, knowing our luck, we would end up with more than one because when we tried the Artificial Insemination method, we struck out - 0 for 3, so this time fate would take us the other way. I really need to learn to shut up :P. Thanks for the comments, I really do take them all to heart.


Steve: We are going to celebrate soon, I took some leave next month and I am going to take Mike somewhere warm for a few days. Next up is getting married before the Kid(s) are born. Maryland is supposed to be passing a Gay Marriage Bill soon, but if not we will go to DC instead. Wouldn't want the child(ren) born out of wed lock now would we??.


Frosty: Yup thanks to you and everyone else for all the positive energy. Hopefully it's no more than two. LOL


Method: That's really cool, hopefully I will be able to say she is pregnant with JUST ONE, but I will take whatever comes my way with a smile and the utmost gratittude. I don't it has totally sunk it just yet but it is starting to LOL. best of luck to your sister and her family :)


Bee: I'll see what I can do about pictures when I get some :)

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Wow--I can't say how happy I am for you two! I know this is short, but I can't see the screen through my blurry eyes. You so deserve this and it's just so amazing that this is happening for you.


Simply, there aren't the right words to say how glad I am that you're going to be a papa.


all the best for you and Mike!



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Congrats Andy I'm so happy for you! :hug:

I would offer advice on children after my years of experience but Ill leave it to the others ;)


Once again I'm so happy for you Andy :hug: :hug: :hug: (three hugs too gay? tough :P )



Congratulations Andy and Mike. I am so very happy for you both. Twins are wonderful. My niece has twin girls and a older boy. She is a very happy with the situation. You could have two boys or two girls or a boy and a girl. Have to get your names list updated.


Love and hugs



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Darling, I couldn't be happier... well yes I could, and I will be on the day he/she/they are passed to you healthy and strong to hold. I can almost see the pride on your face and in your eyes and the look you will give to Mike and he to you.


This is such wonderfull news and you had better keep us informed.


My mother was a twin and all their lives they were there for each other. They seemed to know when one or other of them was ill or in trouble and, although they were always very different they always had each other. When they are young it will be much easier to keep them amused as they will have each other.


Oh I am so happy Andy :)



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Just adding to the shower of congratulations :D

I'm really happy for you, and all the twins I know are great as persons and as a set.

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Sara Alva


Congratulations again!


When I was a kid I always dreamed that having twin babies would be the coolest thing in the world . . . now as an adult I know there's a bit more work that needs to go into it . . . but I guess there's still a little girl inside me that thinks twins are just awesome.


And no matter how many babies, still, so very awesome! I'll probably be embarking on the parenthood ride sometime in the next couple of years . . . maybe I should take notes :)

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Andrew Q Gordon


Anyta: Thanks Anyta, and just think you moving this way, you can be the first on GA to see them when they finally arrive, :) thought you might need to come see up if it really is twins, I'm not sure either of us will be capable of driving 3 hours. LOL


Stuart; Three hugs isn't too gay, but then again perhaps I am too busy smiling to know the difference :)


Chase: Thanks bud :)


Sam: It's not 100% sure that it is twins, but it did kinda seem weird for the Dr. who was always so cautious in his predictions to suddently tell us he thought it might be twins. No he didn't promise but I think he was preparing us for what he thinks is the most likely scenario.


Nephy: Thanks my dear, When they are born you can send them a special Pagan prayer [or whatever it is called] Mike is stead fast in his insistence they not be raised any specific religion so he, she, they can decide what they believe themsleves.


Bleu: Thanks :) Most of the twins I know are pretty cool too.


Sara: Agree, 1, 2 or **gulp** more, I just want happy healthy kids :)



Congrats! Although It's not the quintuplets that I wished upon you, I'm glad your going to have some wonder children coming along. You'll be a great dad and I can't wait to see pictures :D



Eric (still rooting for ya!)

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Andrew Q Gordon


Oh Eric, it is not ruled out there are quads or quins in there, just that it is almost certainly more than one - Lord help me if it is more than 2 LOL.


Thanks for the note - I think I might need all the good luck I can get soon.





This is exciting! :D It all worked out in the end! I guess this means I'll have to stop eating out of your fridge once the kiddies pop out XDD

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