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Since I have last blogged… some things have happened.




I no longer have to deal with my sexist co-worker. We changed teams in October and he landed on a different team. I still remain friendly towards him, but I am glad I no longer see him everyday. He did seek me out quite a bit when he had problems with customers and it felt good to tell him I could no longer help him. I didn’t land up with my favorite supervisor, but I did get and evil one, which sped up my looking for a new job.




I November, I took a promotion out of Customer Service into the Business Service Center with Verizon Wireless. I now work with business customers all day and they are much easier to deal with. When I get yelled at, which happens, I get an apology later. I got a long letter of apology from a Worldwide Director from a J&J and I was really surprised and he was very sincere in his apology for how he treated me.




December was uneventful… except for Christmas. Long story short, my uncle got my aunt’s kids (his sister and my mom’s sister) a gag gift. They were Obama Chia pets and the joke got blown out of this world. My Aunt is a political appointee and takes her job very seriously, while others do not. Let’s just say she’s the only Democrat of the bunch.




January went by so fast; I am not sure what happened. I hurt my back while sitting on some bleachers at work for our yearly kickoff.




February brought my 29th birthday. I also found out on the 8th (3 days after my birthday) that the pain I had in my back since January was because I threw out my back.




So… I have been sitting at home since, trying to figure out what to do. I am pretty much a closet case and I think my mom knows. One of my friends on facebook had asked why I have so many friends that are female. When I was telling my mom about it she said that’s why everyone thinks you are gay since you have so many female friends.




I know I need to make some changes and I am waiting for November when I can post again to a new position with in Verizon Wireless. I want to move out of Maryland and explore other parts of the US.



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Exploration is good :)


I'm glad you're actually dealing with adults at last... I mean real adults who appreciate that people even themselves make mistakes and aren't afraid to apologise.


I apprecaite the bad back and hope it gets better soon


here's to a good year :)



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