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Update on the Morphine.



Well, two weeks on Morphine and what difference has it made... pretty much bugger all.


In fact, if anything, it's made it worse. The problem is that I have two levels of pain... the underlying toochache that is there ALL the time, whether I am sitting lying or walking and that is much better.


The other type of pain is the... being stabbed by sharp knives or burning needles kind of pain. That's the kind I get when i twist or stand up or bend or sit down. If anything that is worse because with the underlying pain gone the early warning system is switched off.


I am, however sleeping all the time which means that I am spending more time unconscious and therefore pain free.




I have been offered another job. Someone just rang me up today and asked me if I wanted to work for them. One huge positive... MONEY


Two negatives... I've worked for this person before and she is a psychotic bitch AND... my health is going to go downhill again.


MEH Why does my life have to be so complicated? Just when I was getting used to the idea of being unemployed but relatively pain free I now get a choice. *SCREAM IN FRUSTRATION*


On a brighter note I've almost finished a painting of Ariel


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I'm sorry you have to go to the horrors of morphine just to get a lot of hours of pain free sleep. Wicked stuff with lots of adverse side effects; which are adverse enough not to be mentioned here. Was the psychotic bitch being psychotic offering you a job knowing you'd turn it down because you already know she's a psychotic bitch or was she simply trying to be nice?


You look at the simpletons going through their easy lives full of nothing compared to the complications in your life, a life so full of living you don't have to have that empty, blank look.


Hope you make the right choice, if only to have lots of things to bitch about.

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Listen to your heart on that job offer. I have first hand experience with bitchy bosses... So, are you thinking about continuing with the morphine or?




:hug: I hope your spirits are still up. I'm so looking forward on meeting Ariel, seeing him through your eyes :)

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How many minds and bodies do you have again? I know we can't do much without money but which is more important? I'm the list maker so I have to say go with the pro and con of each choice and then really think about what you need to do for you and of course, Efan. I've lived with daily pain since I was 22 and I just hate that you have to as well. I truly hope they figure out something to help you more efficiently than just masking the pain itself.

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You are quite right Carl, I certainly do have a full life and there's no time for blank eyes.


I'm in the details stage of the Ariel painting so i will post it soon.


I have pretty much decided to take the job. Yeah she's a psychotic bitch but it's a job where I can take Efan in with me if he's not well or if it's a holiday or he's ill. And we need the money. And I HATE being unemployed

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O well, since you decided, should a congrats be in tow? :D<div><br></div><div>Anyways, you know i'm not good with words, so i'm giving you a light :hug:</div>

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I guess so. We're still in negotiations but it's looking good. One thing that is adding a huge plus to the decision to take the job is that it now guarantees the trip in august



I have slept ALL day today There has been two periods of about an hour each when I have been awake and now I am about to go back to bed,

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Good luck. I've had jobs where I made shitloads of money and had asshole bosses, and jobs where I make much less and have great bosses. I'll take the latter any day. Work is about so much more than money, but if the boss is a jerk, the job's going to suck, and not in a good way. Think about how much time you spend at work on a weekly basis, compared to all your other activities besides sleep. I'll bet it's substantial, probably much bigger than anything else (I'll avoid tossing masturbation into that equationbiggrin.gif). Do you really want to spend that much of your life being miserable?

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Good advice but it's a port in a storm. I am looking at it on the basis that I have my house on the market and as soon as it sells i'm free. And it's only 16 hours a week so not too bad

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Predictable? PREDICTABLE?? :lmao: :lmao:


You are anything BUT that!! :lol:


I'm so sorry about your pain, Nephy. :(


Let's look at the larger picture, k? :wub:

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